Cocky Suit: A Hero Club Novel

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Cocky Suit: A Hero Club Novel Page 10

by Harlow Layne

  “Fuck, Pria, you’re so tight. I feel like I’m taking your virginity.” He groaned as he held himself back.

  “You kind of are,” I joked. My arm tightened around his back as he stretched me. Leaning in, I kissed along his jaw. I needed a distraction and my lips on his body was the perfect way.

  Dipping his head, King caught my lips as he surged the last few inches into me. I whimpered into his mouth as my walls stretched to accommodate him. “I don’t think I’m going to last long. Fuck, your boyfriend must have been small,” he said on a groan as he slowly pulled out to the tip.

  I hadn’t known what I was missing until now, but King was right. Haider was tiny compared to him. I laughed at the thought as he unhurriedly drove back in.

  “Now’s not the time to laugh.” He growled out before sucking the lobe of my ear. He had to have known I wasn’t laughing at him. Nothing about King was funny, especially what he was making me feel. Before I’d been lucky to have an orgasm during sex, so I didn’t think it was possible to have more than one in such a short period of time, but as King filled me with each glorious inch of him, pressure started to build up in me once again.

  “I’m going to come again.” I whimpered, holding him closer. Our position was so intimate. Not at all what I was expecting for our first time. Not that I was expecting us to ever have sex or that we would ever again, but it was a nice surprise, nonetheless.

  “That’s the point.” He grunted. Each sensual slide of his hips stirred awake something deep inside. I was never going to get enough of this man. His hard exterior and the soft, caring man buried deep down that I’d caught glimpses of.

  “Come with me, Pria.” His thumb found my clit and rubbed slow, delicious circles as he kept slowly filling me. Shattering in his arms, I called out his name like a prayer. He was now my god and if he made me feel like this, I’d happily worship him night and day. Every nerve ending in my body sang his praise.

  Swallowing my cry, King’s mouth met mine in a hot, slow kiss. Everything was heavenly timed to the tempo of his hips. I clung to him as if my life depended on it as I slowly came down. King’s hips picked up speed, but not the driving force I’d expected from him before he stilled deep inside of me. Our mouths broke apart as he breathed a deep groan against my lips. I watched in fascination as his face tightened in pleasure and slowly went lax, his full lips brushing against mine in tenderness.

  It was single-handedly the sexiest thing I’d ever experienced, and I couldn’t wait to do it again. Except there wouldn’t be another time because I couldn’t have sex with my boss. Not only was it against company policy, and I liked my job, but I knew he’d only break my heart because after one time, I had already started to fall for him.




  Sweltering fire.

  Those were my first thoughts as I woke up with the sun beaming down on my face. I tried to throw the plush comforter off me but was stopped by a lead weight on top of the covers. Upon further inspection, I realized it was King’s arm. My boss’s arm. My very naked boss, who was plastered against me.

  King moaned from beside me, tightening his arm around my waist. His voice was full of gravel and oh so sexy from misuse. “Go back to sleep. It’s too early.” He nuzzled his nose into the back of my neck. Even though it felt wonderful, it also increased my body temperature. I swear I could feel beads of sweat pop up all along my back. “Trust me, the dogs won’t let us sleep in too late. By the way, when did Orvy break in?”

  I wasn’t used to cuddling, and in the past, I’d thought I wasn’t missing anything, but I couldn’t bear to break from King’s hold no matter how hot I was. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. Maybe that’s where Orvy got his need to cuddle from. I thought I’d wake up to King fleeing my bed or already alone, but he’d stayed with me, wrapped around me the entire night. Freeing my foot from our entangled legs, I inched it past Orvy’s big body on the other side of me and out of the blankets to get some fresh air in an attempt to cool down.

  “I’m not sure, but I know I didn’t let him in. Did you?”

  King’s arms tightened around me as he laughed into the nape of my neck. “Obviously not.”

  “If you didn’t let him in and I didn’t… I think he’s figured out how to get in.”

  “I probably forgot to lock the door. He hates sleeping by himself and is desperate enough.” Resting his cheek on my shoulder, he huffed out. “No more talking. Sleep.”

  I’d try, but sleeping with these two was like being in a furnace. A very soft and lovable furnace, but a furnace, nonetheless. One that I knew I shouldn’t get used to.

  Cutting up some fruit for my breakfast, I yelped and almost cut my finger when Sarah nudged my hip and then trotted off with her nose in the air. I guess King was back with the dogs.

  “Woman, you are dangerous to sleep with.” King chuckled from behind me. “I literally had to pin you down so I wouldn’t get elbowed or smacked in the face.” So he had willingly stayed the night. That was good to know. He could have easily left after the first jab.

  “I’m sorry. I should have warned you, but I thought…” I bit my bottom lip from telling him I thought he was a love ’em and leave ’em kind of guy.

  “Finish what you were going to say, Ms. Wang.”

  Ms. Wang.

  Was he back to being my boss? This was definitely going to make things awkward at the office.

  Tipping my chin up, I turned to face him. “I thought you’d leave.”

  “You’d be right. Usually I do.” He shrugged.

  Why’d he call me out on it if it was his typical behavior? I guess he was back to being his usually cocky self.

  He poured himself a cup of coffee from his crazy coffee maker I hadn’t even bothered to touch while he was gone. “Tonight, we’ll sleep in my bed. I’ve got my blinds on a timer and they open extra late on the weekends.” I bit my bottom lip again. “What?” he growled, annoyed.

  “There’s no tonight. Now that you’re home, I’m not really needed here. So, I was planning to stay at a hotel until I find a new place, which has proved to be more difficult than I thought it would be.” Mostly because I hadn’t even started to look.

  “Stay here until you find a place,” he said nonchalantly. “I have to go out of town for multiple business meetings and you can watch the dogs.”

  “You still want me to watch them?” Was he desperate? He had to be because just yesterday I’d lost one of his dogs.

  “Why not? You know what to do and I’ll need someone who knows them.” He sipped his coffee, giving me a one shoulder shrug.

  Who was this man and what had he done with my boss?

  “Why don’t you want me to leave? I’ll probably end up killing or losing one of your dogs if I’m left with them again. You can find better than me.”

  Placing his coffee on the counter, King stalked toward me and put his hands on either side of me, boxing me in. I strained to look up as he looked down. Our height difference was comical, especially when I was without my heels, but somehow it worked extremely well for us in bed. King seemed to be thinking something along those lines. He picked me up and placed me on the counter, spreading my legs wide to stand between them. “I don’t think I’ll find anyone better than you. I like you and my dogs like you, and I have a feeling you like us too.” His large hands cradled my hips as he smiled down at me. I watched his perfectly pink, kissable lips form each word wanting to trap them between my teeth. “I like how small you are, shorty, and how sexy you look on my countertop. I may have to lay you out on top of it and have my wicked way with you.”

  “I like the sound of that.” No longer able to hold myself back, I leaned up and sucked King’s bottom lip into my mouth before giving it a nip.

  One of King’s hands slid underneath the T-shirt I had slipped on after getting out of bed. He was nice enough to take the dogs out and let me stay behind. “Tell me you’ll stay. Let’s have a fun weekend only getti
ng out of bed to eat and let the dogs out. Maybe we can set the world record for the most orgasms in seventy-two hours.”

  I wasn’t sure which I wanted to do more. Roll my eyes or laugh at him and his huge ego. Yes, King was talented, but thinking he could set the record was a little much. Leaning back on my elbows, I smiled up at him. “Do you know the record number?”

  “If you’re willing to try, I’ll look it up so we have a goal to strive for. I’m thinking…” he hummed to himself with a mischievous grin on his uber handsome face, “one hundred orgasms in a weekend.” One finger rubbed my inner thigh driving me wild while the other hand inched up toward my breasts. It was so close yet so far away.

  “You’re crazy.” I quirked my head to the side. “Is that a hundred between the two of us or just me? Never mind because either way, I think I’d probably die. Although, death by orgasm doesn’t sound bad.”

  King’s hand left from between my legs to grip my hip. “Stop overthinking it. Sex with you was…” He seemed to be unable to find the right word. Had it been bad? No, it couldn’t have been, otherwise, he wouldn’t want to spend the rest of the weekend in bed. Unless he was taking pity on me and thought he needed to teach me a few things. I wasn’t opposed to more amazing sex with King, but I didn’t want it to be a pity fuck either.

  He ground his teeth together as he looked down at me. “I can see the wheels turning, Pria. Don’t think I do this often, or ever as a matter of fact.”

  Have sex with women all weekend? I was certain he did, and it wouldn’t surprise me if it was with more than one woman.

  “Stop thinking and just let me talk. Listen, because I’m going to say this one time only. I don’t talk about my feelings. Ever. I don’t date, do girlfriends or friends with benefits, or anything of the kind. I don’t say nice things afterward or talk about my sex life. When I have sex,” a muscle twitched in his jaw, “it’s a one-time deal. I don’t cuddle or stay the night, and I most definitely don’t bring them here.”

  Why was he telling me all this?

  “I’m telling you this because…” King let out a frustrated breath. Could he read my mind, or had I said that out loud? “You’re hot, your body is banging, and our sex last night was different than anything I’ve ever had. Not in a bad way, don’t get me wrong. It sparked something inside of me and I want to continue to explore whatever it is.”

  I sat flabbergasted at his admission. I was sure I looked like an idiot, but he didn’t comment on it. What did he want from me if he didn’t do fuck buddies or girlfriends? Finally, I got my wits about me or so I thought and blurted out. “We did have great chemistry.”

  “We do so what do you say about me fucking you on my countertop?”

  My hand went to the growing bulge in his tight jeans and gave it a squeeze. “It sounds like the perfect way to spend my weekend.” What I didn’t say was how I wanted to know what would happen after this weekend was over since Kingston Avery didn’t fuck anyone more than once. I wanted to know more and ask questions, but I knew he wouldn’t answer them. The time for talking was over.

  “Perfect, Ms. Wang.” King wasted no time in stripping the shirt from my body. His large hands caressed my now overheated skin as his eyes devoured me. “You’re perfect.”

  His words emboldened me. It was my turn to remove his clothes. Grabbing his white T-shirt by the hem, I lifted it over his head and threw it to the floor. I spotted Sarah standing there staring at us, but I didn’t care as long as she left us alone. Undoing his jeans, I slipped my hand inside his gray boxer briefs and wrapped my hand around his steel shaft.

  “How does your touch…” He groaned deep in his throat when I squeezed his tip. His eyes closed in ecstasy. I wanted to pull him on top of me and learn every inch of his body. Before I could move, King pulled away to shuck off his tennis shoes, socks, and jeans. He stood before me in only his boxers and I took in every flawless inch of him from his broad imposing shoulders, the lean muscular legs of a runner, even down to his bare sexy feet. Feet weren’t meant to be sexy but his were.

  Lifting one foot, I checked my pink painted toenails. I wanted Kingston Avery to find my feet as sexy as I found his. Slipping his thumbs into the waistband of his boxers, King slowly dragged them down over his long legs. When he stood up, his cock bobbed and settled against his stomach. My mouth watered at the sight of him.

  I didn’t have to wait long. King grabbed my foot and brought it up to his mouth placing a kiss on my arch before he placed it on his shoulder. He gave the same treatment to my other foot, leaving me spread wide for him.

  Swiping a finger through my pussy, King brought it up to his mouth and tasted me. “Fuck, you taste good. I’m going to eat you for breakfast later, but right now I have to be inside of you.” Sliding two fingers inside, he only pumped twice before pulling out. “You’re so wet and ready for me. Perfect.”

  Gripping his length, King ran it up and down my folds before gliding only the tip inside all the while watching. I wanted to force the rest of him in, but his hands had moved to hold my ankles leaving me immobile. He moved his hips torturously slow as he filled me, letting me get accustomed to his size. Only once he was all the way inside did he look up at me. “This is going to be fast and I want you to come with me so play with yourself. Touch yourself as if it were my hands on you.”

  Holy hell that was hot. My core spasmed from his words alone. I did as I was directed. One hand went to my breasts to twist and pinch my nipples while the other skated down my flat stomach. Instead of touching myself, I ran the tip of one finger down King’s blond treasure trail until I reached the base of his cock.

  “I can’t hold back much longer.” His voice was husky and deeper than normal.

  I wanted to touch him more, but I also wanted him to start moving. To feel the exquisite pleasure of him filling me over and over again. Running my fingers up my slit, I started rubbing fast circles as King pulled back and slammed into me. I had to stop and catch my breath. I’d never experienced anything rough and dominant, but I was finding I liked anything Kingston Avery did to me.

  His left hand moved from my ankle and slapped the side of my ass causing me to yelp. “I won’t tell you again. Touch yourself. This is going to be rough and quick.” As if to punctuate his point, he pulled out nearly to the tip and slammed into me. Only this time he didn’t stop for me to catch my breath. Instead, his pace quickened as he fucked me harder, never letting up. His breathing picked up speed and his arms flexed as he drew closer and closer to his orgasm.

  My fingers circled my bundle of nerves at a furious pace as I tried to keep up. I had a feeling if I didn’t get off on my own this round, King wouldn’t help me. I’m not sure where this side of him came from, but I liked seeing him take control of his pleasure and mine.

  “Fuck, I like watching you pleasure yourself. Do you have a vibrator or something? I want to watch you fuck yourself.” The muscles in his neck tightened as he pistoned into me like his balls were on fire.

  The thought of King watching me as I used my vibrator on myself sent me over the edge. I’d always hidden that part of myself from Haider, and the fact that King wanted to watch had my digits swirling around my clit faster as I called out his name.

  Letting my legs fall to the side, King pulled me up until we were chest to chest as I milked his cock. I slumped against his heaving chest as I caught my own breath, my arms loosely draped around him.

  I was so relaxed I was about asleep until King jerked back making his cock slip out of me. Turning my head to see what was going on, I found Sarah resting her head on King’s ass.

  “For fuck’s sake, Sarah, go lie down.” Lifting her snout in the air, she pranced out of the kitchen. King looked pissed as he watched her go.

  “She doesn’t like me.” I giggled trying to break the tension. Only a moment ago we had been in the afterglow of bliss.

  “Too bad because I do.” King picked me up and placed me gently down on the floor and took my hand in his. “Let’s go
break in my bed.”

  I couldn’t think of anything I wanted more.



  “I think that’s one hundred,” I panted out.

  “That’s twenty at best.” His hot breath fanned across my neck with his low chuckle.

  “Whatever number it is, I need a break. Your stamina is commendable.” My hand ran across his shoulder and down his side. “Are you even human?”

  He smirked at me. “How about we take a nap after I take the dogs out?”

  “Do you want me to come?” I really hoped he said no because I didn’t think I had the energy to get out of bed.

  King nuzzled into my neck. “Thank you for offering, but I’ll let you get some rest.”

  “How are you not tired? I’m not that much older than you.” I couldn’t understand how he seemed to have an endless amount of energy.

  “I work out regularly. How often do you exercise?”

  I was lucky I was naturally skinny with the way I ate, but I didn’t have muscles or stamina and it was showing after the workout he’d given me. “I think the last time I ran was in high school gym class.”

  “Well, you might want to start if you want to keep up with me.” His lips lightly brushed the side of my neck as if to lighten his words.

  “I don’t think all the exercise in the world would help me keep up with you.”

  “Maybe not, but it can’t hurt. If you want, you can come to the gym with me. There’s one in the building here.”

  I was surprised he didn’t have one in his apartment. He definitely had enough space for one. “When do you have time to work out?” From what I’ve witnessed, King was one of the first at work and the last to leave.


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