Warriors Trust: Elite Warrior Series

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Warriors Trust: Elite Warrior Series Page 3

by McKayla Jade

  ‘Aww...Little One. I meant only to keep you safe. I never meant to hurt you this way.’ His silent communication caressed her mind and he reached out to touch her cheek.

  Despite the hurt, she was drawn to him. Her body seemed to have a mind of its own. She did not want to lean into him, but she did. She did not want to love him, but she did. He drew her close, and she whispered. “I need you to believe in me. I need to know you trust me. I need to know I am not a burden to you, please not that.”

  She let him wrap his arms around her, sheltering her in his strength. She looked up, with unshed tears blurring her vision, his lips met hers. Their lips melted together, and their tongues danced. He pulled her up tight against him. The crowd in the hall erupted in cheers. She startled, and pulled away, trying to hide her flushed face. She had forgotten the people. He had a way of making her forget the rest of the world existed.

  He lifted her chin and told her. “Forgive me if I worry overmuch. But know this. You, will never, be a burden to me. You are the love I have waited for all of my life, but never dreamed I would find.”

  The tenderness in his deep voice melted her insides. He had been nothing but caring and protective. She would find a way to make him see, she was capable of many things. She would train every day if it meant she would get better. She needed no protector. Stepping out of his arms before she did something more unforgivable, she curtsied to him. “Forgiven, Sire.” Drawing out that last word, she watched his eyes close just slightly. She knew what her words could do to him and she loved it.

  He touched her hand and sparks of energy flew between them. He raised her up for another kiss, to the delight of those gathered in the hall. The cheering crowd melted away. Only she and Hawk existed. His need matched her own, and it drove them onward. Instincts urging them forward when she knew they should not. His hand came to rest on her hip, pulling her close enough she could feel his arousal. His hand moved slowly up her side, his thumb grazing just beneath her breast. She pressed her body tightly to his, and he palmed the back of her head, deepening the kiss. He flinched and she wondered what happened until she realized Gareth was telling him they had made quite the spectacle. She was horrified and with nowhere to hide buried her face into Hawk’s chest.

  He finally released her, letting her back down on her feet. Had he not been holding her; she would have fallen back on her rear. His kiss had said everything his words had not. He loved her and wanted her safe above all else. He would never intentionally hurt her. He needed her like he needed his next breath. He could not exist without her. She would find a way to make this work. She had too.

  She spoke to his chest when she shyly whispered. “M’ Lord, forgive me, if I forget that you are not, as other men are.” Her fingers played with the ties of his tunic.

  She smiled and her cheeks warmed, remembering his special abilities. Her thoughts drifting to the night he had taken to the skies with her wrapped in his arms, his wings taking them high above the treetops. How he had kept her safe. How he had made her feel as though, nothing mattered except them. The freedom to fly as high as they wanted and far away from their troubles. In those moments, she had felt freedom and safety, the likes of which she had never known. Now, here in this place, Alexandar had said would be safe, it seemed it was true. They were free. It reminded her of that night in the sky.

  ‘Little One, we are not alone.’ He broke into her thoughts and she blinked. She indeed had been daydreaming and with him able to read her thoughts. Her face burned with shame and she buried it in his chest.

  Keeping her wrapped in his arms, he turned away from her just slightly when they heard someone nearby loudly clear their throat.

  “Sire, If I may?” Gerard asked hesitantly and she felt Hawk nod to him.

  THEY NEEDED TO SHOW a united front to these new people, but perhaps not quite so united he took her right here in this room upon the table. Damn his overactive instincts. In this new kingdom they should not show weakness. He knew he had hurt her, but it was hard to imagine her in battle. She was so small compared to him and his warriors. She had been fighting her whole life and she was so young. She need not fight anymore. He would protect her with his life if she would only let him. If she would only trust him enough. Why did she insist on putting herself in harm’s way?

  He turned back to the people in the great hall but kept her wrapped protectively under his arm. He began really looking at the people in the crowd. From what he could tell all the men gathered looked like warriors. They were not all large, but they all had a seasoned look about them. Not only were the men armed for battle, the women, as well, had weapons at the ready. These people had seen fighting. His warrior training told him; all could not be as peaceful as it seemed.

  Gerard addressed the crowd, pulling Hawk’s attention back to him. “Warriors! We gather here today to swear allegiance to Lord and Lady Ian Hawkins!” The crowd cheered and he noticed Cassidy smiled.

  “Today is a new beginning for us all. It has been decreed by powers beyond us and ages ago, Lord and Lady Hawkins will henceforth, have absolute rule upon this land and all who dwell here. Upon taking this title, Lord and Lady Hawkins have agreed to protect the innocent and those unable to protect themselves. And to destroy evil wherever it exists.” Another cheer rent the air, including from his men.

  “Do I have any who resist this?”

  There was absolute silence in the great hall. Gerard nodded his head and two warriors brought out two crowns. Each laid upon purple velvet pillows. Cassidy seemed awed by the grandeur of it all. He did not need to read her thoughts; he could feel her trembling. He took her hand in his and squeezed it gently, letting her know he was still right beside her and he always would be. ‘You have my heart, little one.’

  “Then pledge with me now!” Gerard held his sword high in the air and shouted to be heard in the hall. “I pledge my abilities and all that I am, to serve Lord and Lady Hawkins! I pledge my heart and my breath, until my death, To Lord and Lady Hawkins!” Gerard finished with a battle cry of “ONE!” Lifting his sword high one final time, as did the others, he sheathed it. Gerard turned back to them, bowed and said. “Feast with us.”

  They lowered their heads so the crowns could be placed. Once done they stood and faced the cheering crowd. It felt odd, but not uncomfortable. It almost felt natural to wear it. Something within, perhaps his inner demon, quieted. Peace washed over him for the first time in a long time. This was meant to be.

  He nodded to Gerard, saying. “Of course.” Plates for everyone were brought forward filled with roast meats and root vegetables. All of it steaming hot and smelling delicious. Gareth sat on his left and Megan sat to the right of Cassidy. Gareth leaned close to him and said. “This seems odd, but it feels as if we should have been born to this world. Do you feel it?”

  Hawk agreed, “I noticed it as well. It is like our home and all we have ever known did not feel right, but this one does. I seemed to always walk just a step out of time. Every sword strike almost a moment late. It is strange, but it feels right. Tis as if everything were off kilter and here it all fits into place.” As he raised Cassidy’s hand to his lips and kissed it, Gerard brought forward their plates.

  “Feast, Sire, for your fields are full and your herds are plentiful!”

  Mixed with all this joy and celebration, he felt something. Sadness? Then he heard them. Cassidy’s thoughts. She was thinking of her mother, and how much she missed her. She worried she would need her mother’s guidance; with all she would need to learn to be a good queen to their people. His heart ached for her. He could not bring her mother, nor the rest of her family back. His throat tightened. Gods, he wanted to. He wanted to heal her hurt but was not sure just how.

  “Fear not, my love. If you wish, my mother would love to teach you.” He felt her tense. “I mean it, not to replace your own, but offer you the guidance and comfort you seek.”

  She could not seem to form the words she wanted to say, however there was no need. He could feel
the love she sent him. She grieved her mother and missed that bond. She sent him gratitude. This telepathy they had was very intimate. He felt, rather than heard her. He sent her love and acceptance. Another piece of his soul mended. Cassidy was meant to meet his family. Why he had not done it sooner? Be it a fact, he wondered why he had kept her a secret from them.

  Gerard continued to explain the differences in this realm from the one humans know and are born to. Which made him wonder. If Gerard was not human, what was he? Was he like himself? Did he change to a demon dragon? Did he have wings and a tail as well? Did he have a fated female? Was this truly a place Hawk would be welcomed? How was it possible, there were others like him? He had been born human, then cursed. Were they all cursed as well?

  “Once you and M’ lady have eaten your fill, we will begin our tales, as I am sure you will have questions for all of us.” Gerard finished.

  Hawk observed the people, his people, as they celebrated. Gareth pulled Megan into the midst of the dancers. Marcus smiled at a woman from across the room and she smiled back. The minstrels in the far corner were genuinely enjoying the song they played. Each smiled and played to each other. No corner of this hall was shadowed. Everyone here seemed to truly be happy and carefree. He prayed it was so. He had trained his entire life to be a leader. To be a warrior, now king, gave him the chance to rule as he saw fit and as he had always believed one should rule. With strength, but compassion where it was needed. He believed in being firm but fair with his tenants. It had worked at his former keep, and his father’s keep, it should work for his new kingdom. And enough with bloody taxes. The kings of England had used those to fatten their coffers at the cost of starving their tenants. He would not be that king.

  The fireplace and hearth were big enough to heat the massive hall in winter and wood was stacked high nearby. The cup he held in his hand was heavy and good quality. The plates were made sturdy but with an eye to details, with ivy leaf carvings wrapping the edges. It seemed that indeed, his kingdom was rich, in more ways than just coin. If there was a trap here, he would not find it easily.

  Cassidy’s uneasiness reached him, before she touched his arm. Her fingertips trembled there, and he covered her hand with his. “Why do you tremble, m’ love.” He murmured to her while still watching the people within the hall. They were so in tune with each other in such a short time. It still amazed him. His only regret was, he had not been able to save her from her uncle’s abuse. If only he had not sent her back that last time. If only he had defied the king and kept her safe with him. It had been the only time in his life he had not trusted his instincts, and she had paid dearly for it.

  She ducked her head and lowered her eyes when she whispered. “The ache in my head is becoming bothersome. Do you think we can find some privacy M ‘Lord?”

  He raised his hand motioning for Gerard. The man moved quickly across the room.

  “What can I do for you M’ Lord?” He asked.

  “M’ Lady and I have need of some privacy.” He took her hand to his lips and gently pressed a kiss to it. It felt like ice. His blood surged through his veins and his breath caught in his lungs. His chest seized tight. Her body temperature only dropped when she was dangerously close to death. He glanced at her. She ducked her head to hide her face. He had to get the poison from her blood quickly. “Immediately.” He demanded.

  The man nodded, and picking up his big, booted feet, said. “Yes, Sire. Right away! Come with me!” For as big as the man was, he moved with surprising speed, down the front of the table.

  Hawk pulled Cassidy to her feet. She swayed and pulled back on his arm, as she tried to lift her skirts off the floor. “I may have waited a touch too long.”

  Her voice trembled, pinching his heart. ‘I’m here, little one.’ He communicated to her. While connected this way, she could feel him, just as he could feel her. He needed to be calm. She was still fearful of their connection and still fearful she could die from whatever this was. He would do anything to banish her fear. He bent to scoop her up and carry her from the hall. Her quick protest, the only thing keeping him from doing just that. She was right, they should not alarm anyone in the hall. That would bring suspicion, they did not need.

  Gerard waited for them to reach the end of the table and led them down the hall to the left. Reaching for a door Gerard paused and told them. “You will have complete privacy here. Your ledger room, M’ Lord.”

  He seemed to know exactly what was happening, but how could he? He put his hand on Hawk’s shoulder as he passed him to enter the room and said. “Fear not, for you are safe here. Tend to M’ Lady and I will explain further. Just call out if you should need anything.”

  “Gareth and Keith. I need them with us now.”

  Gerard nodded and closed the door behind them.

  Chapter 4

  Hawk waited until the latch clicked, to turn back to her. Their eyes met. His worry was clear to see. Every line in his handsome face was etched with it. His eyes shone with frustration. She would bet hers mirrored them. She sunk down on the settee near the window. She was so tired of depending upon him to pull the poison from her blood. Every muscle in her body clenched tight and then relaxed. She had never felt pain so strong. She pressed a hand to her stomach, while it flipped and jumped and tied itself in knots. She leaned forward, took a deep gulp of air and tried not to retch on the floor.

  Hawk knelt in front of her and put his hand on the side of her face. She leaned into its warmth and he whispered. “I’m sorry, love. I never wanted this for you.”

  He lowered his eyes and shook his head. He turned his head from side to side, making a cracking sound in his neck. She knew he could smell her unique scent and she knew it brought out his inner beast. She secretly loved his beast. She licked her dry lips. Her soft fingers in his calloused palm still trembled. She could not stop. She clenched her jaw and commanded her body to obey, but it was no use.

  GODS HE WANTED HER! Needed her, with every fiber of his being! His heart was racing, his heartbeat loud in his ears. He took a deep breath and tried to calm down. Slowly, so as not to scare her, he pulled her into the protection of his arms. There was entirely too much fabric between them. He kissed her soft lips and slid his hands up and down her back. Slowly rubbing her arms, his thumb grazed her breast. She moaned into the kiss they shared and his lust road him hard. Her lips opened slightly, but it was enough for him to gain entrance. He slid his tongue passed her teeth and slowly stroked her tongue. Coaxing her. Teaching her. Until they began to tangle with each other. Her body called to him and she gently broke their kiss to murmur his name. “Hawk. Please. I can wait no longer.”

  Her pleading nearly did him in. If it had not been for the door opening, his wings would have exploded from his back. He gritted his teeth and fought to keep from pushing Cassidy away when his arm muscles seized. The pain from halting the change was intense. His skin felt like it was on fire. Everything hurt. His body jerked and shuttered as he tried to maintain control. He had never tried to stop it before when it had already begun. Had never had to. He somehow pulled his shirt off over his head. Before he could do more, Cassidy buried her face in his chest, her skin was so cold to the touch. Her breathing shallow, he could still hear her heart calling to him. He kept one arm around her holding her to his chest, while he answered questions from his men.

  “Hawk. We were told you needed us at once!” Gareth said.

  “What’s wrong?” Keith asked.

  Hawk could not make the words fall from his tongue, instead he let the magic take over. Her pain was his only concern. His men would protect them.

  Her skin was turning blue and translucent. Her eyes were glassy and shone with tears. He raised shaking fingers to touch the side of her face. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and pulled her scent, through his nose into his lungs. Into his very soul. The magic surged through him. She was his. For now, and forever more. He opened his eyes just slightly and lowered his head to kiss her as gently as he could. He tr
ailed kisses to her cheek and then chin, in a frenzy to get to her neck. She leaned her head back, letting her auburn hair fall down her back. He held the back of her neck with his hand and his thumb just under her chin. She relaxed, showing her acceptance of him. She peeked at him from under her lashes. His member responded and pressed against the seam of his trousers before he had processed a thought. He growled low in his chest and sunk his fangs into her neck. She collapsed.

  His instincts roared ‘protect her’ and his whole body shifted then. His wings exploded from his back. He stretched and let them almost touch the walls. His fangs tingled. The poison flowed through them into him, where it stayed mingling with his blood. She gave him poison to use against their enemies and he gave her life. Alexandar’s words echoed in his head. One cannot be without the other. His head itched where his horns grew thicker, hidden in his hairline. As he pulled the poison from her, he could feel Cassidy getting stronger. This was his woman. This was his warrior wife, his thoughts roared with possessive need. He smiled and gently pulled back from her and closed his lips over his already receding fangs.

  She smiled up at him, but her smile changed. His skin was darker, and his wings felt bigger now. Cassidy licked her lips like she wanted to taste him. She skimmed her hands up his arms, over the thin gold bands, to his chest. She laid her hand there above his heart as his breaths heaved out of his lungs. His heart beat strong in his chest, connecting them somehow. Her fingers trailed slowly downward. She blinked, her fingertips hovering above his belt buckle, and looked around his now lowered wings to see Gareth and Keith standing in a corner of the room. A rush of heat filled her face.


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