The Mirror of the Moment

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The Mirror of the Moment Page 7

by Richard Palmer








  communication in a relationship; the possibility of infidelity; being

  stuck in mental and emotional conflict; self deception as to where


  relationship is headed;

  problems caused by constant

  interference from outside sources; petty conflicts and quarrels

  undermining your relationship; being unable to free yourself from

  a web of emotional conflict; a increasing sense of emotional

  alienation; experiencing a strong sense of

  frustration or inner

  doubt concerning your relationship; having a hard time recognizing

  that you are a victim of sexual and emotional manipulation.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  Lord of the Triumph of Light



  Before us is a Prince coming forth from his city who is riding in a

  stone chariot being drawn by two sphinxes. His chariot sports a

  starry canopy and backdrop symbolizing his lordship over time and

  the forces that operate within it. To the rear of the Chariot is the

  river of Consciousness that begins at the High Priestess and runs

  throughout the Tarot. His head is crowned with the eight pointed

  star and his breastplate is adorned with a cubic square. Two lunar

  crescents adorn his shoulders and in his right hand he carries an

  upward pointed wand of power. Below him on the front of his

  Chariot are two symbols: a winged solar ball and a shaft encircled

  by a wheel at its center symbolizing the Life Power that expresses

  itself through the union of the masculine and feminine energies.


  The Mirror of the Moment

  The stone Chariot is drawn by two Sphinxes, one which is

  predominantly white in character and the other predominantly dark

  in character but each containing within the other its opposite



  The Chariot is informed by the energy of Cancer, the sign of the

  Zodiac that is considered to be the celestial house of the soul.

  Cancer represents an inner actualizing energy out of which is born

  the capacity for a realistic grasp of circumstances as well as for

  direct and decisive action. The Chariot invokes an atmosphere of







  of a

  transforming inner knowledge and of achieving a successful and

  purposeful life emerging from a harmonious relationship between

  the Self Consciousness and the Higher Self and the physical life.


  When The Chariot is revealed Upright in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: an advice that you can move

  forward confidently with your plans; taking precautions to protect

  yourself as you set out on the path before you; experiencing

  triumph in your current undertaking; attaining personal success

  through a courageous effort; a need for continued perseverance

  towards a distant though attainable goal; a path to eventual victory

  requiring selfless dedication on your part; a necessity to cultivate

  increased strength of will and self confidence as you prepare to

  travel the road ahead of you; an unwavering determination to

  overcome any obstacles ahead of you; taking decisive action to

  change the path of your romantic life; acquiring the


  knowledge that leads to self mastery; exercising better financial

  discipline by controlling your expenses; achieving career or

  employment success through hard work and dedication; a need to











  The Mirror of the Moment

  When The Chariot is revealed Reversed in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: an advice that is not the right time

  to move forward with your plans; not being able to advance due to

  a lack of self confidence in your own abilities; a need for more self

  discipline in your life; failure to advance due to mediocrity or a

  lack of sincere effort; yielding to defeat without one last valiant

  attempt to emerge victorious; allowing conflicting forces to get out

  of control in your career or

  personal relationships; a loss of

  balance and control starving your victory; wasting your energy on

  a love relationship that is going nowhere; a lack of financial self

  control leading to hardship down the road; tasting defeat due to a

  lack of self mastery; a danger of being overtaken by unsuspected

  rivals coming up to your rear.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Daughter of the Flaming Sword



  Before us stands a young woman wearing a white robe adorned

  with flowers. She is the Lady of Strength and is standing in a

  pristine natural environment while closing the mouth of a powerful

  lion that stands beside her. Above her head floats the mystical

  figure eight turned on its side, the symbol of eternity. She wears a

  flowery crown on her head which is encircled with a band of

  flowers. The source of her Strength lies within Nature itself – the

  “Holy Grail” erroneously sought by men throughout the centuries

  as a physical object while actually representing the realization of

  an inner state of spiritual consciousness whose attributes are


  creativity, self- confidence and

  inner peace. Her

  strength is the power of Love itself and she tames the lion through

  its infinite power.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  Strength invokes an atmosphere of inner strength through which

  the instinctual aspects of consciousness are transformed and

  evolved by the power of love. The sign of Leo, the lion of the

  Zodiac, informs this image and embodies the traits that we

  perceive of its counterpart in the natural world – the lion of the

  African plains – the traits of inner strength, courage and harmony

  with the natural environment. Leo is the externalizing energy of

  the Zodiac and invokes a psychic atmosphere in which we are able

  to fully command and direct our energies as they move outward

  from the strength of our transformed inner self to be directed by

  our will into disciplined effort and purposeful activity.


  When Strength is revealed Upright in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: recognizing that the strength you

  need dwells within yourself;

  the need to gain control of your

  unruly passions;

  embracing the triumph of real love in your

  personal life; believing in your own inner strength and utilizing it

  in a purposeful manner; summoning the courage necessary to
br />   succeed in your endeavor;

  a need to cultivate greater self

  confidence; exercising greater self discipline at this time of your

  life; possessing the fortitude necessary to confront those who

  oppose you; pursuing a life of greater spiritual growth; striving for

  a higher level of self awareness in your relationships; abandoning

  bad habits you have acquired; exercising of greater self discipline;

  achieving the victory of your Spirit over uncontrolled passions;

  finding the strength to take responsibility for your actions;

  achieving a transformation of your personality through the

  discovery of your own inner wellspring of spiritual strength.

  When Strength is revealed Reversed in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: surrendering to your inner sense of

  weakness; continuing to wallow in self indulgence; not casting off

  the poison embrace of hate; failing to utilize your own inner


  The Mirror of the Moment

  strength; an unwise rejection of real love; allowing yourself to

  become dominated by inner fears; being controlled by your bad

  habits; being dragged down by a self-indulgent lifestyle; becoming

  crippled by self doubt or excessive self criticism; employment

  troubles caused by displays of petty egotism; a lack of self-

  discipline in pursuing your career objectives; succumbing to

  extreme selfishness and the moral weakness it brings; being

  haunted by a sense of spiritual decay; bad fortune coming to you

  from living a meaningless and empty life of unrestrained



  The Mirror of the Moment


  Voice of the Sacred Light



  At the summit of a snow topped mountain stands a solitary Hermit

  who waits alone as a guiding light to all who would undertake the










  understanding. In his left hand he holds a wooden staff- the yellow

  wand of intelligence and resolute Will symbolizing his absolute

  mastery of self and his relationship to the radiant Intelligence

  dwelling within his depths of his being. In his right hand he holds

  a lantern in which blazes the eight pointed star of wisdom - the

  final goal of his union with the Sacred Intelligence at the root of

  Being. His hair is snow white and sports a bushy white beard. He

  is dressed in a long gray robe whose protective cowl covers the top

  of his head.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  In Virgo the hidden seed of fate lies deep in the fertile soil of this

  earth sign unfolding when quickened as an inner vision which

  leads the personal self to a spiritual illumination that empowers

  and shapes the path of destiny. Virgo is the sign of the harvest and

  through the fertilizing power of contemplation it leads us to a

  growth of inner awareness and the subsequent evolutionary

  advancement of our individual consciousness. The Hermit invokes

  an atmosphere of meditation and inner examination leading to self

  understanding through the attainment of a higher awareness and

  the knowledge of truth through the detached contemplation of



  When The Hermit is revealed Upright in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: a need for introspection; taking

  sufficient time to think things through before undertaking

  intelligent action; beginning to live with a more mature attitude;

  exhibiting the maturity needed to deal with your situation; taking a

  more cautious approach to the situation in which you find yourself;

  more adaptability being required on your part in order to resolve

  the conflicts and difficulties you are presently facing; the necessity

  of transforming your materialistic consciousness; undertaking a

  closer evaluation of the facts surrounding the current matter

  confronting you before you come to a decision; nurturing a greater

  sense of self confidence so as to insure your personal success;

  finding wisdom through a quest for expanded self understanding

  and self knowledge; acting with courage even if you are destined

  to stand alone; bringing your inner resourcefulness to bear on

  resolving your present situation; exercising greater prudence in


  day to day business and personal affairs; discovering the

  inner light of wisdom through higher self knowledge; exercising

  greater foresight in your financial dealings; taking the time

  necessary for intelligent career planning.


  The Mirror of the Moment

  When The Hermit is revealed Reversed in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: a rejection of the need for

  introspection and greater self awareness; acting stupidly instead of

  intelligently; a refusal to grow up and accept the responsibilities of

  adult life; an egotistical rejection of an immediate need for self

  examination; repeatedly falling into error due to a refusal to learn

  from your past mistakes; demonstrating baseness and stupidity in

  your dealings with others; clinging to wasteful habits; living a

  meaningless and unexamined life; a need for some serious soul

  searching on your part; making snap judgments instead of thinking

  things through; experiencing personal isolation due to a wasteful

  and unproductive lifestyle; the need to put your plans on hold for

  the moment while you take the time to look at matters in greater

  detail; persevering in the bad habit of rushing headlong into things

  without adequate forethought; making snap judgments instead of

  reasoned and well thought out decisions; placing yourself in peril

  by not listening to and following the voice of your inner self.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Lord of the Forces of Life



  In the Wheel of Fortune the inner wheel of Divine law, the middle

  wheel of Natural law and the outer wheel of Karmic law turn

  continuingly. Upon the Wheel travels a brown jackal-headed figure

  that is ascending and a yellow snake that is descending together

  representing the forces of creation and destruction inherent in the

  cosmic process of life. The eternally turning wheel is suspended

  between four figures – those of a Bull, a Lion, a Dove and an

  Angel which anchor the four corners of the card. Atop the wheel

  sits the unmoving Sphinx, a mythological being that possesses both

  human and cosmic characteristics. Inscribed upon the wheel are the

  Roman letters “TARO”-“The Tarot Speaks the Law of Nature”–

  alluding to the idea that the Tarot is the primordial revelation of the

  Divine laws underlying Nature and provides a method through


  The Mirror of the Moment

  which we may live in harmony with these laws and principals.


bsp; The astrological energy of Jupiter symbolizes the forces of

  creativity growth and evolution that turn the Wheel of Fortune and

  bring love, death, wealth, poverty, joy and pain to all. Traditionally

  expressive of growth, expansion, prosperity and good fortune,

  Jupiter may also be a force for misfortune when the wheel turns

  downward in the life of an individual. The energy of Jupiter

  embodies our evolutionary need to expand our consciousness - to

  grow and understand the world and the cosmos and discover our

  rightful place in it. Informed by the power of Jupiter, The Wheel of

  Fortune invokes an atmosphere of the principals of Consciousness

  and the laws of Nature ever turning in the life of each individual. It

  mirrors the truth that we can choose to live in harmony with these

  principals or turn against them - creating either good or ill fortune

  for ourselves and others as our lives turn upon the Wheel of



  When The Wheel of Fortune is revealed Upright in your reading,

  its meaning(s) may correspond to: a positive cycle entering your

  life; the Wheel of Fortune beginning to turn upwards for you; a

  change for the better happening soon; entering a time of significant

  expansion and personal growth; a change for the better happening

  soon; attaining financial stability; starting to make easier progress

  through life; a time to go with the flow of good fortune coming to

  you; a need to work towards the realization of your own innate

  gifts; success in a relationship.

  When The Wheel of Fortune is revealed Reversed in your

  reading, its meaning(s) may correspond to:

  a negative cycle

  entering your life; the Wheel of Fortune beginning to turn

  downward for you; making a futile effort to resist the coming tides

  of change; bad luck appearing on the horizon; setbacks lurking just


  The Mirror of the Moment

  ahead; unexpected events overtaking you; a loss of control over

  your life; unforeseen difficulties starting to pop up; putting up a

  strong resistance to needed change; planting the seeds of your own

  downfall; a lack of spiritual progress; reaping what you have sown;

  unexpected events taking you down with them; a failure to develop


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