The Cornelius Saga Series (All 15 Books): The Ultimate Adventure-packed Supernatural Thriller Collection

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The Cornelius Saga Series (All 15 Books): The Ultimate Adventure-packed Supernatural Thriller Collection Page 84

by Tanya R. Taylor

  Immediately, some started to walk away with their eyes fixated on something Mira herself didn’t see, but she assumed it was that celestial light. Vanessa was not one of them.

  When they arrived at the helicopter, she noticed that Vanessa was standing in front of it facing her father who was drenched in tears. His eyes were red with grief.

  “Did you find the bodies of my wife and daughter?” Charles asked.

  “Yes. I saw them both. They’re still in the plane,” Mira solemnly broke the news.

  “Oh God! Why them?” He cried loudly and slammed his hand on the dashboard.

  “Vanessa’s here,” Mira told him as she sat down next to him.

  “What? You mean in spirit? You can see her?” A spark of hope appeared in his eyes.

  Mira nodded as she looked straight ahead.

  “Can she hear me from here?”

  “Yes, she can.”

  Charles tried to compose himself sufficiently. “Vanessa honey…I’m so sorry about what happened to you and your mom. God knows I wish it was me instead and that you would go on living. But I can’t change what happened. Please forgive me for not being able to stop you from dying. My heart is broken; life without you will never be the same for me again. I love you, sweetheart. Please tell your mom I love her too and that we’ll be together again soon.”

  Mira’s eyes were welling up with tears and so were Bobby’s. Randy felt a bit choked up himself.

  “I’m going to take you and your mom home and give you both a proper burial. I promise. I would never leave you here. I love you, sweetheart. I love you both so much!”

  Mira gave Randy the signal to restart the helicopter and as the aircraft was lifted up above the trees, Vanessa watched helplessly from below.

  Charles was inconsolable.



  It was a rainy day when Charles Cooley’s beloved wife and his daughter were finally laid to rest. Both had been beautifully dressed in designer gowns Tess had picked out and were placed in matching white caskets with gold rims. Charles spared no expense in sending them off in the very best money could afford. He stood there in the front row of the green-draped tent sobbing his eyes out; his sister Tess was next to him.

  There was a good turnout—many of Barbra’s family, friends and former co-workers at the university; Vanessa’s entire graduating-class-to-be showed up as well and many other family members and friends. Mira, Bobby and Sara also paid their respects to the Cooley family. They were standing near the back of the tent.

  Mournful cries filled the air as both caskets were lowered into the ground simultaneously. One woman with a close connection to the family nearly fainted as another with the help of a gentleman close by held her up. Mira stood there feeling awful for the grief-stricken family, realizing that very soon a similar scenario will be played out as they lay the love of her life standing right next to her, to rest. Tears flowed down her cheeks behind the dark sun-glasses and she used her white handkerchief to frequently dry them. Sara was also tearful as she too thought of the inevitable chapter of grief that would soon visit them. Bobby, standing between them, comforted them both, not even faintly imagining the real reason for their tears. If only they both could wake up from that terrible nightmare!

  “Thank you for coming,” Charles said to them after the funeral. He reached for Mira’s hand and kissed it. “And thank you for all you’ve done to bring my family home. I wish home would’ve been us three together at our house, but at least they can now rest in peace.” He spoke earnestly.

  “I’m glad to have been of help,” Mira said.

  As they parted ways, she tried not to look back toward the plots where the bodies had been laid to rest. In her mind’s eye, she could see Vanessa standing there at the edge of the hole, looking down at her own casket. Mira knew right then the reality that she was dead had finally hit her. The instant she looked back, Mira locked eyes with Vanessa. With a blank expression on her face, the teenager soon turned around and walked across the cemetery until she was out of sight.

  * * * *

  After Sara had gone into the house, eager to get out of the clothing she wore at the funeral, Mira remained with Bobby in the jeep. Rosie stopped and hailed them for a minute after leaving the Morrisons’, then headed inside with Sara.

  Bobby slid his hand on Mira’s warm thigh and she placed her hand on top of his.

  “I have to tell you something,” she said, looking like the weight of the world was on her shoulders.

  “What is it?” he asked, concerned.

  “I don’t think I ever completely opened up and told you how much you mean to me.”

  “In so many words, you have, and definitely by your actions—especially over these past few weeks,” he admitted.

  “It’s not enough. I mean…sometimes things should be said, you know? It’s good to say the words.” She paused for a moment. “I just wanted to tell you that apart from Rosie, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me; you are the love of my life and my knight in shining armor. I cherish the day I fell in love with you and I’m so grateful that you love me too and put up with all my crap when you really shouldn’t have.” Bobby couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Mira was notorious for not being very expressive with her feelings, but he dared not interject. Her words were sweet music to his ears and touched his heart to the core. He was sure the terrible loss Charles Cooley had suffered had deeply affected her.

  “The long and short of it is that I will never stop loving you, Bobby,” she went on.

  “And I will never stop loving you, Mira. You have stolen my heart and no other woman can ever measure up to you. My eyes will always be for you and you only and as long as I live I will never share my affection with another woman. I promise that because you deserve nothing less. Believe me when I say your heart is safe with me. I love you, honey.” He kissed her hand.

  “I know you do.”

  She found herself fighting back the tears. What she’d done was one of the most difficult things she felt she had to do. Their wedding was in three days and in three days she knew he’d be gone.



  The cathedral had been decorated beautifully for the memorable occasion. Displayed on pew ends were small, blue and pink flower bouquets and attached to the church doors were matching floral wreaths. Elaborate candelabras were situated in the four corners of the worship space and the altar area was touched up with potted arrangements. As far as Sara was concerned, all who’d pitched in to decorate the church the night before, including Mira’s colleagues Maggie and Sylvia, had done a splendid job. The church was packed with very few available seats left for late-comers.

  At 8:20 a.m., two limousines pulled up in front of the church. Mira, Sara and Rosie were in the first one and Bobby and Reggie in the other.

  Sara gently squeezed her daughter’s hand and whispered in her ear. “Everything will be all right, honey. Be strong. I’m so very proud of you.”

  Although she strongly felt like it, Mira refused to cry or even scream for that matter. Sleep hadn’t come to her the night before as she’d kept thinking that in just a matter of hours she will have to bid her new husband goodbye.

  Her brother Wade, his wife Norma and their son Tommy, were seated in the front row of the church. Directly behind them were Dr. Barns, Sylvia and Maggie, all eager for the ceremony to begin.

  The wedding party exited the limousines and joined Father Bob and ministers of the church in the foyer. Bobby felt butterflies in his stomach as he looked at his beautiful bride-to-be. They all took their places for the entrance procession.

  Father Bob and the other ministers were the first to proceed up the aisle as the entrance hymn was played. They were then followed by Reggie and Rosie who walked hand in hand with a smile on their faces. Behind them walked Mira and Bobby. Bobby was holding her hand proudly and feeling like he was floating in the clouds. Mira’s white, strapless gown fit her fram
e perfectly, accentuating her thin waist, then flared out widely. Her hair was pinned up elegantly beneath the sheer veil she wore. She did not opt for a long trail.

  Bobby wore a white tuxedo and so did his best man Reggie. Rosie’s dress was pink and sparkly and her hair had been styled neatly in a bun. Mira had told her she looked like Cinderella.

  After the procession, they all took their places at the altar and the special ceremony commenced.

  Mira could not help thinking that Bobby never looked more handsome than he did that day and he stood there simultaneously thinking of how beautiful and flawless she was.

  At that point in the service where the couple’s long-awaited dream would have been finally realized, they stood facing each other, ready and willing to declare their vows.

  It was then that Mira noticed four illuminated figures standing a short distance away from them near the side of the altar. They were all dressed in bright, fine attire, each wearing a different color. She smiled at them and they smiled back at her. Her father Michael was most proud and so was Karlen, Andy, and Matilda. They’d all played a key role in bringing Mira and Bobby together for this unforgettable moment in time and Mira knew they would have shown up for the ceremony.

  “I, Bobby Cecil Newton, take you, Mira Mercedes Cullen for my lawful wife to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.”

  He affectionately smiled at her as she declared the same.

  “I, Mira Mercedes Cullen, take you, Bobby Cecil Newton for my lawful husband to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.”

  Afterwards, there was the exchange of rings and Father Bob blessed them as symbols of their love and fidelity.

  “Therefore...” he continued, “...what God has joined together, no human being must divide.”

  At the end of Mass, Father Bob announced the new couple, then Bobby lifted Mira’s veil and they exchanged a passionate kiss. The church erupted in applause.

  “Go in peace,” the priest concluded. And on those very words, Bobby who had been elated to have finally reached that treasured milestone in making Mira his wife, suddenly collapsed to the floor. Screaming, Mira knelt down to hold him. She’d seen the terrifying entity approach Bobby one last time and undoubtedly knew it was the end.

  Wade, Norma, Sara and Rosie ran over, as well as Dr. Barns, Sylvia and Maggie. Wade immediately checked for a pulse and found Bobby completely unresponsive. He then attempted mouth to mouth resuscitation, chest compressions and every other technique he’d learned in medical school to try and revive him. Eventually, he looked at Mira with sheer terror in his eyes and slowly shook his head. She knew there was nothing he could possibly do.

  Rosie was crying and screaming for Bobby to wake up. Terribly distraught herself, Sara was trying to comfort her, but to no avail. The congregation looked on, all horrified. Father Bob had knelt down and prayed for Bobby, all the while amazed that Mira’s premonition had come to pass.

  “He’s gone,” Wade declared in an obvious state of shock. “I’m so sorry, Sis. I’m so sorry.”

  Mira wept loudly. She was now living the actual moment she’d dreaded. “It’s not fair!” she kept saying. “It’s not fair!”

  As Barns called a second time for paramedics, Mira suddenly noticed that everything and everyone inside the room, apart from Bobby, had disappeared. She was still on the floor of the church holding his lifeless body.

  Karlen Key emerged out of the emptiness, along with the others Mira had seen just before she and Bobby had taken their vows.

  “Dad…” Mira uttered with a heavy heart. “Why did Bobby have to die?”

  Michael looked at her lovingly. “There’s no such thing as death, honey.”

  “You know what I mean!”

  “Have you noticed that Bobby is not here with us?” Karlen asked in her soft, calm voice. “It’s because he still needs his body.”

  “What’re you saying?” Mira was perplexed.

  “It was your selfless act, honey, that gave you both a second chance,” Michael said, gladly. “In your pain, you fought with everything inside of you to help a grieving man who’d lost his entire family. Because you extended grace to him, Bobby will live again.”

  “But only for another thirteen years to this day,” Karlen declared.

  “Thirteen years?” Mira’s face was drenched in tears. “I would give anything to have him back right now—and believe me, I’d make the most of whatever time we have left together.”

  “All you need to do is love,” Matilda chimed in. “Don’t smother him—just love him and love without barriers—just as he loves you.”

  “Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable,” Andy clarified.

  “I understand.” Mira nodded. She felt the heaviness lifting from her heart.

  “No one must know what we have revealed concerning the extended time for which Bobby will live,” Karlen said. “Not a living soul. Failing to heed will have dire consequences for you both.”

  Mira promised not to repeat what she’d heard.

  Her father stepped closer. “Honey, don’t focus on the length of time you have left together. Live each day to the fullest and take the time to appreciate what matters most in life.”

  “Yes, dad. I promise I will,” she softly replied.

  Just then, Karlen knelt next to Bobby’s lifeless body. She leaned forward and whispered in his ear— and his eyes popped open.

  * * * *

  Instantaneously, Mira was back in the company of Wade, Sara and all the others who had gathered around them. They were oblivious to the conversation she had only moments earlier with the angels in her life.

  “He’s alive!” The cries came from everywhere.

  “But he was dead for nearly ten minutes!” Someone exclaimed.

  Mira was smiling contentedly now; she had her soul mate back. Rosie, Sara, Norma and Tommy were elated—Wade more relieved than anything else.

  As Bobby attempted to sit up, Wade immediately assisted him.

  “What happened?” Bobby asked.

  “I think you got a bit overly-excited, my friend,” Dr. Barns answered. “Perhaps you’d better come to the clinic for another round of tests. We thought we’d lost you there.”

  Bobby looked into Mira’s eyes that were obviously wet with tears. “I’m not going anywhere anytime soon. I’m sorry I worried you, honey.”

  She kissed his lips. “All that matters is you’re back.”

  They went on to have a warm, fun wedding reception at the Paliz Hotel. Bobby and Mira danced for hours and Bobby also took turns with Rosie and Sara. Everyone had a fabulous time and enjoyed delicious food. Yet, no one fathomed, except for Mira, that on that very day thirteen years later, Mira would be mourning the loss of her husband again and this time, he was never coming back.

  Reunion From Hell

  Cornelius Saga Series - Book 14



  I’ve had enough of your griping and complaining, Donna!” Kurt Jacobs yanked off his necktie and threw it onto the back seat. It landed inches away from where their nine-month-old baby, Kurt Jr., was sitting in his car seat carrier.

  “Have you no shame, Kurt? Practically everyone at our firm is gossiping about your affair with Jamie Wilcox!” his wife, Donna, strongly asserted. “Your secretary—for crying out loud! How do you think that makes me feel having to be there with you, knowing everyone’s snickering behind my back?”

  The two had been wed for a week shy of nine years and had been fighting like cats and dogs the moment the honeymoon was over. Kurt had quickly come to regret his decision of tying the knot with whom he unaffectionately referred to as Miss Privileged. Donna had been the golden child of wealthy parents in the Maondeville area before she met and fell in love with Kurt during a conference in Mizpah—who’d, according to her parents had co
me from the wrong side of the tracks. It didn’t make one bit of difference that he’d graduated from law school summa cum laude. The only thing they saw was the fact that he grew up dirt poor and his parents were Polish immigrants. Kurt knew while he and Donna were dating that Mr. and Mrs. Walt Lottisberg would never accept him as being good enough for their daughter and pretty quickly, he’d come to not give a damn. Apart from Donna’s perfect body and beautiful face, he thought the only blonde he’d ever dated had a good heart and that counted for something. So, after six months of breaking up and making up, he took the plunge and proposed to her.

  Personally, he had no problem with blondes, but his psychiatrist had once told him he had an innate attraction to brunettes, his regular choice, since they reminded him of his mother who’d passed away when he was just a teenager. Kurt was bound to be a momma’s boy—whenever he became a man had she lived—because he shared a special bond with her his entire childhood.

  “For the fiftieth time, I’m telling you there is no affair, woman!” he shouted, slamming his hand onto the steering wheel.

  It was a half past six in the evening and already dusk had settled in. The two were on their way home from their prestigious law firm and had picked up Kurt Jr. from the nursery twenty minutes earlier. Their regular sitter, Amanda, had travelled up north to visit family for a few days and she’d recommended her godmother’s nursery as a good place for them to take Kurt Jr. during the day.

  “Believe me when I say that Jamie and I have a strictly professional relationship,” Kurt added, this time a bit more quietly as he remembered the baby.

  “Then why are people saying differently? They’ve said they see the way you two behave whenever you’re around each other—which pretty much is all the time! You don’t even bother to hide your feelings from anyone!”


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