Hood Rat

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Hood Rat Page 12

by Geri Glenn

  Pulling my knees back, I watch as he plunges in and out, and back in again, my body accepting him like it’s his God-given right to be there. And it is. He’s mine, and I am his.

  “Jesus, Georgia. I don’t know how long I can do this.”

  But I don’t care. I don’t respond. I just press my head back into the pillow and tremble in his arms as my release takes over my entire body. Tripp stiffens then, jumping off the cliff right alongside me.

  When our heart rates have slowed, and our breathing has returned to normal, Tripp lifts his head and stares down at me. “I meant it, Georgia. I fucking love you so much, and I’m not ever gonna let you go.”

  I grin. “You’d better not.”


  I feel her body relax completely against mine as she drifts off to sleep, and even though her body is pressed against my ribs, causing them to scream in pain, I don’t dare move her. I want her just where she is—safe, and in my arms.

  Bringing my free arm up, I coil a lock of her hair around my fingers, yet again marveling at how soft it feels beneath my calloused fingers. If you’d have told me a month ago that Georgia Addington would be mine, I’d have laughed in your face. Yet, here she is.

  Silly girl. She’s far too good for a guy like me. A princess and a hood rat, an unlikely combination if ever there was one.

  My only fear is that one day, she’s going to see realize that for herself. She’ll take a look at the house I live in, or the lack of money in my bank account, and she’ll realize that she’s too high-class for the South Side—too high class for me. The very idea of that day coming makes me hold her tighter to my chest, despite the pain.

  Georgia is the best thing that has come my way in a long time, and until she comes to that conclusion, I’m just going to hold on like hell and enjoy every second of it.

  It’s funny how quickly things can turn around. A few days ago, our family was in hell. Now, Carter is a free man, and he’s really stepped up. He’s trying so hard to make me proud. Hailey is Hailey, my rock and biggest help. And Max is just happy that everyone is getting along again.

  And now that Georgia has found this grant, maybe, just maybe, I can take a shot at reaching for my dreams. Georgia believes I can do it, and I believe in Georgia.

  I have to believe that things can only get better from here.



  I’ve never taken a woman on a date before in my life. Who the hell has time to fucking date?

  But when Janet had refused my offers to hang out and had stopped returning my calls, I knew that I had to try a new approach. And I’m glad I did.

  Janet sits across from me in the booth, her hair swept up in some sort of mass of curls at the back of her head, and for the first time I’ve ever seen, she’s actually wearing a dress. Her lips are painted the softest pink, and I get lost in her eyes every time I look into them.

  “Thank you for bringing me here,” she says, glancing around the room with excitement. “I’ve always wanted to try this place out, but never wanted to come alone.”

  I don’t know what it is about Janet that has me in such a frenzy to be near her. She’s beautiful, yes, in a plain Jane kind of way. And she’s kind. Whatever it is, I’m attracted to her like a magnet. I can’t stop thinking about her.

  “So,” I say with a grin, “aside from being sexy as hell in that dress, what do you like to do in your free time.”

  Janet blinks at me for a beat, and then drops her head back and laughs. It’s the first genuine belly laugh I’ve ever heard out of her, and I feel like a goddamn superhero for being the one to make her do it.

  Janet wipes away a tear, and is still giggling when she asks, “Do those cheesy lines actually work for you?”

  I shrug. “You’re sitting here, aren’t you?”

  Janet smirks. “Touché.”

  The waitress brings our food then, and as we eat, we keep up a steady stream of conversation. I tell her about my mom and about growing up with Tripp. She tells me about her mom and how she’d died when she was very young.

  We talk about her work, but not mine. I’m not quite ready to let her in on that one yet. We talk about books we’ve read, movies we both love, and types of cars we’d have if we could afford them.

  The more I learn about her, the more I want to know, and I can tell she’s digging me too. That’s why when I have to run to the men’s room, I hold out a hand in her direction. “Hold that thought,” I say, and hurry to do my business so I can get back to her.

  When I finish, I step out into the hallway and head back toward our table, but before I can get there, I’m stopped by a wall of red silk and too much perfume.

  “Zack,” she purrs, and I freeze on the spot.

  Mrs. Spellman is a regular client of mine. I usually attend to her myself, and that’s the way she prefers it. She’s a nice lady, but her husband is rarely home, which makes her feel neglected.

  “I’ve missed you,” she whispers, leaning in to run her tongue along the curve of my ear. “Can I see you tonight?”

  I try to take a step back, but she stops me with a grip on my ass, while her free hand runs down my chest. “I can’t tonight. I’m sorry. But give me a call and we’ll see who we can find for you tomorrow.”

  Mrs. Spellman frowns, her hand dropping lower until she has my cock in her hand. Her fingers gently fondle it through my pants as she pops up onto the tips of her toes. “I don’t want anyone else,” she whispers. “I want you.”

  I groan and look over her shoulder just in time to see Janet standing just a few feet away, her mouth open in horror.

  “Wait!” I cry, but it’s too late. Even in heels, Janet is gone before I can pull my cock out of Mrs. Spellman’s hand. “I gotta go,” I say as I rush past her.

  My heart thrashes in my chest as I race through the restaurant, desperate to catch her before she’s gone for good. I had a hard enough time getting this date with her to begin with.

  I push through the main entrance of the restaurant in time to see Janet pull the door closed on a taxi. “Janet!” I yell out, but she doesn’t even turn to look at me. Instead, she says something to the driver and the car pulls away.

  “Fuck!” I roar at the sky. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”

  Gasps of horror come from all around me, and I find several women walking along, their hands clutching their chests in shock. I must look like an absolute crazy person to them, but how can I not when I’m pretty sure I just scared off the woman I’m supposed to spend the rest of my life with?

  Watch for Zack & Janet’s story!

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  My girls – Every single thing I do, I do for you. I love you both more than you’ll ever know.

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  To Michelle Thomas – Thank you for always being in my corner and for being a constant nagging reminder on my screen. I love you, lady. I couldn’t do any of this without you.

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  To Nicole Lloyd – Thank you for encouraging me to keep going when I thought every word I wrote sucked. Thank you for promoting me and thank you for being you.

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  To My Review Team – I couldn’t ask for a better bunch of book junkies. Thank you for loving my books, supporting me and writing honest reviews that often bring a tear to my eye. You make all of the headaches worth it.

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  To Rebel Edit & Design – Dana, babe, thank you. That you for the edits, the love and for fitting me in whenever I suddenly decide to get my ass in gear. If you try to leave me, I will hunt you down and go Annie Wilkes on your ass.

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  To Robin at Wicked by Design – My favorite designer. Don’t ever leave me.

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  To the Awesome Ladies at Enticing Journey Promotions – Thank you for such a successful release blitz. You ladies have made my life so much easier at release time! Never stop doing what you do.

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To My Queens – I’ve loved getting to know you, laughing with you and finding new reads with you. Thank you for being by my side through this journey.

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  To the Bloggers – Everyone of you that took the time out of your busy schedule to post, review and/or talk about my books, thank you. A million times thank you! An indie author needs you amazing people to find readers, and I’ve been blessed to have so many of you support me.

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  And lastly, To The Readers – For every one of you that took a chance on me and bought my book, thank you! For those that left a review, double thank you! It’s readers like you that give me the courage to keep writing, and improving my skill, hoping to bring you the best story I can. I thank all of you for making it possible to live my dream of writing full time. For any of you that have spread the word and shared my posts or told someone about my books, you keep me going! I love each and every one of you for whatever support you’ve given me! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  About the Author

  Geri Glenn writes alpha males. She is a USA Today Bestselling Author, best known for writing motorcycle romance, including the Kings of Korruption MC series.

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  She lives in the Thousand Islands with her two young girls, one big dog and one terrier that thinks he’s a Doberman, a bird, a hamster and two guinea pigs whose names she can never rememeber. Before she began writing contemporary romance, Geri worked at several different occupations. She’s been a pharmacy assistant, a 911 dispatcher, and a caregiver in a nursing home. She can say without a doubt though, that her favorite job is the one she does now–writing romance that leaves an impact.

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  She loves homemade cookies, copious amounts of coffee and Diet Coke by the case. You can connect with Geri on her website http://geriglenn.com where you can sign up for her newsletter to find out more about her less than glamorous life, and what she’s working on now.

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  Follow Geri Here:

  ♛ Website: http://geriglenn.com

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  ♛ Amazon: amazon.com/author/geriglenn

  ♛ Youtube: https://goo.gl/Hu6zVf

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