The Mirror of the Moment

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The Mirror of the Moment Page 14

by Richard Palmer

  advance that will serve to draw us nearer to the Sacred Intelligence

  that indwells within Nature.


  When The Five of Wands is revealed Upright in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: an aggressive and passionate

  defense of your own position; dealing head on with the opposition

  facing you; boldly meeting the multiple challenges confronting

  you; victory being achieved only through hard struggle; having

  the courage to fight on when you are in the right; persevering in a

  troubled relationship; success attained through strenuous and

  unwavering effort; struggling to reach a compromise in order to

  resolve workplace conflicts; overcoming obstacles blocking your

  path to financial success; the need to deal with mounting strife

  caused by intense business competition; defending yourself against

  troubles caused by jealous rivals; defeating those who oppose your

  new ideas; holding your own in the battle of life; being as tough

  and tenacious as your competition.

  When The Five of Wands is revealed Reversed in your reading,

  its meaning(s) may correspond to: going down to defeat due to a

  lack of courage; a lack of passionate commitment; being overcome

  by the hostile forces opposing you; finding yourself unequal to the


  The Mirror of the Moment

  task confronting you;

  avoiding the challenge of necessary

  competition; giving up the struggle without a fight; a relationship

  going down to defeat; career obstacles that need to be overcome;

  a difficult new cycle of growth that is emerging; a need to work

  harder at your job; becoming aware of the possibility that treachery

  and deceit may be the cause your present financial situation; a

  warning to avoid unnecessary or destructive competition at this

  time; the possibility of being overcome by

  your competition;

  summoning the courage to abandon a destructive relationship;

  facing the fact that your opposition is just too powerful for you to

  overcome; giving up the struggle and yielding to defeat


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Lord of Pleasure Lost

  Mars in Scorpio


  Against a grey and empty sky a solitary figure wearing a long

  black robe stands alone on a barren shore. He hangs his head in

  sorrow as his pleasure is lost and he has been overtaken by

  disappointment. Three cups lie before him that been have

  overturned and their contents have spilled onto the barren ground.

  Two unfilled cups stand to his rear but he is so lost in himself that

  for the moment he chooses to ignore them. A pure and swift

  running blue stream flows beneath a bridge in the distance and

  leads to a castle situated atop a small hill that is comfortably

  nestled among some trees and greenery. His pleasures have turned

  against him and poisoned the emotional waters of his life.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The forceful and fiery energy of Mars burns in the dark emotional

  waters of Scorpio disrupting the pleasures of life and bringing

  emotional pain. Now stranded away from the pleasures of his

  home this unfortunate individual must summon the courage to fill

  his remaining two cups with cleansing waters so to cross the bridge

  and regain his pleasure, as well as restoring his emotional stability.

  The severity of this dark night of the soul has brought him to the

  edge of hopelessness and despair but there is always hope of

  transformation and renewal if he is willing to turn around and fill

  the remaining cups with the living spiritual waters flowing before

  him that will give his life a meaning and purpose transcending the

  empty pursuit of pleasure.


  When The Five of Cups is revealed Upright in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: sorrow from that which you

  previously have gained pleasure; disappointment over pleasure

  lost; disillusionment in love; despair over financial problems;

  worry over a terrible setback in life; depression over a lack of

  progress in your work or career; suffering from anxiety and








  frustration over a failed past relationship; regret over a lost

  friendship; a need to reevaluate your priorities.

  When The Five of Cups is revealed Reversed in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: a return to pleasure and enjoyment;

  discovering a new happiness in life; setbacks melting away; a new

  path opening up before you; a change for the better coming;

  financial difficulties being overcome; obstacles disappearing from

  your path; summoning the courage to embrace new found joy; a

  renewed determination to achieve career success; overcoming your

  emotional problems; rekindling your ambitions for the future.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Lord of Defeat

  Venus in Aquarius


  Standing against a troubled sky a disdainful knave, who is already

  in possession of three powerful swords, gloats over his victory as

  his two vanquished opponents depart in complete defeat. They

  have conceded to him and thrown their own swords onto the grey

  stone shore for him to claim as the spoils of his victory. One of the

  departing individuals holds his head in apparent disbelief or

  dejection at this humiliating defeat. Behind them lies a stormy sky

  and restless ocean whose choppy waves mirror the trouble and

  turmoil of their situation. The Knave now possesses the power of

  all five swords and the vanquished have come to the higher

  understanding that any further attempt to stand against him would

  be an exercise in futility. For the moment it is better to walk away.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The desire power of Venus is defeated by the higher mental

  energies of Aquarius compelling us to abandon our futile desires

  and withdraw while we still can. Going up against an opponent

  whose will or resources are more powerful than our own or

  seeking victory in unfavorable circumstances more often than not

  results in a disastrous defeat. Our higher mind informs us that

  defeat comes to all on the path of life. It is of no matter whether for

  the moment whether we play the role of the conqueror or the

  conquered for one day the tides will turn and the victor will

  become the vanquished.


  When The Five of Swords is revealed Upright in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: a desire for victory going down to

  total defeat; suffering a major loss; retreating so as to avoid a

  greater defeat; choosing to flee before impossible odds; wisely

  avoiding conflict with a superior foe; living on to fight another

  day; an unfavorable ou
tcome in your relationship; a defeat in

  career advancement; a loss of employment; delighting in

  intentional cruelty; avoiding the dishonor of sacrificing yourself

  for nothing; avoiding a major financial defeat.

  When The Five of Swords is revealed Reversed in your reading,

  its meaning(s) may correspond to: a need to retreat before suffering

  an even greater loss; experiencing a minor defeat in love;


  weakness before an insignificant threat; feeling

  humiliation over your cowardly actions; a slight financial defeat;

  running away from a workplace or personal conflict; the pursuit

  of an empty success; a career setback; feeling humiliation over

  your cowardly actions.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Lord of Material Trouble

  Mercury in Taurus


  A tableau of poverty and distress unfolds as two near destitute

  figures struggle to survive in a winter storm as they pass by a

  lighted stained glass window decorated in a colorful décor and on

  which are engraved the images of five Pentacles. The man uses

  two crutches to assist him as he appears to have a crippled leg and

  the woman attempts to protect herself from the freezing cold with a

  thin shawl. A cruel fate has seemingly overtaken them as they

  wander homeless and freezing throughout the long winter night.


  When Mercury runs into trouble in Taurus difficulties begin to

  plague us and often force life to exist under the most difficult


  The Mirror of the Moment

  circumstances. It is then we are forced to reevaluate our priorities

  and recognize that we must devote sufficient mental energies to

  fulfilling our material needs so as to insure our survival. In the

  Five of Pentacles, the Mind (Mercury) comes face to face with the

  stark material troubles that can overtake us in material Taurus. In

  spite of our best-laid plans unfavorable developments or poor

  financial and personal decisions can lay us low in the blink of an

  eye. We are then forced to confront the dark cruelty of trying to

  live in a world where we do not have sufficient resources to protect

  our lives as we have not invested the mental energies necessary to

  insure our survival if circumstances should turn against us.


  When The Five of Pentacles is revealed Upright in your reading,

  its meaning(s) may correspond to: a time of economic trouble and

  insecurity; mounting financial difficulties; sustaining an economic

  loss; a fear of homelessness; a need to be cautious; trouble in the

  work place; worry over your career progress; an impoverished love

  life; experiencing the consequences of poor financial decisions; a

  time to be conservative especially in regards to money and

  financial matters; living through the dark night of your soul.

  When The Five of Pentacles is revealed Reversed in your

  reading, its meaning(s) may correspond to: committing to the hard

  work necessary to recover your past economic status; making the

  tough economic decisions that have to be made; overcoming your

  present financial distress; taking all measures necessary to insure

  your economic survival; discovering a solution to your persistent

  unemployment; restoring satisfactory progress on your career path;

  the need to regain control of your economic circumstances;

  overcoming the limitations in your present income; acquiring a

  new interest in spiritual matters.


  The Mirror of the Moment

  The Sixes


  Sixes represent harmony and balance and stability and are

  associated with accomplishment and success. Six is a number of

  complex syntheses which attains perfection and beauty in its fullest

  expression. The Will attains its sought after victory; the Soul

  experiences bliss in an intimate sharing of emotional essence; the

  Mind finds a release from troubles through earning a better life and

  Earth discovers the fullest satisfaction in sharing its bounty with

  the needy and less fortunate.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Lord of Victory

  Jupiter in Leo


  Under a clear blue sky a victorious individual accompanied by a

  loyal crowd of supporters rides triumphantly before all. A laurel

  crown adorns his head and a laurel wreath is affixed atop the wand

  he carries symbolizing that the crown of his hopes has been









  acknowledged by all. His pure white horse, symbolizing his natural

  self, engages the viewer with his sidelong stare reminding us not to

  neglect the important role he has played in attaining this victory as

  an equal partner with the triumphant will of the rider. The parade

  cloak draped over the horse’s body is dyed green, the traditional

  color of hope, and the rider wears a red cloak in correspondence

  with fiery elemental energies of Leo.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The benevolent Jupiter energy promotes good fortune in the social

  sign of Leo and when this energy is applied to constructive ends in

  the social and political spheres of life the fruits of our actions

  guarantee both personal success and the recognition of our

  accomplishments. Our victory is complete when we embrace the

  benevolence of Jupiter in Leo and use this beneficial energy to

  establish order and maintain a harmonious society for the benefit

  of all.


  When The Six of Wands is revealed Upright in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: success; the arrival of good news;

  attaining the crown of your hopes; victory; romantic

  hopes being

  fulfilled; the attainment of your career goal; the arrival of good

  financial news; following your inner vision to a glorious triumph;

  personal advancement; recognition in the workplace; achievement

  in arts and sciences; peace after prolonged strife.

  When The Six of Wands is revealed Reversed in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: the arrival of bad news; a failure in

  love; experiencing disappointment; going down to defeat; your

  hopes remaining unfulfilled; a lack of personal achievement;

  economic stagnation; a lack of professional success; a struggle to

  regain lost rewards; missing an opportunity for greatness; a need

  to rethink your present business strategy; career setbacks; being

  undone by unseen treachery and disloyalty in the workplace;

  financial troubles overtaking you; the need to watch out for a

  successful enemy who is closing in on your position.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Lord of Pleasure

  Sun in Scorpio

  Under a clear blue and cloudless early morning sky a young man

  and his lady friend meet in a garden setting outside the entrance of

  a well built manor house. The young man holds a Cup in his hands

  in which sprouts a white five pointed flower and some greenery.

  He inhales the fragrance of the flower as he hands the Cup to his

  lady friend in a gesture of genuine affection and friendship. Five

  other flowering cups adorn the card, four in the foreground and one

  sitting on top of a stone pillar at the entrance of a walkway leading

  to the manor house. A coat of arms in the shape of an “X” is

  chiseled into the stone pillar at the manor entrance and in the

  background a man is seen carrying a staff and striding down the

  walkway towards an interior courtyard.


  The Mirror of the Moment

  The earth below their feet and the manor walls appears to glow

  with a warm and golden color that reflects their pleasure and

  symbolizes their honest, sincere, happy and joyful emotional



  When the Sun resides in Scorpio the self consciousness

  experiences the intense and passionately emotional waters which

  are characteristic of this Sign. Spirit and Soul unite, fertilizing and

  regenerating each other and invoking the greatest of pleasures – the

  experience of sincere love between two individuals that is based on

  respect and honest feeling and ignores the superficial differences

  that only serve to keep us from attaining the true goal of our hearts.

  When the emotion of love is expressed purely from heart to heart it

  transcends the illusions of appearance and money and differences

  in social position and radiates outward from the inner emotional

  self into every dimension of human life. The sublime pleasure we

  experience in such authentic human relationships brings us the true

  freedom that experiencing the deepest emotional truth can provide.


  When The Six of Cups is revealed Upright in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: the courage to pursue the pleasure

  of a new relationship; a wish for love fulfilled; a friendship

  blossoming into romance; an opportunity for a more intimate


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