The Brave & The Broken: Gifted Fae Academy - Year Two

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The Brave & The Broken: Gifted Fae Academy - Year Two Page 9

by Brittni Chenelle


  She rushed back with a tablet, as I’d expected, and held it out for me. “You just sign here.”

  I froze. “Can I keep my last name the same?”

  “Of course,” she said. “I’m not trying to replace your parents, I’d just like to look out for you.”

  I nodded and signed, but the sad look in her eyes said that she could tell that part of me was apprehensive. She motioned for me to hit send, and I did. Either way, there was no going back now.



  Ensley unscrewed a second bottle from her cart. “This one’s for the scar.”

  I thought of Reina… her worried expression as she tried to stop the bleeding. “Actually, I think I’ll keep it.”


  “I don’t know. I think it looks kinda cool.”

  She sighed. “Men.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “How interesting that you used the plural there.”

  Her gaze shot to me, a flush of pink across her cheeks. “What are you doing with Zane?”

  “I-I don’t owe you an explanation.”

  “I think you do. He’s a good friend of mine, and what do you think is going to happen to him when DT finds out?”

  The door swung open. “I have lunch!” Zane said, raising a lumpy plastic bag.

  “Actually,” Ensley said, “I have to go.”

  Zane stopped. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yep,” she said, but her usual pep was absent.

  After she was gone, Zane shrugged and turned to me. “You ready for the story?”

  “Zane, I have to tell you something.”

  “Me first,” he said. “This story is so good.”

  I took a sharp breath in. “I saw Ensley leave DT’s room this morning.”

  The way his smile dimmed was a punch to my gut. “Well, she could’ve just been—”

  “No, she was half naked.” His mouth moved, but he said nothing and moved over to have a seat on my couch. “I’m know, worried. Because DT might—”

  “I know,” he said. “Thanks for telling me.” He looked up at me. “So are we going to eat or what?”

  I took a seat beside him, wanting to do more to ease his pain than pretend like nothing happened. “I have a bottle of gift-infused whiskey in the kitchen.”

  “It’s like noon.”

  I smirked. “Where the fuck do you have to be today?”

  An hour later we were practically screaming the lyrics to the openings of our favorite childhood cartoons.

  Zane choked. “Drink! You totally fucked it up.”

  “No,” I slurred. “That’s how the song goes.” But the shot was already on its way to my lips. It burned going down, but not as much as the first few. It was hot in my chest and heavy on my stomach before the infusion kicked in, and finally my worries were systematically stripped away.

  “Why do you keep checking your phone?” Zane asked.

  “I’m not.”

  He glared, his blue eyes resembling DT’s as he did so. “Please don’t tell me you gave Reina your new number.”

  “Do you think I’m an idiot?”

  He laughed, practically spraying me with liquor. “Yes, yes I do.”

  “Can I ask you something? How’d you go from tanking with Ensley to kissing her? I just can’t see how you turned that shit around.”

  He leaned back, propping his feet up on the coffee table. “Kaito Nakamaru finally coming to me for dating advice.” One of my throwing daggers floated between us before moving into the kitchen. I grinned as I poured him another shot. He downed it and held it out again for me to refill. “Just be, like, ‘What’s your gift? Hotness? The ability to give me an erection?’”

  I buried my face in my hands as Zane laughed himself onto the floor.

  “So that’s what you said to Ensley? Because I’m pretty sure she’d slap you for saying that.”

  He stared at the ceiling. “No, man. We were talking, and there was this awkward silence, and she was looking at me for a minute, waiting for me to say something.”

  “Yeah, sounds like you.”

  “Then I said, ‘I like you, too.’”

  Whiskey practically shot out of my nose.

  “I know, I know,” he said. “And she looked, like, almost offended for a second, then she smiled and kissed me.”

  “That’s the most fucked up story I’ve ever heard.”

  “I know, right? So, what’s the deal with you and Reina?”

  I wrung my hands. “There’s no deal. I’m here now. She’s there.”

  “You ever going to tell her how you feel?”

  I glared at him. “Actually, I did tell her, but then you, Carter, and Ensley started killing everyone.”

  “My bad.”

  I tossed a pillow at him, and he jackhammered up. “Bro, make me fly.”

  “No way, you’re going to throw up all over my apartment.” I picked up my phone, turning it over in my hands. It was a bad idea, but who cares? One text couldn’t hurt.


  I miss you. Do you miss me too?

  I poured myself a shot and pretended not to be waiting for my pocket to buzz. When it didn’t, I poured myself a second one.

  “Share!” Zane said, holding his shot glass out for me, upside down. I flipped it over with my gift. Just as I poured it, my pocket vibrated.


  Maybe. If you tell me where you are, I’ll come get you.


  You mean you’ll come for me.

  I threw my phone onto my couch and leaped away from it, hovering over the coffee table.

  Zane shot up. “What happened?!”

  “Risky text! Risky text!”

  Zane reached for my phone. “You are texting Reina. Holy shit, dude! This is way worse than what I—SHE’S TYPING!”

  I yanked Zane and the phone over to me, and we hovered over the coffee table waiting for the screen to light. Neither of us dared to breathe.


  It’s a little early for whiskey, isn’t it?

  Zane turned to me. “Aw, she knows you.”


  Maybe you should send me a picture of how your cut is healing.

  Zane shook my shoulders. “She wants to sext, dude!”

  “Get out.”



  I had never been so glad I’d opted for a nap when we got home from the police station, because as I stared down at my phone, the image of Kai’s bare chest and abs was enough to set my skin on fire. He actually sent it. This was wrong, I knew that, but that only made him sexier. Besides, trying to get over him never did me any good. Now that I’d been adopted, my internship was approved. I was going to find him, or die trying.

  And that was the thing, wasn’t it? Miranda was right. I was always going to pick him. He made me feel alive. I flew toward the flame without regard for what came next, and I didn’t need a seer to tell me how this ended. The hot, dizzy feeling in my head moved to tickle every nerve in my body as I ran my fingers across the screen, wishing I could kiss the cut that ran just above his hip.


  I should probably check you for injuries. Just to be safe.

  I pulled myself out of bed and rushed over to my vanity, having a seat in front of it. I slipped my shirt off and unhooked my bra. I knew the second my bra fell to the floor that I couldn’t do this. I didn’t even want to look at myself naked in the mirror. I put my face into my hands, then turned away. I sighed, exhaling the anxiety of what I had almost done. I reached for my shirt and covered my chest with it, turning to look for my bra. I caught a glimpse of myself in the vanity… peeking over my shoulder, my shirt pressed against my chest. Even though my back and shoulders were showing, I didn’t look sexy. I wasn’t sure that I even knew how, but I looked like me. I lifted my phone and took the picture, staring at it for a long time before I got the nerve to hit send. Mercifully, his reply came just a few seconds later.

nbsp; Kai:

  Reina...You’re so beautiful it hurts.


  Fuck it. They can execute me. I’m coming over. Send your location.


  Better yet, join The Fallen.

  I smiled at my phone.


  Doubt my new guardian would approve of that.


  You got adopted?


  I’m sure by tomorrow it’ll be all over the news.

  Incoming Call from Kai

  Panic tore through my body, and I triple checked that my bedroom door was locked before leaping onto my bed and answering the call.


  “Rei?” Kai whispered. “You were adopted?”

  “Mhmm,” I answered simply, hoping I could mask the shake in my voice.

  “By who?”

  “Yemoja Roux,” I said.

  “Wow. That’s huge, Rei. Are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?” he asked, but I could barely hear him.

  “You sound far away.”

  “Oh, sorry, I was looking at your picture.” His low voice sent a chill down the side of my jaw and neck. It was like I could practically feel his lips on my neck. “Is that better?”

  “Mhmmm,” I said in a stupor that felt like I was emotionally drunk.

  “I... uh… like that sound.”

  My stomach fluttered.

  He took a sharp breath in. “Oh no. Your name is going to be Reina Roux!” he laughed. “That’s so cute.”

  “I opted not to change my name.”

  “You really think the media is going to pass up the opportunity to call you Reina Roux because of a little paperwork? Fuck, I hope you’re not thinking of going with Yemoja Roux on her missions now.”

  “I have to.”

  “Why? She’s one of The Fallen’s biggest targets. You’re going to get killed.”

  “I have to save you.”

  “Then I’ll have to fucking go with The Fallen to try and save you. You’re not going to try and kill me, like last time?”

  “I haven’t decided.”

  He sighed. “Damnit, Reina. You’re really not going to be happy unless we Romeo and Juliet this shit, are you.”

  I laughed, rolling onto my stomach. “Do you mean fall in love or die tragically?”


  Butterflies tore apart my insides, my muscles tightening from the sensation. “I’m game if you are.”

  “Reina,” he breathed. “I’m so game.”



  By the time the evening news came on, the term Reina Roux was spiraling through the media. Reina’s picture was everywhere, but none compared to the one I had saved to my phone. I couldn’t stop looking at it. I knew it would be safer just to delete it, along with the rest of our messages, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. We were practically dead anyway, both stuck on different sides of a war. It wasn’t like I could go to DT and say, “I changed my mind, I’m going back home to be with my girl.” Knowing him, he’d probably kill her, then ask if I was grateful not to have to worry about her anymore. I shuddered.

  I didn’t know how Reina did this, kept believing in me after all the mistakes I’d made. I promised myself, in the next life, I wouldn’t fuck it up. I’d be the kind of guy she could depend on. In this life, however, we were so fucked.

  A knock sounded at my door and, before I could answer, Zane burst in. “Have you seen the news?” he said, wide-eyed. Then he turned to the TV with the news blaring.

  He rushed over and took a seat beside me. “I can’t believe this. She’s the daughter of the most powerful Fae and you’re the face of The Fallen… you two are so fucked.”

  “Thank you for that evaluation.”

  “By the way, how did… the thing go?”

  I turned away, and he leaped onto my back. “Why are you blushing like a little bitch?” He berated me with punches.

  “I’m not,” I said, trying to shake him off. I shoved him back onto the couch.

  “Wipe that stupid smile off your face then,” he sighed, leaning back into the couch. “See? That’s what I wanted with Ensley.”

  I nodded, taking a seat beside him. “I might still be buzzed from earlier, but if she’s worth the risk, go for it, man.”

  “Who even are you today? Let me see what she sent you.”

  “No way,” I said, floating my phone across the room.

  There was a knock at the door. I nodded to Zane, who was closer, and he hopped up to answer it. “Ensley,” he said. I sat up as she pushed past him.

  “We’re going into the city tomorrow night. We’re going to take down a Fae to bring the media attention back to The Fallen. Apparently some girl got adopted by Yemoja Roux. DT wanted to know if you’re ready to head out there.”

  “Yeah. I’m ready.”

  Zane chimed in, “I’m ready too.”

  She bounced onto her toes. “YES! Okay, we’ll train in the morning and then head out at dusk. DT wants to take Rolland with us.”


  “You know, red beard, gem gate guy?”

  I nodded. “Ah.”

  “So we can port back if we get into trouble.” She eyed my coffee table that had the half empty bottle of infused whiskey. “And maybe you two shouldn’t drink anymore tonight.”

  Zane said, “Unless you’d like to join us for a drink.”

  “Really?” she said, her face brightening. Then it faded as she looked over at me. “Oh. I better not.”

  Zane jabbed a hard elbow into my side. “You totally should,” I said through gritted teeth.

  Ensley only stayed for one drink, but I enjoyed listening to her and Zane banter. He really did step up his game, and she seemed to find him as funny as I did. If life were fair at all, then Reina would be seated beside me, drinking with us. I missed her. All those precious years I wasted giving her a hard time... No, who am I kidding? All those years humiliating her were gone now, and all that was left was a world that wanted us to be apart. She was going to try to save me no matter what I did or said. That task was impossible. But I had seen her do impossible things before. It might have been selfish of me to want to see her again, and stupid of her to risk her life to find me, but no matter how much I fought the desire to be with her, I always failed. For once, I didn’t mind being a failure. I found myself counting the minutes before I had my apartment to myself again so I could look at her picture.

  I’d need the comforting image of her dark eyes, and her curls spilled across her bare shoulders if I had any hopes of falling asleep tonight. Tomorrow promised one of two horrors that were sure to keep me up. Either I didn’t have a run-in with Reina, and would have murdered my first Fae, or worse, I’d find her and roll the dice that both of us could make it out alive.



  I walked sleepily into the living room, relieved that Oden wasn’t waiting there like yesterday. Yemoja Roux had put out a fresh vase of flowers on the end table and I moved immediately to smell them. It was a gorgeous mix of yellows and magentas that rivaled the beauty of Yemoja’s hair. They looked happy in the morning light, and as I leaned in to smell them, I noticed a slip of paper.

  I’m so sorry Reina. Please forgive me.

  Love, Oden.

  I cringed. I obviously owed him a conversation. How could my anger be justified when I’d practically done the same thing with Kai? Well… not exactly. I couldn’t say that what he did was worse when I had no intention of stopping. There was no stopping anymore. I wondered if I’d be able to make amends with Oden long enough to work beside him in the field. Even if I could, I’m sure it would all go to shit if we actually found Kai. I needed a plan. I sat down and flipped on the TV only to have a heart attack after one look at the headline. Yemoja Roux adopts GFA student who critically wounded The Fallen leader, Kaito Nakamaru.

  A second headline flashed across: Meet Reina Roux.

  Panicked, I looked for my phone.
What would Kai say about this? I ran back to my room and tore my bed apart, only to hear my phone hit the ground. I snatched it from under my bed. Five messages. One from Bri, three from Oden, and one from Kai. I opened Kai’s first.


  Good morning, beautiful. Looks like I was right about the nickname. Don’t worry, it’s cute.

  I exhaled my relief. I supposed the media had said worse things about the guy. I scrolled.


  Are you fucking serious? I saw the news. You got adopted? I can’t believe you haven’t texted me about any of this. You literally murder a guy and I have to hack the police database to read the report? I’m coming over there and when I get there I’m going to beat your bitch ass.


  I left a surprise for you.


  Are you awake yet?


  Message me when you wake up.

  A clamor sounded from Yemoja’s kitchen, and I shuffled over to investigate. The moment I walked into the kitchen, I was hit with the sweet and buttery aroma of every breakfast food I’d ever loved. Yemoja had a full spread laid out on the table, and she was scooping some eggs into a serving bowl when she noticed me.

  “This looks so delicious!”

  “Happy adoption,” she said with a tentative smile.

  “Thank you. This is… amazing.”

  She gestured to the table and chairs in the corner of the room. “Have a seat.”

  I sat, and my mouth immediately began to water.


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