Love on Pointe Omnibus

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Love on Pointe Omnibus Page 22

by Colette Davison

  David pulled away long enough to tug Mason's jeans and underwear off before getting rid of his own. Naked, he straddled Mason, leaning down to kiss his neck and jaw again.

  "Do you have protection?" David asked. "And lube?"

  David clearly didn't mess around, something Mason didn't mind at all. He waved his hand in the direction of his suitcase.

  "Want me to get it?" David asked.

  Did he want David rifling through his stuff? Not that there was much in there except clothes, a couple of books, and a collection of programmes from all the shows he'd danced in. Even so, it would probably be faster if he grabbed what they needed.

  "I'll get it."

  David let him go, allowing Mason to roll off the bed. Mason's whole body was jangling with desire and pent-up energy. He needed the release of being with another man, of feeling every inch of another man. Without lifting the top of the suitcase up, he rooted around inside until he found the almost full box of condoms and the bottle of lube he'd stuffed inside. He pulled one condom and the lube out before returning to the bed.

  He'd barely sat down when David was all over him again, hands and mouth roving over his body.

  David pinched the bright red condom wrapper between his finger and thumb as though he was about to pluck it out of Mason's grasp. The action told Mason that David wanted to top. He let the condom wrapper go, allowing David to take it.

  A deep chuckle rumbled out of David's throat. "I'm a vocal lover," he informed Mason. "My mouth gets filthy when I'm fucking."

  Like someone else Mason knew, but he kept that thought to himself.

  "How long has it been?" David asked.

  Mason's brow creased.

  "If it's been a while, you'll be tight."

  Embarrassment made Mason freeze and tense up. He felt heat flush into his skin, probably lighting up his cheeks like a beacon of shame. Despite his discomfort, he was glad that David cared enough to ask.

  "Too long," he confirmed.

  He'd already told David he was as single as you could get. He was always too wrapped up in dancing to worry about meeting anyone. He spent all his time with his fellow dancers, friends he'd sworn never to cross the line with. Being colleagues and lovers wasn't worth the drama.

  "Are you sure you want to do this?" David asked. "We could fool around instead."

  Mason saw the ghost of his face reflected in David's glasses, and the petulant mix of annoyance and desperation that crossed it. David laughed and leaned down to kiss him, slowly coaxing his lips apart so he could slip his tongue into Mason's mouth. The long kiss helped Mason relax. He felt the heat ebbing from his cheeks and the need flooding back into his body.

  David pushed himself upright and ripped open the condom wrapper and rolled it onto his hard cock. "I'll be gentle," he promised. "Pass me the pillow."

  Mason reached behind his head to grab the pillow and handed it over. David tucked it beneath Mason's hips so they were angled upwards. He spread lube over his fingers and Mason's arsehole. The thick, sticky substance was cold enough to make Mason squirm. He stilled when David lay on top of him and kissed him again; the heavy pressure of David's body pressing down on him helped to ground him. Mason raised his knees, spreading his legs wide. Being a dancer made him very flexible.

  "Relax," David told him as he used a moist finger to circle Mason's hole. "Tell me if you want me to stop."

  Mason tangled his fingers in David's short hair, applying pressure to the back of his head to drag him into another kiss. He moaned as David's tongue slid into his mouth. He broke free of the kiss and gasped as David's finger pushed inside him, causing a stab of pain.

  "I'm good," he whispered when David stilled. He forced a smile to his lips, even though he couldn't erase the tension from his creased brow. The pain would pass, and then he'd get the payoff of pleasure.

  "You're so tight," David said, moving his finger in a small circle to loosen Mason up. "I love pushing my cock into a tight arse."

  Once Mason had relaxed again, David pushed himself up on his arm, staring down at Mason as he worked his finger round and round, then in and out, in and out, pushing deeper with each thrust until his knuckles struck against Mason's arse.

  Mason's eyelids felt heavy as they flickered open and shut. He flopped his arms above his head, simply enjoying the sensation of David's finger working him. He could have cum like that. He could feel the pressure starting to build up in his cock as his balls drew up tight. Then David stopped and pulled his finger free.

  "I want to fuck you," he said. "I want to cum inside you."

  There was a primal hunger in David's eyes which Mason was pretty sure was reflected in his own. Mason licked his lips and dropped his gaze to watch as David slicked his gloved cock with lube and smeared more over Mason's arsehole. Then he leaned down and crashed his mouth against Mason's. Mason felt his arse muscles clench in response to David's probing dick. He drew in a deep breath and released it as David entered him slowly, quivering slightly at the initial pain.

  "You okay?" David asked, pausing to stroke his face.

  Mason nodded. "Been too long," he gasped. "It's fine. Don't stop."

  It was good. He'd almost forgotten what it felt like to have someone's cock inside him, the way each thrust made him feel like he was about to fall apart. He wrapped his legs around David's back, crossing them at the ankles so David could get as deep as possible. He moaned each time David slammed into him and gasped whenever David's cock thrust against his prostate, sending a shiver of excitement through him.

  "I love how tight you are," David told him. "And how fucking sexy you look right now."

  Mason went to move his hands from where they were resting above his head, perhaps to stroke David's back or run his fingers through David's hair. He didn't have a plan, and he didn't get to follow through anyway because David caught hold of his wrists and held them against the bed. Mason arched a brow but didn't struggle.

  "You like that?" David asked, thrusting deeper and harder, his skin flushing red with exertion, his breathing degenerating into passionate grunts.

  The way David was holding his wrists was sexy in a way Mason had never experienced before. David didn't have a tight hold on him. He could break free if he really wanted to. He could ask David to stop and assumed that he would, even though they barely knew each other. But then, he wouldn't have let David get this far if he hadn't felt comfortable with the man, so he nodded and gazed up into David's dark eyes.

  "You're still wearing your glasses," he murmured through a light laugh.

  David kissed his neck. "Would you rather I took them off?"

  Mason shook his head. "They're very sexy."

  His eyes flickered shut, and he licked his lips as he felt his orgasm drawing near again. He arched his back and strained his wrists playfully against David's grip without ever really trying to free them. Then David pulled free of him, released his wrists, and sat back on his heels. Mason stared at him, not understanding. He'd thought they were both on the brink. Why would David want to stop?

  "Trust me: when I finally let you cum, you'll thank me," David said, apparently sensing his thoughts.

  Mason could barely move. All the feeling was in his aching cock, which was begging for release. He lay panting, wondering if he should protest or simply trust that David, who had to be far more experienced than he, knew what he was doing.

  "Turn over," David coaxed, nudging him.

  Mason did so, positioning himself on all fours with his arse presented to David. "I really need to cum," he said, a note of pleading in his voice. "It's been too long."

  He looked back at David, who was peering at him curiously. "Do you ever swear?"

  Mason grinned at him. "Maybe you can try to make me?"

  David ran his tongue over his lips slowly. "I think I like that challenge." He lubed up again. "Are you warmed up enough for a hard fucking? Or would you prefer slow?"

  "I'm good with whatever you want to give," Mason assured him. "Just stop te
asing me."

  David chuckled, the sound low and seductive. "Okay," he promised. "This time I'll let us both cum."

  He parted Mason's arse cheeks and then pushed inside again. There was still the initial shock of pain, but it wasn't as pronounced as the first time. Mason braced himself on his forearms and dipped his forehead to the mattress as David slammed into him over and over. He felt himself shatter and reform, only to shatter again. It was exhausting and amazing at the same time. Twinges of discomfort ran through him, but the pleasure he was experiencing was more than enough compensation.

  "Fuck, this is good," David grunted. "I love how tight you are. Love the way your arse feels around my cock. Jesus, I'm going to cum."

  "Me too," Mason managed.

  It wasn't often he'd had penetrative sex good enough to make him cum without the need to be jacked off, either by himself or his partner. But David was good. Add to that the fact that he'd been so close twice now and was fit to explode anyway. He twisted his fingers into the quilt cover, his hips bucking as his orgasm hit and flooded out of him. He groaned, almost collapsing to the bed, but David wrapped an arm tightly around his stomach and kept him up, even though his legs and arms had turned to liquid and no longer supported him. The man was strong.

  "Fuck!" David yelled, thrusting hard once, twice, three times more. "Jesus, that was good."

  He lowered Mason to the bed and then flopped down beside him, running his fingertips up and down Mason's spine. Mason couldn't move, could barely think or breathe. He didn't even care that he was lying in the sticky mess of his own cum. His orgasm had truly torn him apart, and his consciousness hadn't had the energy to reform.

  Chapter Four


  There were few things more satisfying than making another person cum. As David lay on his side, stroking Mason's spine, he marvelled at the beautiful young man who had come undone so completely. Mason's breathing was hard and ragged, and his body shivered with every light, downward stroke of David's fingers. Sweat made his lithe body glisten. And, Christ, Mason had a beautiful body, strong and powerful, with clearly defined muscles, yet willowy and lithe at the same time. David wasn't sure if it was the thrill of making love to a significantly younger man for the first time, or if he'd just been sex-deprived for too long, but his orgasm had hit him harder than he'd expected.

  "You didn't swear." He chuckled.

  Mason swallowed and slowly turned his head to look at David, his eyelids drooping. "You'd better try harder next time."

  Next time? David's chest constricted, and he couldn't breathe. His hand stilled, hovering a couple of millimetres above Mason's skin.

  Mason's brow furrowed deeply. "I'm sorry," he stammered. "Too presumptuous. One-night stand. I get it."

  "You want more?" David asked once he was able to breathe again.

  Mason lifted his hand, but apparently the effort was too much, and he flopped it back down onto the bed again. "Can't even think right now. But… wow."

  David chuckled, revelling in how inarticulate he'd made Mason become.

  "Neighbours with benefits?" Mason asked after a few moments of silence. His voice was heavy and slurred, as though he was on the brink of falling asleep.

  He probably was. David felt like he'd drop off the second he closed his eyes, so he made sure to keep them wide open. He really liked the sound of Mason's proposition, because yes, he was still lusting after the naked young man beside him. The thought of being able to seek him out for sex rather than trying his luck down at a bar or on a dating app was definitely alluring. He loved sex, and he'd love to fuck Mason again and do a lot more besides. The young man had a body that deserved to be worshipped, and he wanted to be the one to do it.

  He let his fingertips drop to Mason's spine and stroked him once more, chuckling as Mason shivered and squirmed slightly beneath his touch.

  "Tickles," Mason told him.

  Which got David thinking about feathers and other textures he could use to stimulate Mason's senses. Would Mason submit to a blindfold? He had let David call the shots whilst they’d been fucking and had allowed his wrists to be restrained. If they kept meeting up for sex, he’d ask. But not now; they were both spent, and he wasn't going to presume that the young man was into the same things he was.

  "You'd really want to do this again?" he asked cautiously.

  "Said so, didn't I?" Mason replied. His hand fumbled towards David. "I'm wrecked," he confessed as he finally found David's chest and began to caress the salt-and-pepper strands of hair he found there. "Need to sleep, but yeah, I'd like to hook up with you again."

  David felt warmth gathering in his loins. Fuck. He was going to be able to enjoy Mason again and again? He hoped so.

  He settled down beside him, draping his arm over Mason's back, telling himself he'd only stay for a little while, long enough to watch Mason fall asleep, before he slipped back to his own home. He had an early start in the morning, and there would be hell to pay if he was late.



  Mason's eyes were shut, his face and body completely relaxed. His hand, which until a couple of moments before had been stroking David's chest, was now resting between them, his fingers slightly curled.

  David smiled, knowing there was no point in continuing to talk. Anything he wanted to say could wait. Anything he wanted to do could wait. He only hoped that, when morning rolled around and Mason reflected back on the night before, he would still feel the same way.

  Neighbours with benefits. Fuck, yes.

  Chapter Five


  When Mason's alarm woke him at stupid o'clock the next morning, he realised he was alone in the bed. He wasn't surprised that David had slipped out during the night—a little disappointed, but definitely not surprised.

  He rolled onto his back, a smile as broad as the Cheshire Cat's spreading across his face. His body was stiff, his arse a little tender, but overall, he felt fantastic.

  He flopped his forearm over his forehead, unwilling to move, at least until his snooze alarm disturbed him again. His stomach felt tight where he'd fallen asleep in the pool of his own cum and it had dried. He'd wash it off in the shower, along with the citrus scent of David's deodorant, which he hoped to smell again.

  Neighbours with benefits. He hadn't dreamt that conversation, had he?

  His phone beeped, and he reached for it, finding a text message from Adam.

  —Good luck! Dance to impress.

  Mason snorted. Like he didn't always dance to impress. Trust Adam to remember it was his first day. They’d broken up almost four years earlier, when Mason had left home to join Emotion in Motion, but they’d remained good friends. Mason fired back a quick ‘thanks’ and then shut his alarm off before dragging himself out of bed and into the shower.

  About an hour later, he'd eaten breakfast and had managed to make his way to the dance studio. He was standing in the reception area, leaning against the front desk while he waited for the receptionist to create his permanent security pass. He kept glancing at the clock, worried that the minutes were flying past and he hadn't warmed up.

  Just as the receptionist handed him his pass, the doors flew open and a young woman with hair as fiery as molten copper rushed in. Her face was flushed red, which made the freckles that were spattered across her cheeks and nose stand out. He stepped aside, allowing her access to the receptionist as, gulping in air, she tossed her ID and a passport photo down on the desk.

  "I'm Gemma Ridley," she said, "and my bus didn't turn up. I need a security pass?"

  The receptionist gathered up the ID and passport photo and wandered into a back office. The girl turned around and rested against the desk, calming her breathing as she looked at Mason.

  "Are you new, too?" she asked, with a hopeful lilt in her voice.

  Trying not to smile too broadly, he nodded. "Mason," he said, holding his hand out.

  Gemma accepted and shook it, and then her gaze dropped to the pass in his free han
d. "You're all sorted, then?"

  "Apparently so."

  "You don't have to wait for me. I wouldn't want to make you late."

  "It's okay. Us newbies have to stick together."

  She smiled nervously and then pushed away from the desk so she was standing up fully. "Well, that's very kind of you, Mason."

  He shrugged. He wasn't sure it was that kind a gesture. Neither of them knew anyone, so sticking together until they found their feet seemed like a good plan.

  "Have you danced somewhere else before?" Gemma asked. "Or is this your first gig?"

  "I was with Emotion in Motion for over three years."

  Her eyes widened. "Oh, they're good. Why did you leave?"

  "The travelling got tiring."

  He hoped, not for the first time since he'd made the decision to leave, that he hadn't made a mistake. But opportunities were only ever what you made of them, and he was determined to make this new opportunity every bit as successful as his time with Emotion in Motion had been.

  "What about you?"

  "I'm fresh out of dance school. This is my first professional gig. I'm so nervous."

  "Yeah, me too."

  "Here you go," the receptionist said in a bored tone, holding the security pass out for Gemma to take. "The rehearsal rooms are through there. Ms Roth is expecting you," she said once Gemma had snatched the pass from her.

  Together, Mason and Gemma went through the doors that the receptionist had indicated. They found themselves in a long corridor with a few doors leading off. Most of the doors had circular glass windows, allowing them to look through at a couple of empty rehearsal rooms. The third room was more promising, as a group of around twenty dancers was positioned around the room, warming up.

  "This must be it," Gemma said, excitement making her voice squeak.


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