Cyborg Romance Collection

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Cyborg Romance Collection Page 10

by Olivia Myers

  "Get away from me!" she screamed, trying to kick and push him away---to no avail.

  He pressed his thick, pungent lips on hers. She wanted to recoil but his grip overpowered her. She couldn't move at all.

  At that moment, Khan-Min appeared and yanked Bojan away in a flash. He punched the evil Mongarian so hard it made Bojan stagger backward and yelp in agony. Khan-Min pressed a red button nearby and after several minutes of scuffling and wrestling, some enormous Mongarians came to arrest Bojan.

  "Rot in jail!" Khan-Min said furiously, spitting at Bojan who had the nerve to smirk at him.

  When Bojan was finally taken to prison, Khan-Min attended to Kimi with great concern and apprehension. Kimi insisted, though, that she was fine. Deep inside, her heart was soaring because of this wonderful man who seemed to actually care a lot about her.

  "I was so afraid when I saw him attacking you," Khan-Min admitted to Kimi as he hugged her and caressed her shoulders, back, and long brown tresses. "I really like you, Kimi."

  Kimi was taken aback. She was at a loss for words because it was the very first time she had heard those words uttered sincerely. She was not used to men saying such things without merely wanting to get into her pants. She could see it in the kind Mongarian doctor's eyes that he meant every word.

  It was a good thing Khan-Min didn't seem to expect her to say anything in return. She was confused and not sure of her own feelings for him yet. Her feelings for him and Lee 5 mixed in her mind, and between her legs.

  Without warning, he turned her around and pushed her upper back gently to make her lean forward over a lab table and stick out her behind. He lifted her long skirt and pulled down her underwear. As he kissed the back of her neck, making the tiny hairs stand on edge, she could feel his fingers carressing the hair between her legs. Eventually, his fingers pressed hard in between the lips of her wetness and parted them slightly. He thrust one finger into the center and began stroking the area, touching her clitoris over and over again. She moaned and shuddered in delight, consumed in her climbing ecstasy.

  Every one of her chaotic thoughts and emotions flew out the cave. All she cared about at that moment was feeling his rigid manhood inside her and reaching the pinnacle of pleasure.

  With her butt facing him, he entered her hungrily from behind. The sensation caused by their doggie-style position heightened her pleasure. He shoved into her again and again, driving her wild. She gripped the edges of the lab table she was leaning on as he moved deeper inside her with every thrust.

  The next time he pulled out his hard, long cock, he quickly turned her around and lifted her onto the table. He spread her legs apart and placed his hands on her butt to pull her toward him as he thrust forward and backward inside her. Together they rocked into each other, feeling the erotic pleasure climbing, intensifying, ascending to greater heights that did not seem possible before. In a few seconds, he exploded inside her, filling her with intense warmth.

  Just like every time in the past few days since they had first had sex in the meadow, Kimi gave in to Khan-Min's tempting and alluring advances. She did not regret it once, because they were obviously sexually compatible.

  The last week of Kimi's stay was occupied with the testing of recovering patients who began to function normally, and a few new patients trickling in with similar symptoms. In between hours of work, the lovers were able to incorporate exciting sexual encounters---in her cell, in the lab, in the Mongarian garden, under a tree, and even in his own clinic. He made her feel amazing all the time and she found herself questioning her resolve to go back to Planet Venora and join her human family and friends again.


  On the day that Kimi was scheduled to leave, she decided to drop by the infirmary first. It had become part of her daily routine and she could not leave without at least seeing the patients she had grown close to.

  Clad in the space suit she was wearing when she had been kidnapped, she couldn't help chuckling at the absurdity of the situation. At the same time, tears threatened to fall down her cheeks as she looked at the patients whom she knew still needed her. There was another batch of new patients who came in with symptoms that seemed slightly different from those of The Plant Syndrome.

  Khan-Min can handle it, she managed to convince herself. She took a deep breath and closed the boulder doors behind her. She had not seen him since that morning and was afraid he wouldn't show himself. He had been begging her to stay longer, but she knew it was time to go. Perhaps she would come back and visit the Mongarian community again someday.

  As she was escorted by two Mongarian warriors into their space ship, she wondered if Khan-Min would really let her leave without saying goodbye. Her heart constricted at the thought of not seeing him one last time before her travel. Deep inside, she understood it was probably difficult for him to see her leave. It was difficult enough for her to leave him and this place that had been her home for the past month.

  "See you again next time, Planet Earth," Kimi whispered before stepping into the small, shiny space ship. There wasn't even a pilot as the ship was programmed to bring her to Venora and return to Earth afterward.

  She wistfully watched the metal door slide closed. As the opening gradually narrowed, she swallowed back the tears that lurked behind her eyes.

  Then all of a sudden, a bulky hand inserted itself in the remaining hole. She felt his presence even before she saw his face appear on the other side. He managed to obstruct the automated door, but it eventually began moving forcefully again, compelling him to throw himself through the thin gap.

  A voiceover command inside the ship announced that the door had been closed and locked for safety. "We will take off in a few minutes," the voiceover continued. "Please sit down and wear your helmet and seatbelt."

  Kimi didn't understand a single word, as she was speechlessly gaping at the alien in front of her who seemed to have captured her heart within the month they had spent together.

  "I couldn't bear not to say goodbye," Khan-Min told her openly, his voice trembling a little. "And I couldn't bear not to ask you one last time to please stay. Stay for the patients and for the people you have come to care about a lot."

  Kimi remained dumbstruck, frozen on the spot. Her mind was reeling with possibilities, fears, doubts, and chaotic thoughts. But her heart was saying a totally different thing.

  Khan-Min stepped closer and took her hands in his. He caressed them and squeezed them, gazing into her eyes with his deep brown ones. "Stay for them, Kimi. But most of all, I am begging you to stay for me."

  "Why?" Kimi asked, apparently baffled.

  He didn't flinch when he answered her question. Rather, he leaned forward until his face was just an inch away from hers. "Because I love you, Kimi," he said with palpable honesty. "Please be mine."

  Kimi was so overwhelmed that she closed the gap between them, pushing her lips onto his in a sweet, impulsive kiss. A tear escaped her eye despite her determination not to cry. She pulled back gently for a bit and said with glistening eyes, "I'm yours from now on, Khan-Min. Yes, I want to stay and love you back."

  The anxiety and misery on his face immediately transformed into an expression of relief, hope, joy, and love. Grinning, he leaned over and kissed her again with as much affection as he could inject into it. She responded with the same fondness, feeling her heart surging with love for the very first time in her entire life.


  Serviced by the Cyborg

  She smiled widely as she gazed around the infirmary. The grayish rocky walls were lined with newly installed modern hospital beds, and improved equipment. More patients were getting better. Almost all of the victims of The Plant Syndrome had been sent back to their respective cells and families within the Mongarian community, and it was mainly because of her healthy plant concoctions.

  "Kimi Wilson, the love of my life." a voice whispered from behind her.

  Strong, brown-skinned arms wrapped around her waist.

  "Doctor Khan-
Min!" she protested. "Someone might see us. Not very professional."

  He quickly removed his arms and instead spun her around. She could feel the warmth between them, the desire.

  "Sorry," he muttered sheepishly, still smiling nonetheless. "I couldn't help it."

  Kimi laughed, tossing her long brown hair behind her shoulders. Even she could not believe that she'd actually fallen for one of the aliens who'd had her kidnapped! Of course, he’d had good intentions, and he seemed very sincere in expressing his romantic feelings for her at present. But the turn of events had really been surprising, especially after her sexual relationship with a cyborg on board the space ship for the mission she had been part of just a few months earlier. It had been a wonderful relationship…but she was here now, and this new life wasn’t bad at all.

  "You are so damn beautiful, Kimi," Khan-Min murmured, his deep brown eyes locked on hers. "I think I fall more in love with you every day."

  Kimi sighed as a warm joy spread throughout her body. Even though she was well aware that Mongarians, as a culture, were very expressive of their feelings, she sometimes still got stunned by how Khan-Min showed his love, appreciation, and adoration for her.

  "You're too much, Khan-Min," Kimi answered. She felt a little awkward and uncomfortable, perhaps because she wasn’t used to such frankness. She'd never had a real romantic relationship before. All of her past involvements with men were purely sexual.

  What was more, she felt the emptiness of guilt. She didn’t love him as much as he loved her—not yet, anyway. It would probably take some time to grow that love. She was positive, though, that she cared for him enough to stay longer on Earth where the Mongarians had been settled for a few years.

  During the past weeks, she had been communicating with her family on Planet Venora where humans had built a community. She had actually been contemplating a short vacation and was planning to invite Khan-Min to come along.

  "You've been doing magic with these patients, huh?" Khan-Min asked.

  She could hear the admiration in his voice as they did their daily rounds through the infirmary.

  Kimi felt flattered, but she shook her head firmly. "It's both our doing, of course. I wouldn't be able to accomplish it without you."

  "You have a point," Khan-Min agreed, the muscles on his handsome face twitching as he grinned. He approached one of the new patients and did a fast check-up. By now, she was already used to the sight of his bare, well-tanned chest and his casual toga which most Mongarians wore inside their cave system. Nevertheless, there are still times when his manly beauty seemed to take her breath away.

  He joined her again, but now his eyes were filled with worry and concern. "We have another problem," he said in a serious tone. "You know those patients who had shown slightly different symptoms, who were discharged within the day?"

  Kimi's eyebrows furrowed as she recalled the day she was supposed to go back home after helping the Mongarians. That day, she'd dropped by the infirmary and discovered a few patients who didn't seem to be afflicted with The Plant Syndrome. They were showing other symptoms. Because she had eventually decided to stay, she and Khan-Min had been able to help them recover at once. They thought then that these aliens simply had some sort of flu without any serious repercussions.

  "They are still okay because they came early," Khan-Min said. "But the thing is, still others are developing an illness, and it’s serious. More and more patients have been coming up with similar symptoms—fever, muscle aches, migraines, lack of appetite, and abnormal weight loss. It might be turning into an epidemic."

  "Oh, no," Kimi whispered. All those people. The pain and terror they must be feeling.

  "I haven't involved you much because at first I thought that this sickness wasn't connected with plants at all," Khan-Min continued. "But just this morning, our top lab technician confirmed to me that their test results indicate a commonality in blood type. Apparently, this rare Mongarian blood reacts negatively after long-term exposure to our vegetarian diet here on Earth. This is why the symptoms are only appearing now."

  "And the disease is fatal?" she wanted to know, her eyes widening with dread.

  "No one has died from it yet, but I believe it’s only a matter of time," he said. "As our resident botanist now, I know you can figure out which specific plants are causing the disease and which plants can be consumed."

  "I'll do my best," Kimi answered, gulping. She had learned to love the Mongarian people. She couldn’t stomach the idea of them suffering.

  "Thank you," Khan-Min said, leaning over to give her a sweet peck on the cheek. "I know I can count on you."


  The space ship glided across the Earth's atmosphere until landing on a huge patch of grassy land amid a forested area. Kimi hardly noticed that they had already arrived. She was too busy ogling the muscular and gorgeous security officer.

  He wore shiny gold armor on top of his stark white uniform, and his muscles rippled as he strode toward her. Without warning, he pressed his lips to hers and gently cupped her breast. She was instantly filled with longing for his touch.

  Moaning, she kissed him back. But then she heard a familiar voice that made her stop and open her eyes in shock.

  She looked around the ship's interior but there was nobody else there. Yet she could hear the alien's voice calling out her name. “Kimi. Kimi!”

  "What is it?" the security guard asked, no emotion showing on his face.

  Kimi shook her head. "Must be my imagination," she whispered. When she looked up at her lover again, she was astonished to see him smirking.

  "You are mine and mine only," he declared.

  Kimi woke with a start, sitting up in bed. She saw that she was back in her tiny cell within the cave community of the Mongarians. This small space had become like home to her, a sanctuary that instantly calmed her down. She’d put up tapestries woven by talented Mongarians, and little clay statues that children had given her when she visited them in the infirmary. It wasn’t her sumptuous quarters in the Dome she’d grown up in, but it was her new home.

  At first, she couldn't pinpoint what it was that had woken her. Then in a few seconds, her dream came rushing back in vivid color. "Lee 5," she murmured, as a series of memories rushed through her mind. "Why did I dream of him? Do I still care about him?"

  He'd had a big impact on her despite his cyborg nature of not showing any emotion. Their sexual encounters aboard the ship had never involved emotions, but somehow she had learned to actually care for him on a deeper level.

  Someone knocked at the door, jarring her out of her reverie. She knew it was Khan-Min, who often came over early in the morning. But when she opened the door, there was nobody there. Instead, a bunch of red roses were propped next to her door frame. There was a tiny slip of paper attached to the string, bearing Khan-Min’s signature.

  "Khan-Min, Khan-Min," she said, shaking her head in disbelief but smiling at the thoughtful gesture. She picked up the roses and brought them inside. She didn’t have a vase, so she placed them on a makeshift dresser made of wood. I really shouldn't be thinking of Lee 5 anymore, she thought. He was nothing compared to Khan-Min. Besides, Khan-Min was her boyfriend now.

  She took a shower. When she came out of the bathroom, she stopped towel-drying her hair and froze in shock. The roses had doubled in size.

  "Whoa! What kind of roses are these?" she asked aloud. Then it hit her. Earlier, she’d assumed that Khan-Min had picked the roses from the Mongarian garden. But now she was certain that these were not real flowers, but one of his inventions. Like Kimi, he was fond of inventing new plants, especially whimsical creations he hoped would make her feel good.

  When she met up with him outside the caves, he was clothed in a gray sweater and a pair of ordinary jeans. Even human clothes suited him well. His shoulder-length black hair was tied in a low ponytail. Her boyfriend was dashing and strong, she thought to herself. She was lucky—very lucky.

  "Hey, handsome," she greeted, making h
im grin. "Thank you for the roses. Are they going to be as big as my room when I get back?"

  He laughed as he took her hand and they walked together in the forest. "No, don't worry," he assured her. "I only made them to double in size within a few minutes. I haven't figured out yet how to make them keep growing."

  "Thank God!" Kimi exclaimed jokingly. They both laughed and at that moment, she knew that they truly made a wonderful couple. As they chatted more, the thought of Lee 5 and her disturbing dream slipped from her mind.

  They spent the whole day studying the various plants that had been included in the daily diet of Mongarians. It was disturbingly odd how the same combinations had healed those with The Plant Syndrome and had caused another form of sickness among those with the rare blood type.

  They had to keep going to and from the caves, and Kimi’s legs were so tired, she could barely stand up.

  "Can we just rest for a while?" she asked.

  “Of course,” Khan-Min said. They sat down on a huge flat-surfaced rock beside a pretty little brook.

  Khan-Min was obviously concerned about her, and he placed his hand against her cheek. “Well, at least you don’t feel like you have a fever.”

  “I’m fine,” Kimi insisted. “Just tired.”

  He laid his hands on her shoulders and began to gently apply pressure to her sore muscles. She leaned back into the pleasure and relaxation of his silent massage.

  "That's so good," Kimi murmured. Her eyes were closed. "I didn't know you were good at this. Thanks."

  "I have an idea," he whispered. Before she could reply, he lifted her in his arms and stood up. She gave out a short shriek, her eyes opening wide. He carried her easily, smiling as if he had a delightful secret.

  About a few meters away, they came upon a small log cabin. He put Kimi down on her feet.


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