The Sainthood : A Dark High School Romance (The Complete Series)

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The Sainthood : A Dark High School Romance (The Complete Series) Page 70

by Siobhan Davis

  I look into the back seat, grinning. “Darrow is nothing if not predictable.”

  “You should meet with him,” Theo says. “Hear what he’s planning.”

  “It could be a trap,” Saint suggests.

  “Nah.” Galen shakes his head, and waves of dark, silky hair fall into his eyes. He tosses them aside with a flip of his head. “He still thinks I want Lo dead. I can tell him I’m even more bloodthirsty now that I was almost killed in the explosion that was meant for her.”

  “Cold.” Saint grins wickedly at his cousin.

  “But perfect,” Caz adds.

  “Perfect would be his head on a spike,” Saint snarls. “He’s lucky he’s still in one piece after the shit he said to you back there.”

  “I was so tempted to slice off his dick,” I admit. “Like, I seriously had to talk myself off that ledge.”

  Caz chuckles. “You couldn’t deprive us of that sight. When you chop his cock off, I want a front-row seat.”

  I lean back for a knuckle touch. “Deal, dude. Wouldn’t want to deprive you of such quality entertainment.”


  I sneak out later that night to meet Ashley after the guys have gone to sleep. I’m planning on a quick snatch and grab so I’m back in the house before they notice I’ve left. It’s why I asked Ashley to drive to Prestwick Forest to meet me.

  I drive through the main entrance to the woods and pull into the parking lot, alongside Ashley’s car, and kill my engine. “Girl, this place gives me the creeps at night,” she says, exiting her car the same time I exit mine.

  I shudder as I remember the time the guys dumped me in a pit filled with bones in the dead of night and left me to crawl out by myself. “You’re preaching to the choir,” I agree, opening the trunk of the Gran Turismo. Luckily, I emptied it out before coming here, because the four framed photos are big, and they barely fit.

  “Those are seriously hot.” Ashley grins, propping her hip against the side of her car as I close the trunk. “And I like that you didn’t ask Michelle to cover up your scars or your injuries.”

  “I’m proud of my scars,” I say. “And I never hide them. They remind me every day that I’ve faced off with monsters and come out stronger.” I pull myself up on the hood of my car. “I did consider hiding the bruising on my ribs,” I admit. “For about five seconds.” I flash her a grin. “Because the sentiment is the same there. That bitch tried to take me out, but she failed. I’m still here, and what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”

  “Amen, sister. I think they make the photos hotter, and I’m sure the guys will love them.”

  “I hope so, because I’m replacing the nude posters on their walls with my own version.” I’ve been planning it from the instant I stepped foot in their place.

  Ashley tosses her long hair over one shoulder, grinning wildly. “I so want to be you when I grow up.” I toss her a grin. “Why weren’t we friends before? It was such a wasted opportunity.”

  “We’re friends now.”

  “You should come to the party Friday night. I know my guys would love to hang out with your guys.”

  Ashley’s house is a regular party scene because her rents are rarely home, always overseas on business. Friday party nights at Ashley Shaw’s has been a Lowell Academy tradition for the past couple years now.

  “We have this thing we gotta do Friday, but if it goes okay, we can drop by.”

  “Cool.” She slides down the hood of her car, wiping her hands down the front of her jeans.

  I’m a little less elegant getting off the hood of my car, but I manage.

  She leans in, hugging me. “See you Friday.”

  “Thanks again, Ashley. I owe you big-time.”

  “It’s nothing.” She shrugs. “It’s what friends do.”

  We leave at the same time, exiting the forest in different directions, and I’m sure it hasn’t escaped her notice I’m not heading in the direction of Lowell.

  Leaving the pictures in the trunk, I slip into the house, resetting the alarm.

  “Where did you sneak off to?” Theo’s voice is low as I tiptoe, in the dark, past the couch.

  “Oh my fucking God!” I screech. “You almost gave me a coronary.”

  “Sorry.” He gets up, coming around the couch, smiling as I rub a hand over my chest. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

  “And I didn’t mean to disturb you.”

  “I get alerts anytime the alarm is activated or deactivated,” he explains. “What were you up to?” he asks again, pulling me into his hips.

  “I had something I needed to do.”

  His brows climb to his hairline. “In Prestwick Forest parking lot in the middle of the night?” he asks, confirming he checked the tracking app.

  I tweak his nose. “I was picking up your wedding presents. I want it to be a complete surprise, so don’t say anything to the others, please?”

  “You didn’t have to get us anything, but I’m sure we’ll love it.” He pulls his fingers along his lips in a zipping motion. “And these lips are sealed.”

  We part ways at the foot of the stairways, and I kiss him softly before he goes up one set of stairs and I take the other. We decided not to christen our new bed until after the wedding ceremonies tomorrow, so Saint is sleeping there while the others take the other three beds, and I move between them as the mood strikes me.

  I can’t resist tiptoeing to Saint’s side, pressing a gentle kiss to his brow, as he lays spread-eagled across the big bed. Then I slip into the room I’m sharing with Galen tonight, shedding my clothes and climbing in beside him. I snuggle into his back, and he stirs, taking my hand, pulling it tight around his waist, and I love how he reaches for me, even in sleep.

  Closing my eyes, I inhale his comforting scent, excited to be spending my last night as a single woman. By this time tomorrow, I’ll be married to four of the most amazing, most gorgeous guys on the planet.

  And I can’t fucking wait.


  “WAIT RIGHT HERE,” I tell the guys the following day, as the limo pulls up to the curb outside the jewelry store in the city. The guys surprised me with breakfast that included champagne and strawberries, and after we packed our overnight bags, we drove to Prestwick Forest, where a shiny limousine with blacked-out windows awaited us.

  I dash into the store and collect the engraved wedding bands before racing back outside with them safely tucked in my purse.

  The driver takes us to the hotel next, and Theo checks us into the penthouse while we linger outside the elevator bank.

  I walk around the plush penthouse in a daze. “Oh my God, you guys,” I call out, standing at the foot of the bed with my mouth hanging open. “You’ve got to see this.”

  Caz dumps my bag on the floor as he steps into the master bedroom with a loopy grin on his face.

  “Looks exactly like the picture on the hotel website,” Galen says, walking into the room, followed by Theo and Saint.

  “You knew about this?” I cast a glance over my shoulder.

  “Yep.” Saint flops down on one side of the mammoth four-poster bed.

  “I couldn’t believe I found a hotel with a bed large enough for all of us,” Theo admits, coming up behind me and circling his arms around my waist.

  “It was actually booked out for tonight,” Galen explains, lying down with his hands tucked behind his head. “But our resident brainiac negotiated a deal with the couple who had reserved the place, getting them to relinquish it for tonight so it’s all ours.”

  “Your smarts turn me on so much,” I say, twisting my head around to kiss Theo. I rest my forehead against his. “Thank you.” Emotion flows through my body, lighting me up from the inside out. “Thank you all. Today is already more than I expected.”

  “Nothing but the best for our girl.” Caz stands in front of me, brushing a few stray strands of hair off my face. He leans down, kissing me, and heat rolls off Theo in waves from behind me.

have two hours before the city hall ceremony,” Saint says, sitting up. “We’ll get ready in the other bedroom so you have the master to yourself.” Theo and Caz kiss me on both cheeks, smiling as they back out of the room.

  Galen climbs off the bed, reeling me into his arms. “You okay?”

  “Never better,” I truthfully admit, suctioning my lips to his. I close my eyes, reveling in the taste of his fresh minty breath and the lingering hint of strawberry on his lips.

  “Can’t wait to marry you,” he whispers, nipping at my earlobe after breaking our kiss. “Can’t wait for our wedding night.”

  I groan, planting my hands on his hard chest. “Don’t tease the bride unless you want her to be a horny mess walking down the aisle.”

  A panty-melting grin graces his mouth. “That’s just how I like my woman.” He pecks my lips tenderly. “Enjoy your last few moments of singledom.” With one final kiss, he walks out of the room, leaving me alone with Saint.

  Saint takes his time getting off the bed, sauntering toward me casually, pinning me with that intense all-seeing gaze of his that always makes me feel like I’m stripped bare. His fingers sweep lightly across my face, and he tilts my chin up. “So fucking beautiful,” he rasps, before claiming my lips in a slow, deep kiss that makes my toes curl. He grips the nape of my neck, forcing my eyes to his. “Any last-minute cold feet?”

  “My feet are toasty warm.” I grip his hips. “I want this, Saint. This is the happiest I’ve felt in a long time.”

  His shoulders relax, and I see the fear and panic he’s working so hard to contain.

  “Saint,” I whisper, wrapping my arms around him. “I love you, and I’m going nowhere.” My fingers trek up his sinful chest. “You’re stuck with me now,” I tease.

  “That is music to my ears, princess.” His teeth graze along the column of my neck as he palms my ass. “I can’t wait to make you mine.”

  “Be gone with you then.” I playfully shove him away. “I need to make myself presentable.”

  I take a nice, long soak in the pre-prepared tub with rose petals resting along the surface of the water, sipping from the glass of champagne left out for me, thanking my lucky stars for whoever or whatever led me to my Saints.

  Although it’s only been three months since they reappeared on the scene, it’s as if I’ve known them longer. As if we’ve always been together. It’s hard to imagine my life before they bulldozed their way into my heart, making it their home.

  After I’m nicely relaxed, I dry off and sit in the nude at the dressing table, carefully applying my makeup. I leave my hair to dry naturally, applying a little bit of serum to tame any stray frizzy strands so it falls in soft cascading waves down my back. Then I get dressed, humming Paramore under my breath as I slip my feet into the stilettos, standing back to admire my appearance in the mirror. I have a little giggle to myself as I fix the diamante crown on my head and wrap the “boy toy” belt I found on eBay around my waist, imagining the guys’ reactions.

  “Babe.” Caz knocks on the door, but he doesn’t open it. “It’s nearly time to leave. You almost ready?”

  “I’m ready.” Blood rushes to my head, and butterflies swoop into my belly. I knot my hands in an uncharacteristic surge of anxiety. Tugging at the layers of tulle on my skirt, I pull the tight crop top down, smoothing out any last-minute wrinkles. My tongue is almost glued to the roof of my dry mouth, as anxiety continues twisting knots in my stomach, and that fluttering feeling in my chest accelerates until I fear I’m about to have a coronary.

  Get your shit together, Harlow.

  I give myself a silent pep talk, breathing deeply until the panic has subsided and I’m more in control.

  Drawing a brave breath, I march toward the door and swing it open, stepping confidently into the main room as my composure returns.

  Four pairs of heated eyes dart to mine, and time stands still. I stop breathing, sucking in a gasp as I drink in the sight of my gorgeous guys.

  Caz is wearing a white button-down shirt with dark jeans, both items hugging his muscular body in all the right places. His eyebrow piercing and lip ring are in, and his dark hair is styled back from his face. His warm brown eyes glint with heat as his gaze rakes over me, and he smiles in appreciation.

  Theo is wearing gray skinny jeans, a rocker T-shirt, and a fitted black jacket with a patterned trim. Bunches of bangles and leather ties adorn his wrists. His hair is freshly washed, hanging loose around his face, and my fingers twitch with a craving to touch the silky strands. Theo gulps, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat as he drinks his fill of me. He blows me a kiss, mouthing I love you, and my heart speeds up.

  My eyes flit to Galen, and I smile at my dark prince. He’s wearing a tight-fitting black shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, showcasing the ink on his arms. The top few buttons are undone, highlighting his toned chest and the colorful ink running up one side of his neck. Black fitted pants and new black boots complete his sexy look. His hair is artfully styled in a mess of tumbles on top of his head, and his green eyes radiate happiness as he stares at me in awe.

  Saint steps forward, and I suck in another gasp. Our eyes connect, and I stop breathing again. He is the epitome of sex on a stick in his fitted black suit with black button-down shirt. Unlike Galen, his shirt is buttoned to the top, hiding the ink on his chest.

  He closes the gap between us, standing directly in front of me. “Princess.” His voice is all choked up, and it inflames the messy ball of emotion churning in my gut. Lifting his hand, he gently touches my face, tipping my chin up. His tattooed fingers lightly hold me in place. Adoration and something much deeper swim in the depths of his beautiful blue eyes as he stares at me. “You are breathtaking and we’re the luckiest bastards alive.” He takes my hand, lifting it to his mouth, and kissing across my knuckles.

  “Wow.” Caz steps forward and Saint passes my hand to his, stepping aside. “You look so fucking hot. I want to live inside you and never resurface for air.”

  I giggle, peering into his fiery brown eyes as he too kisses the back of my hand. “Thanks. I think.”

  Theo is up next, and he can’t contain the ginormous grin lighting up his face. “Madonna’s got nothing on Harlow Westbrook.” He presses a feather-soft kiss to my cheek, careful not to smudge my makeup. “You’re stunning, babe.”

  I’m fighting tears by this point, and we haven’t even gotten to the ceremony yet.

  “You’re a knockout, angel,” Galen agrees, threading his fingers in mine. “And you couldn’t be any more perfect.”

  Saint hands me a simple bouquet of white roses, the short stems securely wrapped in white ribbon, and I almost lose it. “Stop it!” I smile through my tears. “You’re going to ruin my makeup.” I laugh to deflect the potent emotion consuming me. “And you are all so handsome and so fucking hot. If anyone’s lucky, it’s most definitely me.”

  We snap a few pics, including a group selfie, before we head out. We guzzle some more champagne in the limo en route to city hall, and I’m grateful when Theo passes me a bottle of water, because I’m feeling a little tipsy, and I want to be fully coherent when I say my vows.

  The justice of the peace we booked is waiting for us when we reach the designated room in city hall, and he wastes no time getting started. I hold Saint’s hands as we face one another with the guys standing close behind us.

  Much of the ceremony is a blur because I’m transfixed by the man unraveling before my eyes. I’ve never seen so much emotion on Saint’s face before, and to know it’s all for me is mind-fucking-blowing.

  He stumbles over his vows, and tears well in my eyes as I watch my brave, broken, sexy boy commit himself to me. My vows ring out confident and clear, and I keep my eyes on Saint, as I recite the words, until the very end when I purposely lock eyes with Caz, Theo, and Galen too. We exchange rings, and I get tingles sliding the black band on Saint’s finger, knowing he’s mine for life.

  Saint kisses the shit out of me when the offi
ciant confirms we are husband and wife, and I’m barely breathing when I finally come up for air.

  The poor officiant almost keels over in shock when I kiss each of my guys in turn, and I’m waylaid as a fit of giggles accosts me. I double over laughing, because the look on his face is priceless, and I’m betting this is one wedding he won’t forget in a hurry.

  Saint clutches our wedding certificate in one hand, and me in the other, as we make our way out of the building with matching wide smiles.

  We pose on the steps for some official photos, and then Theo gives the photographer and our driver the address for the commitment ceremony, and we get back in the limo. I cannot believe they went to such lengths to ensure today was special, and it only makes me love them more.

  “Ready to get married again, wifey,” Caz teases, as we pile out of the limo at the small private building where our group union is being celebrated.

  “You betcha,” I say, looping my arm through his and letting him lead the way.

  Tamara, the female celebrant, greets us when we arrive, ushering us into a cozy waiting room filled with colorful couches and an assortment of beanbags. She runs through the ceremony with us, explaining a few things, before stepping into the room next door, giving us a few moments alone.

  Saint and Galen are on either side of me, and I fling my arms around them, urging the other two to join us with my eyes. We stand in a circle, with our arms locked around one another, and no words are spoken, because none are needed. Emotion is thick in the air and in their eyes, as my gaze meets theirs, one at a time. My heart pounds as the magnitude of what we are about to do truly sinks in.

  This is it.

  The moment we bond ourselves together for life, because there’s no doubt we’re in this forever.

  The strains of my favorite Paramore song waft from under the door, and we break apart with matching smiles. Saint and I slip our wedding bands off, adding them to the box Theo holds open with the other three bands. Then Saint opens the double doors to the main room, and one by one, my handsome guys walk up the aisle, carpeted in a purple-and-gold-patterned rug. The quaint little room is adorned with large, vibrant prints on the wall, an abundance of floral arrangements, and cute little wooden chairs decorated with white ribbons.


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