Warriors Trust: Elite Warrior Series

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Warriors Trust: Elite Warrior Series Page 20

by McKayla Jade

  Bruce smiled and told them. “Well then, this will not shock you much then either. You see, boy, we tried to tell you we understood, because being immortal is not the only thing I was gifted with. I too am a shifter, but I can shift into any creature I can call to mind.”

  As shocking as it was to learn his parents were immortal, he could not keep from asking. “So perhaps you can help us understand why I feel like harming Cassidy from time to time.” He asked. “It feels like my beast wants to rise up and attack her. If I see her with another, I lose control of my mind and can’t think clearly.”

  Bruce laughed out loud at that. “Boy, your head is as thick as your mother’s.” He ducked as Isabel threw a punch at his nose. “Calm down, love. I am trying to explain things to this pup of ours.” Holding his wife by the arms, he leaned back away from her and said to Hawk. “That is indeed your beast, but it is trying to protect her and keep her safe. Not attack her. Think back to those times now that your head is clear. What was happening?”

  It was true. Every single time he had felt the need to kill and maim it had been when Cassidy was near a man. Or simply talking to a man. Or glanced at a man. Then too, he remembered exactly how it had felt. It was not directed at Cassidy. It was directed at the man. His father was right. He took a deep breath. His beast adored his wife and wanted nothing more than to protect her from everyone and everything. It was there inside him, at the edges of his mind, watching everything around Cassidy. He was prowling, waiting to jump in and protect. Hawk put his head in his hands. How could he have been this blind? This bull headed.

  He looked up to see his parents exchange a look. “What is it?”

  “How many of your Elite’s are this way?” Bruce asked.

  “All of them, since going to the realm of H’LS V’N, have shifted. Why do you ask?”

  “Then all of them will need specialized training. They have powers beyond anything we can comprehend. As well as you.” Bruce informed him.

  “This is a lot of information, father.” He looked over to Cassidy. “Do we stay here or travel back? I leave it to you.”

  “We have so much to learn and if you all do not mind. I would like very much to visit with your mother, since my own is gone.”

  He stood up and hugged her to him. He realized in that moment; he had the power to give her that which she wanted most. He would give her the family she had lost. “Of course, love. There is so much father and I can talk about. We will stay for a few days.”

  She smiled up at him and he was lost. He kissed her long and hard right there in front of his parents. When they finally parted, his parents had disappeared without so much as a sound. They had so much to learn here. Why had his parents never told him about their abilities? Why had he never picked up even one clue? Alexandar chose that moment to make himself known, making them both startle and turn their attention to him.

  “As I have said before. You were not ready to hear it.” He scolded Hawk and walked out the door.

  “Perhaps we should follow and join everyone in the hall.” Cassidy suggested softly. “It feels good here, Hawk, it feels safe.” He nodded his agreement.

  He reached out to Gareth. ‘Let everyone know, we are staying here for a few days.’ He turned back to his wife, offered his arm and said. “Shall we?” She took his arm, and they made their way to the dining hall where everyone was gathered.

  His father stood up and waved them over to the high table. “My son, come sit. We will celebrate your return.”

  Crossing the room, he and Cassidy sat at the head table, but having her by his side made it feel different. He had never sat at this table with anyone, besides Gareth and occasionally his parents. It felt odd but so damned right.

  He took her hand into his and leaned around his father to look at his mother. “I will admit being a bit headstrong, but I believe I would have come to you had I known you could help. Instead, I tried to shield you. It is why I hid in my chambers, never coming out until dark.” He sat back in his chair when a thought struck him. “Father, so if you were granted immortality, when were you granted? How did it happen?” Suddenly he had a thousand questions.

  His father told him. “Once we have eaten, we will go back to the ledger room and talk.”

  He kept the growl in his throat, but it was not easy. He wanted the answers now. His father must have seen or felt his frustration, because he leaned around him and informally asked Cassidy to dance. She blushed, but she accepted. Watching his father, his younger than he realized father, dance with his wife did not sit well. Was he jealous of his own father? If he and his father looked to be the same age, why had he not aged further? There were so many damned questions. He felt his mother before she laid her hand on his shoulder. He looked up and she only raised an eyebrow. Her message was clear. They could dance as well.

  As he guided his mother across the dance floor in a waltz, he made sure to get close enough to his father they could exchange partners. Cassidy’s laughter rang out and he stumbled. His mother laughed and kept them in time with the music. “You have it bad, my son.” She laughed softly. “I had hoped you would find her.”

  He blinked. “You knew?”

  She scoffed. “Of course, we knew. We knew someday a girl would come along who would turn your world upside down and I’m guessing, she has done just that.”

  “You must tell me your story. Why did you never tell me?” He implored her. “I did tell you. Then one day you decided you were too old to hear nursery stories anymore. So, I stopped telling you. Think back. They are there in your memories.”

  The music ended none too soon for him. He swept his mother off the dance floor and back to the head table with his father and Cassidy. For him, the night wore on. All he wanted to do was find answers and get back to the safety of Hells Vein. He knew there he could keep Cassidy safe.

  “May we go talk now?” He asked his father.

  “I suppose I have held your questions off as long as I can. Let us go back to your ledger room.” Bruce told him. “There we will have drinks brought and we will talk.”

  He ordered his servants and they walked to the ledger room, his arm wrapped behind Cassidy’s back, ushering her in front of him. He leaned down to whisper. “Are you alright, for now?”

  She nodded but kept quiet, sending him her thoughts. ‘I am fine. This is important to you; I as well would like to hear the story. Let us sit and listen.’ She sat on the sofa and his parents sat on the large chair across from it. His mother perched on the arm, his father in it, his arm wrapped her waist. They looked so comfortable.

  “Let me begin with, you are no older than you think you are, but you did stop aging when you reached your twenty first summer.” His father began. “You see son, I was a druid, back in the times of King Arthur.” He was certain his jaw dropped open, but his father continued. “I know this seems like an unbelievable tale I’m telling you, but it is true.” His father roughly cleared his throat. “Is there anything you want to ask?” He saw his mother squeeze his father’s hand. This could not be possible. King Arthur and his knights were a legend. A bedtime story told to children. Wasn’t he? Wasn’t it? This was all too much, but it did explain some things. He started with the first question that came to mind. “I have always been immortal? I was not cursed?”

  His father shook his head. “No son, and had you told us, that you had shifted, we would have told you the truth.”

  “All this time,” Hawk started to say, when his father interrupted.

  “Son, I’m sorry. I truly did not know. I thought maybe the magic had died and with it, my and your immortality. As I understand it, Alexandar has been busy lately, and I haven’t had the opportunity to ask.”

  He leaned back, took a deep breath. There was a lot of information to be found here and still there would be more to figure out.

  “’Tis a long story, but if you need more proof, ask your friend.”

  He smirked. “I have many friends, father. Would you care to narrow that dow

  “Gareth. Do you remember when he came to be fostered at Ravenclaw?”

  “I do. His father brought him to be fostered and we became friends, as I recall from the very first.”

  His father nodded his head. “Yes, son. Gareth is named after his father, who served King Arthur. If you search your memories, they are all there.”

  “None of it makes sense, from what Alexandar told us. He said the men have shifted to demons’, or half demons’; until they mate because of the realm. He said it was all because of Hells Vein.” His father had the audacity to grin, like he was in on some big jest. “What game do you play, father?”

  Hawk was pacing the room now. Running his hands through his hair, his head bowed. “I just don’t see why he would tell us lies. Why not just tell me the truth? Wait! Does Gareth know? Surely he doesn’t.”

  “Alexandar is a Merlin sorcerer. He has powers you cannot even imagine. I would not throw stones. If he kept information from you, there is a reason. Perhaps that reason stares you in the face when you look upon glass.” His father had a sternness about him. “Alexandar has his reasons for everything he does.”

  He sat back next to Cassidy, defeated. His whole life he had believed himself to be cursed.

  His father stood in front of him, arms crossed across his chest. “Ian, that’s enough. You act like this is some kind of curse.” His father blew out his breath heavily. “I suppose to you it has been. I am sorry for that. Had we known we would have come sooner. Each of us is unique. The magic calls to all of us differently. Even Alexandar doesn’t know who it will choose for what talents and powers.” His father sat down next to his mother once again.

  Hawk glanced up at Cassidy who had remained calm and quiet during this whole conversation. He could not find the words he wanted to say.

  “Cassidy?” His mother asked and his heart sped up threatening to choke him. What could she possibly want from Cassidy? “Sweetheart? Does he hurt you? Because if he does, you just tell me, and I will stop him.”

  Cassidy shook her head and smiled as her cheeks colored. “No, M’ lady. He does not. In fact, when he,” She hesitated. “When he takes the poison from me, it makes me feel, better and actually saves my life. Alexandar told us if he doesn’t it will kill me, but it also gives him stronger venom to use against enemies.”

  “How do you know this?” His mother asked and Cassidy answered before he could.

  “First of all, Alexander told us it would work that way. Second, one-night Hawk could not be found, and he had blocked everyone from his thoughts. No one could find him, and I almost died. So, we know it’s the truth Alexandar has spoken.”

  He lowered his head to her shoulder and kissed her there. She could have spun that tale a whole lot differently. She did not, however, she made him look better than he had that night. He was so grateful to her. At every turn she amazed him. He wished they could get some privacy now, so he could show her. His father must have noticed because he took his wife’s hand, raised it to his lips for a kiss and said.

  “I think that is all for tonight. We are all tired and need to seek our beds.”

  He nodded. “Agreed, father.” He helped Cassidy to rise, she was hiding her discomfort well. Her fingers felt like ice. A warning sign she needed him. The poison was growing within her. He glanced at her and smiled tightly.

  ‘I didn’t want to interrupt.’ She sent him.

  ‘I would never call you for that. All you had to do was say something.’ He sent back, walking out of the room, her hand in his. He guided her up the stairs, being in his own home, but not in his own rooms, felt odd. It felt unsafe. He consoled himself with the fact, Gareth and the men were just outside and never had anything bad happened inside this keep.

  Chapter 29

  The morning dawned bright and warm. Summer was at full strength. There were still things he wanted to know from his parents. Today his men would train with his father, but then they would travel home. The thought gave him pause. Home was now the other realm. Not here. Yes, that certainly felt right. Hells Vein was home.

  Arriving on the battlefield, he saw training was already underway. His father was in the midst of it, his shirt off and wings just like his own on full display. He was stunned. His father had shifted into a demon just like his men. It made an even playing field for them. By being one of them he could show them how to use their strengths and to help each other with their weaknesses. He had to admit, he had never thought, learning weaknesses could be an advantage. But it truly, was helpful to battle knowing where your troops needed help.

  He watched his father grab his shirt from the fence post and walk toward him. He nodded to the older man. “I think your men are more prepared than you are, my son.” He wiped the sweat from his brow with his shirt. “They are willing to learn, and you were not.”

  He shook his head. “I have been a fool.” He felt his father’s hand on his shoulder. “I know now, what could have been.”

  “As long as you keep learning, son, things will work out just fine.” His father told him. “Just be patient and trust your instincts.”

  “Thank you, father. This training is good for the men. We cannot stay but another day. I feel the need to be home.” He chuckled. “As strange as it sounds. This doesn’t feel as safe as it once did.”

  His father grinned. “I understand. When you are here, our stronghold is open to you, should you need it.”

  “Thank you.” An idea came to him then, making his heart race. “Father, how do you hide yourself, in front of the people here. How is it they don’t see you?”

  “I wondered if you would notice that.” He grinned. “Alexandar is here. His magic keeps us hidden in plain sight.”

  He shook his head. “There are too many questions and not enough answers.”

  “There always are, but you will learn as you go along. If there is anything you need, your mother and your wife now speak telepathically. Just reach out.”

  His jaw dropped. “How do you know this? Why am I the last to know these things?”

  “You are the last to look.” His father walked back onto the training field and he turned back to the keep. He needed to find Cassidy.

  He stepped into the main hall, hoping to find his wife. The sight that greeted him however, made him growl and his back itch. He kept his wings from appearing through sheer determination. Cassidy was wrapped in a man’s arms. The man looked up at him and his anger vanished as quickly as it came on. Her cousin Cameron stared him in the face.

  “It is good to see you, Hawk.” Cameron let Cassidy go and walked toward him. “How have you been?”

  They clasped arms. “I’ve been good. And you? How goes it?”

  “I’m well. I came to tell you both, that Henry’s castle is reclaimed, and you can now count on us as an ally.” Cameron glanced down at Cassidy. “If you want to, you are welcome there. I want you to know, you will always be safe there. It will never be the evil place he turned it into again.”

  She wrapped her arms around Hawk’s waist and tucked her head under his arm. “Thank you, cousin.” She told him. “Unless I am in danger, however, I am not ready to revisit that place. For now.”

  Cameron bowed to her. “Of course, cousin. It was simply an invitation.”

  “I assume you reside there, now?” Hawk asked.

  “I do.” Cameron nodded. “My brothers call it home when they are in the area, but they currently ride for the king.”

  “We leave tomorrow, for our home.” He stumbled over his words. Could he tell Cameron, about Hells Vein, again? Alexandar had told them they could once and when they left, the people not traveling with them, would simply forget. Did it work that way always? He was about to find out.

  “So, you have decided to make Cassidy’s former home, your new domain.” Cameron stated and Hawk let him believe it. There was no need to correct him.

  “For now, I am going to steal my bride away from everyone. I look forward to seeing you at the dining hall for t
he evening meal.” He wrapped his arm around her waist and whisked her down the hall to their chambers.

  “Our chambers?” she questioned him.


  “Oh. My.” He noticed her face turn a lovely shade of red.

  He pushed the door open and ushered her inside. She turned around facing him and jumped up to wrap her arms around his neck. He cupped her rear in his hands and held her to him. His wings surrounded them. She slid her arms around his head, her fingernails grazing his scalp. Dipping his head lower he kissed the swell of her breast where they peeked from her dress. Her scent enveloped him, he growled low in his throat and she clinched her legs tighter around his waist.

  He was not sure how, but he made his way across the room to the bed. Tossing her down on it, she yelped in surprise. The dimples in her cheeks were charming when she smiled up at him. He slowly bent over her, resting his hands on either side of her head, he told her. “Tonight, I am going to make you feel things you’ve never felt before and soar higher than we’ve ever soared.”

  She bit her bottom lip and nodded. Her total submission and burning fire were there in her eyes. His member throbbed. Loosening his trousers, he slid the offending article away, along with his boots. He glanced up and saw her lick her lips. Lips that were swollen from his kisses. “Ah, little one. You are simply perfect.” She blushed deeply, turning even her ears red.

  “As are you, Sire.” He shook his head, not to deny her, but in amusement, when she told him. “‘Tis true. In the moonlight, that filters from the window your wings almost shine grey. The veins within them pulse and shift in a dance only I can see. Your skin darkens until I think I will go mad with want.”

  He could not hold back any longer. Her words moved him. He had never been so loved. He kissed her, tenderly, softly. Their heart beats merged as he pressed harder in the kiss, asking, pleading, begging, and then demanding her surrender. Their tongues tangled in an ages old dance of lovers. His fingers tangled in her hair as he continued his kisses in a path down her throat to her breast. There he paused to kiss and suckle each in turn. Her moans of pleasure urged him onward.


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