The Sainthood : A Dark High School Romance (The Complete Series)

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The Sainthood : A Dark High School Romance (The Complete Series) Page 14

by Siobhan Davis

  “Galen. Escort our guests to the front door. They’ve overstayed their welcome,” Saint instructs in a clipped voice. The veins in his neck are bulging, and the venom oozing from his eyes says he wants to throttle me and Finn.

  “What?” Parker shrieks, her heavy tits wobbling with the motion. “You can’t throw me out! I came through for you.”

  “And you’ll be rewarded in another lifetime for your cooperation,” Caz says, smirking.

  “I’ll fucking warn them. I’ll—” Caz slams his hand over her mouth, silencing her before she says too much.

  Warn who and about what? My mind starts working overtime. What does she have or who does she know that gives Parker leverage with the Saints? I need to dig into her connections to see if I can find out.

  Finn looks at her with disdain, grabbing his clothes and stalking toward the door without giving her another look. Beth slides her hand in Brooklyn’s, and they walk off too.

  Saint pins his full death glare on Parker as he pushes his face into hers, and she shrinks back from the potent evil radiating from his gaze. “You open that useless mouth of yours and it will be the last thing you ever do.” His voice drips with menace and lethal promise.

  She gulps, nodding, her eyes wide with fear.

  “Get her the fuck out of my house,” Saint says to Theo.

  “Your house?” I plant my hands on my hips, giving him some serious stink eye.

  Parker offers no protest as Theo takes her arm, scooping up her clothes and hauling her out of the room. I’m sure once she recovers she’ll come after me like a rabid junkie seeking her next hit, and I curse my damn emotions for getting the better of me. Parker doesn’t even rate on the scale of threats I’m dealing with, but she’s an annoying gnat I could do without. I should’ve shut my mouth and ignored my jealousy.

  Saint lifts his head, piercing me with a look so full of hatred it has to be seen to be believed. His eyes are like laser beams slicing me clear in half, and my heart picks up pace as my body floods with adrenaline at the impending threat. It takes iron-strong willpower to hold my ground when he pushes up into me, wrapping his hands around the nape of my neck and squeezing in a way he knows hurts.

  “My house,” he grits out. “My pussy.” He grabs my crotch through my dress. “My rules.” His face darkens and his chest vibrates with naked anger, and God help me, I’m seriously fucked in the head because it should completely terrify me, but instead, my panties are drenched and I ache for him as my body craves his in a way I don’t fully understand.

  Saint oozes power, authority, danger, and pure raw sex in equal measures, and I’m attracted to all parts of him. There’s no point trying to deny it anymore, and maybe, Sariah is right, and I need to change the playbook.

  “I will hurt you, Harlow.” He digs his nails into my neck and squeezes my crotch. My body thrums in a mixture of agony and ecstasy. My heart pounds in my chest, and blood shoots through my veins, electrifying me. “I will make your life intolerable.” He shoves me off him forcefully, and I lose my balance, falling back on the bed. He crawls over me, and I hold myself still as he hovers on top of me. “You will obey me, or the torture you suffered as a kid will pale in comparison to the suffering I’ll inflict on your body.”


  HE REMEMBERS. HE knows. That’s all I’m thinking after Saint tosses me out of the room and I make my way back to my friends.

  I’ve never blamed that boy for anything, but now I know who the man is, I’m wondering if I’ve been wrong about it all these years. It only adds to the fucked-up-ness in my head, and I’m trying to figure out how this fits into the puzzle as I pick my way through the living room, searching for Sariah’s blonde head.

  An arm shoots up from a section in the top left corner of the room, and I spot Emmett waving at me.

  “You’re alive!” Sariah says, handing me a beer.

  “And still in one piece,” Sean adds, giving me a quick onceover to ensure I’m uninjured.

  “We saw Parker, Finn, and company being kicked out,” Sariah adds.

  “Man, that chick has some set of lungs on her,” Emmett supplies, sipping his beer. “She was screeching like a banshee.”

  “She is going to be gunning for my ass at school on Monday,” I say, quickly filling them in on what went down.

  “She can try,” Sariah says. “You were right to put her in her place. Bitch needs taking down a few notches.”

  “I’m more worried about you pushing Saint too far,” Sean says, shifting on the couch and wearing a troubled expression. “There’s been a lot of talk at school, and these fuckers don’t mess around. You need to be careful, Lo.”

  “I know. He hasn’t gained his reputation for no reason. Rumors say the woods behind Prestwick are full of his kills.”

  “Full of all their kills,” Sean says, lowering his voice and scanning the room.

  “Murder is only one of their skill sets,” Sariah says, her voice laced with anger. “I’ve heard they’re fond of torture, extortion, setting fire to shit, and all-round mayhem. We can never underestimate them.”

  “They should never underestimate me,” I supply as my phone pings. I read the message from Darrow and stand. “I need to do something. I’ll be back in a few. Keep an eye on the assholes, and message me if they move out of that room.”

  I grab my jacket from the hall closet and trade my stilettos for my boots before slipping out the back through the kitchen. The noise of the party fades as I cut across the grass, aiming for the pool house. I cast a glance behind me, ensuring I’m not being followed, before I step inside. A form moves in the pitch-black, and I draw the drapes before switching one of the lamps on.

  “Do you have it?” I ask, moving toward him.

  He holds out his hand, thrusting a piece of paper into my palm. “He’s reliable, and his work is of a high standard.”

  I fold the paper carefully and tuck it down the front of my dress. “Thanks.”

  “You’ll need serious cash.”

  “Not a problem.” Dad left me a sizable inheritance, and the compensation I received from the kidnapping was invested wisely, so a large chunk of change landed in my bank account the instant I turned eighteen.

  “When will it be set up?”

  “I’m putting it in motion tonight.”

  “I want full access.”

  I snort. “Not happening. I’ll pass the intel over as soon as I have it.”

  He steps up close. “I’m counting on you to come through, Lo. My rep is on the line if I don’t deliver.”

  “I said I got this, and I do. I just don’t know how long it’ll take me.”

  “Don’t make it too long,” he warns before lowering his mouth to mine.

  I push him off before his lips reach mine. “Don’t mistake what this is, Dar. It’s purely business. Go home to Tempest.” I stand, stalking toward the double doors. “I’ll be in touch.”

  I message the others as I’m walking back toward the house, asking them to meet me in my bedroom.

  They are there first, and I close and lock the door behind me after checking the coast is clear. “I need your help,” I say, propping my butt up against my dresser. “I’m planting cameras in the guys’ rooms, and I need lookouts. Two downstairs, and one up here.”

  “Emmett and I will cover downstairs,” Sean says. “It will seem more natural for Sariah to be upstairs, in case of discovery.” He grins at his friend. “And it’ll keep Emmett alive.”

  Thank fuck, the Saints implemented a strict “no upstairs” policy and ensured everyone was aware of that when they arrived. The orgy room helped eliminate any complaints—as long as people have somewhere to fuck, they don’t care.

  “Cool. Message me if you spot any of the goon squad coming upstairs.” The guys leave while I move to the closet to retrieve my box of goodies. I extract the small bag Diesel procured for me and rejoin my bestie in my bedroom. “Can you keep watch out in the hallway and alert me if you hear anything suspicious?�

  “Got it.”

  All the guys have locked their rooms, as expected, but I know how to pick a lock in less than sixty seconds. I’m guessing the guys do too, but I haven’t installed the new padlock I bought for my room yet as I want to see what form of surveillance they have in store for me.

  I’m scanning my room daily, but so far, there are no cameras and no monitoring devices on my cell phone or my tablet. I know it’s only a matter of time before they try something, so I’m letting them plant what they want, and then, I’ll figure out how best to use that to my advantage.

  Sariah grins as I break into Saint’s room first. Using the flashlight on my cell, I do a lightning-fast scan of his room.

  It’s unbelievably tidy for a dude.

  The large king-sized bed is dressed in crumpled black silk sheets, and the previous gray walls have been painted black and red. Posters of naked chicks, heavy metal rockers, and MMA wrestlers cover the walls. Some schoolbooks litter the top of his desk, and he has a locked notepad and pen by his bed. Apart from some clothes on the floor and on the back of his chair, there is nothing else left in plain sight, and this room gives nothing away. I wish I had time to search his closet and the bedside tables, but today’s mission is to install the cameras and get the hell out before I’m caught.

  I unscrew the light socket by the door, drilling a pin-shaped hole in the plastic and inserting the tiny camera chip like Diesel has shown me.

  He said this is the latest high-tech equipment, and it will give me image and audio access. After I secure the socket back in place, ensuring it’s tight, I step back to inspect it. There’s no way you’d spot it unless you were looking for it or examining it under a microscope. The guys might find them, especially if they scan the room for devices, but it’s unlikely they know I have access to this type of equipment and the intel to install it. I doubt they’re expecting it, and I’m banking on that.

  I leave Saint’s room, moving on to Galen’s much messier room. This place is a pigsty. He has clothes and empty pizza boxes and bottles strewn around the place, and it reeks of cigarette smoke and stale beer. A guitar propped against the wall surprises me, and I wonder if he’s any good or if it’s more for show.

  I install the camera and move into Theo’s room next.

  Predictably, his room is crammed full of technical equipment and books, and it’s even neater than Saint’s room. I’m just locking his door when my cell pings the same time Sariah’s does.

  “Shit. Galen is heading this way,” she confirms as I read the same message.

  “At least, I got three of them installed. I’ll get into Caz’s room another time.” I loop my arm through hers, and we head downstairs, passing a grumpy-looking Galen on the stairs. He ignores us, and we ignore him, and that suits me just fine.

  “Why is he always so crabby?” she asks when we hit the bottom of the stairs and he’s disappeared upstairs.

  “Who knows.” I shrug.

  “It must be in his DNA.”

  “He wasn’t that ill-tempered as a kid,” I say, remembering that time we met as clearly as if it was yesterday. “If I had to guess, I’d say it’s to do with his home life. His mom turned into an out-and-out junkie after his sister died, and then, her husband overdosed a couple years later.”

  “That’s no fucking excuse,” she hisses, and I rub her arm in understanding. Sariah lost her entire family, and it hasn’t turned her into a cruel, moody bitch. “Everyone has shit to deal with.”

  “I’m not making excuses for him, and you’re right. There are plenty of people with troubled or dysfunctional backgrounds and they’re not assholes like Galen Lennox.”

  My friends leave a short while later, and I wander into the kitchen to grab a snack to bring to my room. I avoid going through the living room where things are pretty out of control, and I go nowhere near the orgy room for fear of what I might find.

  Remembering Saint pressed up against me, and the feel of his hands on my body, has me horny and pissed, and it’s not a good combination. Briefly, I consider joining the party and finding someone to fuck, but it’d be selfish to bring the wrath of The Sainthood down on some innocent just because I want to get laid.

  I guess it will be my purple electric friend and porn for me tonight.

  I make a sandwich, grab a bottle of beer and a bottle of water, and walk out to the hallway.

  My eyes drink in the scene awaiting me with interest as I approach the stairs.

  Caz is halfway up the steps, with his back stuck to the wall, as he fends off the advances of some young kid. She is wearing the skimpiest dress, and she’s plastered in makeup, but it’s obvious she’s real young. She can’t be any older than fifteen, max.

  She’s pawing at him like he’s hers to do with as she pleases, and he’s struggling to shake her off in his inebriated state. Which is pretty fucking hilarious if you think about it, because it’s like the Hulk facing off against Thumbelina, and he could stomp on her without any effort. For a split second, I consider leaving him there. But I intervene for the girl’s sake. She’s way too young to get caught up in their shit.

  “Hey, jailbait.” I call out to her as I climb the stairs. “Get lost before I call your parents.”

  She glares at me. “Fuck off, ho, and mind your own business.”


  I walk past them and up to the top of the stairs, setting my plate and the two bottles down. Then, I calmly retrace my steps, taking the girl by the arm and physically pulling her off Caz. She lets loose a string of colorful expletives. “I’m doing you a favor,” I say, dragging her down the stairs screaming. “He’s one of the Saints, and you can’t manhandle him like that. Not unless you’ve got a fucking death wish.”

  “Get off me, you jealous bitch.” She wriggles in my arms as we reach the lobby.

  “Think whatever you want,” I say, opening the front door. “But this is my house, and you’re no longer welcome.” I shove her outside. “Say hi to the Paw Patrol for me.” She flips me the bird as I slam the door in her face.

  Caz chuckles. “Paw Patrol?”

  “It’s a popular kids’ show,” I confirm, walking up the stairs to meet him. “These kids I used to babysit were hooked on it. Mind you, they were only four and five, so I doubt she appreciates my comment.” I shrug, uncaring if I offended the little minx. She’ll thank me for it one day.

  He strokes the hard-on in his pants. “I knew she was too fucking young, but try telling that to my cock.”

  I slap his chest, and I almost break a bone against the rock-hard wall of muscle I meet. “Jailbait wouldn’t have sated your needs,” I purr, pushing my chest against his. “But I sure as hell can.”

  The heated look he gives me confirms he’s down with this plan, but the conflict in his eyes says I’ll need to try harder. I palm his dick through his jeans. “Unless you don’t want my lips wrapped around your cock while I play with your balls and finger your ass?” I tease.

  “Jesus, fuck.” He grabs my butt, pulling me in tight against his erection as his eyes drop to my mouth. “I’m horny as hell, and I never got to drill your cunt the last time. I’m game, babe, but Saint will rip me a new one if I touch you.”

  I scoff, outlining the shape of his dick through the denim with my finger. “One, he’s constantly telling me I belong to the almighty Saints, and two, you always let that asshole cockblock you?” I unbutton his jeans and slip my hand inside, my brows climbing to my hairline as my fingers meet hot flesh. “Commando, huh?” I say, impressed, as I begin stroking him.

  “Aw, fuck. Stop,” he mumbles. It’s a pathetic effort, and we both know it.

  I snicker. “If you’d said that like you meant it, I might’ve taken pity on you.”

  I wouldn’t.

  He’s horny, and he wants me, and I’m horny, and I want him too. It’s been a while since I had a release, and I know he’s a good lay. We can get off, and I can stick two fingers to Saint while I’m at it.

  Win-win, if you a
sk me.

  “We’re not allowed to fuck girls without the others,” he confirms, and I nearly fall down the stairs in shock.

  I know they like to share, but I didn’t think they had strict rules. That seems extreme and unfair; although maybe, it’s a rule to stop anyone from catching feelings. To ensure no girls interfere with gang business. Sounds like something Neo might’ve introduced, considering how my mom fucked him over back in the day.

  “And it’s you,” he cryptically adds. “He’ll chop my cock off for sure if he finds out.”

  Now, I’m even more determined to screw him. I pump him harder, and he thrusts his hips into my hand, moaning as he rocks back and forth, and I know I have him by the balls.


  Keeping my hand wrapped around his cock, I stretch up and kiss the corner of his mouth. “It can be our little secret.” I slide my hand down his dick and fondle his balls, silently high-fiving myself when his eyes roll back in his head. I kiss the other corner of his mouth. “Saint never has to know.”

  If Caz wasn’t as stoned or as drunk as he is right now, I would never get away with this. But he’s aching and desperate, and it’s no secret guys are ruled by their dicks. I unbutton his jeans fully, free his cock, and dip my head down, laving my tongue against the precum beading at the tip of his crown.

  “Sweet fucking Jesus. Do that again.”

  I give him a quick lick before straightening up. I’m not doing this on the stairs and risking Saint coming along and putting a stop to it.

  My pussy is thoroughly invested now, and I need to fuck him. I tuck his cock back in his jeans, take his hand, and pull him up the stairs, passing by my sandwich and drinks. I’m a different kind of hungry now, so I leave my food behind without a second glance.

  After he’s opened his bedroom door, I forcefully push him inside. I close the door and shove him toward the bed, meeting his lusty grin with one of my own. He grabs hold of me, lifting me up by my ass, and I screech as he throws me down on the bed. “Prepare yourself, princess,” he rasps, running his beefy hands up my bare calves. “Because I’m going to fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before.”


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