Lost: The Complete Series

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Lost: The Complete Series Page 16

by Lila Kane

  I shook my head at her expression. “Don’t worry, he confessed. I just want to be sure. You don’t have to go if you don’t want to. I know you don’t want to see him again.”

  She eased back with a frown. “I mean, I can if you want…”

  “No. I want you to stay here and finish lunch. I want you to relax, and when I get back we can do whatever you want.”

  “Go out?”



  I laughed and kissed her. “Really. I won’t be long.”

  “Are you sure? I can get dressed. I don’t want you to have to go alone.”

  “I’d rather go alone.” Much rather. She didn’t need to deal with this anymore. “That’ll give you some time to get ready.”

  Elise went back to making lunch, a wide smile on her face. “Sounds good to me. This is going to be great. Maybe we can go to dinner or walk in the park.”

  “Whatever you want.”

  She cast me another smile when I walked to the elevator. “I’ll be waiting.”

  “I’ll be back as fast as I can.”

  I rode down to the parking garage and headed to the station. It wasn’t far, which was good. I wanted this dealt with and out of my life. Elise was the one for me now, and it was about time I focused on something good. Something right.

  At the station, I walked in and asked for the detective. He was already waiting for me and led me down a familiar hallway.

  “They’re bringing him back from his cell.”

  I nodded. “How’d you find him so fast?”

  “He was right where we expected. Guess his partner wasn’t as loyal as he thought.”

  Something niggled in my gut, but I only nodded again. No problem. Sometimes things really did work out. I was just used to preparing for the worst. I’d been taught to do so.

  I stood outside the mirror, looking into the small room. The image of the guy was branded in my mind. I’d gotten a decent look at the second one—the one who’d shot at Elise. I’d remember his face anywhere.

  The door opened to the room and a guard walked in.

  “There he is,” the detective said.

  I saw familiar dark hair first, the sharp jutting of a nose, and then stubble on the jaw. But when the man looked up, something was off. No, not something. Everything.

  “That’s not him,” I said.

  The detective frowned. “What? But he confessed—”

  “That’s not him,” I roared, yanking my cell phone from my pocket. “Get someone over to the hotel right now. Elise could be in danger.”


  “Do it!”

  I found her number and sent the call, my heart banging out of my chest. While it rang, I yanked open the door and ran down the hall. I had to get to her. Just in case. I knew something was off—I wouldn’t have come down here otherwise.

  “Pick up, Elise,” I said, listening to the rings. “Damn it!”

  The call went to her voicemail. What was she doing? Had she turned on music or gotten in the shower? That was probably it. She wanted to get ready for tonight.

  Shit. I raced outside and to my car, nearly blind with fear. I completely ignored the speed limit as I rushed back to the hotel.

  I couldn’t let anything happen to Elise. I couldn’t. She was the love of my life, and my only choice was to get to her as fast as possible.

  To keep her safe.


  I hummed as I finished lunch. When the house phone rang, I answered and recognized the man’s voice from the desk downstairs.

  “Delivery,” he said. “It’s a big one this time.”

  I grinned. Probably something from Isaac and Gia. They’d been sending gifts almost every day. “Send it up.”

  I set my phone down and raced to the bedroom to grab a pair of sweats so I wasn’t mostly naked when the delivery guy came up. I thought I heard my phone ring, so I raced back to the living room. I just missed a call from Logan. I was about to call him back when the elevator dinged.

  My smile froze on my face when the doors opened. Then my heart lurched.

  “Hello, Elise,” the guy said. He pointed a gun at my face. “You’ve been hard to track down.”

  My phone rang, the cheerful tune echoing in the silence of the cavernous room.

  The man stepped out of the elevator, his gun still trained on me. “Do not answer that.”

  The elevator doors closed and left me alone with the man in our giant suite. Trapped.

  My hands shook as I waited. He was going to shoot me. Right in the heart. I hadn’t even been able to say goodbye to Logan.

  “That’s right,” he said, “you should be afraid. This isn’t going to end well.”

  “I swear I won’t say—”

  “Shut up! There is no reasoning with me. Your time is up.”

  He aimed the gun, finger tense on the trigger. I chucked the phone at him as hard as I could and dove behind the island. I heard him curse and ducked into the hallway as the first shot was fired. It smashed into the drywall just behind me, and I gasped, almost tripping.

  The bathroom was the closest room, so I ran inside and slammed the door, locking it. Another bullet sounded in the hallway and I whimpered, scouring the bathroom for a weapon. Why the hell hadn’t I run for the bedroom? There was a gun in there. There was—

  A bullet shot through the lock on the door. I yelped when pain seared through my arm.

  Oh, God, oh, God—he shot me.

  Gripping my bicep to stop the bleeding, I ducked around the wall as he kicked the door. My chin trembled, partly out of shock and partly out of fear. But there was no way I was going down without a fight.

  I prepared for him to dart inside, prepared to run at him kicking and clawing at his eyes, but the banging stopped.

  My breath hitched, and then I heard shouts. More than one.

  Logan! And he’d brought others.

  With a sob, I leaned against the wall, knowing he’d come for me. After what felt like years, his voice came through the door.

  “Elise?” Fear laced his voice—something I’d never heard before. He was usually so calm and collected. “Are you in there? Damn it—Elise, answer me—”

  He shoved the door open just as I said his name, and when he saw me, his face drained of color.

  “Oh, God—Elise—help!” he shouted. “We need an ambulance.”

  I was proud of myself for keeping my feet under me. My arm stung like a son-of-a-bitch, but I was still standing.

  “I’m okay,” I said.

  He gripped my arm gently. “He shot you.”

  “I’m okay. Really. Flesh wound.”

  I thought that might make him smile but he didn’t seem to hear me. He shouted again for help, and then scooped me in his arms. “Keep your hand over the wound.”

  “I can walk. Logan—”

  “Hold it tight,” he said, voice low. “Elise, you hear me? We’re getting you help right now.”

  I did what he said, and even when I got lightheaded, I made myself stay alert. I was safe, and Logan was here with me. “That’s all that mattered.”

  “You came for me,” I whispered.

  He looked down as he carried me to the living room. “Of course I did. Where you go, I go. Please tell me you’re okay.”

  I reached up and touched his cheek. “I’m okay. I promise. But I’d really like to get out of here.”

  Finally, I saw a hint of a smile. “It’s your lucky day. You get to go to the hospital.”

  “Woo hoo. Sounds good.”

  Then I let myself rest in his arms as he carried me to the elevator. As long as Logan was with me, I didn’t feel any more fear.


  We didn’t get home until early the next morning, and part of me was tempted to insist the doctors keep her at the hospital. Just to be sure. But I could take care of her at home just as well.

  She insisted I let her walk, which irked me. I could tell how tired Elise was, tell how mu
ch today had taken a toll. And I’d yet to give her the bad news.

  “Let’s get you in bed. You need to take your pain medication soon, too. And—”

  She held up her hand. “You sound like Isaac.”

  “Speaking of Isaac…”

  Elise’s eyes grew wide. “You didn’t.”

  “I had to, sweetheart. I’m sorry.”

  “Say it again.”

  “What?” Guilt twisted in my stomach. “I’m sorry. I really am. I—”

  She waved her hand. “No, not that. The other part. The sweetheart part.”

  I stepped up to her, careful not to jostle her arm. “Sweetheart. I’m so sorry I wasn’t here. But I’m so glad you’re okay.”

  She lifted on her toes to kiss me. But when her tongue traced my lower lip, I pulled back. “Elise. You’re tired.”

  “I still feel a little loopy from the meds, too…loopy in a good way.” She grinned, setting her hand on my chest. She let it travel lower. “A very good way.”

  I swallowed hard, my cock betraying me. She didn’t need a horny man right now, she needed someone to take care of her.

  “You did hear what I said before, right? I called your brother. He’s on his way home.”

  She frowned, her hand still on my chest. “Party pooper.”

  “I couldn’t keep this from him.”

  “I know something that would make me feel better.”

  She got that look in her eye again and I swear my dick grew a few inches. “You can just stop with that right now. You’re going to bed.”

  Her eyes lit. “Oooh, yes. Let’s do that.”

  “You are going to bed.”

  “But you’re going to stay with me, right? I mean—”

  “Yes. Of course.” I set my hand over hers to reassure her. “I’m not going anywhere. I promise.”


  “Let me help you.”

  She leaned against me, her tiredness taking over. “Okay.”

  I lifted her into my arms as gently as possible and carried her to bed. This was all I needed tonight. To make sure she was safe and healthy and she got better as fast as possible.

  When I had her on the bed, I helped pull off her shirt, avoiding looking at the blood that stained it. I tossed that and her sweats in the corner. I’d throw them away after she was asleep.

  But when I tried to put another shirt on, she shook her head and lay back. “No, this is good…”

  I forced myself not to stare at her chest, her flat abdomen, her long, long legs. She was so beautiful, and I’d almost lost her tonight.

  “Lay with me, Logan,” she said, pointing to the bed. “Please.”

  I couldn’t say no, though part of me wanted to. If I lay next to her, if I felt her body that close, I might crush her. I might yank her to me and squeeze her tight enough to know she could never get away. I couldn’t lose her—I couldn’t face the prospect of that again.

  I turned off the lamp and stretched out on the bed. “You have to take your medication soon.”

  She shifted onto her side, leaning on her good arm, and pillowed her head on my chest. “I…will.”

  Her voice was so sleepy, I believed she was in very little pain. She’d only had a handful of stitches and hadn’t lost much blood. But still…seeing her bloodied and pale in the bathroom like that had cost me a few years.

  “You’re okay, right?” she asked softly.

  “I’m fine.”


  I pulled the covers over her arm to keep her warm. “Why are you apologizing?”

  “Because…” She yawned. “Because you were so worried. I…want to make sure you’re okay.”

  “As long as you’re here with me, I’m okay.” It was the truth. I might have to stick close for a while because I had an irrational fear she’d suddenly vanish, but I was okay. And I’d get better.

  Well, maybe not when Isaac got here. But eventually.

  She yawned again, and I rubbed her arm. “You should go to sleep.”

  “But…I don’t want to.”

  I chuckled. “Why not?”

  “Because…you said we’d shove a lifetime into…a few months. Right? And sleeping is…a waste of time.”

  Ah. Well, I couldn’t argue with that. I only wanted to be with her, too. To make up for all that lost time. But we’d have our chance. And now that I knew that, I finally felt at peace.

  “Don’t worry. We’ll start tomorrow, and it’ll be great.”

  “We can go somewhere?”

  I frowned in the darkness. She needed to rest, not go traipsing around the city. But again, I couldn’t say no. “Let’s see how you feel.”

  That seemed to pacify her for now. “Okay.” Her fingers brushed my chest in slow circles. “I love you, Logan.”

  My heart clutched and I squeezed her hand. “I love you, too, Elise. For the rest of my life.”

  I listened to her breathing even out and even let myself relax. Tomorrow I’d face Isaac and tomorrow would be full of ups and downs, but right now things were good because I had Elise in my arms and she was safe.


  When I woke the next morning, my arm was on fire. Which made me wince, then smile. If my arm was on fire, that meant I was alive. That meant it was all over and Logan and I could be together.

  Then I heard deep voices in the hallway. Oh, shit.

  Isaac. I stood with a grimace and found a shirt and shorts to pull on. My stitches pulled with each movement, and I looked around the room for my pain meds. Damn it. Getting shot hurt like a mother.

  But still, I was alive.

  I checked my hair in the mirror and made sure I was presentable before opening the door. Isaac and Logan stood in the hallway, engaged in a heated conversation, but when they saw me, they both froze.

  “Elise.” Isaac nearly knocked me over with a hug. “Sorry if we woke you up. Are you okay?”

  He stepped back and took my arm gently. Before he could examine it for long, Gia barreled down the hallway.


  “Ow,” I said before she reached me. “Gentle.”

  She slowed down, and I caught Logan’s eye over her shoulder. He gave me a small smile, and I immediately felt bad. Isaac was no doubt already giving him hell.

  “You guys didn’t have to come back,” I said. “I’m fine.”

  Isaac glared at me. “You got shot.” He glanced at Logan with that same glare. “I don’t call that fine.”

  “It wasn’t his fault. He got here before something really bad happened.” I walked around Isaac and took Logan’s hand, surprising everyone. “He kept me safe and made sure I wasn’t hurt worse. I owe him my life.”

  I saw Isaac swallow, saw his eyes dip to our linked hands, but he didn’t argue. “I appreciate you being here,” he said to Logan.

  “Good,” I said. “Now appreciate that I want to go out today. Get some fresh air.”

  “No way,” Isaac said at the same time Logan said, “That’s probably not a good idea.”

  Even Gia winced, but at least she didn’t argue.

  “I know my body and I know how I feel. I just need some pain meds first.”

  “I’ll get them,” Isaac said.

  He walked off with Gia and I pulled on Logan’s hand. “Can you come with me for a minute?”

  He joined me in the bedroom, and I closed the door.

  “Don’t let Isaac give you shit,” I said. “You took care of me, and I’ll never forget it.”

  Logan’s eyes searched mine a long moment before he cleared his throat. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m better than okay.” I wrapped my arms around his neck even though it pulled my stitches. “I’m here with you. And we have the whole day ahead of us.”

  “Can I talk you out of leaving the hotel?”

  “Probably not, but I’ll certainly let you try.”

  That made him smile some, and he kissed me. “I’ll try, then.”

  “I’d love a bath after I take
my pain meds, and then we can talk.”

  “We can do whatever you want.”

  “See? Now that’s better. Whatever I want is pretty simple.”

  He kissed me again. “Oh, yeah? What’s that?”

  “Be with you. That’s what I want.” I grinned. “Especially if that means leaving the house.”

  We heard Isaac’s voice in the hallway and he angled his head in thought. “That would mean getting some alone time. Away from your brother. I think I might be able to manage that.”


  “For you, Elise? Anything. I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too.”


  I needed somewhere to safe to hide until the restraining order went through.

  I never expected my brother’s billionaire friend to offer up his home—or to protect me with a fierceness that was almost violent.

  And I never expected to fall in love.


  “My toothbrush,” I murmured, shifting in my seat to roll my eyes at Tom. “I forgot my toothbrush.”

  He gave me a wry smile, though I didn’t miss the strain behind it. It was the same worry that was manifesting itself like a herd of cattle racing in the pit of my stomach.

  I glanced around the neighborhood, overwhelmed by the excessive wealth. Mansions and fancy cars. Security gates and elaborate fountains. “I don’t think I’m going to find a Wal-Mart around here.”

  Tom flexed his hands on the wheel. “I’m sure Joseph will get you what you need. Make a list when you get there.”

  Joseph. Sure, he was my brother’s old friend from college. But to me and the rest of the world, he was Mr. Barringer, billionaire mogul with the unforgiving stare and a hard jaw. I swallowed. That wasn’t the only thing about him that was hard. He had abs of steel—I knew because I’d seen them once. A body to die for, like it was taken straight out of a catalog. And lower than that…fuck…My mouth watered.

  Joseph Barringer was one of Seattle’s most sought-after bachelors and the most elusive. Especially to me.

  The whole thing made me uneasy. Unfortunately, Tom insisted this was necessary.


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