The Sainthood : A Dark High School Romance (The Complete Series)

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The Sainthood : A Dark High School Romance (The Complete Series) Page 79

by Siobhan Davis



  I RETURN TO the land of the living when I’m shoved forcibly against the wall and a warm, tight body presses up against me. “What were you just thinking?” Lo purrs in that sultry, seductive voice I love so much. Her arms creep around my neck, and she thrusts her gorgeous tits against my chest.

  My cock throbs with visceral need, and I rock my hips against her. I glance around, but the others have disappeared into the dining room up ahead. “You don’t want to know,” I croak, urging the beast in my boxers to calm the fuck down.

  “Wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t want to know.” She slides her hand between our bodies, rubbing my dick through my jeans.

  A groan rumbles from the back of my throat. “I was imagining Theo fucking me while I fucked you,” I truthfully admit, because I’m not ashamed of my thoughts.

  “I dream about that too.” Her pupils dilate, and precum seeps from the crown of my cock.

  I slam my head back against the wall. “Fuck. Kill me now.”

  “I’ve a better idea.” The wicked glint in her eyes tells me all I need to know.

  “We can’t. Dinner’s about to be served.”

  She palms my dick, giving it a firm squeeze. “Are you doubting my talents? You think I can’t get you off in a matter of minutes?”

  I grab her wrist, tugging her past the open doorway toward the bathroom at the end of the hallway. “You know I love a challenge, and you’ve just set one.” I pull her into the bathroom and lock the door, shoving her to her knees as I unzip my jeans, pushing them and my boxers down my legs.

  Her tongue darts out, and she licks my balls. A primitive moan crawls up my throat, and my dick pulses when she rubs her finger against my taint, teasing my asshole.

  “Get ready, babe. I’m about to blow your mind,” she promises.

  Lo takes my cock into her mouth the same time one finger slides into my ass. She sucks me hard, pumping her finger in and out of my ass, while her free hand alternates between cupping my balls and holding the base of my shaft in her tight grip.

  My eyes roll back in my head as I give myself over to sensation. Grabbing the back of her head, I hold her in place as I fuck her mouth raw. A familiar tingle starts at the base of my spine, and my balls tighten. I bite down on my lip to contain my roar as my orgasm rockets through me. I spill deep into her mouth, my cock pulsing as I release every single drop down her throat.

  When she pulls her finger from my ass, I lift her up by the shoulders and make love to her mouth, savoring the taste of me on her lips. “God, I fucking love you,” I rasp over her mouth. “I must’ve done something right in this life to deserve someone like you.”

  “Ditto, babe.” She pecks my lips softly, smiling as she eases out of my hold to wash her hands. I yank up my jeans and boxers, fixing myself into place, as Lo smooths out her hair and reapplies gloss to her lips.

  We exit the bathroom with matching grins, walking into the dining room hand in hand. Four pairs of eyes swing our direction. “Harlow! Caz!” Alisha slurs, lifting a glass filled to the brim with clear liquid I know isn’t water. “How lovely to see you.” Her gaze drops to our conjoined hands, and she frowns, turning to her son. “Baby, why is your wife holding hands with your friend?”

  Saint rolls his eyes to the ceiling while Theo stares at Lo and me, his cheeks flushing. I’m quite partial to that look on him, and my cock stirs in my jeans again.

  If we don’t fuck soon, I’m likely to explode.

  Galen sighs. “Mom, I just told you. Harlow is married to all of us.”

  Alisha wrinkles her nose in distaste, and my anger rises. For once, couldn’t she put aside her own selfish thoughts and think of her son? “I didn’t think that was possible.”

  “Well, it is.” Galen’s tone is snippy as he stands, holding out the chair beside him for Lo. She kisses him briefly, before sitting beside him, and I drop into the chair on his other side.

  Mrs. Murphy carries plates loaded with food into the room, and we tuck in. She leaves some extras in bowls in the middle of the table, along with two large pitchers of water, before excusing herself, pulling the heavy, ornate doors closed behind her.

  No one is speaking—we’re too busy eating our body weight in pot roast—but it’s not awkward.

  Until Alisha decides to put her big foot in it.

  “It’s strange to think if I hadn’t aborted Trey’s baby you and your wife would share a sibling, isn’t it?” she says to Galen, grinning like she’s just told a joke.

  All the blood drains from Lo’s face, and she shoves her plate away, knotting her hands in her lap.

  “Mom.” Galen’s silverware clangs off the table as he drops it, thumping his fist on the table. “Why would you even bring that up?” he says, through gritted teeth, snagging Lo’s hand under the table.

  “I don’t know, I just…” She shrugs, shooting a timid smile in Lo’s direction. Lo glares at her with murderous intent, and Alisha gulps. “It just popped into my head,” she blurts. “Ugh.” She slams her glass down, pressing her palms into her head. “I’m bad. Bad. Bad.” She slaps her cheeks, fisting her hands, and hitting herself in the face. She accidentally elbows her glass, and it crashes on top of the table, shattering and spilling vodka everywhere.

  Lo reacts fast, jumping to her feet before vodka pours all over her.

  “I’ll get Mrs. Murphy,” Theo says while Galen stands, going to his mom and prying her hands from her face. Her nails are unkempt, and she’s torn her frail skin. Little beads of blood seep from a small tear on her cheek.

  “Mom, stop.” Galen holds her wrists down in front of her, as Saint slips out of the room.

  “I’m sorry!” she whimpers, letting her head drop forward on his chest. “I know I mess everything up, but I’m not all bad. I’ve done good things.” She lifts her chin, peeking up at her son with a pleading expression.

  I don’t know how the fuck Galen has put up with this for years. He deserves the Nobel fucking Peace Prize for his efforts.

  Galen releases her hands as Saint steps back into the room. “Good things for you,” Alisha adds, cupping Galen’s face. “My baby. My precious boy. I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

  What a fucking joke.

  This is going to sound cold, but, honestly, the best thing Alisha Lennox could do for her son is die and release him from the burden of caring for her.

  She hiccups, and Galen’s pained eyes meet Saint’s over his mom’s shoulder. Saint sets the first aid box down on the table, and I bundle Lo in my arms as we watch Galen attend to the cut on her face.

  Mrs. Murphy arrives to clean up the mess on the table, her sad gaze roaming over Alisha as she sobs into Galen’s shirt.

  “I’ll get her to bed,” Mrs. Murphy says. “You finish your dinner.” She coaxes Alisha from Galen’s arms, and his shoulders slump as she’s led out of the room.

  “You should eat,” Galen says in a deadpan voice. “I’ve lost my appetite.”

  “I think we all have,” Lo says, leaving my embrace and going to Galen. She snakes her arms around him, holding him tight.

  “Let’s just leave.” Galen sounds dejected, and I don’t blame him. No matter how often Alisha embarrasses him like this, it never gets any easier even when he knows we understand.

  “Lo has something to show you first,” Saint says, clamping his hand on his cousin’s shoulder. “Something that’ll cheer you up.”

  We head outside, letting Lo and Galen walk ahead of us.

  “She’s getting worse,” Saint says under his breath as we walk.

  “She looks awful,” I admit, because every time I see her, she appears to be thinner and paler.

  “We need to get her into rehab,” Theo suggests.

  “It’s a waste of money,” Saint says. “Money Galen doesn’t have because everything he earns already goes into her and the upkeep of this house.”

  “He should sell it,” I cut in. “Place is creepy as fuck and falling apart. He�
�d be better off using the money to get Alisha into rehab and then buying her a smaller home that’s more manageable.”

  “It’s been in his family for generations,” Theo says.

  “So what?” I shrug. “It’s only bricks and mortar, and from where I’m sitting, it’s brought them nothing but misery.”

  “I doubt Sinner would let her part with it considering he’s using it to stash his guns and drugs,” Saint says.

  “Let him buy it off her,” I say even though I know he’d never do that. He’ll demand she keep it and continue using it to suit his own ends. He contributes toward the upkeep of the house, but it’s pennies, and Galen covers most of that cost, including paying Mrs. Murphy’s salary. We’ve offered to help countless times, but he refuses to take our money.

  Stubborn fuck.

  We round the corner, and the maze comes into view. “Wow.” Saint whistles under his breath. “This takes me back.” I’d forgotten how intertwined Galen’s and Saint’s childhood memories are.

  “Our girl did good.” Theo’s voice oozes pride.

  “She did.” I smile as he turns to look at me, and we share a heated look, one that’s growing with intensity by the day.

  Up ahead, Galen is swinging Lo around, and she’s laughing, happy it’s brought a smile back to his face.

  “She makes everything better,” Saint murmurs, and I’m not sure if he realizes he said that out loud.

  “She fucking does,” I agree.

  “Come on, man,” Galen shouts, urging Saint forward with his fingers. “Let’s explore together.”

  We watch the three of them disappear into the maze together, and neither of us makes a move to follow them. My chest heaves the longer we stand here side by side. I’m acutely aware of the heat rolling off Theo’s body in waves and the blood rushing south to my cock. Electricity surrounds us, crackling in the air, strengthening the connection simmering between us. Every nerve ending on my body is standing to attention, and anticipation is rife.

  A volt zips up my arm when Theo’s fingers brush against mine. At first, I think it’s accidental, until his fingers touch mine again, curling around the tips, sending bolts of desire threading through my body. I got in trouble the last time I reacted on impulse, but fuck it.

  Life is about taking chances, and if I continue waiting for Theo to take control, I’ll be old and gray before he takes that leap of faith.

  I won’t push him too fast, but there’s nothing wrong with nudging him in the right direction.

  I know what I want, and it’s him. Deep down, I know he feels the same. I wouldn’t risk our friendship otherwise.

  Turning to face him, I grab his face, winding my fingers into his gorgeous hair, slowly lowering my head so I’m not ambushing him. His eyes pop wide in a mix of lust and fear, but he doesn’t pull away when my lips land on his. Angling his head, he opens his mouth, letting my tongue explore.

  Our kiss swiftly turns frantic, and we’re clawing at one another, desperate to get closer. I grab fistfuls of his hair while he drags his nails through mine, making me purr like a kitten. My cock is a block of wood, straining behind my zipper, and he moans into my mouth when I pivot my hips against his.

  Feeling his erection sliding against mine does weird things to my stomach, and I grab hold of his ass, yanking him flush against me as our lips devour one another with zero hesitation. My blood is on fire, and I long to drop to my knees, pull out his thick cock, and suck it into my mouth until I feel the tip touching the back of my throat. My cock leaks precum, and I growl into Theo’s mouth, wishing we had time to turn my fantasy into reality.

  Tinkling laughter forces us apart in a nanosecond, and we pull away with enough time to adjust ourselves and straighten up before the others emerge from the maze.

  But nothing gets past our wife, and her eyes sparkle with happiness the closer she gets as her gaze roams intelligently over us, noting our joint flushed skin, tousled hair, and the bulges still evident in our jeans.

  Ditching Saint and Galen, she loops her arms through ours, pulling us forward, far enough away from the Lennox cousins to murmur, “Well, my loves. Tell me what I missed.” She beams at us, happiness radiating from her every pore, and I love how excited she is for us. There is zero jealousy or possessiveness. Lo is confident in our love, automatically knowing it changes nothing about how we feel for her.

  I brave a look at Theo, prepared to see remorse and confusion on his face, like the last time we kissed, but I’m pleasantly surprised to see a genuine smile on his lips. “A gentleman never tells, Lo,” Theo says, keeping his eyes locked on mine. A slow grin spreads across his fuck-worthy mouth. “Let’s just say it was hot and leave it at that.”



  “WHAT HAPPENED?” I blurt the instant I’m inside Caz’s Mitsubishi Eclipse. We wave at the others as they pile into Saint’s Land Rover. We’re going to collect my Lexus, and we’ll meet them back at the barn then.

  “With what?” He slants me a mock innocent look, and I thump his arm.

  “Don’t play dumb. With Theo back there!” I waggle my brows, more excited than is normal. “Did you blow each other?” I know that most likely didn’t happen, because we weren’t gone long enough and I’m pretty sure Theo will have to build up to that, but I can’t contain my overactive imagination, and I squirm in my seat at the very idea of them sucking one another off.

  Caz chuckles. “I wish.”

  “Aw.” I kick my feet up onto the dash. “I so wanted it to be that.”

  “Then you should’ve stayed in the maze longer.” Caz peels out of the driveway, heading toward the less salubrious part of town. “Galen seems happy.”

  “He is. He loves it.” I’m thrilled he does, because there was a small part of me that feared I’d overstepped the mark. The guys warned me he’s funny about accepting money or gifts from them, so I didn’t know if he’d feel the same about this. I’m happy he saw the gesture for what it was. Happy to see a smile on his face again. I seriously could’ve throttled Alisha for her insensitive outburst at the table. She ruined dinner and embarrassed her son, and that shit doesn’t wash with me.

  Alisha needs to get her act together or get the fuck out of his life. I know that’s not my call to make, but doesn’t she see what she’s doing to him? I make a silent vow to never let Galen visit her by himself again. If she pulls that shit on him, I want to be there to make it better.

  “But stop deflecting,” I add, pulling myself out of my inner monologue. “Put a girl out of her misery.”

  “We kissed,” Caz admits, and I bounce on my seat, squealing and clapping my hands like a toddler on a sugar high. “And it was fucking hot.”

  “He looked happy. Like he’s turned a corner,” I admit, because Theo had the biggest smile on his face. His eyes were alive, and he looked comfortable in his skin.

  “Man, I really hope so.” Caz casts me a quick glance as he pushes the car forward. “I really want this to work.”

  “I do too. I am so wet right now imagining you two sucking each other off. Like, you’ve no idea.” I’m not lying, and I can only imagine what thoughts must be running through Caz’s mind.

  “If my buddy wasn’t doing us a favor opening his garage on a Sunday, I’d pull over and shove you on my dick right now,” he says.

  “Fuck. I love your dirty mouth.” I toy with a strand of my hair. “I’ve always loved sex, but since I met you guys, it’s like I’m in overdrive. The more we fuck, the more I crave it. Considering all the shit we have on our plate, I probably should be less fixated on sex, but I’m obsessed.”

  Caz barks out a laugh. “You’re like a dude trapped in a woman’s body.”

  I slap him across the back of the head, and the car swerves a little. “That type of comment is beneath you even if I know you were joking.”

  “I love that you’re sex-obsessed. It’s one of the reasons it works so well with all of us. We’ve got sex on the brain pretty much twenty-four seven.
Fuck whatever else is going on in our lives. Nothing is more important than caving to our carnal desires. We should implement a no-clothes rule at the house,” he suggests, his eyes lighting up with devilish delight.

  “As much as I like that idea, we would literally do nothing else but fuck.”

  “And that’s a problem, why?”

  I laugh, rolling my eyes. “So, who’s this buddy?” I deliberately switch the topic before I say screw my car and force Caz to pull over and push himself inside me.

  “He’s the guy I told you about. I used to work for him in his garage. Everything I know about cars, he taught me.”

  We pull into a large warehouse-style garage on the outskirts of Prestwick five minutes later, and Caz cuts the engine outside. My Lexus is parked beside us, but we walk past it, heading toward the guy with dark curly hair and oil streaks on his cheeks, lounging against the door to a small office. He’s dressed in grease-splattered overalls, and he’s wiping his oily fingers on a dirty red rag. A wide grin creeps across his full mouth, and he steps forward, pulling Caz into a bear hug. I watch in amusement as they slap each other on the back. “Caz, my man. Good to see you, dude.”

  They step out of their embrace.

  “You too, Rich.” Caz takes my hand, pulling me into his side. “This is my wife, Harlow.”

  “Your wife?” Rich almost chokes on the words. “What the fuck, man?” His eyes pop wide. “When the fuck did that happen?”

  Caz chuckles. “A few days ago.”

  “Well, good for you, man.” He turns his sharp gaze on me. “Nice to meet you, Harlow. And congratulations on your wedding.”

  “You too, Rich, and thanks.”

  “Your Lexus is ready,” Rich confirms, handing me the keys. “She’s a beauty. Took a hammering, but I’m glad we were able to repair her.”

  “It looks brand-new,” I say, glancing over my shoulder. “You did a great job.” I whip my wallet out of my back pocket. “What do I owe you?” I ask, sliding my platinum card out.


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