The Imposter Suite: Mpreg Omegaverse Romance (Pup's Creek Book 3)

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The Imposter Suite: Mpreg Omegaverse Romance (Pup's Creek Book 3) Page 5

by Arden Blair

  “Ah,” Ryan said.

  There must have been something about the way he said it though, because Toby’s eyes snapped right back to his. “What do you mean by that?”


  “Oh, it was something,” Toby insisted. “Tell me.”

  Ryan tried not to laugh, but he couldn’t hold back the smile that was spreading across his face. The omega wasn’t just cute, he was quick and possessed a hell of a backbone. There weren’t many people, alpha or otherwise, who dared make demands of him.

  “It just explains why you’re so…shy’s not quite the right word.”

  “Reserved?” Toby tried.


  Toby’s eyes went wide. For a moment he looked hurt by the description, but the look was quickly replaced by indignation.

  “Take that back,” he said. “I am not sexually repressed.”

  “I never said sexually,” Ryan said, his smile growing wider. Damn, this omega was fun to play with. He could wind him up so easily, just like a toy. “Though now that you mention it…”

  Toby shook his head. His voice fell down to a whisper. As if they weren’t already sitting in a restaurant that featured a heat room for couples who couldn’t manage to keep it in their pants through dinner.

  “Sure, make fun of me all you want, but I’m not the one answering my door reeking of sex and exertion.”

  Ryan couldn’t hold back his laughter any longer. Apparently, his little omega didn’t take well to teasing.

  “Don’t get too high and mighty on me, sweetheart. The scent I’m catching from across this table isn’t exactly all lily-white thoughts and innocence.”

  Toby’s cheeks turned bright red in a flash. He ducked his head down again. His lips pressed together tight.

  Oh, no. Ryan hadn’t spent all this time and energy to finally get Toby talking just to have him fall into more guilt-ridden silence.

  Ryan reached across the table and caressed the tops of Toby’s fingers. A thrill of satisfaction shot through him as the omega trembled at his touch.

  “I’m not complaining,” Ryan said. “Why do you think I agreed to come out with you tonight?”

  Toby glanced up. “Because I offered to pay?”

  “And I told you it wasn’t necessary, remember?”

  “Then why?”

  “The truth is I couldn’t get you out of my head yesterday,” Ryan admitted.

  Toby’s lips parted. His eyes went wide. He was shocked, sure, but he was also interested. Very interested.

  Ryan wanted to see how much more interested he could get.

  “You may have left my house in a hurry yesterday, but your scent lingered for hours. It filled up my house. I couldn’t escape it, an intoxicating mix of sweet and spice that kept me suspended in a constant state of hunger. I even tried easing the need myself, but it didn’t work. There was no real substitute for what I craved.”

  Toby’s face flushed. His blue eyes darkened, taking on a jewel-like brilliance. His gaze stayed steady on Ryan the whole time, a mix of shock and desire swirling inside his eyes.

  It was obvious from his reaction that no one had ever spoken to Toby like this before. It was just as obvious that he liked it. Oh, he liked it a lot.

  Ryan could only imagine how the little omega would react when he was kneeling stark naked before an alpha, his hands bound behind his back, his chin tilted up.

  Ryan longed to see the look in Toby’s eyes as he slowly stoked the flames of desire inside him until they roared like a wildfire, untamed and blazing. How absolutely magnificent would those crystal-blue eyes be then, when they stared up at Ryan overflowing with need?

  Ryan drew in a deep, steadying breath.

  Right now, he was the one who needed to calm down. He was getting himself all worked up. If he kept following every fantasy that flew through his head when Toby was around, he’d be the one begging for release.

  “I’m sorry I made you uncomfortable,” Toby finally said.

  “I wasn’t uncomfortable,” Ryan said. “I was turned on. And that’s not something you have to apologize for.”

  Toby’s eyes went wide. “You were turned on? By me?”

  “Is that really so hard to believe?”

  “Actually, it is.”

  “Well, it shouldn’t be,” Ryan answered. “But the real question is, what are you going to do about it?”

  Toby took in a few deep breaths. For a moment it looked like he was about to give in, but at the last moment his eyes fell back down to his plate.

  “There’s nothing to do about it,” he said. “I’m only in Pup’s Creek for a couple of months.”

  Ryan laughed again. “I’m not asking you to be my mate,” he said. “I’m asking you to come home with me tonight.”

  Toby’s eyes darted between him and his plate. Again and again. Ryan didn’t push him. This had to be his decision, and it was all too clear it was one that Toby never made before. One that he’d never had the chance to make.

  “Just for tonight?” His voice was so low that Ryan could barely hear it.

  “If that’s how you want it to be,” Ryan said.

  “It is,” Toby said with an exaggerated nod. One that Ryan couldn’t help but feel was more for Toby’s own benefit than his.

  Ryan pulled his napkin out of his lap and placed it on the table. “Then what do you say that we skip dessert?”


  He was doing this. He was really doing this. He was going home with Ryan.

  Toby tried to keep his nerves under control as he sat in the passenger’s seat of the alpha’s truck, but it was nearly impossible. At least the bumps in the dirt road helped him hide his trembling hands.

  What he really he couldn’t figure out, though, was how Ryan could drive his truck so fast over all the ridges and gouges. It was a miracle the damned thing wasn’t breaking apart.

  “Maybe you should slow down,” Toby said, after a dip in the road sent him flying out of his seat.

  Ryan chuckled under his breath. “And here I thought you’d like a rough ride.”

  Toby shot him a look out of the corner of his eye. So, that’s how it was going to be? All wolfish smiles and innuendo. Well, two could play at that game.

  “Oh, I don’t mind,” Toby said. “I’m just worried about this old machine of yours. I don’t want it breaking down before I get where we’re going.”

  The rich sound of Ryan’s laughter filled the cab of the truck. “Oh, don’t worry about that. This thing might have a few miles on it, but it’s a beast. It can go for hours and hours without slowing down.”

  A burning sting filled Toby’s cheeks. He glanced away from Ryan’s smiling face and out the window. There was a quick flash of reflexive shame, but it quickly faded. The truth was, he was having fun.

  He liked going toe to toe with Ryan in these little verbal battles. He didn’t even mind losing. It was fun. Actual fun. And that was something that Toby hadn’t had in a very long time.

  His excitement shot up as they drove out into the clearing and up to the house. Ryan hit the brake and turned off the ignition before turning to Toby. Some of the humor had drained from his eyes.

  “Listen, before we go in, there’s something I want you to know,” he said. “It’s okay if you change your mind. I won’t be upset if you tell me at any time that you want to go back home.”

  Toby cocked his head to the side. “Does that happen a lot?”

  “No,” Ryan said. “But let’s be honest. This is your first time, isn’t it?”

  Toby pressed his lips together. He didn’t say anything. Apparently, he didn’t have to. It was pretty obvious. So, he just nodded instead.

  “And that’s fine,” Ryan said, leaning over to caress the top of Toby’s hand with his rough fingertips. “But I’m also getting the feeling that no one really ever went over the rules with you.”

  Toby swallowed down a laugh. “There are rules?”

  “Damn straight,” Ryan said with a
dead serious tone. “And the first rule is that you can stop at any time.”

  Toby smiled. The alpha was right. No one had ever told him that. Ever.

  “But,” Toby said, swallowing down the sudden rush of embarrassment. “What if I don’t want to stop?”

  Ryan’s grip on his hand tightened. A fiery spark lit up his eyes. “Then we’re both doing something right.”

  Toby nodded again, and squeezed Ryan’s hand before looking at the door of the cabin. “Then let’s go in.”

  Ryan let go of his hand and opened his car door. Toby followed him up the wooden steps toward the front of the house. The butterflies were back in his stomach, just like they had been the first time he’d made this walk.

  But now it was different. Now there were much stronger emotions than nervousness buzzing through his body.

  Excitement. Need. Lust.

  Toby couldn’t wait to get on the other side. Not just of the door, but of this hurdle in his life. It almost felt as if he’d been waiting all these years for his real life to begin and that this might be the starting line.

  He reached out and grabbed Ryan’s hand as he made it inside. Sure, he was practically thrumming with anticipation, but that didn’t mean he didn’t need a little reassurance.

  Ryan stopped after he turned around and closed the door. The corner of his mouth quirked up just a touch, making him somehow look even sexier.

  “Now comes the big question,” he said, his voice dangerously low. “Upstairs or down?”

  Toby blinked. He shuffled his feet together, then apart. For a second he thought about playing dumb, pretending that he didn’t know what Ryan was asking. But he understood perfectly.

  Upstairs was his bedroom. Probably a nice soft mattress with plenty of room to roll around on. But downstairs…

  Well, down there were things he probably couldn’t imagine just yet.

  Toby drew in a steadying breath. Once his parents had him settled and mated, he was sure he would be spending plenty of his life in a nice, comfortable, and predictable bedroom. More time than he wanted to admit.

  But basement sex dungeons? Well, Toby had a feeling that those were going to be a lot harder to come by.

  The omega bit into his lip, and glanced down at his feet for just a second, giving his courage a second to well up inside him.

  “Downstairs,” he said on a breathy exhale.

  Toby looked up just in time to see a wide, wolfish smile spreading across Ryan’s chiseled face. “Good choice,” he said.

  Ryan threw the lock on the front door and started down the hall. Toby followed a step behind. Excitement built up inside him with every step. This time he knew where he was going. He knew what was waiting for him at the bottom of those basement steps.

  Well, not everything. He had a feeling he couldn’t even begin to guess the all the emotions and sensations that he’d be feeling tonight, but for the first time in his life, Toby felt brave.

  Of course, Ryan made it easy. Toby hadn’t known him long, but there was something about his confidence and honesty that made the omega trust him. Somehow he just knew that Ryan wasn’t going to take advantage of the situation. He wasn’t going to push him any farther than he wanted to go. Ryan would take charge, but also take care of him. It was a strangely calming realization, and one that gave Toby the courage to keep his feet moving down the basement steps.

  By the time they got to the bottom, every inch of Toby was practically humming with anticipation…and apparently he wasn’t doing a very good job of hiding it.

  Ryan let out a little laugh. “Why don’t you get out of those pants before you soak them all the way through?”

  Burning heat pricked at Toby’s cheeks. “Sorry,” he muttered.

  Maybe he was little too excited for this.

  But Ryan just shook his head. His demeanor changing, becoming, more focused and demanding.

  “Don’t apologize.” It wasn’t just a statement; it was a command. “Not unless I tell you to. Understand.”

  Oh, okay. They were starting already.

  Fortunately, the role came easily to Toby.

  “Got it,” he said. “Sorry.”

  That last one slipped out without him thinking about it.

  Ryan’s eyes narrowed. He slid closer, and Toby instinctually froze under his commanding stare.

  “I told you no apologies.” He hooked his fingertip under Toby’s chin, forcing the omega to look up and into his eyes. “Understand?”

  This time Toby thought his reply through before answering. “Yes.”

  Ryan’s curled his finger, pressing the tip in just a little harder to the fleshy spot beneath his jaw. It didn’t hurt…not exactly. But the simple gesture left no doubt who was in control of the situation.

  “Yes, what?” Ryan asked.

  Toby let out a shaky breath. “Yes, my alpha.”

  There was something about those words that just felt right. His thighs dampened with slick saying them out loud.

  “Good,” Ryan said with a smile. “Now take off those clothes.”

  Toby didn’t waste any time. His fingers shook, but somehow he still managed to work the button and zipper and slide them to the floor. He didn’t even feel any shame as he stood in front of Ryan and began to bare himself.

  First he took off his shirt, and then his pants. The cool air of the basement washed over his body, causing his skin to tighten and the hairs to stand on end. All the while Ryan watched him with an intensely focused gaze, one that made it clear that he liked what he saw.

  Somehow that realization filled Toby with a sense of power. Strange, seeing that he was the one standing naked and exposed, but there was an undeniable sense of satisfaction that came with knowing that he could affect the strong and sexy alpha so much.

  Toby pulled back his shoulders and opened his body up fully to Ryan’s gaze. He watched the hunger grow in the alpha’s eyes. He drew the scent of desire that now filled the basement deep into his lungs.

  God, he wanted this. He wanted it so bad. This was the taste of freedom he’d been dying for.

  It didn’t matter that it wasn’t forever. If all he could have was this moment, then he’d take it and be grateful. And when reality showed up tomorrow and tried to heap buckets of shame and regret on his head, well, he’d deal with that then.

  “On your knees,” Ryan said, his voice low.

  Toby didn’t even think before complying. His legs just slid down to the cold concrete of the basement floor. Chills that had nothing to do with the temperature rushed up his spine as Ryan strode around him.

  “Chin up,” the alpha commanded. “Eyes straight ahead. I want to look at you.”

  It was a simple statement, but for some reason it hit all the right buttons inside Toby’s mind. A fresh wave of slick gushed down his bent legs.

  “Oh, so that’s what you like.” Ryan’s voice came from over his right shoulder. “You like attention. To be watched. To be admired.”

  More electricity pulsed through Toby’s body. Every inch of skin tingled, begging to be touched, but all he got was the wash of chilled night air.

  “Well?” Ryan prompted him. “Answer your alpha.”

  Oh. Toby hadn’t realized those were questions.

  “Yes,” he admitted, surprising even himself. He guessed he did like it.

  “Yes, what?” Ryan’s fingers tangled in his hair, gripping tight and pulling his head back. Toby’s body was so primed for sensation that a moan escaped his lips. It couldn’t be one of pleasure, could it?

  “Yes, my alpha,” Toby cooed.

  “That’s better,” Ryan said, sounding satisfied. He let go of Toby’s hair. “You have such a beautiful body, omega. So soft and receptive. It’s practically begging to be filled.”

  Toby bit into his lip. He didn’t know whether to respond or not. All he knew was that Ryan was right. With every word the alpha said, his body cried out for release from the delicious pressure building inside.

  “And because
you’re so beautiful, I’ve decided to give you what you need.”

  “Thank you, my alpha.”

  A warm growl washed over Toby’s ear.

  “You’re learning, little omega,” Ryan said, his voice dripping with satisfaction. “That’s good. You deserve a reward.”

  Ryan stepped in front of him. Toby wanted to look up into his eyes—he really did—but he couldn’t pull his gaze away from the sight of Ryan’s cock straining against the front of his pants.

  “This is what you want, isn’t it,” Ryan said, sliding his palm over the silhouette of his thick member. “This is what you’re so wet for.”

  Toby licked his lips. “Yes, my alpha.”

  “Then take it.” Slowly, Ryan pulled down his zipper, and several agonizingly long moments later, his cock sprung free.

  Toby’s eyes went wide at the sight. His blood rushed as desire like he’d never felt surged through his body. Ryan’s cock was magnificent, long and hard and thick. Toby had never seen anything he wanted more. Anything he needed so desperately.

  He slid forward on his knees and wrapped both his hands around the staff. The skin was so velvety, so soft, the flesh underneath so hard. Toby marveled at the feel of the alpha.

  “Drop your hands and open your mouth,” Ryan commanded.

  Toby obeyed. A moment later the heady taste of Ryan spread over his tongue. He stretched his lips wide, hungry to swallow as much of the alpha—his alpha—as he could.

  Ryan’s fingers tangled in his hair as he pushed the crown of his cock deep into Toby’s mouth. Even when Toby felt certain that the tip was dangerously close to the back of his throat, he fought against the urge to pull away. He wanted this too much.

  Gently, Ryan pulled his cock out. Then pushed it in again. A guttural moan slipped from his lips.

  “So good,” he growled. “Are you sure this is your first time, little omega?”

  Toby pulled back just far enough to look Ryan in the eye and nod. “It’s only you,” he told Ryan. “There’s only been you.”

  Another primal growl filled the room. The sound of it causing a fresh rush of slick to pour down Toby’s now-trembling legs.


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