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Love on Pointe Omnibus

Page 33

by Colette Davison

  "I'm going to fuck you hard."


  David tore off the clothes peg again, and Mason's back arched as he cried out. David doubted he had caused Mason any more pain than the first couple of times. But if his own sensations were anything to go by, the length of their session and the urgency of Mason's need to cum would have heightened everything he was feeling, so even the lightest touch must have become delightfully unbearable.

  "I need you," Mason whimpered. "I want you."

  David pulled his fingers out, got up, and moved away from the bed, then lounged against the wall with his arms folded as Mason whimpered and writhed on the bed.

  "I told you, naughty brats get punished."

  Although he was also punishing himself, because he really needed to bury his cock in Mason's arse and reach his own release. Despite that, he stood and waited as Mason gradually relaxed and lay panting, his lips downturned.

  Only then did David lube up his cock, fisting it a couple of times to make sure it was well-covered. Then he knelt between Mason's legs, pressing his cock against Mason's arse. It killed him not to penetrate his sub, but he wanted Mason to beg.

  "Please, David," Mason whimpered.

  David leaned over Mason, took his sub's lower lip into his mouth and bit it hard enough to make Mason wince. Then he penetrated his sub. The tight sensation as he worked his cock inside Mason almost made him cum, but he held his orgasm back. He leaned onto his hands, supporting himself as he thrust harder and harder into his sub. Mason's lips parted as groan after groan ripped out of his throat. He twisted his hands to clutch the bonds, an action that seemed to tighten every muscle in his body, including those wonderfully powerful ones in his arse that surrounded David's aching, desperate cock. David thrust harder, grunting and gasping himself. Would he be able to hold out until he'd made Mason swear? He wasn't so sure. Damn how fucking stubborn his sub was.

  "I'm gonna—" Mason breathed before licking his lips. "I need to—"

  "Swear first." David panted. "Then I'll let you cum."

  "Bastard," Mason hissed.

  Fuck. Knowing that he had been responsible for that one tame word coming out of Mason's mouth was enough to make David's orgasm explode out of him.

  "Do it," he gasped as he emptied his load into the condom. "Cum."

  And Mason did, so hard his entire body shook and trembled, tightening around David's cock as cum shot out of the tip of his own cock to coil on his stomach. Spent and exhausted, David collapsed onto Mason, cementing the cold, sticky cum between their hot, quivering bodies. He kissed his sub, fucking Mason's mouth with his tongue for a few seconds before rolling off to lie on his back.

  He turned his head to stare at Mason, who was still panting, tied and blindfolded, his chest glistening with sweat and cum and covered in the criss-crossing pink scratch marks that David had made. It was the sexiest damn sight in the world.

  David wished he had the energy to fuck Mason again, to bring him to the brink, to make him beg again. He wanted to hear filthy words fall out of Mason's mouth, but he needed to take care of Mason's needs first, so he'd have to resist until next time.

  If he was being absolutely truthful with himself, he'd have to admit that he loved the aftercare almost as much as he enjoyed being a Dom. It was in those peaceful moments of quiet contemplation and reflection that he really connected with his partner—and Mason's open honesty made that so much easier than it had ever been with any of his previous subs.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  "We should go somewhere today," Mason said as he bounced onto David's bed.

  He'd already showered, dressed, and made breakfast for them both while David was still sleeping. He'd eaten his own breakfast and brought David's up to the bedroom on a tray.

  David moaned and covered his eyes with his hand. "What time is it?"

  "Half eight."

  David groaned. "What day?"

  "Saturday." Mason laughed.

  "Too early."

  Mason snorted. "Are you going to let the day go to waste?"

  "Sleeping is never a waste."

  Mason nudged him, and when he still didn't get more than a grunt in response, he wafted the plate of warm toast beneath David's nose.

  "Now you're making me hungry."

  "That's the plan. Come on, sit up. We can make a plan while you eat."

  David let out a loud grunt but sat up. Mason set the tray on his lover's lap and then sat cross-legged facing him, tapping his foot.

  "Stop jiggling," David complained as his coffee spilled over the side of his mug, staining the white china brown.

  Mason stilled his foot and leaned back onto his hands.

  "Why are you so antsy this morning?" David asked.

  "I guess I'm fed up with only being able to spend time with you indoors," Mason admitted. "There's a difference between being discreet and hiding away."

  David chuckled. "That there is."

  "I just want to feel like we're a normal couple for a change. Is that so bad?"

  "No. But you do realise normal is overrated?"

  "Maybe, but sunshine isn't, and it's a gorgeous day outside."

  "Alright, alright." David bit into his toast, which crunched loudly between his teeth. "What do you want to do?"

  Mason shrugged. He hadn't thought that far ahead. But as much as he loved cuddling up with David and talking or spending time together in the bedroom, he really needed to get out.

  "We could catch the train to London," he suggested.

  "I thought you wanted sunshine."

  "Or to the coast."

  David smiled. "That sounds nice."

  "That's settled, then. Come on, old man. Eat up and get showered and dressed. I'll go check out train times."

  He went to stand, but David caught hold of his wrist.

  "Old man?"

  Mason grinned at him. "You know I'm only teasing."

  "Do I?" David tugged Mason's wrist, encouraging him to move closer. "Maybe you need to apologise to me."

  Mason kissed him, allowing his lips to linger against David's, even after the kiss had ended. "That better?"


  Mason ran his hand through David's grey-streaked hair as they kissed again. "We're not going to end up going anywhere at this rate."

  "And that's a problem?"

  "Yes!" Mason pulled away and stood, hands on hips. "There's more to being in a relationship than sex."

  David nodded thoughtfully. "There's good sex."

  Mason rolled his eyes. "Stop being horny and get moving. Seriously, David, I want to spend time with you, doing something…"

  "Couple-y?" David asked.

  "That's not even a word."

  "It is now."

  Laughing, Mason turned and wandered to the door. "Get dressed."

  "Yes, boss."

  Mason rolled his eyes and then headed down to David's study to use the computer.

  By the time David was up and dressed, Mason had figured out train times, bought them tickets, and packed a rucksack with food, drinks, and a blanket that he'd nipped back to his flat to get.

  They caught the bus to the train station, making sure no one they knew was already on it before they sat together. It was such a simple, mundane action, but it made Mason feel like they were actually a couple rather than two men who enjoyed sex and kinky games together.

  Within the hour, they were on a train, sitting in a particularly busy carriage. They'd managed to snag a couple of seats on one side of a table. A young couple, probably around the same age as Mason, were sitting opposite them.

  "What's the plan?" David asked once the train had pulled out of the station and settled into a gentle rocking motion as it sped along the tracks.

  "Go to the coast, have fun, come home."

  David chuckled and tickled his fingertips over Mason's hand, which was resting on the table. "I like the sound of the last part."

  "You have a one-track mind."

nbsp; "Is that a bad thing?"

  Was it? Mason couldn't deny feeling pretty horny himself when he was around David. But they'd taken big steps towards being more than neighbours with benefits. Swapping keys, allowing David to introduce him to his kinks—they were both actions that smacked of commitment. Not wedding-ring-style commitment, but of wanting to be together long-term. And Mason found he wanted that, which meant they needed to get out of their respective homes and start being a couple.

  "No." He meant his simple answer. The two things—lust and commitment—were in no way mutually exclusive. In many ways, with David, they went hand in hand in a way Mason had never experienced before.

  They arrived at the coast a little before lunch. They wandered along the beach, which was fairly busy as it was a lovely, warm, sunny day. They held hands, chatting as they circumnavigated children digging in the sand and dogs chasing balls.

  "Do you want to go on a boat trip?" Mason asked as they reached the long pier and saw several signs advertising pleasure trips.

  "You realise that means sitting down for around an hour?" David asked.

  The glare of the sunlight bounced off his glasses as he spoke, obscuring his eyes, which was a shame, because Mason loved his dark eyes.

  "I think I can cope."

  Mason pulled David along until they found a tour that was about to go out. Minutes later, they were sitting on the deck, the boat bobbing in the swell as touts attracted a few more passengers. The boat left full, heading out to sea as a commentator drawled on about the coastline and local wildlife. Mason barely registered any of it. Initially, he sat looking out to sea, letting the wind caress his face. Brine was whipped up from the ocean, and soon he could taste salt on his lips, and his eyelashes felt heavy and sticky. The farther out they went, the colder it got, eventually forcing him to take his over-shirt from where it had been tied around his waist all day so he could put it on.

  "You look happy," David observed.

  Mason grinned. "I am. Don't you feel free out here?"

  "Free, and a little seasick."

  David did look a bit pale.

  "I didn't know you got seasick."

  "Neither did I," David admitted. "It's my first time on one of these things."

  Mason raised his eyebrows. "Seriously?"


  Mason shook his head. His best memories of family holidays from when he was a kid, were of going to the beach and spending days building sandcastles with his sisters and often burying their dad in the sand. At the end of every holiday, they'd all go on a boat trip.

  "Was it a bad suggestion?" Guilt tugged at his gut.

  David smiled. "Not at all."

  "Look at the horizon," Mason suggested. "You'll notice the movement of the boat less if you're focussing on a fixed point."

  David looked out to sea and, after a few minutes, looked a little less pale. Eventually, his face relaxed, and he actually seemed to start enjoying the ride.

  As far as Mason was concerned, it was over too soon. He helped David disembark, steadying his partner as the older man seemed to wobble for a few seconds.

  "It feels like we're still moving," David grumbled.

  "That'll go away. Come on, let's go find somewhere to eat."

  David puffed his cheeks out. "I'm not sure food is a good idea just yet."

  "A walk first, then."

  Mason looped his arm through David's and led him at a slow ambling pace towards a clifftop walk he'd noticed while they were walking on the beach.

  "Better now?" he asked when they reached the top.

  "Yes. Much."

  They ate lunch sitting shoulder to shoulder on the clifftop, sometimes talking, sometimes falling silent and simply enjoying each other's company and the glorious, sun-drenched view. It was another normal thing to do. Okay, maybe not as normal as catching a bus or a train together, but going for a day trip and having a picnic was what normal couples did.

  Mason let out a heavy sigh, his shoulders drooping.

  "What's up?" David asked. "I thought we were having a great day."

  "We are."

  David set his sandwich aside and took gentle hold of Mason's hand. He ran his thumb back and forth over Mason's skin. "Talk to me."

  Mason tilted his head and shielded his eyes so he could look at David properly. Despite his regularly applying sun cream, the sun and wind from being out on the boat had made David's nose and cheeks red.

  "I'm happy. That's all."

  "In what universe does 'happy' sound and look sad?"

  "I just…" Mason sighed again, fighting to find the right words. "As stupid as it sounds, I want to do normal stuff with you. We're a couple, but we've never been to the cinema or for a meal out together. We've never even gone to the supermarket together. We live next door to each other and work in the same place, but we've never travelled to or from the studio together or gone out for a drink after work." He sucked in a deep breath. "And I know that's mostly my fault because I'm too scared about how the other dancers will treat me if they find out about us. But today…" He gazed out at the ocean. "Today, it's just getting to me."

  "Come here." David pulled Mason towards him, positioning them both so Mason's back was pressed against his chest. He rested his chin on Mason's shoulder. "I want to do all those things, too. And we will. Whenever you're ready to stop being so discreet."

  Mason opened his mouth to reply, but David pressed a finger against his lips, forbidding him to talk.

  "There's no rush," David assured him. "It can wait until after this season is over, and I've moved on to choreograph another ballet in another company. It can wait even longer than that, if you like. We both know you're the one who will get all the shit from the dancers."

  Mason stiffened in his arms.

  "That's not something you need right now," David went on. "You don't need that stress or hurt. But just because we can't do all those normal things on our doorstep doesn't mean we can't have more day trips like this and just spend time together."

  Mason relaxed back against David. "Can I ask you something?"


  "How many partners have you had?" No, that wasn't the right question. "How many did you want to share your kinks with?" It was a thought that had been preying on his mind.

  Mason wasn't stupid enough to think there hadn't been a decent-sized line of subs before him. David was a lot older than he was.

  "I'm not jealous," he added.

  "Just curious?"


  "Any reason?"

  Mason shrugged. He didn't want to sound needy or possessive.

  "There is a reason," David coaxed. "I'm happy to answer that question, but I'd like to know the real reason you're asking."

  "I suppose I'm trying to work out how serious we are." Mason dropped his chin. "How serious you are about me."

  David stroked his hand back and forth over Mason's shoulder. "I suppose that depends on what you mean by 'serious'," he mused. "I'm crazy about you. I love spending time with you." He brushed his lips over Mason's ear. "I love fucking you."

  "And the rest?" Mason asked, forcing a burst of laughter out.

  "Oh, yes. Especially the rest."


  "But I can't promise you forever."

  "I'm not asking you to." It was far too early in their relationship for proclamations of that level, anyway.

  "I know." David brushed his fingertips along Mason's jaw, coaxing him to turn into a light kiss. "My point is, I can't predict how either of us is going to feel about the other in the future. I thought I could promise people forever in the past, and it never worked out, either because of me, or them, or both."

  Mason lifted his stare to meet David's. "You think that because things haven’t worked out in the past, they won’t work out in the future, with the right person?"

  David shrugged. "I like to think I will be able to find someone who I’ll spend the rest of my life with. Maybe I will. Maybe I…" He shook his head and smiled
. "I don’t want to make you a promise that I'll end up not keeping for whatever reason. Forever is a really long time, Mason. What I hope we can do is take it one day at a time. And that'll become one week at a time."

  "Then one month at a time?"

  David smiled and swiped his thumb over Mason's lips. "Then one year at a time." He moved his hand and claimed Mason's mouth with his own. "I want to be with you now," he said when their lips parted. "And I can't see that changing anytime soon. But you know you're more likely to get bored of me." He chuckled.

  "I doubt it."

  "We'll revisit that when I'm old and frail."

  Mason's lips parted, but he clamped them shut again. Was David joking, or was he really thinking more long-term than a few months or a year?

  "I might be joking," David said as though he had sensed Mason's thoughts. "But you're still young. As mature as you are, you still have a lot of growing up to do." He kissed Mason's nose. "Don't take offence at that. You've got a lot of things left to experience, and all those things will shape you. The person you are now, at twenty-four, might not be the person you'll be when you're thirty or forty."

  "I know."

  "You've got an amazing, bright future ahead of you as a dancer, Mason. There is a very real possibility that you'll simply outgrow me and our relationship."

  Mason looked down to the blanket between them. He couldn't see that happening, but that was probably because he was wearing blinkers. There was a time when he'd thought he and Adam would be together forever, but, looking back, he realised he'd been young and naïve. And David was right: he was still young. He'd barely scratched the surface of life, and there was so much more he wanted to do and see. Maybe he'd do all those things with David. Maybe he wouldn't.

  "Do you still want to know how many subs I've had?" David asked.

  "No." It didn't matter.

  Mason had no idea whether he was just one more conquest for David, or if they were at the start of something longer-lasting, but the important thing was that they were happy now. That they were together now. David's past relationships didn't matter, any more than his own did. And the future? The future would come and would bring with it what it would. All they could continue to do was be honest with each other and with themselves.


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