Love on Pointe Omnibus

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Love on Pointe Omnibus Page 26

by Colette Davison

  He removed his coat and dumped it on the floor near the door, his hungry stare never leaving Mason's lithe body.

  "Don't look," he snapped in a more commanding tone when Mason's head began to turn a fraction.

  "You like being in charge?" Mason asked, his voice wavering a little. David hoped it was through excitement rather than fear.

  "Yes." David kept his voice masterful, but also playful and completely non-threatening. "Is that a problem?"

  Mason let out a soft chuckle. "No."

  "Then do as I say and don’t look."

  What David wouldn't have given to know what was running through Mason's head at that precise moment. All he knew was that the young man stayed exactly where he was and didn't look.

  David took his time undressing, relishing the anticipation that made Mason's breathing quicken and hitch and made his muscles tense. David loved seeing the muscles in Mason's arse tighten. It almost made him cum, just thinking about how tight it would feel around his cock.

  He fisted his cock a couple of times so it was completely erect and then walked forward, the sound of his bare feet completely muffled by the cream carpet. He stood directly behind Mason, not touching him, just looking, and felt the heat rising off the young man's skin. He loved the way the dim light from the torches fell over Mason's body, caressing the curves of his torso and arse, creating a shining trail that David longed to follow with his lips.

  He kissed Mason's collarbone and then put a gently restraining arm around his shoulders, pulling the younger man back against his chest. He used his free hand to stimulate Mason's nipples, rubbing his thumb over one, then the other, pinching and pulling. Mason groaned and tipped his head back against David's shoulder. His body was like putty in David's hands.

  David brushed his fingertips down Mason's chest, then over the tight muscles of his abs to the fine dusting of blond hair that led down to his rigid cock. He clenched the long rod in his fist, squeezing as he pushed towards Mason's tip, where he smeared his fingers with the pre-cum that leaked out.

  "This is… different," Mason murmured, a blissed-out expression on his face.

  "Good different?" David asked, nibbling the edge of Mason's ear.

  "I guess that depends."

  "On what?"

  "On what you want to do to me."

  David swirled his tongue inside Mason's ear, making the young man shiver and squirm. "Right now? I want to bend you over that table and fuck you."

  Mason's chin trembled as he sucked his lower lip in. Anyone else would have uttered some colourful language in response to a proposal like that, but not Mason. Over the last five weeks, David had worked hard to get the young man to swear during sex, but he'd never managed it.

  He moved his hands to Mason's butt cheek and squeezed it. "Go fetch me a condom and some lube." He let go of Mason, using the hand on his arse to push him towards the bedroom door.

  David stood, arms folded, as he waited for Mason to return. Excitement rippled through him, making his cock ache. He wasn't going to take it slow tonight. He wanted release, not the teasing enjoyment of bringing them both to the brink, only to refuse to let either of them cum.

  "Give them to me," he said, holding out his hand as Mason returned.

  Their fingers brushed as Mason complied. When their gazes met, David noticed the fire in Mason's that told him the young man was only complying because he wanted to. David's mouth hooked up into a lopsided smile as he pointed to the table.

  "You weren't kidding?" Mason asked, arching an eyebrow. He didn't move.

  "No." David hadn't lowered his arm, was still pointing at the table.

  Was Mason testing him? Maybe the young man had decided being told what to do wasn't something he found sexy. That was fair; a lot of people didn't. He could convince Mason to bend over the table in other, more sensual ways if he needed to. But he wasn't going to give in just yet.

  "Go to the table."

  Mason smirked at him, his chin held high, his eyes sparkling with defiance. Despite that, he still went, and half-leaned, half-sat on it. Then he crossed his arms and held David's gaze again. He was spirited, stubborn, and David liked that. If he could convince Mason to fully play the role of the submissive, knowing how vivacious he was would make it all the more fun and thrilling.

  "Turn around." David motioned with his hand as he gave the command.

  Still smirking, Mason did as he was told, but he stood upright, his weight planted through his right leg.

  "Bend over."

  "I'm not sure the table can take it."

  It was David's turn to smirk. "I built it. I know it can. Bend over." He issued the two words as a stern command, practically barking them out like he was a drill sergeant.

  Mason took his sweet time, curling his hands around the edges of the table in the cockiest way possible. Sweet fucking Christ, his arse was a beautiful thing to behold the way it was thrust back, waiting for David.

  David moved closer and rubbed his cock against Mason, eliciting a shuddering moan from the younger man.

  "Do you want me?" he asked huskily.


  David squeezed lube onto his fingers and started to loosen Mason up. Not that he wanted him too loose, but he didn't want to cause him unnecessary pain, either. Mason thrust back against him, fucking himself on David's fingers, and David couldn't help but chuckle at his spirit. He'd done as he was told, but being submissive clearly wasn't something that would come easily to him. If he wanted to learn, David would have so much fun teaching him.

  He was still rubbing himself against Mason's thigh, loving the feel of the fine hairs on Mason's leg against his cock. He'd have to put a condom on soon, but right now, he wanted to feel Mason's skin against himself. Wanted to let his juices leak over Mason's flesh so he could leave his mark on him. He raked his nails over Mason's back, making Mason's spine arch as he groaned and shuddered.

  "I want to fuck you," David told him. "I want to fuck you into the table. I'm going to make you cum so hard, you won't be able to think or stand up afterwards."

  "Looking forward to it," Mason said, laughter in his voice.

  David rolled a condom on, smeared it with lube, and teased at Mason's arsehole with his fingers. Despite his eagerness, he took his time to warm the young man up, using one, then two fingers to stretch his hole. Mason's soft moans made David's cock ache. He pushed inside Mason's warm, tight hole, pausing to allow Mason to relax around him. He hissed out a breath, enjoying the sensation for a couple of seconds before he started to thrust, slow and hard to start with before picking up speed as Mason's body relaxed beneath him. He loved the sound of Mason's pants and the way Mason's arms trembled as he supported himself. Each thrust knocked Mason's thighs into the edge of the table, but he didn't complain or cry out. The only sounds that escaped his lips were those of ecstasy, gasps and deep-throated groans. He arched his back and neck, straightening his arms and locking his elbows, allowing David to reach deeper inside him. It was amazing—the feel of his cock inside Mason, the brief resistance each time he thrust back in.

  "Fuck," he said, his voice raised. He grabbed Mason's arse, pressing nails into Mason's butt cheeks as he thrust harder and faster. "Oh, yes. Oh, God. Oh, yes. Fuck, yes."

  His words drawled into one as he felt himself building to climax. It wasn't often that he gave in so spectacularly to his need to cum, but this time he did. This time, he let loose completely, shouting out his orgasm as he shuddered and thrust into Mason over and over until he was completely spent. Then he wrapped his arms around Mason's back, holding him and kissing him, loving the way Mason shivered in his arms as he came. He chuckled at the mess Mason's cum made on the tabletop. Then the young man's shoulders gave way and he collapsed onto the table, taking David with him. They lay there, breathing hard.

  "Can you think?" David asked after several seconds had passed; he wasn't sure that he could.

  "No," Mason gasped.

  David straightened and pulled free, stroking Maso
n's back. He could see red scratches in Mason's skin where his nails had dug in. "Do you think you can walk?"

  "Probably not." Mason half-laughed.

  "Stay there."

  David dealt with the condom and then grabbed the quilt from Mason's room. Mason had moved, though not far. He'd pulled out a chair and had slumped down on it, his arms and head resting on the table.

  "Let me carry you," David said softly.

  Mason lifted his head a fraction, his gaze questioning.

  "I'm strong enough."

  "I'm sure you are, but I can walk."

  "I want to carry you."

  Confusion flashed across his face before he shrugged. "Sure. Okay."

  He wrapped his arms around David's neck and allowed the older man to carry him from the chair to the sofa, where they collapsed together. David pulled the quilt over them both, and they snuggled up against one another, holding and caressing each other. David's eyes were heavy, and he welcomed sleep. He felt content and fulfilled, emotions he wanted to recreate with Mason, over and over again.

  Chapter Twelve


  The electricity came back on at some ungodly hour in the morning, forcing Mason to wakefulness as the ceiling light shone straight onto his face. He was lying with his neck over the arm of the sofa, wrapped up in David's strong arms. Aside from the crick in his neck and the light in his eyes, it felt so good.

  He managed to slip away to turn off the lights and the torches. It was still raining, but it was more of a fine drizzle than a storm. He shut the blinds on the weather, for the first time glad that he lived below street level and that it was an effort for passers-by to look through his windows. Then, in darkness, he managed to ease himself back onto the sofa.

  David murmured in his sleep and, without waking, wrapped himself around Mason again, his leg curling over Mason's, his arm wrapping around Mason's chest, either protectively or possessively. David's head came to rest on Mason's shoulder, the older man's facial hair tickling his skin.

  Mason stared up at the ceiling, which was nothing more than an indistinct blur in the darkness, absently stroking David's floppy, grey-streaked hair. Sleep felt like a distant memory. He was awake, and he was wired, and it was an effort not to tap his foot or hand. He wasn't sure why David had suddenly started ordering him around. It wasn’t that Mason wasn’t used to being the more deferential partner in a relationship. Adam had always liked to be in charge, but with him it had been very different. There had been no words. Adam’s need to take command of their sex life had been communicated through physical actions. But the way David had used words to command him had been sexy. He’d definitely enjoyed himself, and he'd felt completely satisfied, if a little sore, afterwards.

  For the first time in five weeks, he was unsure about whether he could handle David. His experiences with sex were basically of the vanilla variety, even with Adam, who had enjoyed rough and tumble. Being ordered around and fucked over the table was something completely new to him. Yet he couldn't deny that he wanted more, that if David decided to get bossy and commanding again, he might be willing to play along. Because it was David. Because he felt like he might do anything for him. Because even though it had only been a few weeks, he felt like he knew the man intimately. Because he thought he might be falling in love.

  He let out a deep, shuddering sigh.

  "Hey," David murmured. "Are you all right?"

  "I didn't mean to wake you."

  David chuckled and kissed Mason's chest. "I don't mind." He yawned. "What time is it?"

  "No idea. The middle of the night. It's still dark."

  "I can see that."

  David pushed himself up on his elbow and sought Mason's lips out with his own. They hadn't kissed at all in the prelude to having sex. At the time, Mason hadn't missed it, but now he realised he enjoyed kissing David. The prickling sensation of David's beard against his skin made him shiver as he pressed into the kiss, opening his mouth to receive David's tongue.

  "Did you have fun last night?"

  Mason nodded, his chin gently knocking against David's head with each slow motion.

  "Do you think you might want to do it again?"

  "Which part?" Mason queried. "Having sex over the table, or you bossing me around?"

  David chuckled. "Either. Both."

  His hand trailed down to Mason's stomach, where he moved his fingers back and forth, barely touching his skin.

  "You like bossing people around?" Mason asked.

  "I like games of power play," David confirmed. "Last night? That was a taster. Would you like me to treat you like that again?"

  Mason's head swam. He wasn't sure he could answer David's question, which was why he'd stalled by throwing out a question of his own. Not that it had given him long enough to get his thoughts straight. So, despite the fact he could feel David's stare on him in the darkness, he took his time trying to figure out a genuine response.

  Being bossed around had helped to turn him on. Sure, he'd kicked back a bit, got cheeky, but that was to show David that he wasn't a pushover. Anyway, he didn't really know how the whole thing worked. But it was something David wanted to do; something David had obviously done in the past with other partners. At the very least, he should agree to talk about it so he could decide if he was comfortable with it.

  "Are you overthinking?" David asked.


  "I've noticed you do that a lot. Stop."

  "Is that an order?"

  David laughed heartily. "Do you want it to be?"

  Did he? Would it help in the slightest? Probably not. He tipped his head back and squeezed his eyes shut.

  "Why are you even interested in me?" he asked eventually.

  "Because you're beautiful and spirited," David said, pausing between each compliment to close his mouth over Mason's nipple and suck.

  "But compared to you, I'm really boring in the bedroom department. I'm surprised you're not bored of me already."

  "We can change that, if you want to." David walked his fingertips up Mason's stomach to his chest and tapped him on the nose before walking back down again to tickle back and forth just above his groin.

  Mason wriggled a little, contemplating asking David to stop. It wasn't easy to think or make sensible decisions when the man was trying to turn him on.

  "That bossy stuff…" He hesitated, dragging in a breath. "Is that BDSM or something?" He felt stupid asking the question because he had no real clue what BDSM was all about. He knew what the acronym meant, but that wasn't the same thing at all.

  "Yes. I like power play. I enjoy assuming the role of a Dom, and I like it when my partners take on the role of a submissive." David moved to straddle Mason, sitting on his stomach and catching hold of his wrists, which he held firmly but gently. "I enjoy playing with things like sensory deprivation. It's amazing how much you can feel when you can't see. I enjoy tying my partners up so they have to surrender to me completely."

  Mason felt himself quiver, but he couldn't tell if it was from anticipation or fear. He stared up into David's face, even though it was little more than a hazy blur in the darkness. There was something sexy about submitting to David's will, just like he'd done that first night, when David had pinned his hands above his head.

  "Anything else?"

  David smiled wistfully. "I enjoy spanking my partner and causing a little bit of pain."

  Mason bit his lower lip.

  "I wouldn't deal out serious pain or engage in rape fantasies. That's a little dark for me. I guess you could say that my tastes are quite tame." He lightly kissed Mason's lips. "Vanilla, even."

  "They don't sound very vanilla to me." Mason swallowed hard. "And if I wasn't into that kind of stuff? Would that be a deal-breaker?"

  David kissed Mason's neck. "Not right away. But it is something I enjoy doing. Something I find immense pleasure in. So, if you weren't into it at all, eventually it would become a problem. But I won't force you into it. You have to want to be my su
bmissive. If not, it's no big deal. We'll carry on having fun."

  "Until you do get bored of me?"


  At least David was being honest with him, which he really appreciated. David could have lied and said it wouldn't be a problem, but Mason would rather know the truth. David was a Dom. Mason let that knowledge settle in his head.

  "Think about it," David said softly. "Half the point of the Dom/sub dynamic is that the sub actually has a lot of the power."

  Mason's frown deepened, though he guessed his expression was lost to the darkness. "I don't understand."

  "As a sub, you have to be completely happy with everything we do. It all has to be consensual. It has to be safe. It has to be sane. If anything frightens you, we don't do it. If anything makes you feel uncomfortable, we don't do it. If anything we might do will trigger some deep-rooted fear inside you, we won’t do it. If you change your mind halfway through an act, you have a safe word, and I stop the second you say it." David ran his fingers through Mason's hair. "It's a game, Mason, one I like to keep in the bedroom."

  "Or the kitchen table?" Mason asked.

  David laughed. "Fair comment. Alright, anywhere inside my house, or your flat, is fair game."

  "Do you ever bottom?" Mason found himself asking. "Or sub?"

  "I've been a sub. As a Dom, it's important I know what my sub is experiencing."

  "Sort of like training?"

  David smiled. "Yes. I wouldn't do anything to my sub that hasn't been done to me, but I don't choose to sub now that I know what I'm doing. Is that a deal-breaker?"

  "Why don't you like to sub? Or bottom?"

  David tightened his grip on Mason's wrists a fraction, although not in any way that would have made Mason worry.

  "I don't enjoy bottoming," David said in a matter-of-fact tone. "I've tried it, but I just didn't enjoy the sensation."

  "But you enjoy anal," Mason said. "Giving it, I mean."

  "Yes. Who am I to argue if my partner likes having cock shoved up their arse?"

  Mason squirmed at that comment, although he wasn't sure why he did. He enjoyed it. He especially enjoyed having David's cock inside him.


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