During the morning they were visited by a French official who cameaboard in a government boat and asked to see Mr. Merrick.
The ship had been inspected several times by the commander of the portand the civil authorities, and its fame as a model hospital had spreadover all Flanders. Some attempt had been made to place with theAmericans the most important of the wounded--officers of high rank orthose of social prominence and wealth--but Mr. Merrick and his aids weredetermined to show no partiality. They received the lowly and humble aswell as the high and mighty and the only requisite for admission was aninjury that demanded the care of good nurses and the skill of competentsurgeons.
Uncle John knew the French general and greeted him warmly, for heappreciated his generous co-operation. But Beth had to be called in tointerpret because her uncle knew so little of the native language.
First they paid a visit to the hospital section, where the patients wereinspected. Then the register and records were carefully gone over andnotes taken by the general's secretary. Finally they returned to theafter-deck to review the convalescents who were lounging there in theircushioned deck-chairs.
"Where is the German, Lieutenant Elbl?" inquired the general, lookingaround with sudden suspicion.
"In the captain's room," replied Beth. "Would you like to see him?"
"If you please."
The group moved forward to the room occupied by Captain Carg. The doorand windows stood open and reclining upon a couch inside was the maimedGerman, with Carg sitting beside him. Both were solemnly smoking theirpipes.
The captain rose as the general entered, while Elbl gave his visitor amilitary salute.
"So you are better?" asked the Frenchman.
Beth repeated this in English to Carg, who repeated it in German toElbl. Yes, the wounded man was doing very well.
"Will you keep him here much longer?" was the next question, directed toMr. Merrick.
"I think so," was the reply. "He is still quite weak, although the woundis healing nicely. Being a military prisoner, there is no other placeopen to him where the man can be as comfortable as here."
"You will be responsible for his person? You will guarantee that he willnot escape?"
Mr. Merrick hesitated.
"Must we promise that?" he inquired.
"Otherwise I shall be obliged to remove him to a government hospital."
"I don't like that. Not that your hospitals are not good enough for aprisoner, but Elbl happens to be a cousin of our captain, which puts adifferent face on the matter. What do you say, Captain Carg? Shall weguarantee that your cousin will not try to escape?"
"Why should he, sir? He can never rejoin the army, that's certain,"replied Carg.
"True," said the general, when this was conveyed to him by Beth."Nevertheless, he is a prisoner of war, and must not be allowed toescape to his own people."
Beth answered the Frenchman herself, looking him straight in the face.
"That strikes me as unfair, sir," said she. "The German must henceforthbe a noncombatant. He has been unable, since he was wounded and broughthere, to learn any of your military secrets and at the best he will liea helpless invalid for weeks to come. Therefore, instead of making him aprisoner, it would be more humane to permit him to return to his homeand family in Germany."
The general smiled indulgently.
"It might be more humane, mademoiselle, but unfortunately it is againstthe military code. Did I understand that your captain will guarantee theGerman's safety?"
"Of course," said Carg. "If he escapes, I will surrender myself in hisplace."
"Ah; but we moderns cannot accept Pythias if Damon runs away," laughedthe general. "But, there; it will be simpler to send a parole for himto sign, when he may be left in your charge until he is sufficientlyrecovered to bear the confinement of a prison. Is that satisfactory?"
"Certainly, sir," replied the captain.
Elbl had remained silent during this conversation, appearing not tounderstand the French and English spoken. Indeed, since his arrival hehad only spoken the German language, and that mostly in his intercoursewith Carg. But after the French officer had gone away Beth began toreflect upon this reticence.
"Isn't it queer," she remarked to Uncle John, "that an educatedGerman--one who has been through college, as Captain Carg says Elblhas--should be unable to understand either French or English? I havealways been told the German colleges are very thorough and you know thatwhile at Ostend we found nearly all the German officers spoke goodEnglish."
"It is rather strange, come to think of it," answered Uncle John. "Ibelieve the study of languages is a part of the German militaryeducation. But I regret that the French are determined to keep the poorfellow a prisoner. Such a precaution is absurd, to my mind."
"I think I can understand the French position," said the girl,reflectively. "These Germans are very obstinate, and much as I admireLieutenant Elbl I feel sure that were he able he would fight the Frenchagain to-morrow. After his recovery he might even get one of thosemechanical feet and be back on the firing line."
"He's a Uhlan."
"Then he could ride a horse. I believe, Uncle, the French are justifiedin retaining him as a prisoner until the war is over."
Meantime, in the captain's room the two men were quietly conversing.
"He wants you to sign a parole," said Carg.
"Not I."
"You may as well. I'm responsible for your safety."
"I deny anyone's right to be responsible for me. If you have made apromise to that effect, withdraw it," said the German.
"If I do, they'll put you in prison."
"Not at present. I am still an invalid. In reality. I am weak andsuffering. Yet I am already planning my escape, and that is why I insistthat you withdraw any promise you have made. Otherwise--"
"Instead of escaping by water, as I had intended, to Ostend, I must goto the prison and escape from there. It will be more difficult. Thewater route is best."
"Of course," agreed the captain, smiling calmly.
"One of your launches would carry me to Ostend and return here betweendark and daylight."
"Easily enough," said Carg. It was five minutes before he resumed hisspeech. Then he said with quiet deliberation: "Cousin, I am an American,and Americans are neutral in this war."
"You are Sangoan."
"My ship is chartered by Americans, which obliges the captain of theship to be loyal to its masters. I will do nothing to conflict with theinterests of the Americans, not even to favor my cousin."
"Quite right," said Elbl.
"If you have any plan of escape in mind, do not tell me of it,"continued the captain. "I shall order the launches guarded carefully. Ishall do all in my power to prevent your getting away from this ship."
"Thank you," said the German. "You have my respect, cousin. Pass thetobacco."
Aunt Jane's Nieces in the Red Cross Page 18