His Firecracker: Sassy Girls Series

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His Firecracker: Sassy Girls Series Page 9

by Reynolds, Rory

  I’m pulled from a deep sleep by an unfamiliar alarm. It only takes a second to remember exactly where I am. Joselynn’s bed. I’m disappointed when I realize she’s not in bed with me. I look at the clock and realize how late it is… I haven’t slept more than four or five hours in a stretch since my first deployment.

  I’m luckier than most in that I don’t have nightmares that plague my sleep, but I am a light sleeper. Any little noise or change in the environment will wake me up. Even in sleep, my body is on constant alert. It’s exhausting.

  “I’m sorry,” Joselynn says from the doorway. “I completely forgot I had the alarm set. I was trying to let you sleep.”

  She’s freshly showered and dressed in pink scrubs for work. I’m unsettled that I not only slept through her getting out of bed, but through the noises of her getting ready for the day too. It’s unnerving, but I can’t find myself too bothered by it because my firecracker is smiling at me. Whatever bad memories plagued her last night seem to have dissipated in the light of a new day.

  “There’s coffee.”

  “Music to my ears, firecracker. Have you been up long?”

  She shrugs. “I couldn’t sleep. Happens sometimes.”

  “You should’ve woken me up.”

  “I didn’t want to disturb you. I know you haven’t been sleeping much lately since you’ve been helping with the babies.”

  She’s not wrong. Being a light sleeper is rough when you’re in a house with two newborns and a toddler. But I know my good night’s sleep is mostly because of her. Even when I had my own place back in Jacksonville, I never slept through the night. After just one night of sleeping with her in my arms, I know that I want her in my bed every night.

  That thought reminds me that my bed is currently a guest bed in my sister’s house. Not exactly the place to bring a woman home to. It’s been awesome spending so much time with Blake, Hutch, and the kids, but I don’t have to live with them to help out. Maybe it’s time that I find my own place.

  “I’ll make you a cup of coffee.”

  “Thanks,” I say with a smile. “I’ll be there in just a minute.”

  I put my shoes on and finally get a good look at her bedroom. Unlike the living areas, this room is almost utilitarian. The only furniture in the room is the bed, a dresser, and a nightstand. There are no pictures or artwork anywhere. The bedding is the only decorative thing in the room, and even it is on the plain side with a simple black and white paisley design. Nothing in the room matches Joselynn’s personality.

  The only other thing in the room is what looks like a rolled-up emergency fire escape ladder underneath the window. It makes me wonder if Joselynn was stuck in a fire at some point. Most people wouldn’t worry about having an emergency ladder like this in a building with a sprinkler system and multiple emergency exit points. It’s one more question mark to add to the others where Joselynn is concerned.

  I find her in the kitchen leaning against the counter with a cup of coffee in hand. There is a second cup on the counter waiting for me. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome,” she says.

  We drink our coffee in silence. At first glance, Joselynn looks like her usual self, but she’s quiet, and that’s not at all normal. I’m not sure what to say to break her out of the funk she’s in. Is she really that upset over not knowing who sent the flowers and cards? Is there someone out there who she likes and is wondering if they are from him. Is it something else altogether?

  “What time do you get off work today?”


  “I could pick you up after work, and we can try that new Chinese place over on Kings?”

  Joselynn looks around her apartment, and if I didn’t know any better, I’d say she was trying to think up an excuse to tell me no. I absolutely refuse to lose any ground. In a shorter amount of time than I imagined, she’s opened up to the idea of dating me. I won’t let her talk herself out of us.

  “You can’t possibly say no to crab rangoons and spicy orange chicken.”

  She scrunches up her nose in disgust. “Crab rangoons, yes. Spicy anything is a hard no for me. But sweet and sour chicken does sound tempting…”

  “Great. I’ll pick you up at seven.”

  Joselynn rinses out her mug then puts it in the dishwasher. “Guess I should get going if I want to make my bus.”

  “I’ll drop you off.”

  “You don’t have to do that. It’s totally out of your way.” I almost laugh because she says it as if that’s any reason for me not to drive her. I’d drive her to the moon if that were where she needed to go.

  “Consider it me being selfish… if I drive you, I get to kiss you at least twice.”

  Her head tips to the side, eyes narrowing. “Twice? Why twice?”

  I reach out and grab her hand, giving it a little tug until she steps close enough for me to wrap my arms around her. Her head tilts back, and she looks up at me with wide guileless eyes. Those kissable lips of hers part, her tongue slowly wetting her bottom lip. My lips meet hers on a groan.

  I meant to kiss her slow and sweet. The second my mouth touches hers; my good intentions fly out the window. Thankfully, Joselynn doesn’t seem to mind one bit because she’s kissing me just as hungrily as I am kissing her.

  We kiss until her phone beeps. When her phone doesn’t stop beeping, I reluctantly pull away. She grabs the phone from the counter and shows me the screen. It’s an alarm that says, ‘better run.’ She silences the alarm and shrugs. “It’s a warning that I’m about to miss my bus.”

  “Do you miss it often?”

  She blushes. “I sometimes get distracted on the way to the bus stop. It’s just a little reminder to nudge me along.”

  “What do you get distracted by?”

  “Mostly it’s Hank’s fault.”

  Red hot burning jealousy courses through me. Hank? Is he the one that sent the flowers? Is he the one who wants my woman?

  “Who is Hank?” I ask through gritted teeth.

  “He’s the handsomest man in the world.”

  I’m not sure what my face looks like, but it causes Joselynn to giggle. “He’s also got three legs, half a tail, and one ear. If you get too close, he might just try to taste your face or sniff your butt.”

  “Hank’s a dog?”

  She laughs. “Yeah, Hank’s a stray that lives around the corner. I bring him treats sometimes. I mean, he’s not starving or anything, the people who own the deli on the corner give him food too.”

  “Is today one of the days you normally get distracted by Hank?”

  She chews her bottom lip, nodding.

  “Okay, then. Finish getting ready for work, let’s go give Hank his treat.”

  “Really?” She looks shocked that I would offer to stop and feed a stray dog.

  “Yes, really.”

  Joselynn gives a happy little squeal, throws her arms around my neck in a quick hug and gives me a smacking kiss, then runs off to get her things ready.

  “That doesn’t count as my second kiss,” I call after her.

  * * *

  Lord, but this is the ugliest dog I’ve ever seen in my life. She wasn’t joking when she said he was a three-legged, half-tailed, one-eared dog. The poor thing is a mess of scars and was obviously a victim of some kind of dogfighting ring. When we first got to the alleyway, he calls home, Hank refused to come anywhere near me. After a little coaxing, Joselynn convinced him I was an okay guy, and with a few pieces of leftover bacon, I’ve got a new friend.

  Despite the fact that he’s a stray, he looks healthy. His fur is soft and clean, and he has a sweet disposition. It’s apparent that he’s taken care of, which makes me wonder if people like Joselynn are caring for him, why he is still a stray.

  “Hank seems like a great dog. Why is he still a stray?”

  Joselynn’s smile droops a little. “When he first showed up James, the guy who owns the deli, called a couple of local shelters and was told that if a dog like Hank came in, he’d
most likely be put down. They won’t risk a dog who has been in dog fights being put up for adoption. I mean, look at him, if you didn’t know him, you’d run the other way. Between the scars and his tendency to growl when he’s happy…”

  Yeah… a little Hank quirk. The more excited he is to see you, the snarlier he gets. When we first arrived, his one ear was down low to his head, and he was utterly still and silent. I nearly had a heart attack when he started snarling and growling as Joselynn walked toward him. I was shocked that she just knelt down in front of him and scratched his head and proceeded to get a tongue bath.

  “Why don’t either you or James take him in?”

  “James’ roommate is allergic to dogs, and my building doesn’t allow pets.” She scratches Hank behind his one ear. His tongue lolls out to one side, and his hind leg starts to thump against the ground. It’s clear that she loves the dog. She looks at him like she looks at the babies at the hospital—with longing.

  I add ‘fenced-in backyard’ to the requirements for the house I just decided this morning it was time to shop for. Joselynn is going to have her dog.



  This moment feels a little surreal. I’m watching Drake walk around the front of his truck where I’m sitting because he asked me to sit tight while he gets my door. This isn’t a date… he’s just driving me to work and, yet, he still insists on being a gentleman. When he found out that I stop and feed Hank on my way to the bus stop, he insisted we leave early so that Hank gets a full belly and pets.

  Not to mention last night… my body heat rises as I remember the feel of Drake’s arms around me as he held me close. He easily could’ve taken advantage of the situation. I was vulnerable and probably would’ve broken six years of celibacy as a way to forget my worries. Instead, I fell asleep to the sound of Drake’s heartbeat while he held me in his strong arms. I’ve never felt so safe and cherished in my entire adult life.

  Drake opens the truck door and lifts me out of the truck. I can’t help giggling because it feels like something that should be reserved for princesses and fairytales. Before my feet even hit the ground, Drake’s lips are on mine. There’s no shyness or hesitation from me as I part my lips and return the kiss.

  It never fails. Every time Drake touches me, I lose complete control of the situation. I forget all of my doubts. My worries seem to disappear, and all that is left behind is desire. I never thought I’d feel desire again in my lifetime. I thought that Frankie killed that part of me long before I was able to escape him.

  With every heated look, every gentle, possessive touch, and every kiss those tiny flickers of arousal of desire of need that was sparked the first moment I laid eyes on Drake grows. Soon it will be an uncontrollable blaze. I should be scared of the intensity, but for the first time in ages, I feel alive.

  “You better go inside,” Drake says between kisses.

  “Mhm…” I agree, kissing him again.

  “You’re going to be late…”

  I press one more quick kiss to his lips. “Why is it so hard to stop kissing you?”

  The sound Drake makes in response to my words can only be described as a growl. It’s growly enough that Hank would be proud. Drake takes my lips in another searing kiss. This time he breaks us apart and pushes me out of his reach. “Go now before I decide to keep you.”

  I force myself to listen even though I’d much rather jump back in Drake’s truck and find somewhere private where we can continue our kissing… and more. For the first time since I got this job, I am dreading going to work. Not because of the job, but because I need to find out if Chance or Dr. Givens sent me those damn flowers. If it was one of them, then there is nothing to worry about. A small, scared part of me wants to ignore the situation. If I don’t ask and don’t find out, then I can just go on assuming the flowers are an innocent gift from an admirer.

  I don’t know if it’s luck or not, but Chance is waiting for the elevator when I get there. He’s scowling, and I realize he probably saw me mauling Drake in the parking lot. How embarrassing. Once the doors slide shut and the elevator is making its slow ascent, I pull up my metaphorical big girl panties.

  Now or never, Jos.

  “Chance, can we talk for a minute?”

  “What’s there to talk about?” he asks sharply.

  I have to force myself to not cower under the weight of his tone. Boiling hatred for the scared creature Frankie made me knifes through my gut. I steel my shoulders and look Chance straight in the eye. He’s not going to hurt me. He’s just some guy who I thought was my friend and got butthurt when he realized there would never be more. That’s all.

  “I just wanted to tell you I’m sorry,” I find myself saying instead of asking about the flowers. Losing Chance as a friend bothers me a lot more than I realized until this moment. “I honestly didn’t realize you—you know—liked me. I thought we were friends.” I shrug lamely.

  At my apology, Chance’s posture relaxes, and he loses the angry glint in his eyes. “No… it’s not your fault, Jos. I knew things weren’t like that for you. I just—” he trails off, shaking his head.

  “I’m still sorry. I didn’t mean to lead you on.”

  “You don’t have to be sorry. This is on me, not you. I should’ve gotten up the nerve to ask you out months ago.”

  I wince. “I have to be honest, Chance, even if you asked before I met Drake… I would’ve said no. You’re a sweet guy, and I love our lunches, but I’ve never felt anything but friendship for you.”

  Chance’s shoulders slump, and he lets out a gusty sigh. “I know. I like hanging out with you too. Honestly, Thursday’s and the Burger Joint suck without you around. If I want onion rings, I have to order my own, and then I don’t get fries.”

  I laugh a little at that. “I wouldn’t be opposed to resuming our normal Thursday lunch not-a-dates.”

  Chance laughs at me qualifying them as ‘not-a-dates,’ and I smile happily. Maybe I can still have my friend. “That would be nice.”

  “Um, hey?” I ask just before he steps off the elevator onto his floor. “You didn’t happen to send flowers to my apartment, did you?”

  Chance looks a little confused and shakes his head. “If it was me, will that change anything?” He seems a little too hopefull, and I worry that maybe friendship won’t be as easy as I thought. When he throws his head back and laughs, I know he’s just messing with me.

  “You don’t have to be a jerk about it.”

  “Sorry I couldn’t help it. The look on your face…” The elevator doors slide shut while he’s still laughing. I slump against the wall. One potential admirer eliminated. One to go.

  As fate would have it, Dr. Givens is waiting for me when I get to the nursery. One of the babies is jaundiced, and even though I’m capable of reading the chart, he insists on going over every detail with me. After he finishes, I decide to rip off the band-aid and just ask outright if he sent me flowers.

  “Me, send you flowers?” he scoffs. “Why the hell would I do that?”

  “I… um… I was just curious. They weren’t signed or anything so I’m not sure who they are from.”

  “Probably that big bastard you were fucking in the on-call room the other night.” I can practically feel the venom dripping from each word. “The whole hospital is talking about it, you know?”

  “What’s the whole hospital talking about?” I jump at Sara’s question. I was so focused on Dr. Givens that I didn’t hear her come in.

  “About Miss Brooks little on-call room activities.” Dr. Givens leers at me with a look that clearly says even though he doesn’t like me, he’d gladly participate in some on-call room activities with me.

  “Oh yeah. I heard that that guy… the uncle to those sweet little twins we had in here a couple of weeks back brought dinner for Jos and that you were busy swinging your dick around in the break room, so they ate in the on-call.”

  Sara studies her nails as if she just didn’t tell one of the head doct
ors in our department that he was swinging his dick around. I smother a laugh and force my face into a neutral expression. If looks could kill, Sara would be a dead woman walking. Dr. Givens is madder than I think I’ve ever seen him while Sara is cool as a cucumber. I’m waiting for him to blow up, but by some miracle, he just throws a few glares around then storms out of the nursery.

  “Girl, you shouldn’t antagonize him.”

  “Please. That dumbass is just asking for a venereal disease and a sexual harassment claim. Dr. Givens doesn’t scare me with his little pencil dick posturing.”

  I can’t help it, I laugh. And laugh. And laugh, until tears are streaming down my cheeks. Sara is wiping her own tears away as I pull myself together. That’s when I realize that maybe I have more than just work acquaintances and Lindsay and Kieffer. I’ve spent so much time not allowing myself to get close to anyone, but somehow both Sara and Chance have managed to cross the acquaintance line into friendship.

  Then I’m hit with a sobering thought. Dr. Givens didn’t send the flowers.

  * * *

  “Don’t look now,” Sara stage whispers, “tall, dark, and brooding just showed up and he’s looking at you like you’re a piece of steak and he’s dyin’ of starvation.”

  Instantly my eyes move to the big nursery window. And there he is… Drake. My heart does a little flip, and my stomach clenches. When he sees me notice him, he smiles one of his genuine, happy-to-be-here smiles. The ones that I’ve noticed are reserved for his nephew and nieces… and now me.

  “Wow… change that to tall, dark, and sexy. You better get out of here before he accidentally knocks me up with that smile of his,” Sara teases.

  “You sure? I can stick around until Jerry gets here…”

  “Nah, I’ve got this.”

  “Thanks!” It takes a tremendous act of will power to not dance my way to my locker.

  I’m not paying attention as I hurriedly grab my things, and something hits the floor. “Crap,” I mutter as I bend down to pick it up. I realize it’s an envelope and not mine. I turn it over, and my name is scrawled on the front. “Huh, weird…” I hear myself saying.


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