Warriors Trust: Elite Warrior Series

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Warriors Trust: Elite Warrior Series Page 5

by McKayla Jade

  As her chest heaved with the effort to take in air, she stretched her arms out in front of her, turning them over and back again. Her gaze traveled down her body, assessing her new form. He was as stunned as she seemed to be. Now that she had caught her breath, she set her thoughts free on him. “It seems now, I am a demon just as you are. Now you will have no choice but to allow me to fight at your side.” She declared to him, catching her breath. Her words had a venom like edge to them. “Now.” She said, her eyes snapping blue fire at him. “I am your equal and I will tolerate no less.”

  He had never seen this side of her. Full of fire. Full of confidence. She was determined, fierce, gorgeous, and she was his. Thank the gods that be, she was his. Her white wings and long white tail match his except in color. Scales like that of a dragon, covered them so they shined in the lights of the hall. She had two gold bands wrapped around her upper arms, same as he. He thought he could see small white horns upon her head, they laid back along with her hair. If one did not know better, they would assume they were just white hair.

  She was still stunningly beautiful, if not more so now. His inner demon clawed at his insides and roared, Mine. Then her words hit him like a punch to the gut. He reached out to her and gently pulled her close. “Cassidy, I only ever wanted to protect you. You have suffered enough. You have fought enough.” She ever so slightly softened her stance, leaning into him. “I indeed saw myself as more powerful than you. I am learning that perhaps; I was a bit wrong.”

  She took a deep breath and leaned back to look up at him. Her body still ridged, proving she was less than pleased with him. She arched her eyebrow when she said. “A bit?”

  He chuckled. “Alright. You win. I concede defeat. ‘Tis the thought of you, gone or injured, that makes me irritable. Forgive me?”

  He loved the ice blue color her eyes had changed into. So bright and intense. He kissed her firmly. Wrapping his arms tighter around her, he pressed her body to his chest. He continued kissing her, her scent filling his nostrils. He slid his hands slowly up and down her back as they stood there. The feel of her wings, protruding from her back made him hesitate for only a moment. Her moan made him pull back, breaking the kiss. She blinked. He touched his forehead to hers, whispered and her body trembled. “We are not alone, love, and I will not share you. Are you ready to face our people?”

  She sighed and nodded.

  He opened his wings and revealed her to the crowd. He heard the gasps and whispers as she turned around, but not a bad word or thought from the entire group. He announced. “I give you, your queen in her truest form.” She tucked her wings behind her and turned to face the crowd. That her attire was a little worse for wear, no one seemed to notice, except Megan, who came running up to hug her.

  “M’ Lady. Your gown is torn on the back and the arms.” Cassidy nodded to her. “Hawk is hiding my back, I suppose, my wings are as well. Calm yourself. I am not concerned.”

  Megan curtsied to her and stood back with the cheering crowd. He glanced down and was startled to see her gown was indeed torn and a white tail, much like his black one, was peeking through.

  Jenna stepped forward interrupting his thoughts. “I see flying lessons will be first. Congrats M’ Lady. Each of us should be as our mates are.” She told Cassidy.

  Her words caught his attention. “What do you mean? As our mates are?”

  The cheering had died down and people were finding their seats. Jenna moved them to their own and sat across from them. “Each of us has a certain warrior who is to be our mate. That mate either matches what we are or compliments us. Centaur with centaur. Mage with mage. Dragon with dragon.” She indicated Hawk. “But then there are those few who are compliments. Like a centaur with a fey archer. Together in battle they are an intimidating pair.”

  He was intrigued. “Females? In battle? You’ve seen this before?” Cassidy stirred next to him. He lifted her hand to his lips. “I am not perfect. I admit. I am learning, some things can be changed.” She relaxed and focused again on Jenna. “You call me, us, dragons? So, what of my men? Do you know?” He asked.

  Jenna shook her head and looked at Cassidy. “Of course, you are dragons. You have wings without feathers. So, you are not an eagle or hawk. And your body temperature spikes when you are angry. You both sprout horns and tails. I don’t know all the answers, but this one seems obvious. However, I am sure we will all learn in time. Just as we did with you tonight.”

  Cassidy stopped touching her horns and asked. “Centaurs really exist?”

  She just could not hide her curiosity at all. He smiled to himself. It would be good for Cassidy to have more than just Megan to count on.

  “They sure do and there are others you have never seen but have heard of.” Jenna told her.

  That caught Cassidy’s attention. “Others? Like whom?”

  Jenna just shook her head and grinned. “That, M’ Lady, is a conversation for another time.”

  “So, what of your mate? Do you have one?” Hawk asked Jenna, drawing her attention back to him. He could not be certain, but thought he saw her skin turn just a shade lighter. There could be something to this. She was hiding something. He would put his men to work on learning all they could about Jenna. He wanted to be sure she could be trusted. Especially if she was to be near Cassidy.

  Chapter 7

  Cassidy felt him before she saw him. ‘Alexandar is here.’ She rested her head on Hawk’s shoulder and took a deep breath of his intoxicating scent. Her whole body responded. She clenched her hands tight, her claws digging into her palms..palm, the other was.... Her muscles grew taut and even gritting her teeth didn’t stop her smile.

  ‘Are you worried my dear?’

  She followed his gaze to his arm, and she felt warm. She retracted her claws and turned her hand to look more closely at her new features. She did not know what had gotten into her. She had never been this openly bold. ‘No. I am not worried about Alexandar.’

  The crowd in the great hall parted to let the sorcerer through. It felt like a lifetime since they had seen him. Coming to stand in front of their table he asked, “Why would you be worried about an old codger like me?”

  She stood to reach across the table to him. He kissed the back of her hand. “Never, Alexandar. I was just missing your dear presence is all.”

  “Your new attributes become you, my dear. I had not seen this, but it suits you well.”

  “Thank you, Alexandar.” She nodded her head to him, curtsied and took her seat again.

  Alexandar lifted his staff to stab Hawk in the chest. “Are you still not listening to the magic?” Hawk lowered his eyes to the old wizard. “I thought as much.” Alexandar scolded him, as Hawk rubbed the spot, where the cane had surely left a mark.

  IN ANY OTHER CROWD, or were it any other person, Hawk would not have let someone treat him this way. He was a warrior and now king as well. With this new realm and it being Alexandar who spoke, he felt odd correcting his behavior. This new way of life was going to be interesting to say the least. If this kingdom was wealthy, were there others here not as fortunate? Or were all the battles they were to fight in the realm they had come from? Alexandar spoke as if Hawk had asked those questions out loud.

  “Hawk, you must know, this realm is the same as the other. The only difference is that here, you are the king. You make the rules, and your word is final.” He explained. “Now, with that, comes the oath you all took to protect the innocent and less fortunate. Just as you have always done. I am sure you and your warriors will have no trouble accomplishing this. This realm will keep those of you with extraordinary abilities safe. Outside this realm is another matter altogether. There, you already know what people think of those with special abilities.”

  Everything Alexandar said was true. He and his men had always looked out for those who could not for themselves. “Alexandar, how will we hide ourselves in that other realm? The people will see us, in our various forms and we will be hunted.”

  “That is
why it is imperative you keep this realm safe and secret. You and your men will come and go between realms often. This is your safe haven and your home. It, before any other, must be kept safe. Only someone from inside this realm can let in evil and only a member of your Elite Warriors can bring an outsider here, without stopping at the First Keep. Each of you have had trials and perils of your own. You, better than any other, understand the plight of someone in a dire situation.”

  Alexandar’s words put him at ease. At least here in his kingdom and his realm all was well. A battle to claim or keep it would not have to be fought yet. He would take precautions to make sure this place stayed that way. However, Cassidy’s transformation this evening still bothered him. “How could you not tell us, saving Cassidy that night would condemn her to a life like mine? Or was coming here what made Cassidy shift into a demon? She does not deserve this.”

  She leaned her head on his arm, her skin cool against his. He paused. He kissed the top of her head and whispered. “Cassidy?” She lifted her head to look up at him and squinted her eyes against the light of the hall. She murmured so low even he could not hear her. He kissed her head again and connected with her thoughts. ‘What is it?’ She rubbed her cheek on his arm and told him.

  ‘I need you, Sire.’ His body responded, muscled tensed and his breath caught in his throat. His heart raced, sending blood singing through his veins. He pulled back from her just slightly and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. He knew exactly what she needed, but so soon? It had never been this soon after having already taken the poison from her. Cassidy could go for long periods without needing him that way. Her cool skin against him, should have been his first warning, he cursed himself for not knowing. Her wellbeing was his responsibility.

  “Cassidy, has he taken the poison from you since your transition?” Alexandar interrupted his thoughts.


  He picked Cassidy up and carried her from the hall before she had a chance to say more. Megan and Gareth followed them down the corridor. He turned to Megan. “Have you located our bedchamber?” This time when he took the poison from her blood, he wanted complete privacy.

  “Yes, Sire. ‘Tis the fifth floor.” Megan told him.

  His long strides took them up the stairs quickly. He needed to get there fast. With every step he took a deep breath. He was already trying to get her neck closer to his lips. His arm muscles bunched under her lifting her toward his lips and then lowering her. Her fingertips cool against his chest bothered him more than he cared to admit. There was not room in this corridor to spread his wings and hide them from others. He had to get her to their chambers. This time he would not let anyone interrupt him from loving her the way he wanted. Reaching the landing of the fifth floor he asked. “Which door?”

  Out of breath, Megan panted. “All of them, Sire. All three lead to your chambers. The entire fifth floor is yours.”

  He kicked the door in front of him open with his boot, and turned to ask Gareth, “Have our men inspected these rooms?”

  “Yes, Hawk. You will find they are much to your liking.” Gareth’s confirmation helped him relax. He took a deep breath and rolled his shoulders. Cassidy’s safety was his main concern.

  A massive four poster bed with draperies all around it took up the far corner of the room. Nearby, a large fireplace dominated the wall, a fire already burned low in the hearth. And more logs were stacked nearby. A large pelt rug lay on the floor near the bed. Across the room from it was a sitting area and a large set of doors. He could only hope there was a balcony behind it. So far, his warrior mind was thinking of locking all those doors so it would be easier to defend. The windows were also large but covered with an almost clear glass, the likes of which he had never seen.

  He laid Cassidy upon the bed and turned back to Gareth and Megan. Before he attended to her, he had to know where they would be. How far away. And so, he asked.

  “We are on the floor just below your rooms. All the warriors have bedchambers on the fourth floor. So, if need be, just call out and we will hear you.” Gareth relayed the information as he stoked the fire and Megan backed out of the doorway. Gareth followed her.

  When the door clicked closed on both of them, he nodded and turned back to Cassidy who was now sweating and shivering at the same time. He moved to her side and sat on the edge of the bed. He rested his palm on the side of her face and she leaned into it.

  “I need you Hawk. I can wait no longer. Please.” She nipped his palm with her teeth. She shivered. He kissed her gently, her lips as well were becoming colder. He kissed her cheek and then nibbled her ear and then kissed his way to her neck. Her pulse beat there beckoned him. As he held her tight in his embrace, he felt his fangs grow longer and his own pulse quicken.

  Slowly, methodically, he sunk his teeth into her, savoring every bit of her. This time he felt the magic as well, flowing between them. It was euphoric, everything he had ever wanted. His head swam, his vision blurred, and he felt dizzy. The magic felt stronger somehow. Everything he had ever hoped was possible. It came true in this world. He held the love of his life in his arms as he pulled poison from her blood and into his body. Saving them both. The magic guided him, and he pulled away from her and kissed her wound closed. Those two tiny marks on her neck faded fast and from what he could see, left no visible mark upon her.

  She murmured his name, and he nuzzled her neck and kissed her there again. He could not believe the gods had seen fit to give him such a gift in this woman. “M’ Love.” He told her. “I could not be happier.”

  “Truly?” She asked him.

  “Truly. We have a magnificent home and great warriors. We have been given an entire realm where we are safe. All of that is more than I could hope for and then there is you. The love of my life, whom I was lucky enough to find and know I do not deserve.”

  She held a finger to his lips. “Never say that. Never think I am more than I am. You found me when I needed you most. I also found you when you were lost to the darkness. I refused to let it have you.”

  He wrapped his fingers around hers and removed them from his lips. “You are quite right, my dear. It seems the fates are funny things after all. We both needed each other and had no way of knowing it.”

  He moved closer and sat on the bed fully. She snuggled into his embrace and rested her head on his arm when he wrapped them around her. She took a deep breath and relaxed against him. That was all it took for him to want her again. Now, upon this bed, in this new bed chamber. Their bed chambers. They had never had a chamber that was truly theirs. Just days ago, they had left everything they had ever known behind, and after hanging her tormentor from the battlements; they traveled quickly by night to her former home. Upon arriving there, Alexandar had shown them a secret passage to this realm. This place truly was theirs, to make it how they wished. A new place and a new beginning.

  She kissed his shoulder as he slowly removed his shirt, giving her access to his smooth chest. Her scent filled him. She could not seem to get enough of him this night. She splayed her fingers wide across his chest. Her hand was so small compared to him. How she could wield a sword as well as she did still amazed him. She looked up at him then and their lips met, in a kiss that had him daring for more. She pressed herself against his chest, pulling herself up, onto her knees in front of him. Her fingers trailed across his chest, her fingernail grazing a hard nipple. He sucked air through his teeth.

  Her moan drove him on and gave him assurance. She liked what he was doing. It gave him pleasure every time he did something she liked. He sent her his thoughts, making her press her lips harder to his. With his arms wrapped around her he knew she felt safe. Her thoughts did not have to confirm it. Her actions did. She was safe. Safe to explore him. Safe to learn his body and all his quirks. Safe to just be. He would die to keep it that way for her.

  He took care not to hurt her new wings when he laid her back on the bed. He smiled at her. He took his time with her gown as well. Every little button that
ran the length of her front, was popped out of its connecting hole. He was a man determined. With each of them now undone, he hastily pushed aside the ruined gown. With only her chemise left, her whole body heated under his gaze.

  “I love you, little one.”

  “As I you.” She murmured against his lips. She lightly trailed her fingertips down his arms, across his gold bands and over his tight muscles. Feeling his hardness resting on her belly, she wondered when he had taken off his pants. She smiled and closed her eyes, relishing the feel of him all over her. She traced her trembling fingertips up and down his arms, unsure of herself, still. Then down his sides all the way to his thighs. She feathered her fingertips across his rather large member and her cheeks turned a cherry color. She wished she were braver. There were things she would like to do to him but was not at all sure how to go about it.

  His smile broke their kiss.

  “I can hear your thoughts, love.” He whispered as much as his baritone allowed. He kissed her cheek and then nibbled her earlobe. He continued his assault by kissing her neck and then her collar bone, kissing his way down to her breast. Taking first one and then the other into his mouth. Sucking gently, tugging on her nipples caused her to arched her back. Her head fell back, and his hands slid behind her, holding her closer to his roving lips. She moaned softly, making his member twitch within her soft hands. She pulled her head up, blinking shyly. Her hands kept a smooth rhythm on his shaft. He knew from her trembling, and her thoughts, it was tougher than she had thought, to be as bold as she wanted to be. He admired her courage.


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