When I'm With You

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When I'm With You Page 13

by Harper Sloan

  Just when his warm palm hits the inside of legs, I reach out and push the handle on his office, about to come out of my skin when the tip of his thumb touches my bare sex.

  "Oh my God," I gasp and stop just inside the door of his office.

  He hits my back, and I hear the contents of my picnic basket shift. "What the hell?" he explodes behind me when he finally sees what stopped me in the first place.

  Oh, how I wish it were just because of his hand.

  The skirt of my dress had ridden up from the jerk of his arm when I stopped abruptly, and I hastily pull it down. Lord knows, one half-naked woman in his office is enough.

  "Oops," the sickly high voice says from his couch and she stands slowly. Her naked breasts sway as she bends to pick up the black corset top.

  I look back at Nate and see him just barely keeping a leash on his anger. I know whatever we just walked in on isn't something welcomed by him, even if I wasn't here. He moves into the room and tenderly--despite his very raw anger--moves me out of the way so he can shut the door and silence the music that is pounding up from the club below.

  "You want to tell me what the fuck you're doing in my office, Julie? Without your top on, no less."

  He walks over to his desk, unfortunately placing him closer to her, and puts the basket down with utmost care. His hand runs across the top in an almost reverent caress, and I can't even describe what seeing him do that does to me.

  Even though she's tainted our moment ... whatever this is, he is still almost disbelieving that I'm here, with him. Well, he's not the only one, and I'm not letting this woman ruin a moment I've only dreamed possible.

  She steps closer to him, her top still not on, and reaches out to touch him.

  I don't even think. I move to stand in front of him, my wedges almost tripping me up in my haste to get between them, and I cross my arms over my chest with a growl low in my throat.

  I feel Nate bend, his mouth going to my ear as one strong hand curls around my hips and pulls me flush to his body. "Did you just growl like a dog?" he mockingly breathes so low I only hear him before nipping the sensitive flesh behind my ear.

  "Back up now," I fume when she has the nerve to look at me as if I'm the one intruding.

  "Who the hell are you?" the woman--Julie--snaps at me.



  We both speak at the same time, and her eyes dart back and forth between the two of us before narrowing and she addresses Nate. "That's not what you told me last night." One very thin blond brow attempts to go up, but judging by the way it just kind of twitches, she's got a little too much Botox going on. Her red lips tip up and what could have been a smothery look just makes her look like a devil.

  A she-devil.

  "Nice try, but you're going to have to work a little harder if you're going to try that kind of garbage with me because he never left my side last night."

  I see my words hit her when some of that malevolent spitefulness dims. She doesn't know I'm lying, but I know she is.

  "That was a nice try, babe," I tell her before reaching over and picking one of her blond hairs off her breast, my finger grazing her hard nipple and I curl my lip up in disgust. "Honey," I call over my shoulder, not giving her the satisfaction of looking away first.


  "Do you think bleach would ruin your couch?" I ask, my brow arching high.

  His laughter bellows from his chest, the richness fills the room instantly. The hand still holding my hip flexes and he pulls me closer, the other arm going around my chest to hold me to his body. Whether he's doing that to keep me closer or to keep me from her, I don't really care. The second every hard inch of him presses against me from top to toe, the woman before us might as well have been invisible.

  He is finally able to calm down his hilarity to just a few bursts of air that I feel tickle the top of my head a few moments later. The woman is still topless and still fuming in front of us.

  "You're fired. If I see you back inside or near Dirty, I'll make sure you're in the back of a cop car in seconds, got me?" His deadly calm tone causes a shiver of arousal to stream down my spine. He's doing it to intimidate her, show her he's serious and in control, I'm sure ... but hearing him take a tone full of domination flips a switch inside me that makes me shift uncomfortably when I feel the wetness between my legs.

  "What?!" she screeches and throws her hands in the air. "A few weeks ago, you were on the bar dancing for me, and now, you're throwing me out when we both know this is what you want."

  Instead of allowing her words to cut me, I reach back and push my hand between our bodies until my palm rests against the bulge in his pants. He's not hard, thankfully, but he's obviously a sizable man if the heavy weight of his cock beneath my palm is anything to go by. He hisses out a breath when I squeeze my hand. I want him to know that her words aren't affecting me in the least and the only way I can think of is to remind him that I meant what I said yesterday. I still want him even with this clusterfuck in front of us. The old Ember, the one that let her past rule her, would have run the second I stepped into his office, but not the new me. I intend to live up to the nickname he gave me a long time ago.

  His length hardens with my touch, but he just flexes the hold his hands have on me and lets me continue to play.

  "You know damn well that I was giving a demonstration that day. Not for one goddamn second was I dancing for you. I don't know what sick fantasy you've built up in your head, but I promise you that it will never come to fruition. Get the fuck out of my club."

  She hesitates.

  "Now!" he roars, and she hastily covers herself with her top before running toward the door and down the stairs.

  I feel him breathing rapidly against my back, my hand still holding his now very hard cock. I give him a squeeze, and it's almost as if someone stuck him with a cattle prod. He jerks back, his hands going to my shoulders, and he spins me around roughly. I would have fallen, but the second I was facing him, he bent, grabbed me at the back of both thighs, and had me up in his arms before I could blink. His mouth crashes against mine roughly before turning us. I feel my back press against the cold, hard surface of his windows before all rational thought flies out the window.

  "I won't take you here," he rumbles against my mouth before turning his head and deepening the kiss. I try to roll my hips, desperate to ease the ache between my legs, but he pushes me harder against the glass. "No." The unwavering authority in his voice stops me instantly.

  He steps back, gradually helping me to my feet until he is sure that I have steady footing. Stepping back and running his hand through his hair, I lick my lips when his brown hair falls back in a shiny curtain against his face. At the moan I must have let slip, he jerks and turns to face me.

  "No, Ember. We're going to set the table," he commands, pointing at the table I hadn't noticed on the other side of the room. One single rose sits in the center of the black surface. "You're going to go over there and get everything set up before sitting down like a good girl. You aren't ready for the kind of time-out I have planned for you, but know that if you disobey me, I'm going to start adding that shit up. I'm going to the bathroom to take care of this problem you've created, and you're going to set the table, sit down, and wait for me so I can give you a proper first date you will remember for the rest of our lives."

  The shock of his words is still slamming into my overheated body when I hear his door slam. The kind of time-out he has planned for me? Something tells me it will be a whole hell of a lot more fun than the kind of time-out that always ends with his sister having her nose shoved in a corner.

  He wants a first date to remember for the rest of our lives? Something tells me that isn't going to be a problem at all.

  I HAVE THE ONLY WOMAN my cock has been craving just outside this door, and here I am in my office bathroom fucking my fists roughly so that--hopefully--the bite of pain I'm giving with each thrust of my hips and twist of my wrists will be enough to calm me d

  I had my cock in my hand before the bathroom door had even slammed behind me, and here I am, not even minutes later, with my balls tightening and the tight coils of pleasure starting to unravel.

  I move over to the sink, continuing to work myself with both fists, as I line myself up to empty my come into the basin. I feel my balls pull up and the blinding pleasure that shoots up my spine and wraps around my brain makes my vision go black as I roar out with each thick rope of come that shoots from the tip of my cock.

  "Fucking goddamn," I moan deeply, feeling my knees lock. I look down, blinking against the gray still clouding my vision to see that I'm still pulsing heavily. Relaxing the hold my hands have on my cock, I take one hand and slowly stroke my oversensitive skin, watching as the last few spurts hit the basin.

  I swipe my thumb over the tip before letting my--thankfully--soft cock drop heavily against my undone jeans. Washing my hands first and ignoring the ridiculous amount of come painting the inside of the basin, I carefully tuck my cock and shirt in then zip my jeans and push my belt through the loops.

  If what just happened is anything to go by, it might just kill me when I finally sink into Ember.

  Looking in the mirror, I see the wild look in my eyes and I say a silent prayer that I'm able to keep the promise to myself that I won't take her until I know I've proven myself to her.

  When I open the door and see her sitting demurely at the set table, I groan and almost stumble when the tip of my cock--still sensitive as hell from my release--brushes against the denim of my jeans.

  Ignoring my needs, I walk around the table and stop directly behind her. I smile when I hear her suck in a breath only to let it out in a moan. My girl enjoys my smell. I reach up, pulling my hair back and holding it in my fists, and I bend. The side of my stubbled cheek rubs against the smoothness of hers on my descent. She shivers, and when I reach her tan, bare shoulder, I turn my head slightly before opening my mouth and sinking my teeth into the tender flesh where her neck meets her shoulder, sucking lightly. She whimpers and shifts her body the best she can since my teeth are still pressing against her skin.

  "Good girl," I rumble low against her skin, kissing the teeth marks and pink bruise my mouth left behind. "It pleases me that you listen when I tell you to do something."

  She doesn't respond; she just tips the right side of her lip up and looks at me with lust-filled eyes.

  Taking my seat, I look down at the plate before me and wonder if I could come again just from the mouthwatering aromas swirling up from the hot food.

  "To a first date to remember." She breaks the comfortable silence around us, picking up the Coke she must have brought with her and waiting for me to do the same with the one in front of me.

  "And many more to follow," I add, touching the top of her can with mine before placing it back down and picking up my fork and knife.

  "Better than Mom's," she smarts with a wink.

  "We'll see."

  She waits while I cut into the meat, dip it in the mashed potatoes, and bring it to my mouth. I couldn't hold back my moan if I tried because the second the flavor hits my taste buds, my mouth waters, and I close my eyes. I see her starting to cut into her own food, still smiling, but I'm incapable of talking at the moment. Not while I'm eating the best damn thing I've ever tasted.

  "You're right," I mumble around the mouthful of food. "Better than your mom's, baby."

  That damn smile just gets bigger, and she silently continues to eat.

  It doesn't take long before I'm about to lick my plate clean, but she just reaches out and places the rest of her dinner in front of me with a knowing look.

  "Next time, I'll make sure to bring more than one helping for you, honey."

  My chest warms when she calls me that, something that I just vaguely recall her using when Julie was in the room, but now that I know she wasn't saying that for her benefit, I let the pleasure of it fill me.

  "You know I didn't want her here, right?"

  She nods, taking a sip of her drink and leaning back in her seat. "I'm not upset about it. I'm just glad I was here to let her know you aren't on the market anymore."

  I give her a sly smile before asking, "Yeah? I got myself a woman?"

  One of her shoulders comes up in a shrug and she laughs softly. "We'll see."

  Oh, we sure will, Emberlyn Locke. We sure as fuck will. Knowing I'm not sure I can last much longer without hearing her agree that I do, in fact, have a woman, I mentally give myself two weeks tops to make it happen.

  "Come with me?" I request.

  We had finished our dinner about an hour ago and instead of pulling her to the couch as I would have liked, I sat in my desk chair, pulled her on my lap, and swiveled the seat so we could look down at the club below.

  She turns her head and looks over her shoulder at me before giving me her smile and a small nod.

  I help her to her feet before climbing to my own and pulling her toward the door, down the stairs, and into the madness. The crowd parts without trouble, and I make sure she settles safely at an empty spot I found for her at the main bar before jumping over the surface and behind the counter.

  I hear the sound of her laughter over the music when my feet land. I look over my shoulder with a wink before grabbing a shot and pint glass. I place them both down in front of her before reaching around and grabbing the amaretto and filling the shot glass about three-fourths full before getting the 151 proof rum and filling it the rest of the way. Then I place the now full shot inside the pint glass. I feel Dent move to my side and hand me a beer, smirking a knowing smile when he watches me fill the pint glass up until it's level with the already full shot glass.

  Her eyes follow my hand as I reach out and hold my palm up, knowing that Dent will be ready for the next step, and he doesn't disappoint.

  Both of her dark brows shoot up the second I flick the lighter and hold it to the shot glass in the center of the pint, the flame sparking instantly as the liquor burns brightly in front of her.

  While it burns between us, I catch her gaze, and with one finger, I point at the brightly lit sign above me.

  I had one installed at each of the bars around the club last night. Luckily, I know enough people around town that when I want something done, it's done right away. Some sort of glowing backlight design illuminates the simple wording centered on both sides of the solid black sign.

  Dirty Dog's Pleasure Elixir :: Ember Firecracker

  I watch her jaw drop, knowing without words what I mean by that display. I'm claiming her as mine for everyone to see the second they step up to any of the bars inside Dirty. Well, I'm sure the majority of people who order Ember's drink will have no fucking clue except for those who know us personally. And honestly, it's more about making a statement to her anyway.

  One that screams I, Dirty Dog himself, only find my pleasure from my Ember.

  My firecracker.

  "COME ON, BAM!" I YELL across the expanse of my backyard as I wait for him to bring back the nasty, slobber-filled tennis ball that he loves more than life. I watch him frolic around; tossing his huge body up in the air before running in circles to chase whatever imaginary thing he's found.

  Giving up on getting him to come inside so I can get some cleaning done before finding something to eat for dinner, I flop down on one of my outdoor chairs and give in to the thoughts that have held my mind captive for the last week.

  After the night at Dirty when I brought him dinner, I've been burning for him, and it had nothing to do with the drink that he had created for me. A drink that I know in my bones was his way of letting me see just how serious he is about this newly created us.

  I stuck around for another hour after his grand reveal of Ember's Firecracker, but I had a feeling that, by me being there, Nate was having a hard time focusing on what he needed to do, which was run his club. I made my excuses, even if I wanted to stick around, and after another explosive make-out session next to my car, I headed home.

That night, even with the shocking start we had with his office surprise, had been one of the best of my life. Unfortunately for us, the timing just hasn't been on our side for the last week. Not since he has to deal with everything that comes with having the most popular club around two weeks after opening their doors.

  Over the week since, we've been able to steal a few phone calls here and there and texts when calls weren't a possibility, but I've had enough. I know he's busy, and it had almost been a blessing since I've spent almost eighteen hours a day working nonstop on A Beautiful War. I never dreamed a painting that scale would only take a little over two weeks, but if I keep up my pace, I'll be finished middle of next week. Just over a week before my show.

  This afternoon, though, I hit my breaking point. All those calls and texts were officially not enough. I'm desperate to see him face-to-face. To feel his arms around me again and his lips against mine. Which is probably why I currently feel nothing but pent-up sexual frustration and eagerness for him to return my text ... or plea, rather.

  I bend forward to reach behind me to pull my phone from my back pocket and check it--again--to see if Nate had texted back, but not before seeing the message that I sent him an hour ago. My desperation for him had hit a peak so high I thought I needed to take a break with my vibrator.

  Ember: Come over when you're done at Dirty. I need you. No matter the time. Key is under the mat.

  Would he think I was crazy? Probably not. Would he come? Probably. Would he wonder what I'm really asking for? Absolutely.

  "Come on, Bam. Time to get your tail inside." I laugh when he leaps again, this time chasing after a bug.

  He turns, his tongue wagging, as he runs toward me.

  When I open the back door, he charges into the house, and I hear him rushing into the kitchen seconds before he greedily starts lapping up his water.

  Just when I shut and lock the back door, my phone vibrates in my hand, causing my heart to pick up speed. When I look and see Nikki's name on the screen, I can't help but feel a little disappointed.


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