Tentacle Shorts Bundle 1 to 7

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Tentacle Shorts Bundle 1 to 7 Page 7

by Alice Locke

  He wanted to look her in the eyes while he claimed her. Annie felt like a rag doll, Ka'on's strength was no match for her. Yet, this is what she wanted, to submit herself to her alien master.

  She turned her head to the side to look at him in the eyes, and in doing so she saw the bulging veins around his neck. Sex put a strain on their bodies, simply due to the energy and force they put into it.

  He was still jackhammering her hole showing no sign of relenting, and Annie's incessant cries would probably cause a noise complaint to be registered against them. Ka'on shoved a tentacle in her mouth, muffling her noise. As much as he enjoyed listening to her, the feeling of her tongue swirling on the sensitive tip of his tentacle was way better.

  Annie eagerly began pleasuring him, finally getting a taste of his slime. It was slightly salty as she'd imagined, but she couldn't have enough of it and kept using her tongue to lap at Ka'on's tentacle, wasting no drops.

  Despite their high stamina, Ka'on was getting close to his release too.

  Regardless, Annie still had one more hole to plug and he wanted to probe that one, too.

  Ka'on's last free tentacle caressed Annie's body, spreading his slime on her and making a downward journey on the way to her tight ass. He found the opening and pressed against it, though her muscles put up a fierce resistance.

  Annie's muffled cries pleasure mixed in with pain too, but the slime acted a lubricant. Her sphincter gave in and Ka'on stormed her depths, burying himself deep into her - deeper than anyone had ever been.

  Annie's guttural cries were still audible even though Ka'on's tentacle muffled them, though at that point neither of them seemed to care. All they wanted was pleasure.

  He began moving inside of her asshole, synchronizing his movements with his other tentacles to maximize the pleasure levels Annie could reach.

  Ka'on alternated his thrusts: as one tentacle would leave, another one would sink into her. His force never wavered and only increased the more he inched closer to his release.

  As for Annie, she had lost count of the orgasm Ka'on gave her. It seemed as though her lower body was on fire due to Ka'on's merciless assault on her sore holes, to the point that they almost went numb.

  That numbness never came, she kept feeling every inch of him as he used her body like a toy, her muscles pulsing on the hard tendrils that probed her every hole. She was in pure bliss.

  Ka'on wanted to keep going but Annie's body seemed to leech the energy out of him. He decided to let it go, he needed his release.

  Pushing her body back down on the bed, Ka'on now had even more control over her. His weight pinned her down and added more pressure and force to his thrusts, enough to make her scream even though the tentacle lodged in her throat stopped the sounds from escaping their room.

  Ka'on's speed increased, yet he always reached Annie's depths with ease. His slime and her juices mixed together kept dripping out of her battered holes and pooled on the bed.

  There would be time for clean up later, but for the time being all Ka'on cared about was filling Annie up with his seed. The orgasm hit him hard and he froze, grunting, his tentacles writhing inside of her as they spewed torrents of his seed in all of Annie's holes. Her screams turned to gurgles, but most of the fluid in her throat went straight to her stomach.

  On the other side, her pussy and ass were overflowing with Ka'on's powerful seed, even if he stopped thrusting into her when he came.

  They collapsed on top of each other, after Ka'on retreated his tentacles from their most prison. Breathless and drained, the fell asleep in the puddle of slime and juices.

  There would be time to clean up the mess they made, and both of them knew they would be in that same situation again.


  Chapter One

  New horizons, new frontiers, new everything. This was the general idea the media intended to drill into people's minds.

  Humanity was still comfortable on planet Earth, although the ever growing population was beginning to turn into a serious concern. No remedy seemed to work, and the only plausible solution was the same one people discredited at the start of the crisis: colonize a new planet.

  The sharpest minds of the planet spent years planning the mission, and enough money on it to fund a small country for a decent chunk of time.

  At the end of it, the massive ship that would house all the necessary resources launched successfully, heading off to a newly discovered Earth-like planet. The Ark, which was the ship's name, housed a grand total of five thousand people, each selected through a seemingly infinite screening process to ensure highest possible chances of succeeding.

  The captain, Mary Brennan, had been officially assigned her grade by the head of the colonization committee.

  It would be the most important task of her lifetime, and while her somewhat young age didn't leave much room for experience, her record proved she could operate efficiently under immense amounts of stress.

  That, coupled with the fact that every crew member would receive additional training while en route to the new planet lessened the load on her, though she still weighted every decision as if it would be her last.

  The trip would be long, but none of them would feel it. Mary ordered the crew to step into the cryo pods once the course for the new planet had been set.

  After stepping in her pod she gave a brief speech, highlighting once more the importance of every single one of the crew members, and the significance of the mission.

  The ship's AI closed and locked the pods as ordered by the captain, and the crew soon began its long sleep on the way to their new home.

  Mary took a moment before activating her pod's hibernation sequence. The amount of rigorous training she went through had put a strain on her health, both physical and mental.

  Thinking back about all the times she thought she would fail, she almost couldn't believe the mission was actually underway.

  Still, this was only the beginning. The neural implant she wore would sync up with the ship's AI so that Mary and every other member of the crew would get extensive training on any and all subject or skills they might need once they made landfall.

  They would be spending approximately five years in cryostasis, as the ship soared through the stars at unimaginable speed.

  With a bitter sigh, born out of fear and pride, she started the sleep sequence. Her pod grew colder and colder still, and her eyes began to close.

  Mary woke up in a daze. The AI had woken her up from her slumber, and strangely enough she felt fairly normal. She had no idea how much time she spent sleeping, but the AI quickly informed her.

  "It has been five years, eight months, three weeks and six days since our last conversation, Captain. We are currently orbiting the designated astral body," The AI declared in its almost-human voice. It sounded realistic enough, but anyone could tell there was something off about it.

  "Thanks. Anything to report?" She asked, stepping out of the pod.

  "Our preliminary scans show signs of life, as expected. I would, advise caution."

  "I'll use one of the recon vessels to explore. Wake up the rest of the crew."


  Mary went off protocol, and the AI let her. The procedure stated that no recon vessel was to scout by itself, but rather should always be in a squadron. Mary was fully aware of the rules, but at the same time she couldn't wait to see humanity's new home with her own two eyes. Adding to that, she would be the first to actually see how the planet looked like.

  The astronomers had pictures of it but even with our technology it still looked like a cluster of white pixels.

  After taking a quick shower and changing into a flight suit, Mary stepped in the observation deck. Her jaw dropped: the new planet, which the astronomers dubbed "GAIA-2", was breathtakingly stunning.

  From orbit, Mary saw the varied landscape: deserts, mountain ranges and even what appeared to be a massive forest. In the distance, a large body of water.

  Her gaze swept
through seemingly every tiny detail she could see from her position, though after a few minutes she managed to snap out of that trance.

  Mary made her way to the hangars and climbed aboard one of the small aircraft designed to scout the surface without getting too close to it.

  Piloting it felt natural to her, despite the fact that she'd never even seen one of those before. The training she received while under cryostasis had been effective, although there could have been better ways to test that.

  Mary expertly maneuvered the small craft out of the Ark, handling it with the utmost care. A couple minutes later she found herself soaring above the new planet, taking in the sights while the scanners recorded data that the Ark would then process.

  Curiosity got the best of her, and she decided to descend to hopefully land. The scanners had deemed the air as breathable so she wouldn't have issues there, and the only life forms appeared to be part of the vegetation that covered large chunks of GAIA.

  She carefully brought the aircraft to a stop, hovering above a clearing near what looked like a thick forest. Upon closer inspection, the site appeared to be clear and Mary began the landing process.

  The recon aircraft was small, sure, but to anyone's ears it would sound extremely loud. Still, the scans showed nothing that could actively harm her so she didn't worry too much about the noise.

  The cockpit's door slid open and Mary stepped out.

  "A giant leap..." She thought to herself, barely able to contain her excitement.

  The notion that she would be immortalized in every history book filled her with joy, though it did feel a bit heavy as well. Mankind had its eyes on her, and she did not want to be a disappointment.

  Setting those thoughts aside, she began walking around and away from the aircraft that brought her there. Looking up she saw the Ark in all of its glory as it orbited the planet.

  "Just a few more hours and the crew should be up." She thought as she kept on walking.

  Chapter Two

  Despite the apparent lack of threats, Mary didn't feel completely safe at first. Understandable, considering that despite the scans GAIA-2 was still a completely alien world.

  The warm breeze that blew through the tall trees carried on a sweet scent, which Mary quickly noticed.

  It seemed to get stronger and stronger still as she approached the forest, though she couldn't understand where it originated from. Some of the tree trunks were covered in thick vines that wrapped themselves up around them. Their size and color varied and so did the height they reached, though they did form a beautiful spectacle.

  The scent kept more intense, so much so that Mary could almost taste it. Without a care in the world she pressed on, delving further deep into the forest, determined to find the source of that heavenly scent.

  At times she felt somewhat lightheaded, but her duty came first. She was there to gather information and nothing else.

  The only sounds came from the wind and her footsteps on the dry grass beneath her boots. Every once in a while Mary thought she heard or saw something rustle in the distance, but it would inevitably amount to nothing.

  She lost track of time, and the neural implant didn't work as intended considering how far she was from the Ark.

  Any reasonable person would experience at least a sliver of panic, but Mary didn't. She had been trained to think and act rationally, yet the reason she didn't turn back had nothing to do with that.

  All she wanted was to find the source of the intoxicating scent that filled her lungs with its sweetness. The simple act of breathing made goosebumps rise on her skin, even beneath the flight suit.

  Mary kept wandering in the forest, her mouth agape as she blindly followed the scent. Her mind gone blank, the only goal she had was to find the source.

  Alas, the source found her instead.

  The vines she kept seeing began slithering away from the trees, leaving behind a trail of sticky slime. They closed in on Mary from all directions, leaving her with nowhere to run.

  She, however, did not want to escape. Mary was at peace.

  The AI managed to open up the communication channel linked to her neural implant.

  "Are you alright, captain?" It asked, his monotone voice crackling due to interferences.

  "Yes. I'm fine. I need more time. I will be back soon," Mary replied, sounding even more robotic than the ship's Artificial Intelligence.

  She closed the channel just as the vines began to slither across her legs, creeping up towards her chest.

  Mary chose to stay, even if she knew she could be in danger. Her senses were overwhelmed by the scent, which she soon found out was coming from the slime that kept leaking from the vines.

  As they crawled up her back, they found the zipper that held the flight suit together. Mary didn't know if those vines were sentient, but they surely seemed smart enough when they figured out how to work the zipper.

  It wasn't a marvelous feat by human standards, but it surely was for a plant.

  Mary felt the slimy vines on her bare skin when they pulled down her flight suit, leaving defenseless against their touch. Despite their appearance they felt more like fleshy tentacles of various sizes, and the more they slithered on her, the more she found herself wanting them inside of her.

  They held her body firmly in place, clamping down on it and releasing their grip rhythmically. As that went on the tentacles kept steadily oozing their slime, coating Mary's body wherever they slithered.

  The scent was extremely powerful now, and Mary kept taking long breaths to fill her lungs to capacity. It sent shivers down her spine. She didn't know exactly what was the cause of it, but ever since the began smelling that heavenly scent her body reacted to it with arousal.

  Now that she was in the middle of receiving the slithering attention of the tentacles, her sex was nothing short of drenched. Thin strings of clear fluid connected her opening to her thighs even as the tentacles spread her legs.

  Some of the tentacles were covered in suckers of various sizes, and she could feel them work on her body while others simply slithered on her silky skin to coat it with their slime.

  Mary felt the tentacles creep up behind her, reaching for her lower back and quickly slithering on her ass. She knew what was coming and braced for it, her muscles tensing up.

  Her cheeks were forcibly spread exposing her tight, unclaimed asshole.

  She was expecting to be in a world of pain, but instead the pleasure overwhelmed her when she felt a thick, slimy tentacle slide between her cheeks, continuing on to brush against her drenched pussy and ultimately playing one of the suckers right on her swollen clit.

  Her nipples received the same treatment, once the tentacles wrapped themselves around them. Mary was completely bound in place. She couldn't take a step even if she tried her hardest, but she did not want to.

  The new planet seemed to love her, and she certainly was more than okay with the welcoming treatment she was receiving.

  Up until that point, at least. Without warning, two tentacles shoved themselves deep within Mary's tight asshole, stretching her walls so wide she thought they would rip her apart.

  Mary screamed in pain. She had relaxed for a split second, and she paid the price in full. The tentacles kept pushing deep inside of her, endlessly making their way inside of her body.

  With each inch the tentacles oozed more and more slime. It coated her guts and seemed to soothe the pain, effectively turning it into a pleasant tingling sensation that grew in intensity every time the tentacles would move.

  The screams that echoed through the forest soon turned into cries of pleasure as the tentacles relentlessly jackhammered her tight hole, their slime shooting out in thin strings with every thrust.

  Mary wanted more, and her wishes were soon granted.

  A thick tentacle pushed past her drenched hole and sunk itself within her depths, its suckers sticking to her walls.

  For a split second, everything stood still, or so it felt to her as her mind suddenl
y went blank. A white-hot flash spread from her abdomen , pleasure waves endlessly chasing each others as the tentacles ravaged her young body. That orgasm was by far the most powerful Mary had ever had, and the tentacles didn't appear as if they wanted to stop.

  Mary didn't say a word. She didn't moan or scream. Her mouth hung open, saliva dripping from one of the sides.

  Her mind was still trying to process all the pleasure the tentacles were delivering to her, but she just couldn't focus. She chose instead to relax, let her body be used as a toy until the tentacles had their fill.

  One more tentacles joined the two in her asshole, stretching her hole even wider. That did make her groan, but deep down she loved the feeling of truly being filled.

  Another tentacle wrapped itself around her neck and slid into her mouth, lodging itself in her throat.

  Reduced to a gurgling mess, leaking slime from every hole, Mary hoped she could stay like that forever. Simply being a toy for the life form that had enslaved her, the proud captain of the Ark and one of the most important human beings alive.

  The orgasm started piling up. It felt as if they kept her in a state of permanent mind-melting pleasure, turning her brain into mush and her body into nothing more than a set of holes to abuse.

  Mary heard voices in the distance, though amidst all the squelching noises her body made under the tentacles' relentless assault she couldn't make out who it was.

  She opened her eyes, and saw the four members of the recon team walking towards her. Two males and two females, all of them ready to submit.


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