Gwen's Delta (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) (Delta Team Three Book 3)

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Gwen's Delta (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) (Delta Team Three Book 3) Page 22

by Lynne St. James

  “We had no idea you felt that way,” Stacey said, her anguish visible.

  They were all hurting, but the only one he cared about was Gwen.

  “Do you think you can forgive us?” Arthur asked finally. All of his earlier bravado was gone, and he looked like he’d aged ten years.

  “I don’t know. Probably, but it won’t be quick. But you’re my parents, the only ones I have.”

  “We’ll be home now—no more traveling for us. Our cover is blown, and we’re no use to the CIA now.”

  “You can help out at the store,” Gwen said. “I’m planning on some time off. Grams and Gramps know about you. I told them last night. So if you thought this was bad, wait until you show up there.”

  They both winced that time.

  Gwen stood. She looked at Merlin, then at her parents. “Luke is my boyfriend, and if you stay in Lancelot, you’ll be seeing a lot of him. If it weren’t for him and his team, I wouldn’t be alive, and a lot of people would be dead. He deserves your respect.”

  Merlin couldn’t have been prouder of her. She was glorious like a Valkyrie but with a softer edge. Gwen was everything he could have hoped for in a partner, and he wasn’t going to let her go.

  After her parents left, Luke poured fresh coffee and went into the kitchen to start breakfast. Gwen vibrated with almost thirty years of pent-up emotions. The hurt expressions on her parents’ faces were the only thing that stopped her from continuing her rant. She’d kept everything bottled up for so long, but at least she’d told them the important, most painful things. Hopefully—eventually—the pain would fade. But for now, she didn’t want to think of them.

  “What do you want to do today?” she asked as she sat at the kitchen island and watched Luke scramble eggs. Damn. Her mouth watered as she stared at his jean-covered butt.

  “I can feel you checking out my ass, you know.” Merlin looked over his shoulder and winked at her.

  Gwen blushed but tried to hide behind her mug as she took a drink of the coffee. Not that anyone in the world would blame her for watching him. He was one hundred percent, pure American beefcake. Any calendar would be lucky to have him.

  “Do you want anything with your eggs,” Luke asked.

  Oh, did she. Hell, he could keep the eggs. All the adrenaline from the last few days searched for an outlet—hopping into bed seemed like an excellent idea.


  “What? Oh, no, just the eggs are fine.” She rolled her eyes as she caught his smug grin.

  “When do you have to go back to work?” Gwen asked as he put a plate in front of her with the eggs and a sliced tomato.

  “Probably not until next week. But there’s always the chance we’ll be called back early. But since we’ve had back-to-back missions, they might pull one of the other teams first.” Luke sat next to her at the island and ate a forkful of eggs.

  Not nearly long enough for her, but Gwen would take what she could get. “These are delicious. Thanks for making breakfast.”

  “Well, it was cook or starve, right?” Luke grinned.

  It was true, but he didn’t have to rub it in. “Maybe one of these days I’ll surprise you.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Luke cocked an eyebrow as he watched her fork some of the eggs. “As for your earlier question, we definitely need to go to the grocery store. I enjoy eggs, but I prefer more options.”

  “Yeah, we do need to pick up a few things. We can head out after we shower. After that, do you have to check in or anything?” Gwen finished her coffee and reached for the pot. Luke beat her to it and refilled her mug for her.

  “The rest of the day is yours, princess. Whatever you’d like to do. When I left last night, the guys knew I’d be staying here. They’ll call if anything comes up.” Luke leaned over to kiss her.

  Oh, yeah, it would be wonderful to have Luke around. He hadn’t said anything about the future or even next week. But she hadn’t shared her feelings, either.

  Pushing those thoughts away, she said, “Maybe we can stop by the bookstore, and you can pick out a book to read while you’re here.”

  He chuckled. “I love that idea. And we probably need to check on your grandparents. If your parents already stopped by there, they might be in bad shape.”

  “Good point. But if they haven’t been there yet, we’re not hanging out. I can’t deal with seeing them twice in one day.” Gwen groaned at the thought.

  “Don’t they live there?” Luke asked as he gathered up their dishes and brought them to the sink.

  “Technically, but it’s always been more like just visiting. They have always traveled so much, they mostly lived out of their suitcases.”

  “I didn’t realize they traveled that much. Are you really okay, princess? I know it wasn’t easy with them.” Luke’s concerned expression brought tears to her eyes. He couldn’t care that much and not want a relationship. At least, she hoped not.

  “Yeah. If they were home two whole months a year, it was a lot.”

  “Damn, I’m so sorry,” Luke said.

  “It’s okay. My childhood wasn’t awful, I had Grams and Gramps and they were wonderful. But there are times you just want your parents around. There are so many children out there who have so much less, or no one to love them at all.”

  When she looked at it that way, Gwen wondered if she’d been unfair to her parents. They had known her grandparents would take care of her.

  “You’re entitled to your feelings, Gwen. It was still hard on you, and that’s what matters. You were just a little child, and your parents basically deserted you.” Luke had a strange expression on his face. What was bothering him?

  “Yes, but I had Grams and Gramps and a good life.”

  “I’m glad. But I guess I’m worried that I’m now asking you to accept me deserting you whenever I have to go on a mission. I know you understand it could happen, but experiencing it is different. When I’m sent, I won’t be able to share where I’m going or how long I’ll be gone. And I won’t be able to tell you anything when I return—not where I was or what happened.”

  “It’s not the same thing…” Gwen’s heart lurched in her chest. How could she make him understand that it wasn’t even close to what her parents had done?

  “Maybe not, but it’s close enough. I don’t want to be responsible for hurting you, Gwen. I love you.”

  Her breath caught in her chest. Had he really said the words she’d been longing to hear?

  “You love me?” Her voice came out soft, barely above a whisper.

  “Yes, princess. I know it’s fast, but it’s right. I don’t want to spend a day without you by my side. You filled a hole in my life I didn’t know was there. But hurting you would kill me.”

  “I love you, too. I understand your job and your need to help others, it’s not even close to what my parents did. So no, Luke, you won’t hurt me. You are the man I’ve dreamed about for years. You are kind and strong, maybe a bit of a nerd, and the bravest man I’ve ever met.”

  As Luke processed what she’d said, his expression changed, and a huge smile softened all the hard angles of his face. He swept her off the chair and into his arms. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, you are my one and only.”

  “And you’re mine,” he said and carried her into the bedroom.

  “What about grocery shopping?” She giggled.

  “It’ll have to wait—dessert comes first.” Luke’s voice rumbled against her chest and all her girly parts melted.

  Three days later, Gwen’s grandparents threw a party for the Delta team as a thank you for keeping their family safe. Grams baked for two days and catered the meal from the Tuscany Trattoria, Gwen’s favorite Italian restaurant.

  Merlin already felt at home in Lancelot and hanging out at the bookstore with Gwen. He’d miss it next week when he had to report back to work. But for today, they’d all hang out and stuff themselves with food.

  By the time Commander Turano arrived, the party was well underway. Merlin introduc
ed him to the Dedmonds, who promptly hugged him. Merlin had never seen his CO blush before, and it wasn’t something they would let him live down.

  When Merlin took one of the platters into the kitchen to get refills, his CO followed him.

  “What’s up, Roe?” Merlin asked. There had to be something on his mind to seek out a private area to chat.

  “I just wanted to share a little unofficial news,” Roe said with a grin.

  “Oh really? What news? Don’t leave me hanging.”

  “It looks like Eric Sand has been transferred to the Peru office.” Rue chuckled.

  “Are you shitting me? I guess karma sucks for him,” Merlin said with glee. It couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. He’d be bored shitless in the Peruvian Consulate. “Can I tell the rest of the team?”

  “Sure, but keep it on the down low,” Roe replied.

  “Copy that.” With a huge smile on his face, Merlin carried out the refilled tray of chicken parmesan.

  Destiny came with Zip, and Gwen finally got to meet Nori, who had surprised Woof by flying in when they’d returned from Egypt. Even Gwen’s parents showed up toward the end of the party. It was awkward at first, but everyone was having too much fun to let them ruin the party.

  After they arrived, Gramps announced that Arthur and Stacey had bought a house in Lancelot and would be working at the bookstore from now on. Merlin’s gaze sought Gwen. She was chatting with Destiny and Nori near the dessert table on the other side of the room.

  As their eyes met, she winked. Maybe she’d already known since she didn’t look upset. Gwen hadn’t forgiven her parents, but Merlin knew it was only a matter of time. It probably helped that she and Sir Galahad were coming to stay with him for a while. She didn’t know it yet, but he was going to ask her to make it forever. But first, he had to get the ring.

  After everyone left, he finally hunted Gwen down in the kitchen. She was at the sink, washing dishes. Merlin came up behind her and slid his arms around her waist. He leaned close and inhaled the scent of honeysuckle.

  Gwen took a step back to lean against him and rubbed against the erection he’d been trying to ignore all afternoon.

  “Oh my, have you had this problem for long?” Gwen teased.

  “All afternoon.” Merlin nuzzled the side of her neck, and whispered, “Are you almost done, princess? It’s time for some magic.”

  Magnus “Duff” McCormick had come to Gwen’s bookstore to pick up the manual he had ordered two weeks ago. He needed it to complete the overhaul of the motorcycle he’d purchased at an estate auction. He probably could have figured it out on his own, but he wanted to do it right the first time, not dick with it until he got it right.

  It was Saturday and he’d planned to get out to the dirt bike track before noon to get a few laps in before he met the guys at the Ugly Mug for drinks later.

  He’d stepped through the door, expecting to go straight to the counter, pay for his manual and leave.

  For some reason, the bookstore was busier than it had been when he’d come in with Merlin the first time. Gwen was busy behind the counter with a couple of customers. Not wanting to cut in, Duff wandered around the store, reading titles of what appeared to be old books, wondering who would want to buy something that smelled of mold and would probably fall apart the first time they opened it.

  He’d gone to the back of the store and had rounded the end of a row when he saw her.

  The woman had dark red hair. She wore a long, flowing skirt that wrapped around her ankles and a peasant-style blouse that fell off her shoulders. The swells of her breasts seemed to be the only thing keeping the blouse from falling down around her waist.

  Balancing precariously on the top of the stepladder, she hummed softly, a smile on her face as she carefully placed old tomes onto the shelf, her long, delicate fingers holding the old books like delicate china. He was captivated by those fingers, the color of her hair, the swell of her breasts. Everything about a woman he didn’t know.

  She was beautiful.

  In that single moment, the hard shell around his heart cracked. He found himself wanting something he hadn’t wanted in a long time. The touch of a woman’s hand. Not the kind that lasted only a night. The kind that lasted every night.

  He shook his head.

  No. He didn’t deserve that kind of relationship. Hadn’t he proven that the first time he’d tried? The familiar sadness and guilt rose up to envelop him in memories that never seemed to fade.

  He turned to walk away when he heard a high-pitched squeal.

  Duff spun.

  The woman on the stepladder teetered on one heel, tried to regain her balance and failed.

  His heart stopped for a second, then Duff rushed forward, reaching out. He caught the beauty in his arms.

  The moment she hit his chest, he knew something important had just happened. He stared down into her eyes, his breath catching and holding in his chest.

  She stared back, her green eyes widening, a smile replacing the shock of her fall. The fiery-haired woman wrapped her arms around his neck and brushed her lips across his.

  The electricity that shot through him could not have been more shocking. He felt it all the way to the center of his being, pushing through the new crack in that wall around his heart.

  He bent to claim more of her mouth, tasting her essence, pushing past her teeth to caress her tongue.

  The kiss could have gone on much longer, but an elderly customer appeared at the end of the row and cleared her throat. “I just had a quick question for the lady,” she said and gave them a crooked smile. “I could come back.”

  Across the store, Gwen’s voice sounded out loud. “Duff? Did I see you come in?”

  He set the redhead on her feet.

  She looked up into his eyes. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For saving me.” With a wink, she turned to help the woman.

  “Duff?” Gwen called out again.

  Duff left the ladies talking and joined Gwen at the counter where he paid for his manual. When he went back to the aisle where he’d seen the redhead, she was gone. He searched the rest of the aisles and couldn’t find her. He would have asked Gwen about her, but another customer claimed her attention.

  As he left the little bookstore, he wondered if he’d just walked away from what could have been…what? A different ending to the story of his life?

  Had he succumbed to the magic of old books and antiquities?

  Duff shrugged. Maybe it was time he got back into the dating scene. His teammates had been after him to let them set him up with one of their girls’ friends.

  If he met someone like the redhead in the bookstore, it might be worth the hassle.

  What the hell. He’d let them give it a shot.

  After all, his Delta Force teammates had his six. They wouldn’t steer him wrong.

  They were his brothers.

  Be sure to pick up the next book book in the Delta Team Three series, Ivy’s Delta by Elle James. Find out more about Duff and Ivy’s courtship!

  And if you haven’t started Lynne’s Black eagle series, grab SEAL’s Spitfire, book 1, now!

  Books by Lynne St. James

  Black Eagle Team

  SEAL’s Spitfire, Book 1

  SEAL’s Sunshine, Book 2

  SEAL’s Hellion, Book 3

  SEAL's Sky, Book 4

  SEAL’s Angel, Book 5

  Beyond Valor

  A Soldier’s Gift, Book 1

  A Soldier’s Forever, Book 2

  A Soldier’s Triumph, Book 3

  A Soldier’s Protection, Book 4

  A Soldier’s Pledge, Book 5

  A Soldier’s Destiny, Book 6

  A Soldier’s Temptation, Book 7

  A Soldier’s Homecoming, Book 8 (coming soon)

  A Soldier’s Redemption, Book 9 (coming Soon)

  Raining Chaos

  Taming Chaos

  Seducing Wrath

  Music under the Mi
stletoe – A Raining Chaos Christmas (Novella)

  Tempting Flame


  Embracing Her Desires

  Embracing Her Surrender

  Embracing Her Love

  The Vampires of Eternity

  Twice Bitten Not Shy

  Twice Bitten to Paradise

  Twice Bitten and Bewitched

  Want to be one of the first to learn about Lynne St. James’s new releases? Sign up for her newsletter filled with exclusive VIP news and contests!

  About the Author

  Lynne St. James has been writing for as long as she can remember. She has series in romantic suspense, contemporary, new adult and paranormal. She lives in the mostly sunny state of Florida with her husband, Yorkie-poo, and an orange tabby named Pumpkin who thinks he rules them all.

  When Lynne’s not writing about second chances and conquering adversity with happily ever afters, she’s drinking coffee and reading or crocheting.

  Where to find Lynne:

  Email: [email protected]


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  There are many more books in this fan fiction world than listed here, for an up-to-date list go to

  Special Forces: Operation Alpha World

  Christie Adams: Charity’s Heart

  Denise Agnew: Dangerous to Hold

  Shauna Allen: Awakening Aubrey

  Brynne Asher: Blackburn

  Linzi Baxter: Unlocking Dreams


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