The Mirror of the Moment

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The Mirror of the Moment Page 16

by Richard Palmer

  difficulty. He must either cut his losses by abandoning all that he

  has accomplished so far or press on with the uncertainty that any

  further investment could also prove futile as in the end he might

  only attain a scant and unsatisfactory harvest after investing much

  more time and effort and money.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The restrictive power of Saturn has a negative impact on material

  growth in the earth sign of Taurus bringing with it a period of

  unexpected stagnation that undercuts even the best planning. The

  will must struggle against the desire to abandon all effort when

  things are not turning out as planned and summon its inner

  reserves of strength to press on even if the ultimate outcome

  remains in doubt. In such a situation we must learn to clearly see

  how the possibility of success or failure depends on the right

  decisions being made and the right actions being taken at the right



  When The Seven of Pentacles is revealed Upright in your

  reading, its meaning(s) may correspond to: little growth after much

  work and effort; success not attained; anxiety over a potential

  material loss; an advice to remain cautious about lending money at

  this time; the possibility of financial success growing dimmer; a

  stagnant relationship that is going nowhere; indecision concerning

  any possible potential for further growth at your employment; a

  need to consider abandoning poor financial investments; walking

  away with what you can salvage at the moment.

  When The Seven of Pentacles is revealed Reversed in your

  reading, its meaning(s) may correspond to: some gain after much

  work and effort; wasting your time and talent on unprofitable

  schemes; a lack of foresight preventing any real progress; foolishly

  acting on poor advice; making a wrong decision; poor planning

  leading to an unexpected downturn; a lack of enterprise creating a

  climate of failure; personal vanity preventing the growth of love;

  problems due to a lack of industry; having a distaste for real work;

  potential financial problems due to lack of income; an advice to

  remain cautious about lending money at this time.


  The Mirror of the Moment

  The Eights


  Eights represent progress, improvement and success. They signify

  a regeneration and reorganization of energy. The Will awaits an

  influx of creative energy so regeneration can occur and evolution

  can move forward; the Soul confronts its malaise and must seek a

  path that will lead to emotional renewal; the Mind discovers itself

  in a prison of its own creation and must seek the inner energy

  necessary to free itself and the Earth discovers that the way to

  improvement and success lies in being prepared.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Lord of Swiftness

  Mercury in Sagittarius


  On a cloudless day a flight of eight flowering Wands sails across a

  clear blue sky and above an open countryside descending as they

  draw near to the end of their course. A gentile stream flows

  through the lush countryside over which the Wands travel and in

  the distance a castle sits on the crest of a hill. The moment of their

  arrival is rapidly approaching and they must soon land. The mind

  must unite with the expanding energy of Sagittarius so the mental

  awareness may grow sufficiently to assimilate and understand and

  utilize the creative energies or ideas when they finally arrive at

  their destination.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  Immersing the rational Mercury mind in the expanding energies of

  Sagittarius is the prerequisite of a self consciousness that must

  discover the strength of will and clarity of perception necessary for

  rapid decision making and purposeful action when confronted with

  the imminent arrival of powerful and change invoking information,

  intuitive ideas, news or material circumstances. With this enhanced

  perception we intuitively know when the moment is right to


  We can then act with sound judgment and the requisite

  insight necessary for matters to turn out successfully and assure

  any change set in motion will be a change for the better.


  When The Eight of Wands is revealed Upright in your reading,

  its meaning(s) may correspond to: a need for mental expansion; an

  awareness that change is rapidly approaching; a need for

  immediate action on your part; the arrows of love swiftly

  approaching; an end to delay and the beginning of progress; a

  change for the better arriving soon; opening up your mind to new

  ideas; the need to move quickly in an important matter; good news

  arriving; a long sought after goal finally coming into reach; the

  need to act decisively before an important opportunity passes you


  When The Eight of Wands is revealed Reversed in your reading,

  its meaning(s) may correspond to: a need to take the immediate

  action necessary to prevent an impending catastrophe; a refusal to

  move forward; the arrows of jealousy coming to impale you;

  facing up to the fact that the fateful moment of decision has finally

  arrived; losing an employment opportunity due to inaction; a

  failure to see the forest for the trees; being unwilling to accept a

  coming change in a relationship; ignoring important financial

  information that is right before you; a refusal to see the need to

  move forward.


  The Mirror of Moment


  The Lord of Abandoned Success

  Saturn in Pisces


  Against a darkening sky a lone traveler turns his back on all the

  pleasure he has successfully experienced and sets out on a solitary

  journey climbing upwards out of a remote inland shoal whose

  shallow waters flow among strange mountainous rock formations

  emerging from still blue waters. His back is towards us as he

  begins his upward climb. He is clothed in a red cape and boots and

  in his right hand holds a walking stick to assist him on his journey

  through this barren and inhospitable terrain. Eight cups stand to his

  rear, five in a bottom row and a row of three sitting atop them, all

  of which appear to be completely empty. The eerie scene is lit by

  the light of a strange combination of the Moon in both its fullness

  and decline whose somber face stares down at the solitary pilgrim


  The Mirror of Moment

  as he sets out on his journey to an unknown destination.


  Saturn acting within the emotional waters of Pisces brings the

  suffering of self undoing to all those who are fated to be held in its

  cold and remorseless grasp. All attachments to that which has

  become devoid of meaning must be dissolved and left behind so

  the process of regenera
tion may move forward even if one must

  abandon previous pleasures and set off on an uncertain and perhaps

  more difficult path. We must discover a path to the spiritual

  dimension of reality and acknowledge this reality as a natural part

  of our being so that it will be able to fulfill its important role in our



  When of The Eight Cups is revealed Upright in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: walking away from heavy

  emotional burdens; abandoning old pleasures in order to find new

  meaning in life; setting out on a new path of self discovery; a need

  to reevaluate your previous successes; deciding to explore a new

  path to success; apathy towards what previously gave pleasure;

  leaving an emotionally or sexually unsatisfying relationship;

  walking away from an unhappy career; a search for greater inner

  emotional strength; escaping emotional stagnation in your personal

  life; disillusionment with your present employment; clinging to

  memories of lost pleasures; abandoning a materialistic lifestyle in

  order to undertake a spiritual journey.

  When The Eight Cups is revealed Reversed in your reading, its

  meaning(s) may correspond to: remaining stuck in an emotional

  prison; an interest in success being reborn; an inability to move

  away from bad emotional circumstances; commencing the pursuit

  of a more active way of life; a sacrifice being required to attain a

  distant goal; clinging to memories of lost pleasures instead of

  walking on; abandoning a spiritual journey for a materialistic



  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Lord of Bondage

  Jupiter in Gemini


  A tightly bound and blindfolded woman with her hands tied behind

  her back stands alone on a desolate and marshy inland shoal where

  she is partially surrounded by eight erect swords whose points are

  thrust deeply into the ground. She appears isolated and alone and

  stands exiled far from the castle standing on a high cliff in the

  distance which may be her home. The sky is foreboding – a

  cloudless grey - and she stands with one foot in the water and the

  other on a small patch of yellow in the sand.


  The fiery spiritual growth energies of Jupiter expand in the mental

  sign of Gemini fueling the inner exploration necessary to discover


  The Mirror of the Moment

  the self imposed restrictions that blind us, bind us and confine us

  to exile from our true self. When we turn inward and let Jupiter’


  light illuminate a pathway to our true self we find the strength

  necessary to break free of the restraints in which we have bound

  ourselves or which bind us from without. No situation is hopeless

  and whether our bondage was created by our own thoughts or by

  the circumstances in which we find ourselves a way to regain our

  freedom can be found if we can raise ourselves up to the higher

  level of consciousness. There we can discover the mental energy

  and emotional clarity necessary to reclaim our lost freedom.


  When The Eight of Swords is revealed Upright in your reading,

  its meaning(s) may correspond to: insecurity and self doubt

  creating self imprisonment; fear of moving out of a difficult

  situation; struggling under the weight of too many restrictions;

  seeing no way out of a situation; looking for the mental power

  necessary to escape your bondage; expanding your inner vision; a

  need for greater inner self insight; feeling imprisoned in a hopeless

  relationship; a need to escape the bondage of a bad job; being

  bound by inner fears and anxieties.

  When The Eight of Swords is revealed Reversed in your reading,

  its meaning(s) may correspond to: an escape from bondage into



  finding a new


  from fear and self

  imposed restrictions; ceasing to be closed minded about your

  situation; problems being resolved; a new beginning becoming

  possible; a new hope

  and promise



  future; taking









  circumstances; a need for mental expansion.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Lord of Prudence

  Sun in Virgo


  A young artisan sits alone on a sturdy wooden bench and is hard at

  work carving pentacles, six of which are attached to a nearby post

  and hang prominently on display. He is completely absorbed in his

  work and is concentrating all of his energy on carving the Pentacle

  he is presently working on. He has chosen to work by himself and

  on the outskirts of the town for he has come to that point in life

  where he has learned that he has to look after his own interests and

  build up the assets he will need to sustain his life and secure his

  future. He is not being selfish. He is only being prudent about the

  realities of the world and the necessity for caution and staying

  ahead of the game.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The self conscious Spirit expresses itself in the image of the Sun in

  Virgo, the sign of material practicality, where we refine the fruits

  of our long and diligent labor and learn the need for caution and

  prudence in our daily affairs as well as the imperative of preparing

  for an uncertain future. The fruits of our thoughts and labor cannot

  be wasted but must be prudently refined and conserved so they

  may serve us in our present life and secure our future. We must

  learn to be good managers of that which is entrusted to us and how

  to exercise good judgment when dealing in the practical affairs of

  the world. Then we can develop the prudence and foresight

  necessary to remain standing when the less prudent have fallen by

  the wayside.


  When The Eight of Pentacles is revealed Upright in your

  reading, its meaning(s) may correspond to: making an industrious

  effort to fulfill your current and future material needs; careful

  management of the resources entrusted to you; the correct time for

  a profitable undertaking; being more prudent with your available

  resources; exercising greater foresight in your life; putting in the

  hard work necessary to make a current relationship succeed; a need

  for greater professional accomplishment; exhibiting a heightened

  sense of industry at your job; applying yourself to the acquisition

  of a profitable skill; an advice to make only conservative financial

  decisions at this time.

  When The Eight of Pentacles is revealed Reversed in your

  reading, its meaning(s) may correspond to: wasting your time;

  giving no thought to
the future; a failure to develop your own

  talents and

  innate abilities; remaining stuck in a dead end

  relationship; a dislike of the hard work necessary to succeed; a lack

  of industry on your job; selfishly hoarding resources needed by

  all; turning your skills towards dishonest ends; wasting your time

  in a dead end job; pursuing unproductive career goals; being too

  lazy to ever succeed; utilizing your skills to accomplish evil ends.


  The Mirror of the Moment

  The Nines


  Nines represent the crystallization of the most essential and

  fundamental character of the individual element and symbolize a

  powerful energy that can bring either good or ill fortune depending

  upon the response of the individual. The Will stands ready to

  defend and preserve all it has attained; the Soul reaps the harvest of

  pleasure it so ardently desires; the Mind becomes trapped in its

  own inner conflicts and the Earth rejoices in material security and

  the solitary enjoyment of earned comfort and luxury.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The Lord of Strength

  Moon in Sagittarius


  Against a deep blue sky an injured man stands alone on a solid

  foundation and supports himself with a single wand as he stands

  alert and ready before a stand of eight flowering Wands that form a

  protective wall to his rear. He appears fatigued but his determined

  and wary eyes are fixed in the distance as though watching for the

  approach of a potential threat. His lunar instinctual will has

  expanded in strength through an infusion of Sagittarian spiritual

  energy and has given him a “do or die”commitment to defend his

  Wands even if it means making a last stand and defending his

  foothold with his own life. Beyond the fence of Wands and to his

  rear lies a pristine and peaceful landscape of lush green hills set

  against an endless blue sky.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  The potency and vigor of our will to survive is strengthened by the

  fiery and expansive energy of Sagittarius. Emotional commitment


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