Assassin's Past (The Assassin and her Dragon Princes Book 2)

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Assassin's Past (The Assassin and her Dragon Princes Book 2) Page 5

by Ivy Clyde

  “Can I help you?” said a cold voice from behind me.

  Turning around, I saw a young woman staring at me coldly. Her dark eyes took in my appearance from head to foot before meeting my gaze with a haughty glare.

  “I want to buy a dress,” I said, keeping a pleasant façade.

  “I don’t think you can afford to buy a dress made by my mistress,” she said with a nasty sneer.

  I lifted my head, meeting her eyes for the first time. “Take my measurements or call your mistress. I need a dress right away.”

  “Who are you?” she asked, curiosity seeping into her eyes. “How much money have you got?”

  “I work for one of the princes,” I said, making my tone low. “Do you really want to stand there and argue with me? I could have both your mistress and you thrown into prison for such repeated insolence.”

  Of course, I was bluffing but enjoyed the way her face paled. “You must be Prince Zane’s maid. I heard His Highness came into town this morning.”

  I kept my face smooth, hiding the surprise I felt at hearing the name. Prince Zain was Ivan’s second son.

  “Get going,” I said in a clipped tone. “Show me the clothes you’ve got here.”

  She jumped, moving close to me and bowing. “Please, come this way,” she said, gesturing me to enter through a door.

  Looking straight ahead, I crossed the threshold and entered a large space. The smell of perfume was heavier here. A few women were already seated in low chairs in the corner. They took one look at me and went back to talking amongst themselves.

  “Please take a seat,” said the young maid. “I will call my mistress to attend to you.” She gave another bow and disappeared through another door in the corner.

  “Did you hear the rumors, Gyumi?” asked a woman at the table. “A silver-scaled dragon was spotted in Partaig a few days ago.”

  “What?” The other women eagerly leaned forward to hear more. I moved my own stool closer to them.

  “It’s still a rumor because the Drakonia clan hasn’t given out any official report yet. My husband said Prince Zane came to the palace this morning. Isn’t that strange?”

  “I hate it when they come to Huadu,” said the woman called Gyumi. “They make my husband so nervous.”

  “Same with mine.”

  “There’s one more news that’s come my way, ladies,” said a woman in a precious blue silk kimono. “Prince Cain is on the run now. He was caught rebelling with Prince Norvin of Redfall.”

  “But wasn’t Prince Norvin already dead?”

  The woman in the blue kimono shrugged. “There are so many strange news coming our way, it’s hard to really make sense of fact from rumor. But something’s definitely afoot. Why else would Prince Zane appear here so suddenly? They generally let the court know at least two weeks in advance so we can make the arrangements to receive them.”

  Gyumi sneered, slapping the top of the table around which they were seated. “The Drakonians exhaust my patience.”

  “Ssshhh!!!” The four women around her hissed loudly. “Don’t talk so loudly!”

  They turned around to glance at me. I lowered my head, concealing my face effectively under the large conical hat.

  “Just a peasant,” one of them whispered, going back to gossip about someone’s daughter who threw hot tea at an elderly matchmaker for matching her with an ugly, old man.

  A new woman entered the room with the maid following after her. The first thing I noticed was the color of her clothes. They were as flashy as the bright makeup on her face. Her glossy black hair was wrapped in a large bun, positioned at the base of her neck. A number of jeweled ornaments were stuck into it, making it appear like an elaborate pin cushion.

  She gestured at the maid behind her. The girl moved forward to the table with the gossiping women and placed wrapped parcels on it. While she distributed the things to the owners, her mistress approached me.

  “What kind of clothing are you looking for?” she asked, looking down her nose at me.

  “Something decent and fit to wear inside the palace,” I replied. “Nothing too luxurious. Whatever you can give me for a single gold coin.”

  “Pay my servant and come this way with me.”

  I tossed a coin to the pouting maid and followed the seamstress. She gestured at a number of shelves on the wall. “You can choose anything from here.”

  “I’ll need you to alter them slightly,” I said, caressing the fabrics on the shelves. They weren’t too bad. “I will be riding a horse. Can you make them suitable for me?”

  “You can add cotton pants underneath,” said the seamstress. “Choose the dress you like and I’ll find you something that matches.”

  I gave her nod. “Thank you.”

  As the noble ladies filed out of the room, I began looking through the colors and fabric on offer. My heart was swelling with excitement at the prospect of meeting Adal. The last time he’d seen me, I was completely naked.

  Hiding the blush, I continued to look for something that would match the occasion without drawing too much attention.

  In the end, I chose a pink kimono-dress embroidered with large peach blossoms. The seamstress brought me a pair of matching pink trousers which were quiet voluminous and looser than my leather breeches. To my surprise, it gave me more movement. The airiness also helped keep me cool in the warm Baledonian weather.

  “I’ll need some hair ornaments as well,” I said. “Something simple will do.”

  The young maid came back with a tray of hair-pins decorated with tiny carved jade flowers and non-precious stones. They were cheap but would go well with the dress.

  “Where can I change my clothes?” I asked.

  “You want to change here?” the young maid asked, staring at me curiously.

  “Is that a problem?” I asked, raising my brows at her.

  “No. No problem.”

  She took me to a small room off the side of the main hall. Stepping out, she closed the door to give me the privacy I needed. There was also a tall full-sized mirror available. This had to be the place they got the fitting done.

  I quickly changed out of my stolen clothes to put on the new attire. A smile rose on my lips as I admired the beautiful silk fabric with the woven peach blossoms. It felt especially good after wearing the rough hemp tunics during our travel.

  Loosening my hair out of the tight braid, I fashioned my tresses into a simple bun behind my head. Taking a hairpin decorated with a single jade flower, I pierced it into the bun. My appearance was clean and fresh now but my face showed ugly bruises. I wondered if that was the reason the maid in the front treated me like dirt. Maybe she thought I had a wifebeater for a husband?

  I scowled at the dark marks marring my pale face. They were the parting gifts from Mekhi.

  Using a little of my inner energy, I healed the bruises. The action left me reeling and I had to clutch the wall to steady myself on my feet as a bout of exhaustion passed through me. I hated how weak my body had gone.

  When I looked back at the mirror, my reflection smiled back at me. My face was flawless now.

  Both the seamstress and the young maid were waiting right outside the changing room.

  They gasped as soon as I came out. Their eyes widened at my sight, but I stepped past them quickly, not wanting them to guess the change which had me look prettier than before.

  “Would you be considerate enough to extend our invitation to the prince?” said the seamstress as I placed the sedge hat on my head.

  I tilted my head backward but didn’t fully turn. “I shall try.”

  She bowed her head, her lips curving into a sly smile. “You are always welcome here, Miss. A guest of Prince Zain will always be highly treated by me and my staff.”

  I scoffed, glancing at the young maid who’d been rude to me earlier. She bowed low, not meeting my eyes.

  I walked out into the entrance hall of the shop. The streets outside sounded just as noisy as before. Taking a deep breath, I
strode out, getting engulfed among the crowd.

  As I moved forward through the jostling crowd to look for a stable, the palace towers came even closer. Suddenly, it felt ridiculous to get a horse just to ride the short distance. Deciding against buying one, I kept walking until I reached the vast palace gates.

  Two soldiers sprang forward at my approach.

  I stayed calm, letting them drink in my curves.

  “What business do you have here?” one of the guards asked in a rough voice.

  “I am here to meet Prince Adal,” I said, taking out the jade tablet he’d given me. “Please escort me to the prince immediately.”

  The guard took the seal in his hand, inspecting it carefully. After a minute of scrutiny, he handed it back to me. Gesturing at another guard, he said, “Guide her to the sixth prince’s chamber.” He motioned for me to follow his companion.

  The mammoth gates of the palace were opened up to me. I stared out at the gigantic statue of a dragon that rose in front of me. If I hadn’t seen a real dragon, I would’ve thought it to be larger than life. Compared to Cain’s dragon, the statue seemed small and tame.

  “Come along, Miss,” said the guard in a bored voice.

  The palace was beautifully decorated with lawns of exotic flowers. Everywhere I looked, something pretty caught my eye. It was hard not to stop and stare out at the magnificent panorama of the multi-colored gardens laid out in every corner.

  “Step this way,” said the guard, gesturing towards an open doorway. “You’re far too distracted to be taken through the front entrance. We’ll take the longer route through here.”

  The palace interiors were cool and silent. Maids and servants passed by us, but they never made a single noise, padding away on soft-soled shoes. Gold and bronze vases dotted the corridors through which we passed but they didn’t attract my attention as the ornamental gardens did. The royal family had used the warm weather to cultivate the most unique flower gardens in the four kingdoms.

  I was led through several flights of stairs and consequent corridors. We seemed to walk and climb forever. At one point, I stopped trying to remember the way out. It was all too confusing.

  The soldier stopped suddenly, making me bump into his back. “Watch it!” he scolded.

  “Apologies,” I muttered.

  “Wait here,” he said, motioning at a cluster of plush chairs around a table. “The prince will be with you soon.”

  I took a seat, looking around the luxurious surroundings. A vast crystal chandelier hung over my head, throwing rainbow-hued patterns around the wall. There were several casements around, drawing in the cool breeze from outside. I glanced at the open doorway through which I came in.

  My heart began pounding as I waited for Adal to arrive. It hadn’t been long since we last saw each other but it felt like weeks had passed in between. So much happened in the short span of time after he left for Baledonia.

  I was lost in my thoughts for a while.

  I started at the sound of soft approaching footsteps. Looking up, I saw a richly-dressed man standing at the doorway as the guard bowed low and turned around to walk away. It took me a moment to recognize the man I knew underneath the luxurious robes, elaborately braided hairstyle and the gold ornaments.

  “Adal?” My whisper was barely audible as I got to my feet.

  “What took you so long?” he asked, striding forward and pulling me into a tight hug. “You were supposed to have arrived yesterday.”

  “Sorry about that,” I said, my voice muffled as my mouth got squashed against his hard chest.

  He loosened his hold but still kept his arms wrapped around me. Leaning down, he took my lips in a slow, sensuous kiss. I’d missed his touch and taste. Forgetting the world for a moment, I wrapped my arms around his neck and swirled my tongue around his.

  Warmth flooded my cheeks as Adal’s hands shifted down my waist to cup my bottom gently. I drew closer, pressing my body against him as our kiss grew more fervent. It had been less than a week since I last saw him but our reactions were like we were separated for years. Like a thirsty man, he drank deeply of me.

  Heat pooled between my legs, a familiar throbbing ache starting at my core. I moaned into Adal’s mouth.

  He leaned away for a moment, his usually calm blue eyes blazing with heat.

  “We can’t do this now,” I said breathlessly even though my body begged for it to continue. Swallowing thickly, I said, “I must talk to you before everything else.”

  His beautiful blue eyes searched my face for something. “What happened?”

  “You know something happened?”

  He nodded. “Rumors are flying over from Iorna every hour. From the scandal about Princess Helena to the sighting of a silver-scaled dragon. But the one that caused me to worry most was about Norvin getting caught.”

  Looking away from him, I let out a long sigh. “It’s all true.”


  “It’s all true.”

  I stared at Daria, not able to comprehend her words. All rumors aside, was the news of a silver-scaled dragon true as well?

  Daria grasped my hand and pulled on it, breaking me out of my thoughts. “Can we speak somewhere more private?”

  I nodded, taking her hand in mine. Daria’s sudden appearance made me lose my usual calm. I battled the lust raging within me, demanding me to take her right there. Struggling between the hunger of my body and hearing the news that all recent rumors were true, I’d let my guard down. If she hadn’t reminded me, I would’ve continued to speak to her in the parlor room where anyone from my brother to the servants could see and hear us.

  You’re the one to be blamed, I thought with a secret smile.

  Daria appeared before me in a traditional Baledonian dress. The pink silk attire with large woven peach blossoms suited her perfectly. She’d kept the makeup and ornaments to a bare minimum, unlike the ladies of court. It gave her a fresh appearance, making her the prettiest blossom in the palace of Huadu.

  I guided her further into my quarters. It felt wonderful to have her so close to me again. Without her, I was lonelier in the palace than ever before.

  Daria stared around the small room I’d brought her into. It was my private study and other than myself, no one was ever allowed to come here. Closing the door behind me, I motioned her to take a seat on one of the chairs.

  “You are buried in tomes and scrolls,” said Daria, looking around at the shelves that lined all four walls of the room. Stacks of books filled the floor space while several tall vases were stuffed with scrolls. “Ayah! Before I forget, here’s the thing Cain wanted you to have.” Reaching inside her robes, she pulled out a silver cylinder.

  “The scrolls he found in the sacred chambers?” Daria nodded as I took it from her. Placing it on the table before us, I said, “Tell me what happened after I left our company.”

  Daria closed her eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath in. When she looked back, her emerald-green eyes were laden with anxiety.

  “Norvin got captured in Partaig,” she began after taking a deep breath. “Helena was supposed to have escaped to Drakhaven but chose to go to Partaig instead. I am guessing she received news of her brother arriving there and took advantage. She must have told him about meeting Cain in Carran and talked about his companions. I guess Norvin’s features made him an easily identified target.”

  My heart turned cold. “Is he still with Mekhi?”

  She shook her head. “There’s more to the tale.” She seemed to be contemplating for a moment like deciding where to begin. “Norvin rode out before us. While he reached Partaig and got captured, Cain and I went into the dragon temple and down into the chambers below.” Suddenly, her cheeks turned red as she blushed furiously.

  Not understanding her reaction, I cautiously asked, “Did something happen while you were there?” She nodded, evading my eyes, continuing to blush furiously. I chuckled, amused by her expression. “Did Cain make a move on you?”

  Her head snapped up as
she stared at me.

  “He did?” While a part of me felt the sting of jealousy, I knew he couldn’t help take some advantage while he was alone with her. It was impossible not to be attracted by a woman as beautiful and intelligent as Daria.

  “At first, we were just looking around,” she began. “Then we reached a place with some very…err…erotic paintings.”

  “The chamber for ritual mating,” I guessed.

  “I am not sure what it’s called but we ended up sleeping together.” She raised her eyes to meet mine.

  Jealousy nipped at my heart but I suppressed it. Daria looked anxious about it and that hurt me more. I’d already told her it was all right for her to develop relationships with Norvin and Cain. While it made sense to the logical side of me that was fiercely loyal to my two friends, I still couldn’t help the greedy side that wanted Daria all to myself.

  Schooling my expression, I said, “Go on.”

  “While we were together, something happened.” Her voice steadily got more confident as she set aside her shyness. “Just at the moment we hit our high, some bizarre magic bound us together. Cain couldn’t see it, but I could see the magic binding our bodies. Next moment, we’re both engulfed in flames.” After a pause, she said, “Cain was in terrible pain after that. And suddenly, he shifted into a silver-scaled dragon. I nearly passed out with fear and shock, but he told me it was him. That he wouldn’t hurt me.”

  “Cain is the silver dragon?” I asked.

  She nodded.

  “And he transformed after mating with you?”


  “Daria, are you sure you’re not a descendant of the Fire Clan?”

  I shook my head. “Cain asked me the same thing. I can’t be from any of the dragon families because I was never immune to fire before this. My magic keeps me safe and that’s what I use to conjure fire. It was never inherent like you and Cain.” She looked questioningly at me. “Do you have any idea what happened?”

  “Not really,” I admitted. “As far as I know, a dragon born can shift into his true form only after mating with a blessed woman from the Fire Clan. The other way is to mate with a female dragon who’s achieved her true form.”


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