
Home > Romance > Stolen > Page 18
Stolen Page 18

by Evangeline Anderson

  So when V’rex had torn off her top and skirt and thrown her on the bed, she’d been certain she knew what was coming next. Even though he’d said, “Pretend” to her, the word hadn’t really penetrated her brain and she’d been sure she was going to get raped.

  But then he had just…rubbed against her. Penny had been frozen with fear, uncertain of what to do, how to act. She’d been stiff as a board beneath him as he rubbed his big, hot, hard cock against the top of her pussy and her belly.

  Apparently, though, that hadn’t been a good enough response for the big Hybrid. Because then he had…

  “He bit me. Or something,” Penny whispered, putting a hand to her neck, where she’d felt a tiny sting and then a pleasure so overwhelming she didn’t even know how to deal with it.

  She’d been completely unprepared for the orgasm. Her body had gone from a state of extreme terror to a state of mind-blowing pleasure instantly—from zero to sixty in a single second.

  Penny shook her head, still trying to clear it from the aftereffects of the massive orgasm which had washed over her like a tidal wave, nearly drowning her with its intensity.

  Despite the physical pleasure, it had been a confusing and not-at-all pleasant experience. Her body had been coming so hard she saw stars, while her brain was still trapped in terror mode. It was as though the big Hybrid had forced her to come, even though she didn’t want to.

  Now she felt weak in the knees—so wobbly she wanted to sink to the ground and close her eyes. But she couldn’t—not yet. Because she wasn’t the only one who had come.

  Can’t believe he shot his cum all over me—inside me, Penny thought, looking down at her pussy and inner thighs, which were absolutely coated with the big Hybrid’s seed. How the hell had he produced so much? She looked like she’d been in some kind of gang-bang porn vid with all this dripping out of her!

  God, what if some of it got all the way inside me and it gets me pregnant?

  The scary thought was enough to send her racing to the shower stall and fumbling with the unfamiliar controls. Finally she got a steady spray of warm water going and jumped in to wash herself off.

  It took a long time to get all of his seed off her and out of her. It seemed to want to stick to her like glue and Penny scrubbed and scrubbed until she finally felt clean. When she was done, she sank down in the small stall and put her head on her knees for a moment as the steaming water rained down on her bowed shoulders.

  She still didn’t understand V’rex. Why hadn’t he raped her? Not that she wanted him to, but God, this was just so freaking weird. This whole situation was breaking her brain and she didn’t know what to do next.

  Do what you always planned to do, Penny, whispered a little voice in her head. Escape.

  Yes, but how?

  She was still pondering the problem when she opened the frosted glass door of the shower stall to look for a towel and saw the big Kindred standing there, looming over her just as though he had every right to be there!


  “Oh!” Penny gasped and attempted to cover herself with her arms. “What…what are you doing here? How dare you?” she exclaimed, glaring up at him.

  “I’m here because it’s one of the few places we can talk, sweetheart. Here.” He handed her a short white towel—he had one wrapped around his own waist too—and sat down on the closed lid of the toilet. It didn’t matter though— they were still nearly eye-to-eye, since he was so tall and Penny was on the short side. And even sitting down, he still seemed to take up almost all the available space in the room.

  She wrapped the towel around herself hurriedly and leaned back against the frosted glass door of the shower stall to get a little space between them.

  “What do you want to talk about?” she demanded. “And why…” She licked her lips nervously. “Why didn’t you rape me?”

  He raised one black eyebrow at her.

  “Did you want me to rape you?”

  “Oh, no! No, of course not!” Penny couldn’t believe she’d asked such a stupid question—or maybe that she’d asked her question in a stupid way. But she really did want to know why he hadn’t done what was expected of him and tried to breed her.

  “I just…I don’t understand,” she began again in a low voice. “I thought—”

  “You thought I’d breed you because the fucking ‘Glorious Leader’ ordered me to?” His face went suddenly dark. “I didn’t rape you because I’m not an animal—not some asshole who thinks females are only good for fucking.”

  “Okay…” He seemed really upset that she’d think he would rape her, even though that was exactly what all the males in the ceremony had been ordered to do. But it was clear he wasn’t like the other males, Penny thought to herself.

  “You’re not hypnotized, like the others,” she said.

  “Neither are you,” he growled, his pale gold eyes flashing. “And you need to do a better job of hiding it, sweetheart. Or you’re going to get into trouble.”

  “You don’t hide it that well either,” Penny accused him. “Or why did you ask Colonel Sanders to let me sign my name on your chest after you signed mine?” She couldn’t help letting her eyes linger on the looping letters of her name, burned into his muscular left pec.

  He shrugged, his broad, bare shoulders rolling with the gesture.

  “It only seemed fair that if I had to hurt you, you oughta get some of your own back.” He frowned. “And who’s Colonel Sanders?”

  “A man who sells fried chicken—which is a kind of bad-for-you-but-really-delicious comfort food back on my home planet,” Penny said. “The, uh, Glorious Leader looks exactly like him. It’s…confusing.”

  “I’ll bet,” V’rex said dryly. “But the GL, as I call him, already knows I’m not susceptible to the hypno-whispers. You, on the other hand, need to be more careful, sweetheart.”

  “Wait—he knows you can’t be hypnotized and he didn’t do anything to you?”

  Penny couldn’t believe it. After the way Claudette had sworn that anyone who wasn’t hypnotized ended up in the recycling center she would have thought the big Hybrid would have wound up as sausage. But here he was, crowding her in the bathroom—the one place she ought to have been able to get privacy, damn it!

  “Oh, I wouldn’t say he hasn’t done anything to me.” V’rex pointed to a small square of shiny silver metal affixed to the side of the strong column of his neck. “See that?” he asked. “It’s a pain square and only the GL has the Master Control to it. Works kind of like those pain collars the fucking sadistic Mistresses on Yonnie Six use on their bodyslaves. He presses the button and I feel like I’m being fucking electrocuted.”

  “So…he decided to keep you around, even though you can’t be hypnotized,” Penny murmured. “He must want something from you.”

  “Got it in one, sweetheart,” V’rex growled, frowning. “He wants some of my ‘genetic material for his gene pool,’ as he put it. Oh, and a sample of my lust-honey too—that’s the stuff that comes from my stinger.”

  “Your…your stinger?” Penny asked faintly.

  “Sure. Look.”

  The big Hybrid opened his mouth and, right before her eyes, his tongue suddenly lengthened and sharpened until the tip of it looked like a hollow needle with some kind of thick fluid dripping from it.

  “Oh!” Penny gasped. She was already backed up against the shower door but she edged further away, feeling the cool glass make contact with the sweating skin of her back.

  “Take it easy, sweetheart.” How could he talk so normally with his tongue like that?

  “You…that’s…that’s what you did to me!” Penny pointed a trembling finger at the needle-sharp tip of his elongated tongue. “I felt it! You stung me! That’s how you made me…made me…”

  “Made you come?” He raised his eyebrows at her again, as though it was no big deal for him to give her an unwanted, Earth-shattering, mind-blowing orgasm.

  “Yes!” Penny could feel her cheeks getting hot ag
ain. “Why did you do that?”

  He frowned.

  “You weren’t reacting right. I told you to pretend I was fucking you and instead you just laid there—no moaning, no moving—no nothing. I had to make it look real.”

  “Lots of women just lay there,” Penny objected.

  “Not with me.” He didn’t seem to be bragging, she thought, just stating a fact. But then, if he was injecting every woman he screwed with that crazy liquid he called “lust-honey” no wonder none of them were just lying there! She literally hadn’t been able to hold still after that stuff hit her system and the tsunami-like orgasm had crashed over her.

  “So you thought I wasn’t acting like I was into it and you decided to force me to be into it?” she demanded.

  He frowned.

  “There are worse things I could have forced you to do. Do you really object so much to having an orgasm?”

  “I object to being forced to have one, especially with no warning,” Penny shot back. “It was like my body was coming without my brain being involved. It was very…confusing.”

  One corner of his sensuous mouth turned up into a smirk.

  “How confused can you be when you’re coming your brains out, sweetheart?”

  “Look…” Penny put a hand on her hip. “If you’re patting yourself on the back for how hard you made me orgasm, you can stop right now. I did not enjoy what you did to me one bit and I’m willing to bet lots of women you shot up with your…your lust-honey stuff felt the same way.”

  “Oh, is that what you think? Well, I’ve never had any complaints,” he shot back, still smirking.

  “You think you’re some kind of great lover because you can make a woman come on command?” Penny snapped. “Well I’ve got news for you, Romeo—my vibrator can do that. And it gets me off without crushing me into the mattress and scaring me to death at the same time, too!”

  For a moment V’rex just sat there and she sensed she’d given him something to think about. No doubt he considered himself a total Casanova just because he had the ability to always give women orgasms on command. Well there was more to good sex than just “coming your brains out” as he’d so rudely put it.

  Not that you would know, Penny, whispered a little voice in her head. When was the last time you had sex at all, let alone good sex? Wasn’t it back when you and Garret were together?

  She did her best to push the thought away and raised her chin to look the big Hybrid in the eye. It seemed that her words had finally sunk in for him.

  “So you didn’t enjoy the orgasm my lust-honey gave you?” he asked at last, sounding bewildered. “But how can you not enjoy pleasure?”

  “Because I was scared to death at the time!” Penny told him. “And there was no build up—no foreplay. I mean, not that I wanted foreplay—I mainly just didn’t want to be raped. But still! It was just ‘wham, bam, thank-you, ma’am’ and I was coming so hard I felt like my brain was going to shoot out my ears!”

  V’rex looked somewhat repentant.

  “Sorry, about that, sweetheart,” he muttered. “But like I said, I had to make it look real and I couldn’t do that without making you come. After all, what kind of male makes love to his female without giving her an orgasm?”

  Penny put a hand on her hip.

  “Are you kidding me? Lots of men don’t! My last partner never did,” she blurted before she thought about it. “In fact, I don’t think he knew women could orgasm. He…” She trailed off, realizing she was revealing more than she wanted to.

  She had avoided even thinking about Garret, let alone talking about him to anyone for ages. After they had broken up, she’d gone on a few disastrous dating-app meet-ups and then decided to hang up her dating hat for good and just throw herself into her work.

  And now here she was, in the weirdest “dating” situation she’d ever been in. Well, if you could call a forced marriage by a cult leader to a total stranger who happened to be a space pirate Kindred Hybrid a “dating” situation. But she was pretty damn sure none of the apps she’d been using before she gave it up would have matched her to V’rex.

  The big Hybid was way too tall and handsome and muscular to have been matched with a plus-sized girl on the short side with child-bearing hips. He belonged with a supermodel who had a fetish for bad boys—which Penny most definitely was not. They absolutely were not each other’s type at all—but try telling that to Colonel Sanders the cult leader.

  She sighed.

  But V’rex was still stuck on the information she’d let slip about her ex.

  “What a fucking asshole! He never made you come? Not once?” he demanded.

  “I don’t want to talk about it,” Penny said quickly. “Anyway, I was warned about you,” she added, hoping to change the subject yet again.

  “Warned about me?” He raised an eyebrow. “And who exactly warned you about me, sweetheart?”

  “Commander Sylvan of the Kindred Mother Ship,” Penny said, frowning at him. “He said you were bad news and that you’d been harassing Kindred Ships. And he also thought you were responsible for the large up-tick in abductions going on in this quadrant lately.”

  His face hardened.

  “Well, I think we can both tell that’s not true. Not that I’d ever have anything to do with the flesh trade.” He scowled, as though the idea was repugnant to him. “I think it’s clear who’s really responsible for the abductions around here.” He made a sweeping gesture with one hand, indicating the Compound they were both presently stuck in. “The Glorious fucking Leader.”

  “Colonel Sanders and his crazy cult of NeverBreeder Oompa-Loompas,” Penny said grimly.

  “What the fuck are Oompa-Loompas?” V’rex asked, frowning.

  Penny tried to think how to explain.

  “It’s from an Earth vid about a man who owns a giant chocolate factory and he employs these workers who are short and have orange skin. They sing and dance all the time and there are five children taking a tour of the factory but they keep getting into trouble. Like, one falls into the chocolate waterfall and gets sucked up a pipe to be turned into fudge. And another turns into a giant blueberry after she chews the wrong gum and has to be juiced. And every time it happens, the Oompa-Loompas sing songs about how naughty the children are and how they’re getting what they deserve. And then they… Uh, never mind,” she finished abruptly, seeing the quizzical look on his sharp features.

  V’rex shook his head.

  “I usually try not to judge, but your culture sounds fucking strange as shit, little girl.”

  “Well, it’s not any weirder than this awful cult stuff!” Penny exclaimed. “At least on my world you’re not kidnapped and forced to get married to a stranger and ‘breed’ for the rest of your life.” She shivered. “And all just to make babies they’re going to take out of your body and mutate into those horrible little NeverBreeders right after the first trimester!”

  V’rex made a face.

  “I wondered where those fuckers came from. So that’s the GL’s plan? To use breeders to make more of them?”

  Penny nodded. “That’s what I was told. They remove the fetus after the first trimester and put it into some kind of chemical bath that turns it into those little orange monsters.” She shivered. “All so the Glorious Leader can build some kind of NeverBreeder army to someday take over the Universe and spread his sick breeding religion!”

  “Where did you hear all that?” V’rex demanded. He frowned. “Though I guess it would make sense, considering all the ‘breeding’ that goes on around here—though you don’t see any pregnant females.”

  “They are pregnant though—they just aren’t showing yet,” Penny told him earnestly. “There was a woman in the Breeding and Conception center who wasn’t susceptible to the hypno-whispers—she told me.”

  “So she was hiding it too, huh?” V’rex raised an eyebrow at her. “But better than you, I’m guessing.”

  “I’m usually very good at hiding it,” Penny said defensively. �
��I was just…surprised to get you as my, uh, Forever Mate at the ceremony. After I’d been warned about you and after—you know—that scene in the Lucky Lounge. That’s all.”

  “Sweetheart, don’t take this the wrong way but you are piss-poor at hiding your emotions—they show all over your face,” V’rex said dryly. “Even if I wasn’t half Kru’ell One, I’d know exactly what you were feeling just by looking at you.”

  “That’s not true!” Penny exclaimed, stung.

  “Hell yes, it is! I could read you like a fucking book from the first minute I saw you back at the Lucky Lounge.” He frowned. “That was right before those little orange bastards grabbed me.”

  “Me too!” Penny exclaimed. “I ran in the back to get away from you and they caught me and Shurla—the woman with the three, uh breasts…” She made a motion at her own chest. “In the bathroom.”

  V’rex frowned.

  “So they took us at the same time? I wondered about that. Do you know how they got us here and where we are? I’m figuring somewhere on Yown Alpha but I don’t know the details.”

  “They flew us here and then took us through the jungle in some kind of hover-cart,” Penny said. “I don’t know how long the road is, but it’s clear of the poisonous plants and it leads straight from the landing spot to the Compound, I think.”

  V’rex nodded thoughtfully.

  “Good—that’s good to know. They shot me up with a fuck-load of knock-out drugs and I didn’t wake up until I was inside the Compound.”

  “I’m going to get out of here.” Penny didn’t know if it was wise to admit her plan to the big Hybrid, but she found the words spilling out anyway. “I’m not staying the rest of my life in this horrible place! I’m going to escape and get back to the Hell’s Gate Station as soon as I can. And then I’m going to make a call and the Mother Ship will send someone to take me home.”

  He gave her a look that was half admiring, half-skeptical.

  “Oh yeah? And how are you gonna do that? Gotta plan, sweetheart?”

  “I’ll slip away down to the main gate and wait until they bring in a new batch of, uh, breeders. Then I’ll slip out while the gate is open, run down the path until I get to their docking site,” Penny said rapidly. She had thought about the steps of her plan so often she could actually see herself running down the path, past the tall fronds of the Deadly Jungle, to a waiting ship. “I’ll stow away on one of the outgoing ships and they’ll take me right back up to Hell’s Gate Station without even knowing it!” she finished triumphantly.


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