Gwen's Delta (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) (Delta Team Three Book 3)

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Gwen's Delta (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) (Delta Team Three Book 3) Page 5

by Lynne St. James

  “How about we see how lunch goes, and then take it from there, okay?” There, that sounded good.

  “Sure, that works,” Luke agreed.

  “Do you have a restaurant in mind?”

  “How do you feel about Mediterranean food? There’s this place I found called the Tigris Grille. It’s got the best falafel I’ve had outside of the middle east.”

  “I love it, and it’s been ages since I’ve had it. What time?”

  “How about one? I have a meeting in the morning, and I don’t want you to have to wait if it runs long.”

  “That works. I’ll see you at one.” Just thinking about seeing him again made her pulse race.

  “Thank you for agreeing to meet me for lunch.”

  “Thank you for asking.” Gwen hated not knowing what to say.

  “I guess I should let you go. I’m sure after working all day, you were looking forward to relaxing.”

  “I was just reading, and I’ve enjoyed talking to you.”

  “I’m glad you have. Hey, you never said which book.”

  She’d almost forgotten he’d asked. It seemed like ages ago. “After you mentioned Robinson Crusoe, I decided I needed to read it again. It’s been a while.”

  “Really? Did I influence the choice?”

  He had no idea. Gwen hoped she could keep her cool at lunch and not sound like some idiot fifteen-year-old. “Maybe, but don’t let it go to your head.”

  “I won’t. Good night, Gwen. See you tomorrow.”

  “Good night, Luke.”

  While they’d been talking, Sir Galahad had curled up in her lap and gone to sleep. But after she hung up, her excited squeal woke him up and earned her the evil eye. He’d probably make her pay by waking her up while she was sleeping.

  “I have a date tomorrow. Can you believe it?” Gwen exclaimed as she rubbed her sweaty palms on her yoga pants.

  The cat purred and twisted his head to look up at her.

  “Oh shit. Now, I have to figure out what to wear.”

  Picking up her fuzzy feline, she carried him into the bedroom. Maybe she’d call Belle in the morning, and she could help her pick something. The restaurant was probably casual; it was Killeen, after all, and a lunch date. She’d have to make do with whatever was in her closet. But if dating Luke turned into a thing, she’d need to do some shopping.

  As she flipped through the clothing in her closet, she panicked. Her instant attraction to Luke scared her a little. But he seemed to feel it, too. Maybe she should text him and ask for a raincheck–have a few more phone calls before they had a real date. Except she wanted to look into his eyes and feel the shiver of desire when he smiled at her. Damn, she had it bad. But then she saw Sir Galahad watching her with the look on his face that said, “Crazy human.” Geesh. She’d been pacing back and forth in front of her closet.

  After a deep breath, Gwen smiled at the cat. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been this excited, scared, and nervous about a date. Actually, she’d never felt this way. If she didn’t go, she’d always be wondering what if. There was something between them, and she needed to see if it was real or a fairytale.

  She looked down at Sir Galahad. “Looks like I haven’t lost my mind yet. You, my fuzzy friend, will be on your own tomorrow.”

  Chapter 5

  It was barely the butt crack of dawn when Merlin stowed his uniform in his locker on post and stretched before his run. He’d maintained this routine for most of his military career. Even though he hadn’t slept well, his internal alarm clock made sure he was up on time.

  Even after he’d hung up with Gwen last night, he could hear her voice in his head. As he thought about her soft, Southern drawl, he smiled. He’d met other Southern women and had dated a few, but Gwen was different. There was something unique about her, and he couldn’t figure it out.

  As Merlin rummaged through his bag for a bottle of water, Zip walked through the door. He was the last one Merlin expected to show up since Destiny was in town.

  “Morning, want company?” Zip yawned and stowed his bag in his locker.

  “What are you doing here so early? Didn’t Destiny get in yesterday?”

  “Yeah, but with the mission coming…”

  Merlin understood. Zip had recently returned to active duty after almost dying. It made sense he’d want to make sure he was ready. This mission promised to be a major shit show, and they’d all need to be at the top of their game.

  Merlin nodded. “I get it. How’s she doing?”

  “Great. She’s planned on being here all week, but she might go back early, depending on when we leave.”

  “That sucks. I feel bad for Woof, too. But at least Nori didn’t know he was coming.”

  “True. But Des gets it, so that makes it easier. She’s spending the morning with her grandmother while we take care of business.”

  “Cool. I’m heading to the track. See you out there, slowpoke,” Merlin said with a wicked grin. It was just the thing to get Zip going. To say they were competitive was a major understatement.

  “Asshole. I’m coming, just calm your old tits.”

  “What the fuck? There is nothing old about these tits or anything else on this body.” Merlin feigned an expression of shock.

  “Have you looked in the mirror lately, grandpa?”

  Score one point for Zip. But he kind of liked the gray on his temples that had grown in over the last year. He’d earned every one of those hairs. His only concern was if command thought he was too old to be an operator. Did Gwen think he was too old for her? With all the questions she’d asked last night, his age hadn’t been one of them.

  “Now who’s slacking,” Zip said from the doorway.

  “Just giving you time to catch your breath before you eat my dust,” Merlin said as they made their way to the track.

  After three laps of the three-mile track, Merlin called it quits and slowed to a walk. Ten miles was his usual, but he wanted to get in some extra weight training.

  “Cutting out early, grandpa?” Zip asked as he caught up to Merlin.

  “Enough with the grandpa, it’s Merlin, unless you want a new nickname, too?”

  “Nah, I’m good.”

  “I figured. I’m headed to the weight room. Something tells me I might need it.”

  Zip stopped and stared at him. “One of your usual feelings?”

  Merlin’s premonitions had kept their asses out of the fire more than once. After the first few times, they’d stopped giving him shit about it and went along with his instincts. When he’d told Gwen it was how he’d earned his nickname, it had been the truth.

  “Yeah, it is.”

  “When are you going to share it with the team?”

  “At the briefing later.”

  Zip kept pace with Merlin as they headed back to the locker room.

  “Maybe you should stay and work on your endurance with that leg?” Merlin suggested.

  “Nah, I’m good. No worries.”

  “I never said you weren’t good. Although I’m sure Destiny would be the one to ask.” Merlin hoped his remark would make Zip laugh. He didn’t like anyone to remind him of his injury. Merlin got that, but the niggling worry about their upcoming mission wouldn’t leave him alone. He needed to make sure the entire team was ready for whatever was coming their way.

  “You going to hang around after the briefing?” Zip asked.

  “Not today. I’m meeting Gwen for lunch.” Damn. He hadn’t wanted to share that piece of information.

  “No shit?” Zip looked as surprised as he sounded.

  “Don’t sound so surprised. I go out with women.” Merlin sighed. After he grabbed a towel, he headed toward the weight room, hoping to ditch Zip and clear his head before the briefing.

  “Where are you taking her? Somewhere in Lancelot?” Zip asked as he followed along.

  “No, she’s coming to Killeen. But that’s all you’re getting out of me.”

  “We’ll see,” Zip said with a chuc

  Did they think he never went out on dates? Just because he didn’t talk about it didn’t mean he didn’t appreciate women.

  But after seeing Zip and Woof with their women, it had opened a hole of despair Merlin had kept locked up. He’d seen too many of his buddies not come home and the devastation their families experienced. He didn’t want to do that to a woman he loved, and that meant staying single until he retired from active duty.

  After getting cleaned up and dressed in their uniforms, Zip and Merlin grabbed some coffee and headed into the briefing room. They were the first ones there, and it would give them time to finish their coffee. Usually, Merlin was the first one in, and he’d have enjoyed his coffee in silence. But Zip was still trying to pry information about his lunch with Gwen.

  When the rest of the team walked in, Merlin breathed a sigh of relief. Now, Zip would shut up. The team was quieter than usual, not that it surprised him. Sunday was usually a day off even if they weren’t on leave.

  A few moments later, their CO entered the room, carrying his laptop and more folders. A civilian followed him in, one Merlin didn’t recognize. They rarely had outsiders at their briefings, mostly because knowing they were Delta Force was top secret. From the raised eyebrows around the table, the rest of the team was just as surprised.

  They stood and saluted.

  “At ease, gentlemen,” Turano said as he stood at the head of the table. “Let me introduce you to Bruce Sand. He’s with the CIA and will be your POC for this mission.”

  Only Merlin’s experience at hiding his emotions kept the surprise off his face. Sand didn’t look like a field agent—more like a pencil pusher. Not that there was anything wrong with that as long as he didn’t get his team killed. He didn’t like the vibe he was getting from Sand, and it set off his internal alarms.

  “Sand?” Turano said as he pulled out a chair and sat down.

  “Thank you, Commander. I’ve heard a lot about Delta Team 3. According to your commander, you never fail. That’s good. We’ll need all of your skills on this mission.”

  Maybe not a pencil pusher—more like a would-be politician from the load of shit he shoveled. Only the look on Turano’s face kept Merlin quiet. This asshat rubbed him the wrong way.

  “I guess you want to hear about the good stuff,” Sand continued.

  Zip looked at Merlin as if to say, “good stuff?”

  The man was an even bigger asshole than Merlin had first suspected. How the hell had he gotten his position at the CIA?

  “Our operator, the one that’s been in deep cover for the last year, missed his check-in with his handler yesterday—”

  “Excuse me, sir. But aren’t you his handler?” Woof asked.

  “Oh, hell no. I don’t do field work.”

  Bingo. Merlin had nailed that one. This was a clusterfuck in the making for sure.

  “But missing the check-in has happened before and it might mean nothing,” Sand explained.

  “Or they could have made him, and he’s being tortured while we sit here,” Duff interjected.

  Merlin was thinking the same thing. It was the most likely scenario.

  “I don’t agree and neither does his handler. So until we have a confirmation otherwise, we’re assuming he’s still viable. We have a few other assets in the area. They aren’t as well-placed as Hassan, but their last report didn’t state any issues in the area.”

  “Hassan is your deep-cover operative? What’s his full name?” Merlin asked. Finally, something he could work with.

  “Baniti Hassan, but that’s not his actual name,” Sand replied.

  No shit, Sherlock. How did this guy get into a management position in the CIA? Unless it was all an act to make them think he was inept, and if so, he deserved an Oscar.

  “Right, he wouldn’t use his actual name on a mission,” Merlin replied. Then he had to kick Zip under the table so he wouldn’t laugh.

  Sand nodded and pointed at the folders in front of Turano. “This is all the intel we’ve acquired. We haven’t heard of any kidnappings in the area, but our drones have shown movement in the Sheikh Zuweid area. Commander, can you pull it up on the screen?”

  Turano opened his laptop, and a few seconds later, the latest drone images from the sector flashed on the screen.

  “But that could mean anything. Not necessarily Daesh on the move,” Jangles said, shaking his blond head.

  Apparently, Merlin wasn’t the only one thinking this guy was an ass.

  Sand said, “We believe it’s Daesh. And it would explain why Hassan missed his check-in.”

  That was probably the first intelligent thing out of Sand’s mouth. It would be a lot harder to get away to make a call if he was on the move. With any luck, the operative was still alive.

  “Why don’t I take over?” Turano said as he stood up.

  Sand nodded and took a seat. Hopefully, Turano could give them some useful information.

  “As Sand said, command agrees that Daesh is on the move. The intel they received from Hassan, coupled with their other sources, has them convinced there’s something major being planned.”

  “Is a kidnapping still on the table?” Merlin asked. “It doesn’t feel right to me. They’re known for bombings, not kidnappings.”

  “I agree. That’s why you’re not leaving until tomorrow. We want to give Hassan some more time to make contact. He’s the only one who can verify the targets. There isn’t enough solid intel,” Turano stated.

  “Wouldn’t it be better to have us in place when you can confirm?” Merlin asked.

  Turano had surprised him. They never waited for anything. If there was a chance of trouble, they went. There had to be something else going on, and he didn’t like it.

  The expression on Turano’s face told Merlin all he needed to know. Rather than ask a follow-up question, he shut up and let his CO finish the briefing.

  “As of now, you will report tomorrow for a briefing at zero eight hundred. If nothing has changed, you’ll be on the transport by thirteen hundred hours. Your target packages will be ready by then.”

  “Yes, sir,” the team replied in unison.

  “Review the information in these folders. I’ll answer your questions in the morning. Dismissed,” Turano said.

  They grabbed a folder and headed out while Turano and Sand continued their discussion at the table. Before he left, Merlin caught Turano’s eye and waited. Turano nodded, and Merlin headed to Turano’s office instead of following the team.

  Ten minutes later, Turano stepped into his office. Thankfully, Sand wasn’t with him.

  “I’m glad you can still read me,” Turano said with a slight grin.

  “Always, sir. I apologize for questioning you during the briefing.”

  “No need. It was a valid question. I would have been surprised if you didn’t ask. I’m sure you have a lot more questions, most of which I can’t answer. What I can tell you is that command wants us to appear to work with Sand, but our orders will come from command.”

  “Why the charade?” None of this made any sense. Merlin had been on countless missions and never one with a “fake” POC.

  “I’m not cleared to tell you that, and it doesn’t affect the mission. I know you disagree, but you need to trust me on this. Can you do that?”

  “Yes, sir. Of course. I’ll have to inform the team.”

  “I understand, but you need to wait until you’re in the air tomorrow. You won’t have your final orders until then.”

  “Copy that.” Merlin rarely kept anything from his team, but he couldn’t disobey a direct order.

  “This will be a Charlie Foxtrot all the way. But what Sand said is true—Delta 3 can pull it off.”

  “Thank you, sir. But—”

  “That’s all, Merlin.” Turano shook his head. “Nothing should change between now and zero eight hundred. Enjoy the rest of your day.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Merlin left Turano’s office with even more questions and a tension
headache pounded behind his eyes. He hoped whoever was running this mission knew what the fuck they were doing and didn’t get them all killed.

  He had two hours before he had to meet Gwen at the restaurant. There was a lot to do before they left, but it didn’t involve cleaning his house. That he’d taken care of last night after they’d hung up. The hope had been that the work would take his mind off the sexy redhead. But it hadn’t worked.

  Instead, after he’d finished laundry, he’d downed a shot of whiskey and headed to the shower to take care of himself. Merlin couldn’t remember the last time he’d gotten so hard from small talk. Her voice went into his ear and straight to his dick.

  Whatever this thing was with Gwen, maybe he’d be able to figure it out over lunch. He couldn’t stop thinking about her—her scent, how her hair almost glowed in the sunshine, how her eyes sparkled when she smiled. He’d never been so distracted by a woman. It was dangerous.

  Merlin needed to get his head back in the game, review all the intel they had, and formulate a plan. But first, he’d have to deal with the team, and they were waiting for him as he opened the office door. This would be fun.

  Their eyes followed him as he made his way to his desk and sat down. Merlin held up a hand. “I know, trust me. You don’t have to say a word. Roe knows this sucks, but we’ll deal with it. It’s not the first shit show we’ve been in, and it won’t be the last.”

  “No fucking kidding,” Jangles said. “What did Roe want?”

  “Mostly to tell me it will make more sense tomorrow. And he wasn’t pissed I questioned his authority in front of the asshat.”

  “That’s it?” Duff grumbled.

  “Yeah, afraid so. I don’t think they know enough yet, and that’s why they’re stalling. If we drop into the wrong area, we could make things worse.”

  “That makes sense, in a fucked-up, CIA kind of way,” Woof added.

  The others nodded. It was true. If the mission involved the CIA, more times than not it was a train wreck.

  “Did you go through the intel yet?” Merlin asked. He’d expected more questions, and it was a relief not to get them.


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