Cyborg Romance Collection

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Cyborg Romance Collection Page 6

by Olivia Myers

  Just as his hands crept inside her shirt and cupped her breasts, an alarm began to wail. They jumped apart. In an instant, Lee 5 was gone, presumably to investigate the trouble. Kimi's desire turned to panic as she followed him.

  She'd bolted out of Lee 5’s room at the same time that her own bedroom door had opened. Lia threw her an astonished look before she and Ned moved forward.

  Raissa immediately emerged from the cockpit. "Don't worry, guys. It's a false alarm. We hit some detritus from a demolished space station, but it didn't cause damage."

  "Whew," Lia said in relief, her hand intertwined with Ned's. That detail certainly caught Kimi's attention. She didn't know whether to be shocked or happy for them. It seemed as if something deeper was developing between them, and she decided to be happy.

  Meanwhile, Lee 5 was still wearing his blank, professional expression. He went to the makeshift kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water.

  "Kimi," Lia whispered. "What were you doing in his room, huh?"

  "Same thing you were, I guess," Kimi answered with a wink.

  Lia blushed profusely. But then she said, "We're really into each other. Do you know he's actually really good with computers, too?"

  "Uh, no," Kimi said, trying not to laugh. Of course Lia would be interested in a fellow computer nerd.

  "We get along so well!" Lia gushed. "So can you please exchange rooms with Ned? Please?"

  Kimi's mouth dropped open. But then she figured that would definitely work in her favor as she could spend more time with Lee 5. "Sure."

  "Thanks!" Lia said. "I'm sure you won’t regret it."

  "I'm sure I won't," Kimi agreed.

  A few minutes later, she was back in the room, eager to pick up where she had left off with Lee 5. She was about to look for him when the door opened and the cyborg came in.

  "I hope it's okay with you that I sleep here from now on?" Kimi asked. "Lia requested it and I just couldn't say no."

  "Good," was all he said before covering her mouth with his. She kissed him back, standing on her tiptoes to better reach him.

  With his strong hands, he lifted her off the ground and roughly pinned her to the nearby wall as they continued their fervent kiss. She leaned her head back as his lips traveled down to her neck. Moaning, her hands dropped to his hardness and she started to fondle him there. In response, his tongue and lips teased her skin as they moved down to her breasts. She had not even noticed that he'd already opened all the buttons of her top, exposing her full breasts completely. His mouth covered and sucked on each nipple while his hands brought down her pajama bottoms, along with her panties. She shook them off with impatience.

  His pants were made of a unique material and design that let her touch and stimulate him, but she wanted to get closer. She fumbled with the buckle, but it was impossible to figure out. Quickly he stopped kissing her long enough to remove all of his clothes. Her eyes ravenously drank in his chest muscles and the little hairs on them and then the bulging muscles on his arms which she could now see were actually made of metal. Most of his legs too had been transformed into metal, the material shining in the dim light. She let her hands run through the smooth surface of his arms and hips, before her fingers wrapped around the long, thick stiffness that she yearned to feel inside of her. He uttered a sound of pleasure and she continued to fondle him, moving her hand up and down.

  He took her hand away and stepped back, his eyes ravishing her nakedness. She stroked her own breast with one hand, while her other hand flew to the slick place between her legs. One finger began pushing beneath the folds to touch her wetness.

  She was totally consumed by the carnal pleasure as she satisfied herself while Lee 5 watched. She saw his expression reflect desire for a while before he went down on his knees and shoved his tongue into her heated dampness. She moaned and whimpered in gratification as the repeated motion of his tongue and her finger seemed to lift her higher and higher until she exploded in a powerful climax.

  He rapidly stood up and carried her off the ground, separating her legs and wrapping them around his hips. While she still reeled from her orgasm, he entered her quickly, making her gasp with pleasure. He pushed her hard to the wall and pulled her legs tighter around his waist, making his rigidity go much deeper. He wildly thrust into her over and over, his mouth opening in apparent satisfaction. She let her hands caress his shoulders, arms, and chest as he alternated gentle insertions with deep, solid pushes.

  She was driven wild, unable to explain the blazing sensation. Their bodies were on fire as their hips moved in unison and they both came to the peak of climax.


  The ship finally landed on a wide forested land in a mountainous region on Earth. According to the ship's computer, the area was surrounded by a vast expanse of desert. Everyone wore protective gear in a bright yellow which allowed them to stand out in the forest and easily identify one another.

  Kimi couldn’t help but feel she was a part of history in the making—a return to Earth! She was thrilled at the prospect of finally setting foot on the planet that had once been so beautiful and rich in resources. Her eyes feasted on the budding plants around her as she followed Raissa, who was leading the way. There were trees and shrubs she had only seen in pictures and videos before as well as species that seemed to be recently evolved.

  There was no trail in the dense forested area, so they ambled forward without any particular direction. They had set their watches, though, to indicate their location within the new territory which the high-tech machines had automatically mapped out earlier.

  Raissa, Ned, and Kimi got busy studying and taking samples of the flora. Lia and Tim huddled in one corner, using their tablets to work on the settings of the ship that had been left behind and make sure no one would be able to break in or make it fly in case they did get in.

  Kimi was so preoccupied with a particular purple and white flower that had sprouted from a tree trunk that she barely noticed Lee 5 approaching them. He had been diligently keeping an eye out for possible danger.

  The tiny hair strands at the back of Kimi's neck rose on edge as Lee 5 hissed, "There are Mongarians here."

  "What?" Raissa said in surprise.

  "I can see them from a distance," he explained. "Mongarian women who are known for their unusual strength and brashness—"

  He did not get to finish the description because at that moment, an enormous woman, a few inches taller than the cyborg, stepped from behind the tree Kimi had been examining. She and three other similar-looking women immediately surrounded their group, grim expressions on their huge, angular faces. They all had high foreheads and square jaws. Their long black hair had been pulled back in taut ponytails while their broad shoulders and wide, brawny torsos bore strange metallic armor.

  They stood in silence, obviously positioned to attack. Lia held on to Tim, her face pale and her eyes wide with fear. Kimi held her breath as she and the other scientists waited. They had not been trained to fight, and she was suddenly in doubt as to Lee 5's capability to beat all of these well-built Mongarians.

  One Mongarian, whose bare arm showed an insignia that had obviously been imprinted on the skin through burning, held up her hand as if to stop anyone in her group from trying anything. She spoke with authority in a strange language, directing her words toward the humans' cyborg colleague.

  To Kimi's surprise, Lee 5 responded in the same language at once. He must have encountered Mongarians before, or at least studied their language. They exchanged more words, their voices sounding angrier with each syllable.

  Without any warning, one of the strange-looking aliens pounced on Lia and Tim, crashing hard and causing them to tumble backward. Kimi screamed, clutching Ned who had frozen on the spot. Raissa rushed to her husband's side, while Lee 5 kicked the Mongarian right in front of him and shot the attacking one with his laser gun. He missed. She had moved quickly and now seemed to be gathering herself for a counter-attack.

  The other two Mongarians dashed fo
rward just as the humans began running in the direction of the ship. Lee 5 ushered them along as he continued to blast his laser firearm at the peculiar women. They did somersaults to avoid the laser beams as they chased the humans.

  Lee 5 shouted to them in their language. Kimi couldn’t understand a word. She only had one goal—to get back to the ship.

  Lia commanded the ship's entrance to open with the combination of her voice and eye scan as well as the flick of her finger. Everybody piled in except for Lee 5, who remained outside, still in battle with the women.

  “We have to let him in,” Kimi said, her voice high-pitched with worry. She reached for the door, trying to slide it open, but Lia and Tim stopped her.

  "He can handle himself, Kimi!" Tim assured her, although his voice was laced with panic. "We can't let any of those aliens get in."

  Tim rushed toward the cockpit with Raissa. “Prepare for take-off,” he ordered.

  “No,” Raissa said. “We can’t just leave without the samples. We have a mission here!”

  "Didn't you get samples already?" Lia asked, looking between Kimi and Ned.

  Both shook their heads sadly.

  "I dropped the one sample I had picked up," Ned said.

  "Me, too," Kimi replied, her gaze locked on the entrance. She willed Lee 5 to walk through it. She knew he was highly experienced with women of all sorts, even aliens, but she wasn't confident that he’d survive a skirmish with four hefty females.

  Unable to take the anxiety for another second, Kimi dashed to the door, pushing Lia aside. She slid it open with difficulty. Lee 5 was slumped against it. “Help me!” Kimi shouted.

  Lia and Ned helped her pull Lee 5 into the entry chamber. He moaned and tried to stand, but crashed on the floor with a thud.

  Lia and Ned closed the door immediately, locking out any dangers.

  "Are you okay?" Kimi asked as she knelt down beside the cyborg, checking to see if he had any bruises or wounds. He seemed fine except for the fact that he looked dizzy.

  "I'm… okay…" he managed to say, apparently in pain. He still pushed himself to his feet and managed to stay upright. "Don't worry. I've put them to sleep."

  "Sleep?" Ned asked.

  "Yes, I was able to trick them and then shoot them with my sleeping weapon," Lee 5 said.

  "But why didn't you just kill them?" Ned asked.

  "Because if I kill them, more will just come and we'll never accomplish the mission we came here for." He sounded annoyed, which startled Kimi, considering the fact that he hardly showed any expression or emotion.

  Ned nodded. “That makes sense.”

  Raissa came out of the cockpit with a calmer yet take-charge expression on her pretty face. "We need to plan our next step," she said. "Tim, Lia, and Lee 5 will work on ensuring that all the defenses of the ship are in position. As for the scientists on this team, we have to plan our target plants so that once we are out there, we can swiftly take the samples and move off-planet."

  Kimi looked at her in admiration. Raissa really knew how to handle herself and even direct a team under pressure and unexpected circumstances. This was a woman who mirrored how Kimi hoped to be in the future.

  Two tense hours passed without any disturbance from outside. The cutting-edge security technology of the ship ensured that nobody would be able to get in. However, they were still gathered around the pantry, brainstorming how they could collect their samples without running into the Mongarians again and without anyone getting hurt.

  Lee 5 briefed them on everything he knew about Mongarians. Lia also pulled up several computer files on the aliens, as well.

  "The women are easier to trick," he said. "I can handle them. However, Mongarian men are quite unforgiving and even more brutal. They may not let us out of here alive."

  Kimi gulped in terror. "So…that means we can't be caught."

  "You could say that," Lee 5 replied.

  "Well, can't we talk to them and explain our mission and that we really mean no harm?" Raissa asked.

  "That is possible, I think," Lia said. "According to my research, they may look ruthless but they are capable of dealing with humans and other aliens, of communicating and seeing reason, so long as they are not provoked to turn fierce again."

  "Yes," Lee 5 agreed. "When they are threatened, they will attack without warning. They can be very violent."

  Lia and Raissa shuddered.

  "So let's try to negotiate," Tim said.

  "We can do that," Lee 5 said. "But it's important that only two people will head out to confer with them, so they won't feel threatened."

  "Obviously, you'll be one of the two because you know their language," Tim pointed out.

  "Yes," Lee 5 seconded. "But who will come with me?"

  Raissa and Kimi looked at one another before their eyes turned to Ned. The older scientist appeared to be nervous. But since he was the only male scientist in the group, he had to be the one. "Sure, I can go," he reluctantly said.

  "No," Lia immediately argued. All eyes turned to her, making her even more uneasy. "The Mongarians might be less threatened if it's a woman."

  Kimi knew she only wanted to protect Ned, but her argument made sense nonetheless. She waited for Lee 5 to say something.

  "You have a point, Lia," he said. "And besides, we will be dealing with the men when it comes to negotiations. They will surely be more agreeable to a woman they find attractive."

  “I’ll go,” Raissa said. “Perhaps I can sneak some samples on the way.”

  Lia smiled, looking relieved.

  Lee 5 shook his head. "Raissa may be the multi-awarded scientist, but Mongarians will not find her appealing. No offense, Raissa. You are beautiful, but they do not appreciate skinny women."

  Raissa nodded in understanding. "No offense taken."

  "So that leaves us with…" Lia trailed off, looking at Kimi with a troubled expression on her face.

  "It's okay," Kimi said at once. "I'll do it." She couldn't believe something like this would boil down to her heavy figure. But at least there were creatures in the universe that cherished the kind of body she had. And Lee 5 hadn’t seemed to have any issue with her, either.

  Night came. Kimi lay on her tummy in Ned’s bunk, hiding under the covers, as her insecurity about her body began to eat her up again. She wore a plain white shirt and her ever reliable pajama bottoms, and her long hair spread across the pillow on which her head was propped. She was furious with herself. She’d long ago accepted and learned to love her body. It could do amazing things for her, it enabled her to walk and run, it gave her unimaginable pleasure in the bedroom. But a few hours ago, everyone had turned to her and looked uncomfortable, unwilling to even admit the truth about her full figure. Only Lee 5 had been unemotional and unaffected about the situation.

  She heard the door open. It was probably Lee 5, but she didn’t care. She was in no mood tonight.

  "Kimi," he whispered in the dark. Only the night lamp was turned on, illuminating the beds. Kimi lay on the upper bed. "I hope you were not offended."

  She heard him but pretended to be asleep.

  "You ought to be flattered," he said.

  That made Kimi raise her head and glare at him. Of course his expression was as blank as always. But then he climbed up on her bed and got in under the covers too, right on top of her back! She wasn’t just stunned by this bold move but by his apparent desire. She felt his growing manhood rubbing on her butt through her pajamas, and she immediately felt the stirrings of her own arousal answering his.

  Her arousal was like a soft fire, spreading out quickly all over her. Lee 5 reached between them to yank down her pajama bottoms. She inhaled in surprise when she realized that he was actually unclothed. He was clearly getting harder while she felt moisture gathering between her legs. His hands caressed her entire body, yanking her shirt over her head. He took her wrists and pinned her arms to her sides as he kissed her neck and shoulders, then moved on to let his tongue trail along the curves of her ears. Th
e fleeting touches of his tongue on her skin triggered a powerful carnal sensation that made her writhe beneath him.

  He moved down her back with his fluttering kisses and his warm breath made the surface of her skin tingle. He then took his time caressing her all over, making her feel how much he actually appreciated her curvy figure.

  She was so eager to feel him inside her that she started to stretch out like a cat, lifting her butt up and arching her back. She turned her neck, catching a glimpse of his illuminated face. Gone was his stoic, blank face. Now his eyes were half-closed, his lips parted, and his desire was easy to read. Knowing how she was affecting him and actually getting through to his human side boosted her libido even more.

  “Please,” she said. “Don’t make me wait.”

  He gave an answering groan. The hard tip of his manhood slowly circled her wetness, teasing at first, before ramming inside in a fast, hard motion that made her cry out. She didn't care if the others heard her. His hands groped her breasts as he thrust into her with increasing speed, taking her higher and higher with him. She felt as if she'd been transported to paradise as her pleasure built into an explosion of sensation. Soon after, she heard him moan. He tensed, pulsing inside of her, and murmured her name.

  Eventually they fell asleep in each other's arms.


  When morning arrived, Kimi woke up with a smile. Stretching her arms and legs, she noticed that her cyborg lover wasn't anywhere in the room. He'd probably woken up early as always and she had been too spent to notice.

  She quickly got dressed and went outside to join the others for breakfast. Ned and Lia were now inseparable, seemingly enfolded in their own world. Raissa and Tim were strategizing as they ate. And Lee 5 looked as handsome and as expressionless as ever, as if they had not just had mind-blowing sex the previous night.

  Kimi was fine with it. At least she was now confident that he adored her body and that she could actually satisfy him, a former male escort and now a tough and supposedly unfeeling cyborg. It definitely did wonders for her self-esteem.


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