The Mirror of the Moment

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The Mirror of the Moment Page 24

by Richard Palmer


  We will now undertake an interpretation of an advanced Tarot

  reading “The Celtic Cross”, which has been passed down to us as a

  gift from our ancestors. This reading has an active history of over

  600 years in which a great deal of positive spiritual energy has

  accrued to it making this spread the “go to” reading when the

  necessity arises for an in depth examination of a problem or issue

  facing the life of a human individual.










  Celtic Cross Spread Layout

  Each position in this ancient spread is explained below. The cards

  are taken from the top of a shuffled and properly prepared deck

  and are laid out in the numerical order indicated in the diagram

  above. The number “2”card, by tradition, is laid across the number

  “1”card at a 90 degree right angle to it. The cards are lain face

  down when initially drawn from the deck and are turned over one

  at a time during the interpretation of the reading


  This Covers You

  The Overall Situation: The Matter at Hand

  This position describes the general atmosphere surrounding the

  matter of inquiry.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  This Crosses You

  What Forces Aid or Oppose the Matter

  The card in this position shows what the aiding or opposing forces

  may be in the situation and whether they work for good or ill. The

  judgment as to a positive or negative influence is based on the

  character of the card.


  This Is Beneath You

  The Root of the Matter

  The card in this position describes the foundation or basis of the

  matter- that from which it has emerged.


  This is Behind You

  The Receding Influence

  This card shows the influence that is passing away and losing

  influence over the matter.


  This Crowns You

  What the Situation is Headed For

  This position represents your aim or ideal in the matter or what is

  immediately in front of you.


  This is Before You

  What Influence is Gaining Strength in the Matter

  The card in this position describes the influence that is approaching

  and will come into action in the near future.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  This is Yourself

  The Aspect of Yourself Influencing the Matter.

  This card represents the aspect of yourself you are contributing to

  the matter.


  This is your House

  What is External to the Situation

  The card in this position represents your environment and what

  external influences are influencing the matter. It may also reveal

  the opinions and influence of family and friends


  This is your Hopes and Fears

  The card in this position reveals either your hopes or fears in the

  matter depending on the character of the card drawn.


  This is the Final Outcome

  This tells what the final outcome of the matter will be. It is the

  culmination which is brought about by all of the influences shown

  in the other cards.

  … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

  The Celtic Cross Reading

  Below follows a complete interpretation of a Celtic Cross Tarot

  reading on a question drawn from real life and illustrates the depth

  of insight attainable with this reading.

  The question asked of the Tarot: “What advice, insight or guidance

  can the Tarot give me in regards to my potential for forming a

  serious romantic relationship with Santiago leading to marriage

  and motherhood?”


  The Mirror of the Moment

  This Covers Adriana:

  This card represents the general atmosphere surrounding Adriana’




  The Lord of Courage

  Mars in Leo

  A courageous young man stands fast against the six wands

  attacking him from below. His grim look of determination shows

  that he realizes his victory depends solely upon his own energy,

  and his courage and willingness to stand firm against tough odds.

  This Crosses Adriana:

  This card reveals what forces are aiding or opposing the subject of


  s question; for good or for ill.


  The Lord of Peace Restored

  Moon in Libra

  A blindfolded woman sits with her back to a troubled sea. She

  holds two heavy swords that are crossed in front of her chest. For

  the moment her situation is under control but she needs to find a

  way to move forward in her life before this time of equilibrium



  The Mirror of the Moment

  This is Beneath Adriana:

  This card represents the background of the question – that soil

  from which the question has emerged.


  "The Root of the Powers of the Earth"

  A golden pentacle lies in the palm of a radiant hand that appears

  suspended in mid air amidst the beauty of a garden setting. Lilies

  grow below and a distant mountaintop is framed by an opening in a

  flowering hedge.

  This is Behind Adriana:

  This card shows what influence on the subject of the question is

  presently losing strength and is passing away.

  The Lovers

  The Oracle of the Mighty God



  The twins of Gemini express the marriage of the opposites in life

  that we discover both within ourselves and in the outer world. The

  energies released through the union of these masculine and

  feminine powers give us the adaptability and power to survive as

  individuals and to realize our hopes and dreams.


  The Mirror of the Moment

  This Crowns Adriana:

  This card reveals Adriana’s immediate aim in the matter of the



  Lord of the Winds and the Breezes

  Air of Air


  At full gallop, a young and courageous Knight charges into battle

  as he is buffeted by the fierce wind of an approaching storm.

  Undaunted, his sword is swift and sure as is his certainty that it

  will find its mark for his heart is full of truth and courage and he is

  supremely confident of his success.

  This is Before Adriana:

  This card represents an influence that is gaining strength in the



  The Spirit of the Air



  The handsome Fool is a symbol of the Cosmic Life Breath, the

  Divine Consciousness at the root of all being. He stands in a

  celestial place ready to descend from the s
piritual realm into the

  physical universe and begin the journey of another life.


  The Mirror of the Moment

  This is Adriana

  This card represents the aspect of Adriana’

  s self that is most

  influential in the situation.


  The Daughter of the Lord of Truth



  As the scales of Justice weigh all facts equally, so we must give

  equal weight to both aspects of our personality, the self-conscious

  and the subconscious mind. Through the attainment of this inner

  balance, we develop the equilibrium necessary to discover and

  meet our destiny in a meaningful way.

  This is in Adriana s House:

  This card represents an external influence or person or something

  influencing the question.


  The Prince of the Chariot of Earth

  Air of Earth


  The son of Earth sits astride his heavy mount amid the gentile

  rolling hills and before a gently flowing river. He is fascinated by

  his pentacle and the earth power it represents and thinks on it in his

  slow and methodical manner.


  The Mirror of the Moment

  This is Adriana s Hopes or Fears:

  This card reveals Adriana’hopes or fears are with respect to the



  The Lord of the Forces of Life


  The inner wheel of Divine law, the middle wheel of Celestial law

  and the outer wheel of Destiny turn in the life of every sentient

  being. The four Lords of the Wheel beckon us to seek an

  understanding of the path that gives us the freedom to create our

  own unique destiny and ascend to the summit of the turning wheel.

  This is Adriana s Final Outcome:

  The card reveals what the final outcome will be regarding the

  matter of the question.


  The Lord of Defeat

  Venus in Aquarius

  Amidst story skies and against a choppy sea, a man gloats over his

  victory as his two vanquished opponents depart in abject

  humiliation. He has claimed their swords and they retreat in shame

  and defeat.


  The Mirror of the Moment


  Covering Adriana is The Six of Wands, The Lord of Courage ,

  indicating that she is facing tough odds in her attempt to attain a

  serious romantic relationship with Santiago. The Two of Swords,

  The Lord of Equilibrium , crosses her emphasizing the

  necessity of keep her equilibrium as she is trying to find a balance

  between her emotions and desires. Beneath her is the

  Ace of

  Pentacles revealing that her emotional attraction and sexual

  passion for Santiago is rooted in earthy values – the belief that he

  would be a wonderful husband, father and lover and would provide

  the economic security necessary for her to have the children she

  desires. Behind her, and moving away from the matter, is


  Lovers (reversed) pointing to previously a failed love affair that

  is losing influence over her emotions. Crowning her is


  Knight of Swords (reversed) which symbolizes Santiago, the

  man whom she wishes to pursue as a lover and is her immediate

  goal. Before Adriana, and coming into action, is

  The Fool

  (reversed) indicating a bad judgment or wrong choice on her part

  may become part of her life and pursuing Santiago may not be the

  best decision on her part. Justice (reversed) indicates the part of

  her life which is most powerfully involved in this matter and points

  an imbalance in her inner self, possibly that her desire to have

  children is unbalancing her perspective. In Adriana’

  s house is the

  Knight of Pentacles (reversed) which is again a reference to

  Santiago and is also reversed revealing that his energy is not

  positive towards her intention to have a serious romantic

  relationship with him in which they will eventually marry so she

  can become pregnant. Adriana’

  s Hopes and Fears are symbolized

  by the Wheel of Fortune and reflect her concern as to whether

  her attraction to Santiago will bring good fortune or ill fortune to

  her life and her hope that this relationship will turn out right for

  her. Finally, in the Outcome of the reading, is revealed “The Five

  of Swords, The Lord of Defeat , through which the Tarot is


  The Mirror of the Moment

  advising that the sum of all the energies of the cards in her reading

  point to the fact that any attempt to realize a serious romantic

  relationship with Santiago leading to marriage will result in defeat.

  Safe Journey

  The End


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