
Home > Fantasy > Tripartite > Page 7
Tripartite Page 7

by Andy Nadir

Chapter Seven

  He laughed and sent it into the celling harmlessly. He looked at me. “Good work Lance. You are a natural. You just made a spell. Summon your Energybook." He said, with a note of pride. I grabbed my laptop from my lake, and was prepared to drop it. “Wait” Cane said.

  “Turn it on.” I pressed the power button.

  I looked at the desktop. I noticed a few files already installed, like program, hard drive, info, skills, and one other called To: Lance. I was about to open the one titled to me, but Cane said “Now open hard drive.” I opened it.

  “Now touch the black dot at the top of the page.” I put my finger on the black dot. Two lines appeared on the page. –Lightning Zap: level 2, Blood Reflector: level 4 Cane looked at the screen. “Lightning zap? What’s that?” He asked, with a small snicker at the lame name.

  In response I pointed my fingers at him. Instead of saying the rhyme, I decided to mess around a bit for fun, and imagined red and blue lightning twirling around each other in a vortex. Suddenly, the very same thing launched from my fingers. Cane looked at it and waved his hand. Nothing happened. He backed up and raised a shield. My vortex slammed into it. I yelped and called it off. Cane was still there, but his shield was destroyed. He looked at me. “That’s no level two spell. Touch the screen again.” I tapped the black dot.

  New spell added -Lightning Vortex: Level 10. Cane looked at my laptop. “A new spell?” He burst out laughing.

  “I think I should put a little damper on your power, before you destroy the whole school”.

  He went to the hard drive and opened a folder called “Locked” he typed in a password and opened a folder called defense mode. He tapped disable and closed it. “What did you just do?” I asked, annoyed he was messing with my computer. “I stopped it from copying other students moves. It was too powerful, and you can't always rely on it.” He glanced at a clock “Oh my. It appears to be 7 already. Your class is over. I’ll see you on Wednesday." He sent me off with a wave and the words, "Don’t use lightning vortex on any students!"

  A Month passed by, and Bakar and I became best friends, and together we became stronger mages. We quickly worked our ways to the top of most of our classes (other than familiar class, since she hates us, me because I beat her in battle, and Bakar because of guilty association) we became known as the invincible pair, since we won nearly every battle and studied all night, we would use Bloodbolt (Which I taught Bakar) on plants so we could stay up overnight to study spells, and see if we could make new ones, which we would share with each other.

  One day we were exploring the passages of the school, when I leaned on a wall and it fell back. Bakar laughed. “Looks like you had a fall in!” He said, still laughing.

  I punched him. We went in and closed the door. I summoned my Energybook. Its glowing yellow eyes lit up the darkness. We looked around. We were in a massive library. We looked at each other and nearly jumped with joy. “This must be ancient! Look at these books! Over hundreds of years old!” Bakar cried.

  "Who knows what powerful spells are hidden here!" I said.

  “You know, I could try setting a warp here. It’s a new spell I learned. Shall we try?” He asked.

  “Sure why not.” I said, curious to see it. He took a piece of chalk out of his pocket and drew a symbol on the floor. He said some ancient words, and set the warp. "Let’s get out of here, or we won’t have any sleep tonight". He said.

  We were so exited we could barely sleep. The next morning, elements, magic history, combat training, summoning, and familiars passes quickly. When I got to Dark magic class, we were supposed to to make a new spell to pass a test. I  mixed my fireball and thunder blast to see what would happen. The result was an accidental summoning of a lightning/fire golem. Needless to say, I passed with 100%. Well, I’m just guessing that I passed with 100% because I couldn’t hear much over the sound of my golem destroying everything. When I finally calmed it down, it looked like my side of the dorm. Mr. Leonardo looked at me. “I’m not sure if I should pass you for combining two elements into a golem at novice level, or fail you for destroying my class room. I think I’ll pass you, just to keep the rest of my classroom around. Now head off to your next class kids." He said, with a slight chuckle.

  When we got to battle tactics, we were told to take this period as a break, because there were sightings of strange creatures near the academy. I spent my free period learning how to work golems, and eager to show bakar. When the break ended, I headed over to my combat training with Bakar. Sir Douglas again, paired us up with Brent and his gang. This time though, we were determined to win, and I had new spells since our next encounter. “Are you two ready to kiss the ground?” Brent asked, snottily.

  “Begin!” Roared Sir Douglas.

  I jumped at Gayle and Bakar attacked Drake. Gayle growled, and threw his new and improved level 5 net at me. I whipped my staff and it ate the net. I then summoned my fire/lightning golem and sent it at Gayle. He waved his hand, and a metal pole flew at the golem.  The golem simply continued walking, and the metal pole passed through it, and came out a melted ball of metal. He started casting a water spell, but he was too late. The golems hand solidified into rock, and crashed into the side of Gayle’s head and he toppled to the ground. I turned to Bakar and Drake. Bakar was just finishing off Drake with his healers staff.

  I watched as Drake summoned a blast of power, and sent Bakar’s healing staff flying. I ran to help, but bakar had already done a reverse healing, and the last injury he had returned, which happened to be horrible constipation. He rolled off the stage holding his butt. I turned to Brent in time to see a black bolt flying at my face. I raised my staff just in time. Suddenly there was a flash, and my staff blew into a million pieces.

  I growled. “That was my only weapon. You’ll pay for that”.

  I summoned my lightning vortex, despite Canes warning. I surrounded him in it. When I finally released the spell, his shield was destroyed, along with his weapon, clothes, hair, and most of his body was torn up. The only reason he was still alive was a plate of titanium mail that was enchanted. He had apparently stolen it from some of the swordmages.

  I returned to my room laughing with Bakar. We got into our dorm and saw a letter on the floor. I walked over to it and looked at it. It was titled “To Lance and Bakar” I opened it and saw five words, that changed my day, for better or for worse. "You’re getting a new roomie."

  We looked at each other. “Well, this could be either really awesome or awful” Bakar said. “What do you mean”? I asked, slightly confused.

  “Well, first, can he keep up with us? And can we trust him with the library?” I gasped. “I totally forgot about that!” I said, excitement entering my voice.

  “Well” Bakar said, “Our roomie probably won’t come for another week. So we will have some time to check out the ancient library. Let’s not waste time.

  He invoked his warp spell and we were instantly in the ancient library, this time with a flashlight. We split up to look around. I found a book called “Your inner weapon, the one meant for you.” Curious I opened it. I started reading.

  Dear reader, much of what you know about magic weapons is wrong. Each weapon is created specifically for one person. They are never destroyed. If they break, the simply appear to the person they were made for. Often times, you will get your weapon from a battle, or rescue. By using the weapon specially crafted for you, you determine its abilities, which Mach your own strength.

  The rest of it was torn out. I wondered why anyone would destroy the book, as it didn’t seem to have forbidden spells. I continued looking around. A book caught my eye. “Morphing and all its power” I smiled, and opened the book.

      A few days later, Bakar and I were sitting in our room, discussing the spells we had learned from the library. “I found one to transfigure space! Check this out!” I said to him.

  I waved my arms and pictured a forty foot domed room around us. The ground seemed to swim out from under
us. In seconds, we were standing in the dome I had imagined. He looked around. “Cool illusion! What book did you get that from?”

  “None. This is no illusion. I changed the space in our room, without affecting the actual walls of it.” I replied. He raised his eyebrows. “Is it permanent? Or does it leech your energy?” He said, deep in thought. “It’s permanent. Once made, I don’t have to give it any more energy.” I said.

  He smiled. “You’ll have to teach me that one.”

  “I also found an amazing spell I'm still working on mastering.” I said. “Its called…”

  Before I could finish my sentence there was a knock on the door. Bakar jumped up. “It must be our roomie! I forgot! Oh no… we didn’t clean up yet!” He groaned. I smiled, and summoned my robot. “Sequence 10. Tornado form” the robot started shaking. In moments, it suddenly created a small tornado in its mouth, and sucked all the loose items around the room in. I tossed it back into my Lake. Bakar grinned. “Let’s go welcome our new buddy. But don’t talk about the Library yet.”

  Together, we bounded up to the door. He reached out and opened it. But behind it was not what we expected. Instead of our expected roomie, there was a girl, about 5’6 with blond hair and green eyes. She was leather body armor, with metal clad boots.She looked at us. A flash of recognition flew through her eyes, but it disappeared almost instantly. “How did you get in this dorm! Its mine! Get out of the girls dorms you perverts!” she cried,. I frowned.

  “I think you have it wrong. Boys dorms on first 100-400 floors."

  She frowned. “I don’t think so. The headmaster said room 104.”

  “Yeah, well, this is our room. You should go ask him, maybe you misunderstood him.” I said

  “I didn’t misunderstand him. Go ask him! He said room 104!” she snapped at us. I sighed. “Very well. Stay here Bakar." I said, and walked off to the headmaster's room.

  “Hey Lance, don’t leave me with this…” Bakar started.

  I heard the girl mutter a few words, and Bakar yelped as his mouth zipped itself shut.

  I walked a little faster.

  I sprinted over to the headmasters office and knocked on the door. He answered. “Ahh, Lance! How do you like your new roomie?” I frowned. “He didn’t show up yet. But some girl came and said we were in her room. Did you send her to the wrong room Mr..." I trailed off, realizing I had never learned his name.

  He reddened as well, and finished my sentence. "Wyat". He said

  Wyat chuckled. “No, that’s your roomie. She was the only one with power to match you and Bakar in training. Now head back to your room, it is going to be a long day tomorrow.

  I jogged slowly back to my dorm, thinking. “She was the only one as strong as us? Humph. Ill test that theory.”

  I got back to the dorm to find them both staring at me impatiently. I sighed. “Yes, this is her dorm.”

  She jumped up triumphantly. “See? I told you guys! Now get out of my room!” I laughed darkly.

  “Not quite. You see, it’s our dorm too. It appears we are roommates. She growled. “Very funny.” She said, but was slightly worried. I snickered.

  "Not kidding. Here.” I tossed her the letter Wyat gave me. She opened it and her face creased. “I guess so. You guys better not cause any trouble for me.” She grumbled.

  “MMMMMPH” Bakar said.

  The girl muttered some more words. Bakar’s mouth unzipped itself. In a flash, He had his healer’s staff in his hand, and was muttering words. The girl scoffed. “Your friend isn’t too smart, There is no way he can beat me, I am a top notch mage. But, just to humor him, ill let him try to attack me first.”

  I burst out laughing. “Big mistake.” I said, just as Bakar’s quiet chant began to increase in volume.

  “Healing spell of the dead! Inanimate object revival!” Bakar yelled.

  Her leather armor seemed to shift around her body. Suddenly, It constricted. The leather began sinking deeper, wrapping around her body.

  “What spell is thi…mmmph!” She said, as a leather strap wrapped around her neck, and mouth.

  Bakar took one look at her, and burst out laughing. “You look like a trussed pig. He waved his hand, and the leather returned to its original form.

  Bakar snickered. “Come this way you’re royal highness” he said, in a mocking voice.

  She fumed, but entered the room. She looked around. “I though the letter said the rooms were small.” She muttered under her breath, not intending for us to hear her.

  But since Bakar had invoked a hearing spell, we heard it. “They are supposed to. I morphed it with magic.” I called over, slightly bragging.

  She laughed. “You? No way. You look too weak to do much more than a fireball.” She said, snottily.

  I cackled. “We have battle tactics tomorrow. I’ll show you in a one on one battle.”

      “Worthless scum! How long does it take you to destroy one puny human magic school?” “Master, please! Give me time, we have finally gotten a spy past that pesky headmaster. Soon, you can come and destroy them all!"  The hooded man said, cowering.

  "I do not have time! We have been noticed by the pesky mages, and they are on their guard. The student will soon push off the silence spell, and all will know!" The voice said. "Very well master, I shall speed up the process." The hooded man said, and scurried out the door.


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