The Sainthood : A Dark High School Romance (The Complete Series)

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The Sainthood : A Dark High School Romance (The Complete Series) Page 63

by Siobhan Davis

  “You’re not doing it,” Saint barks. “It’s too fucking dangerous. Any number of things could go wrong.”

  “And that’s why I didn’t bring it up before now.” I tilt my head to the side, shooting daggers at him.

  “I agree it’s dangerous,” Diesel says, cutting through the thick tension in the air. “But with careful planning, Lo can pull this off.”

  “I don’t doubt that,” Saint scoffs, looking at him like he’s a dumb fuck. “She’s a fucking lethal shot. I’m more concerned about it getting back to Sinner.”

  “It’s widely known Sinner has contacts in high places,” Diesel agrees, “but we’ll keep it contained to a small trusted circle so there’s no risk of the truth leaking.”

  Saint still looks unconvinced, boring a hole in Diesel’s skull as he drums his fingers on the tabletop.

  “I would never let Lo go through with this if I thought it’d place her in graver danger,” Diesel continues. “I would take a bullet for her before I’d let anything happen to her. You can trust me on that.”

  My eyes plead with Saint. “You know it’s the truth, so unless you have a better plan?”

  Silence engulfs us, and we wait while Saint thinks it through.

  “Okay,” he says after a couple of tense minutes. “We’ll do it, but we keep those in the know to a minimum.”

  “You have my word.” Sincerity drips from Diesel’s tone.

  My shoulders slump in grateful relief.

  “It doesn’t necessarily mean Sinner will stop looking for the evidence,” Galen says. “But it’s got to relieve some of the pressure.”

  “And if we give him some shit on The Arrows and push him toward escalating the war between both crews, he’ll be distracted enough while we try to find that fucking evidence,” Saint says. He stares at Diesel. “Will your boss go for it?”

  “He wants that evidence as badly as we do, and he wants to end Sinner, so I think I can sell it to him.” He scrubs a hand over his prickly jaw. “It would help if I had something to sweeten the deal, because he won’t like crawling into bed with the junior Sainthood.” Diesel rubs the back of his neck. “Asking him to trust all of you with something like this is a big ask.”

  My chair scrapes as I stand. “I’ll be right back.” I glance at Theo. “I need you.” Theo rises, following me out of the open living space, down the back hallway, and into Dad’s study.

  “You’re giving him the coded files,” he says, correctly guessing where my mind has gone.

  “It’s all we’ve got to offer, and, let’s be honest, we’re never going to crack that code.” I’ve spent months going through them with no success.

  “I might be able to find something on the darknet,” Theo says. “But it’ll take time, and even if we uncover the code, there is no guarantee whatever is in those files will be of any use. We have no clue where your dad got them. If he knew what was on them, or if he knew there was something important on them, he would’ve used them himself.”

  I gather them up, dumping them in a paper box. “Exactly my thoughts. Let’s see what Diesel thinks.”

  Theo carries the box out of the study, placing it on the table, while I explain to Diesel.

  “Trey had those files,” he says, disbelief underscoring his tone, when I’ve finished updating him.

  I nod. “You know what they are?”

  He stands, lifting the top of the lid and pulling out a couple files. He rifles through them, cussing under his breath. “These are highly classified Homeland Security files that were stolen from an operative’s house in January. Guy was found dead. His house ransacked. The head of Homeland Security reached out to VERO to help recover the stolen files.”

  “What’s on them?” Theo asks, plonking into the seat beside me.

  “Intel on terrorists that had national security implications. That’s all I know.” He puts the files away, replacing the lid.

  “Why did my dad have them?”

  He leans his elbows on top of the box. “It was widely believed The Sainthood was behind the killing and the theft, so my guess is your father stole them from Sinner.”

  “Is this why they killed him?”

  “Honestly, Lo. I don’t know.” Strain is etched across Diesel’s face. “I can’t help feeling there is more to this than we think. That it’s way more complicated and it goes deeper than we suspect.”

  “Should we keep them here?” Galen asks.

  “Fuck no.” Diesel vehemently shakes his head. “That’d be like sitting on a volcano that’s about to erupt.” He stares at me. “Handing these to VERO is the right call, and it will buy us goodwill. I’ll say you only just found them, and you came straight to me.”

  “Are you sure this is the right play?” Saint asks, worry etched upon his handsome face.

  “I wouldn’t suggest it otherwise.” Diesel drills him with a look.

  “Okay. Do it. Set it all up, and we’ll keep you posted as soon as Sinner puts things in motion,” I say.

  “What about your other tasks?” Diesel asks.

  “Lowell Academy is done, and Sinner won’t be getting his grabby hands on Lo because we have a solution,” Saint supplies.

  A solution I still know nothing about.

  Diesel arches a brow, and Saint smirks. “You don’t need to know the specifics,” he says. “Trust we have it handled and focus on doing your part.”

  A muscle clenches in Diesel’s jaw, but he refrains from lashing out, which I guess is progress. “Walk me out?” He stares at me, and I nod.

  “You sure you want to do it like this?” he asks after he’s put the box in the back of his vehicle.

  “I don’t see how we’ve any other choice. Things are escalating with Sinner. He’s reckless and unpredictable, and he’ll hurt Mom even more if I don’t look like I’m playing ball.”

  “He’s hurting her?” Diesel asks, concern blazing in his eyes.

  “He’s hitting her, and she’s letting him.”

  He shakes his head. “You want me to talk to her?”

  “No. She won’t thank me for interfering. What you’re doing now is the best way to help.”

  “Okay, but if anything changes, you let me know.” He wraps his arms around me, and I rest my head on his chest. “Take care, sweetheart.” He kisses the top of my head before letting me go.

  “You too.” I step back, waving as he drives away. I turn around, unsurprised to see Saint standing in the doorway.

  “I hope we’ve done the right thing,” he says, looking even more worried than before.

  “Me too,” I concede, because there are no guarantees.

  He opens his arms, and I fall into them, closing my eyes as he cradles me to his chest. “I can’t bear the thought of anything else happening to you,” he admits, holding me close.

  “I feel the same way about all of you.” I look up at him, palming one cheek. “But our world is a dangerous one. There will always be risks and times where we’re gambling with our lives.”

  “Not if I can help it,” he says, pressing his lips to my brow, his mouth lingering there.

  “What do you mean?” I slide my hands up his chest, holding him closer.

  “Have you thought about after this is all over?”

  “Not in a while,” I truthfully admit. “Before Dad died, my goal was to graduate with a strong GPA and attend college at Brown. I couldn’t wait to see the back of this place, but now there’s a lot more at stake, including you guys and my mom.”

  “Wherever you go, we go,” he simply says, pulling my mouth to his for a kiss. “None of us want to stay here anymore.”

  “You don’t?” I can’t contain my surprise. He shakes his head. “I thought you wanted to take over The Sainthood and mold it into a legit organization?”

  He shrugs. “That was always the plan, but plans change, and it’s not like we couldn’t join a different chapter if we move or rejoin the Lowell chapter if we return at some point in the future.”

e given this a lot of thought.”

  “We have.”

  “Is this what you were discussing earlier?”

  “Partly.” He curls his hand around mine, taking me into the house and closing the door. “We need to talk to Lo,” he calls out to the others, and they stop what they are doing, looking over at us. Galen’s Adam’s apple bobs in his throat, Theo smiles, and Caz bites down on his lip.

  Saint leads me to the smaller of the two couches, sitting down beside me. The others sink onto the longer couch, sitting upright, looking anxious, and it has me on edge.

  “What’s going on?” My gaze skates between all of them. “You’re making me nervous as fuck.”

  “Galen came up with a way to protect you from Sinner and his buddies,” Saint starts explaining. “For reasons that will become obvious, we needed to discuss it among ourselves first to ensure we were all onboard.”

  “And we are,” Caz blurts. “As long as you are.”

  “Okay. Now, I’m intrigued.” My brows climb to my hairline.

  Saint glances at Galen, and he nods, taking over the explanation. “The Sainthood is governed by a set of rules that have been in existence since the organization was started. Over the years, some of those rules have been amended, others have been added, but there are a few rules that are unchangeable. That no one would dare challenge.” He wets his lips, and I smother a giggle. It’s so weird seeing my super-confident guys looking so uncertain. I can’t wait to hear this.

  “Go on,” I encourage.

  “Women are regularly shared within The Sainthood,” Theo says. “With one firm exception.” He pauses for a nanosecond, and butterflies flood my chest, jumping around like crazy. My eyes widen as I sense where this is leading. Theo’s eyes crinkle as he smiles. “Wives are strictly off-limits unless the husband agrees to share her with other members. It’s a hard and fast rule. One that Sinner will have no choice but to abide by.”

  My heart careens around my chest, and blood rushes to my head. “Hang on here a second.” I sit up straighter, eyeballing them one at a time, because I honestly can’t believe they’re suggesting this. “Are you saying we should get married?”

  Saint laces his fingers in mine, flashing me a wide grin. “That’s exactly what we’re saying, princess. Marry one of us, and we can lay down the law with that bastard. Sinner won’t be able to put a finger on you, and that’s a fucking promise.”



  SHOCK SPLAYS ACROSS Lo’s face as she stares at us like we’ve lost the plot. I get it. We’re young, and it probably seems extreme. But, we’ve discussed it at length, and there are no other options that keep her safe. However, we won’t force her into it if she really doesn’t want to do it.

  “Well, fuck,” she says after a couple minutes of strained silence. “You’ve managed to shock me silent. That’s a first. I feel like it deserves a medal or something.” Her tinkling laughter betrays her nerves, and something has finally rattled the unshakeable Harlow Westbrook. I’ve never seen her look or sound anything less than confident. This has really thrown her.

  My eyes meet Saint’s, noting his concern. He’s terrified she’ll say no, and for more reasons than he’ll ever admit.

  “You’re really serious about this?” Her eyes roam between us as she poses the question.

  “We are,” Saint affirms, tightening his grip on her hand.

  “But only if you want to,” Theo says, getting up and squeezing onto the couch beside her. He cups her face. “We love you, and we want to protect you.”

  Lo swivels so she’s looking Theo right in the eye. I can almost hear my cousin’s heart beating way too fast as fear takes hold of him.

  When we talked about this, we agreed the decision on who she would marry would be Lo’s. That we wouldn’t influence her or disagree with her choice. But I know my cousin inside and out. He’s more like my brother, and we’ve grown up practically joined at the hip. I know the way his mind works, and I know how desperately he craves love. We both do, but I’ve already resigned myself to the fact it won’t be me. And I’m cool with that.

  But Saint Lennox will be devastated if she doesn’t pick him.

  He won’t show it, but I’ll know.

  Right now, he’s looking at the way Lo and Theo are huddled together, touching intimately, their connection strong and unbreakable, forged when they were younger and consolidated when they reunited. Caz casts a glance at me, and I know he thinks it too—that she’ll choose Theo.

  He’s the obvious choice, and he’ll make a great husband.

  “This is nuts.” She chews on the corner of her lip, and I’ve never seen her so unsure. She doesn’t know what to say, so who the fuck knows what’s going through her mind.

  “Is it?” Theo quirks a brow. “We’ve already decided we want you in our lives.”

  “Permanently,” Saint adds, rubbing a hand up and down his thigh.

  She looks back at him, and they stare at one another for a couple beats.

  “We thought you wanted that too,” Caz says.

  “I do. You’re my future.” She’s quick to reassure us, and there’s no hint of uncertainty in that statement, so we all visibly relax. Sitting back, she tucks her hair behind her ears, tipping her chin up as she regains her usual composure. “If we do this, who will I marry?” Her gaze jumps between us.

  “That’s for you to decide,” I say.

  “You can’t ask me to choose!” She looks horrified as she shakes her head. “Because I can’t choose. I want you all.”

  “Legally, you can only marry one of us,” Theo says. “But nothing will change outside that piece of paper,” he adds. “Our relationship will continue as it has been.”

  She frowns. “I thought you said I couldn’t be shared?” She scrunches up her nose. “I don’t want to hide what we have. That’s not what I’m about. What we’re about.”

  “You won’t have to hide anything,” Saint says as she plants her hand on his thigh, stopping his jerky movements. “Your husband can decide to share you with his friends and make it clear you are off-limits to everyone else.”

  “It’s such sexist bullshit.” Her nostrils flare. “I should be the one deciding who I fuck.”

  “Are you really surprised?” Caz asks. “You’ve seen the way The Sainthood works. Women are possessions, playthings, nothing more.”

  “Yet Sinner needs women to help divert attention from the authorities. He’s such a fucking hypocrite.”

  “He didn’t write those rules,” Saint says, not defending the asshole, just stating a fact.

  “I’m surprised he hasn’t changed it,” she scoffs.

  “He’ll probably try at some point, but all rule changes have to go to a vote, and the majority of married members don’t share their wives, so I doubt he’d succeed,” I say.

  “And there’s no other way?” she asks.

  Saint glares at her. “You make it sound like a fucking chore. Would marrying one of us really be so bad?”

  Fuck. My heart hurts for my cousin. He’s tied into knots over this, and I don’t know if Lo even realizes.

  “That’s not what I meant.” She kisses him softly. “Marriage is a big deal, and I don’t want any of you to feel obligated. If we do this, it doesn’t mean this has to be real.”

  Saint growls, narrowing his eyes. “Why the fuck wouldn’t it be real?”

  “Stop misconstruing my words!” She exhales heavily. “I don’t want to be a burden, all right?” She yanks her hands from his, dropping her head, her chest heaving. “This whole situation makes me uncomfortable. I shouldn’t need you guys to save me. I should be able to save myself. This makes me feel…weak and like I’m losing control.”

  “You’re the strongest person we know, Lo,” Saint says, his temper dialing down.

  “And it’s not weak to rely on the people who care about you,” I say.

  “We’re a team,” Caz adds.

  “And there will be times when we need you
to save us too,” Saint says, softening his tone.

  “Lo.” Theo tilts her chin up, forcing her to look at him. “We have discussed this. We want to do this, not just because it keeps you safe but because we love you. It will be as real as any marriage—unless you’re saying you don’t want that or can’t commit to that, and that’s okay, because you are in control. You call the shots.”

  Saint opens his mouth to speak, and Caz kicks his foot, warning him to shut up, because we all know how stubborn he is when an idea lodges in his head. He wants this, because he’s terrified of what his dad has planned for our girl, and he won’t sleep easy at night until she’s protected. But it’s more than that. I saw his reaction when I first suggested it. He loves the idea of being married to Lo, and once that image took root in his brain, it grew branches.

  He’ll be devastated if he doesn’t get to make her his.

  “We can do this, and when everything is over, and you’re safe, if you want a divorce, you can have it,” Theo says, smoothing the worry lines in her brow with his thumbs.

  Saint’s nostrils flare, and his hands ball into fists at his sides. He glares at Theo, and I’m guessing he’s seconds from punching him in the mouth for even daring to offer her a get-out-of-jail-free card. Caz kicks his foot again, shaking his head in warning.

  Saint looks to me, and I try to reassure him with my eyes. To tell him to have faith in Lo. To believe she will do the right thing.

  Silence engulfs the room, and it’s excruciatingly painful as we watch Lo inwardly debate our proposal. She leans her head on Theo’s shoulder, reaching out for Saint’s hand at the same time. I can almost see the cogs turning in her head as I sit back, watching and waiting.

  After a few minutes, she clears her throat and lifts her head. “I need some time to think about this.”

  “Of course.” Theo is quick to agree. “You don’t need to decide this second.”

  “But you do need to decide soon, because Sinner will recall us at any moment,” Saint says.

  Lo bobs her head and stands. “I’m going to take a walk.”

  We get up, and she kisses us, one by one, before grabbing her coat and boots and exiting the cabin.


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