Warriors Trust: Elite Warrior Series

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Warriors Trust: Elite Warrior Series Page 16

by McKayla Jade

  “Good morning.”

  One simple kiss was all he got before Megan came bouncing into the room happy to help Cassidy get ready. He noticed, again today Cassidy was wearing battle wear. No dresses for his queen. He laughed to himself. Never in all his days had he thought he would ever find a true mate. Nor would he have thought she would be so headstrong she would refuse to wear dresses and would ride into battle with him.

  When that witch had cursed him, he had thought his life was over. Little did he know, it was just beginning. He was still learning all he was capable of, but one thing remained the same. His sense of justice. He had always and would always remain the same. He would always make sure people were treated fair in his realm and others. Today it was planned they would travel back to the old realm. The one called Wales. They needed to set up a more permanent person to take care of his land and title there. They also needed to check the progress of Cassidy’s former home.

  “Did you hear me?” She asked him.

  He looked down and once again admired her figure. “No love. I was thinking of all the things we need to accomplish today.”

  “I’m excited for today’s journey but I find myself nervous as well. I know my tormentors are dead, but I still fear it was all a dream and they are still breathing.”

  He crossed the room and took her into his arms. “Aww, little one. There is nothing for you to fear. I killed each of those men and I am certain they will never harm you ever again.”

  She raised her eyes to look at him and replied. “I know you did, and I thank you for that, but there is some part of me that refuses to let go of the fear.”

  Gareth stepped into the doorway and said. “Well banish that fear m’ lady! There are ten elite warriors escorting you today. You will be the safest person in both realms.”

  He turned toward Gareth; Cassidy still wrapped in his arms. She smiled at Gareth and told him. “Oh, Gareth. Please do not tell the others I worry overmuch. I do not want them thinking I doubt their abilities.”

  “I would do no such thing, M’ Lady.” He bowed to her and Hawk released her.

  “Gareth, you are the big brother I never had.” She crossed the room to hug him. “Thank you.”

  He smiled at her. “There is no need to thank me. I am honored to be given such a title as your brother. I promise I will do them proud.” He whispered.

  She swallowed hard and blinked rapidly. She stepped back smiling. “Let us be on our way. We have important things to accomplish today.”

  They made their way down to the great hall and there they met with the others who were breaking their fast. It was not long, and a plan was made. Cassidy stayed by his side the entire time. They rode to the first keep, as it had come to be called, where the tunnel led to the other realm. It felt odd to be walking away from safety, but he knew how to hide where they were going. It had always been home. Odd that it did not feel that way now.

  Walking down the tunnel he could feel everyone’s excitement. He too, was excited to be returning. He was interested to know what all had changed in the fortnight they had been gone. He had told his overseer he would return but had no idea exactly when. He trusted the man, but many things could have happened. Cassidy too had left her home in the care of an Overseer. Then there was Henry’s castle to attend to. She had decided to give that to Henry’s three sons. She cared not what happened to it. The king of England had told her to do with it as she saw fit. Hawk hoped one of Henry’s sons had already taken care of it.

  All his trusted men were with him today. Jenna and Megan were with Cassidy. Even Megan, today was dressed for battle. Thankfully, no one had given Megan a sword of her own. She had never been trained before. They would be lucky if she could use her dagger to defend herself. Hopefully, they would not need it. This should be an easy trip, with no major happenings.

  He could feel Cassidy’s unease and it made him pause and take hold of her hand. He wanted her to feel his confidence. He wanted her to trust he would always keep her safe. As they neared the other end of the hall and the solid oak door he paused and looked over his shoulder to her. “Ready?” She nodded. He no longer felt the need to push her behind him. He noticed; however, his men still did. They moved just slightly forward, letting him know without words they were ready and willing to lay down their lives for her.

  Chapter 24

  He reached for the handle of the door and slowly pushed it open. Hearing no one nearby, he stepped out into the great hall of Cassidy’s former home. There were two maids cleaning the tables and chairs. They glanced up noticing the group and smiled as if nothing was amiss. The group continued out into the castle and began their assessments. No one seemed at all bothered by their presence nor asked where they had been. All seemed as though they had not left.

  He wondered where Riley, the Overseer, was just now. He called one of the servants over to ask just that.

  “He be a see’n to the stables, M’ Lord.” She bowed to him and he dismissed her back to her work. Cassidy moved toward the front doors and he followed her. She still had no fear in her. He wished she would let him take the lead. He wanted to be sure they were safe here. There were too many unknown elements at play. In the time they had been gone many things could have changed. His strides brought him up close to her before she reached the handle on the door. He stepped in front of her, bringing her up short.

  “Let me.” He smiled, hoping she would understand.

  To his shock and delight, she smiled back at him and ducked her head. “I forget myself. I am sorry, M’ Lord.”

  He touched the side of her face with just his fingertips and sliding them under her chin he lifted her eyes to his. “Cassidy. If I can show you nothing else, let me show you, you are not alone. Not any longer. I am here beside you.” He lowered his head and kissed her cheek. “And I do not plan to leave.” He saw the tears gather in her eyes, but they did not fall.

  “Thank you, Sire.” She murmured and turned back to the front doors. “I go to find Riley.”

  He took a deep breath. “We go to find Riley.” She waited for him to step through first. Perhaps he had taught her a lesson. Perhaps now she understood why he was cautious. Opening the doors, he saw Riley emerging from the front of the stable. Cassidy rushed past him.

  Stepping up to his side, Gareth spoke. “So much for learning to be cautious.”

  He could only shake his head. “Indeed.”

  Cassidy ran across the open inner bailey right into the older man’s arms. They hugged like she had been gone a lifetime when it had just been a fortnight. With his superb hearing, he heard her asking Riley all sorts of questions pertaining to the people and the rebuilding of the keep. Riley told her they had stopped work on the interior of the keep because they had received word an army was raiding the villages nearby. They had concentrated their efforts on the outer wall and gates.

  This was information he had been dreading, but he knew was inevitable. One could not go long without a group of rogue outlaws raiding and pillaging nearby towns. All one could do was track them down and serve justice. As they approached Riley and Cassidy, Riley looked up and greeted he and Gareth each with a bow.

  “’Tis good to see you.” He told them. “I have the workers on the wall and gates. They are making very good progress. We have moved the women and children into the inner bailey for their safety.”

  “You have done well, thank you.” Hawk told him. “Unless there is an issue Cassidy cannot resolve or finds displeasing, I leave all decisions to her.”

  He ignored Cassidy’s shocked expression. He wanted her to feel like she had some power. The laws of this land left no rights to women. She was granted Henry’s castle and wealth as a gift from the king. That, however, came with certain expectations, she may or may not, wish to fulfill. He would let her decide. They had a safe home to retreat to, should it be needed and an army to protect it. He would do nothing to take her freedom away. He wanted her to have that and he had the power to give it to her.

; “Hawk?” She questioned him. “Truly? How can you?”

  “How can I not?” He raised an eyebrow. “We have a safe home to return to. Here, in this land, in this castle, it is yours. Yours to rule as you see fit.”

  She stepped into his arms and let him hug her tight. “I love you. Thank you.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. “There are no thanks needed. This was your home. It has always been your home. I will not take it from you. I am not as greedy or power hungry as some.”

  “M’ Lady. Let me show you the progress we have made on the village.” Riley told her, but then seemed to change his mind. “I will let Jacob show you.”

  She turned in his arms, still not ready to lose contact with him it seemed. “That would be wonderful Riley! I would be delighted to see how things are coming along and to see everyone!”

  He leaned close and whispered in her ear. “I will be close should you need me, and I am sending Keith and Jenna with you.”

  He lived for her smile. “I knew you would. I feel safe here. I know I should be on my guard, but I just...” Her words trailed off.

  “What is it?”

  “I used to feel safe here. Now that I recall why the castle and walls are being rebuilt, I have this deep need to stay close to you. It is strange. I used to run wild over these hills. It is like my innocence was stolen that day. Now I truly see what you meant when you said I needed battle training.” She confessed. She blinked. Jenna led Lucifer from the stables. Again, her horse had followed her between realms. “I will never get use to that.”

  Jenna smiled as she got close to them. She handed Cassidy the reins and watched as Hawk lifted her up. He could not seem to let them go. Reluctantly stepping back, he looked up at Keith, where he was mounted upon his horse. No words were needed. Keith knew his duty. Even when Hawk had made a complete ass of himself and left Cassidy until she was almost dead. Keith had been there. Trying to find him and trying to think of ways to save her. He knew, Keith would keep her safe or die trying. Hawk’s only concern was for Keith to keep his demon side hidden.

  “Have no fear. I am in complete control, M’ Lord.” Keith told him. He nodded and stepped back.

  The group left through the open gates into the village beyond. He was not at all certain what he was watching for, but he could not move his feet from that particular spot. When Riley interrupted his thoughts, he had to ask the man to repeat himself.

  “’Tis no trouble, M’ Lord.” Riley told him. “I simply asked if you would like to proceed to the ledger room to discuss the household accounts.”

  “Yes, Riley. That is exactly what I would like to do. Let us proceed.” He finally answered. His thoughts, however, were not on accounts and rents and taxes. His thoughts were with his wife. His Cassidy. He hoped she would be safe enough without him near.

  It took two full hours to go over all the books. Riley knew every person’s job and he knew if they had success. If they did not, he reassigned them to something else, better suited to them. He knew who was behind and who never got behind in their rents. He knew who he could lend time too and who could not be trusted with extra. Hawk could see why Lord Lounsbury had chosen Riley to oversee the estates. Hawk would choose him as well.

  Now to decide the family that would care for the estates in Cassidy’s absence. He and Riley spoke at length about some of the more prominent families in the village and even some in nearby towns. The conversation however, kept coming back to, Riley and his non-existent family. He had a solution in mind he was sure Cassidy would agree with. “Riley. What say you to this? I propose you be the caretaker of this place in all its entirety, and your family will pass down that responsibility from father to son, mother to daughter.”

  Riley’s eyes bulged and he gulped. “But Sire, pardon me. I have no family.”

  Hawk nodded and rested his elbows on the desk to lean toward him. “Do you plan to never marry again?”

  “Well, no. I had intended to perhaps begin to court someone again, but that is far from a family.”

  “Well then. I say we go forth with this idea and if there comes a time, we determine you will be unable to fulfill this responsibility, we will revisit the issue then.”

  “I would be honored, Sire.” Riley told him. “Thank you for the confidence you have shown in me today.”

  He stood at the top of the steps, at the door to the great hall watching Cassidy and her group returning. The sun had just begun to set for the evening, and he could feel Cassidy reaching to him with her thoughts. She needed him. He smiled to himself. He needed her as well, and not just for their connection. He wanted her. They were newlywed after all. He could not stop himself from briskly walking to the stables to greet her. To have run would have raised too many suspicions. Raising his hands to her waist, he lifted her from Lucifer before the horse had even stopped walking. Her smile knocked the breath from him, and his world felt off kilter.

  She leaned forward, touched her forehead to his and murmured. “I missed you, M’ Love.” He took possession of her lips and held her close. She wrapped her arms around his neck and returned his kiss. Lost to the world around them, until Keith loudly asked Jenna. “So .... Um what’s for dinner, do you think?”

  Jenna was not so subtle. She was laughing. “They are two young kids in love, they just can’t get enough of each other. I think it’s adorable.”

  That got his attention. “Adorable?” He glared at her while Cassidy hid her face in his chest. “I am many things, but adorable, is not one of them.”

  Trying not to laugh again, Jenna said with a smile. “Of course not, M’ Lord.”

  He turned back to Cassidy and raised her chin so he could look at her. “She means no harm, little one. She is merely jesting.”

  “I know. However, I find myself still shy about private things and I forget myself sometimes.” She smiled then. “If I am honest, it is truly your fault.” She looked down at her fingers which were playing with the ties on his shirt.

  “My fault?” Hawk asked her. “How on earth is it my fault?”

  “You make me forget myself, Sire.” She whispered so he had to lean close to hear.

  “I do? Do I? Well then, I will be sure to do it more often. I like making you think of only me.”

  She turned in his arms toward the keep doors and he let her go. “Let us follow them inside. I am hungry, M’ Lord. As I am sure you are as well.”

  Reaching to her offered hand, he followed her. “Of course. Hungry, yes, but food can wait.” He let her lead him, because from this view he could see her lovely round backside.

  “M’ Lord.” She said.


  “I can hear your thoughts and I am aware how lovely you think the view is.”

  “Well then you know I look nowhere, except upon my wife.”

  She smiled as he stepped up beside her. “I had no doubts before.”

  FROM WHERE THE STOOD at the front doors, they could tell the dining hall was already a loud and joyful place. Before she could take another step, he pulled her aside and pinned her against the wall. Pressing his lips to hers, he stole her breath away with his urgent, demanding kisses. She ran her fingers through his hair and down his shoulders, across his wings. Wings... she pulled back slightly, her heart racing fast.

  “Hawk, your wings....” Kissing her neck, he murmured. “They don’t hurt when they appear now, and we are in the shadows.” She kissed him again, wrapping her arms around his neck. “We must get to the ledger room and bar the door.”

  He folded his wings down behind him, like a cape, and carried her into the ledger room. He did not set her down until he had the door shut. He picked up the oaken bar and placed it in its iron holders on either side of the door. He turned back to her locking her in his arms, his wings followed, so she was in a warm cocoon of safety. She was already pulling his shirt open to get to his skin. She craved skin to skin contact, and he let her do as she needed.

  “Easy, little one.
We must be careful here.” He whispered as much as his baritone voice allowed. He leaned his head down close to her neck. Her heart skipped a beat and picked up speed. He kissed her once there and then sank his teeth deep, taking the poison from her blood once again. The magic never ceased to amaze her. This time as he closed his lips over his fangs and they receded, so did his wings. She blinked. Was there nothing magic could not do?

  “That’s odd.” She murmured.

  He slowly shook his head. “I never question the magic.” He raised her hand to his lips and asked. “Shall we join the others?”

  “Of course. I am famished.” She replied and he turned back toward the door. He lifted the bar and set it aside. They clasped hands and proceeded to the hall.

  There they found a lively group. Some of his men had left behind friends and distance relatives so they could journey to the new realm. None of them talked about it. They simply told them they had been away on a journey with Hawk and Cassidy. No one seemed to question them. He wondered again how the magic was able to do what it did, he would not look a gift horse in the mouth. They would soon travel to his former home and have another welcome home there. These people were Cassidy’s and so many were new to him he kept watch on them all. Or tried too.

  “You will drive yourself mad, M’ lord.” She told him when she saw what he was doing.

  He raised her hand to his lips, kissed her knuckles. “I am already mad, M’ Dear. Madly in love with you.”

  “Mmm... Your charms will get you no further than the bedchamber, M’ Lord.” She whispered as her face turned that lovely shade of red, he enjoyed so much.

  “’Tis all the further I will need, M’ Lady.”


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