Assassin's Past (The Assassin and her Dragon Princes Book 2)

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Assassin's Past (The Assassin and her Dragon Princes Book 2) Page 10

by Ivy Clyde

  “Please, Adal,” I pleaded. “Take me now.”

  He moved over me once again, taking my lips in a deep kiss. As I moaned into his mouth, my hand reached down to hold the hardness pressing into my soft thighs.

  He was thick and heavy between my fingers as I pulled at him. Spreading my legs around him, I invited him in, rubbing the swollen tip of his cock against my moist slit.

  His eyes locked into mine as I raised my hips up to coax his head at my entrance. He leaned down on me, keeping his hands on either side of me as he thrust inside me, pushing himself in all the way.

  My cry mixed with his low groan as he embedded himself fully inside me.

  He moved at a steady rhythm inside me, all the while kissing my cheeks and lips. My hands rested on his hard pecks as he plunged deep into me, almost throwing me off the edge of ecstasy as each thrust hit that particular spot.

  A monstrous orgasm was building inside me as he relentlessly thrust inside me. From the expression of pained pleasure on his face, I knew he would come inside me quickly. Gasping and moaning, I struggled to hold onto my climax, determined to reach it with him. I cried out, my nails clawing at his back as he pistoned into me.

  The deep calm with which he’d started had evaporated altogether.

  “Daria.” His voice was hard and pained. The blue of his irises glimmered in the moonlit night as he thrust into me.

  I cried out as he pushed deep into me, no longer able to hold off the inevitable. Adal roared as he shattered inside me, filling me with burst after burst of his thick, creamy essence.

  We lay in that position, gasping and moaning, as I felt him grow soft inside me. His mouth crashed onto mine, his tongue sucking on mine with a fervent desire to devour me. My mind was a blissful blank, basking in the afterglow of being so deeply intimate with one of the men I’d come to love.


  I found myself back in Adal’s bedchambers the next morning.

  Sitting up, I stretched my arms out to get rid of the stiffness. The sheet slipped off my body, reminding I was still naked from last night. My clothes were folded neatly on a chair nearby with a piece of parchment on it. Wrapping my body in the sheet, I climbed out of bed to take a look.

  It was a note left by Adal. He would be in the archives all day, trying to decipher the scroll Cain found in the dragon temple of Iorna. If he was in the library, I was sure his personal book duster, Cain, would also keep him company. With a smile, I tucked the note in a compartment in my sleeve.

  The sunlight pouring through the windows was bright and hot, meaning it was already close to noon. My body felt energized after the long hours of rest. Donning my clothes, I padded out into the corridor to reach the parlor room.

  The table was spread with a wide variety of food. Smiling, I stuffed my mouth with the meat buns I’d come to prefer and poured myself some tea. It had gone cold but the fragrant brew was still delicious.

  With both Cain and Adal gone for the day, I decided to spend the time with Norvin. While I knew nothing was wrong with him physically, the damage done by Mekhi had to be psychological. It had already been a few days now and I was worrying about him. His body wouldn’t last long without him eating and drinking properly. The thin gruel we fed him won’t sustain him forever.

  I carried a basin of warm water to Adal’s study. Norvin’s body was hidden from the rest of maids and servants who came to the quarters for chores. Setting it down on a table near the bed, I took off Norvin’s tunic. The skin of his chest and abdomen were fully healed. They were as flawless as the smooth skin of his face. He was completely healed from the outside.

  “I won’t let you be lost,” I said, placing a gentle hand on his forehead.

  Norvin was the most demanding of the three princes. He was bold, unrestrained and an absolutely tease when he wanted to be. He was different from both Cain and Adal who stayed reserved on most occasions. It didn’t make Norvin any less caring than them. He’d sacrificed his life twice to save the common citizens. My heart swelled with pride for him but at the same, pain sliced through me at the sight of his listless body.

  I dipped a linen towel in the basin. Squeezing the water out, I began washing his face and neck. My hand traveled down his chest and abdomen, scrubbing him gently.

  “Does that feel refreshing?” I asked. “It can be so warm in Baledonia and this room is so stuffy.”


  Throwing the soaked towel back into the basin, I went to lift Norvin’s body in a sitting position. Before he could slump forward, I wrapped my arms around him and seated myself behind him. I let his body lean back onto mine. He was heavy, putting me to my limit as I kept arms wrapped around his torso.

  Closing my eyes, I let my hand slide up to the side of his head. I was going to attempt to enter his psyche. Elga was a master of the technique, easily taking out information from her prey without going through the bloody hassle of torturing the victim. While I knew the technicalities of the practice, I’d never actually performed it on another person.

  “There’s a first time for everything,” I muttered.

  I envisioned the flow of energy going through both our bodies. I could see the rainbow colored threads passing through my being but for Norvin, only strings of white and indigo were wrapped around him.

  I focused harder, pressing my palms to the side of his head.

  The vision of the energy threads disappeared completely and a new image started opening up before me. My eyes were still closed and a strange new scenery unfolded before me, it was like being dropped into a dream. It wasn’t my dream as I was still lucid. I was now in Norvin’s dream.

  We were both standing on the edge of a high cliff. A massive castle with tall, pointed piers rose up behind us. In front, a few steps away, lay a sharp fall down into a gushing river. The waters churned and frothed as it wound its way down the valley hundreds of feet down below. Loose rocks rolled out from under Norvin’s feet as he stared out into the distance.

  “Why are we here?” I asked.

  “Wouldn’t it better if I were to fall in the waters and stay drowned?” Norvin’s voice was deadly serious. “Staying alive while others died is really, really hard.” He turned around to gaze at me. Curiosity flickered in those purple-hued eyes as he stared at me. “How come you’re here?”

  “Why are you here?” I returned. “You survived the fall. There’s no need for you to be back here.”

  “If I stayed dead, the massacre in Partaig wouldn’t have happened.” His eyes filled with tears as his anguished voice ripped through me. “If I stayed dead, you’d never be hurt!” he shouted.

  I shook my head. “It’s got nothing to do with you. Mekhi is cruel, using you as an excuse to hurt innocent people. If you think this way, if you believe him, you are giving him power over you.” I took a step closer to him. “Do you have any idea how worried we are for you? Norvin! You need to wake up right now.”

  “Why?” His gaze was intense as he looked into my eyes searchingly. “Wouldn’t it be easier without me?”

  “Nothing is easy without you,” I replied, matching his gaze. “I love you. Have you forgotten that?”

  “Cain and Adal are better men to love,” he said in a bitter voice. “You never got hurt because of them. They both keep you safe, unlike me.” A humorless chuckle escaped him. “I can’t even protect the woman I love. How pathetic am I?” The anguish in his voice hurt my heart too.

  Swallowing the choking sobs stuck in my neck, I reached for his hand. Keeping the pain out of my voice, I said, “Do you think I’m an ordinary woman? I can protect myself and the men who love me. You should stop beating yourself about it and accept it. I love you, Norvin. I can take a hundred lashes and sword strikes for you. The only thing I ask in return is you don’t give up. Continue fighting. Stay by my side. It’s the only way I can be strong enough and not run away from the mission I’ve taken on myself. Because let me tell you. Dragons are fucking scary creatures!”

  Norvin’s lips twi
tched imperceptibly at the last comment. “Dragons are scary. No other assassin with half a brain would have dared to take up the job. And you…Daria…you volunteered for the job.”

  “Because I fell in love with you three the moment I met you,” I said. “I was so desperate to be close to the three of you I didn’t care if it was a monstrous dragon waiting for me at the end of the road. I was willing to battle any other monster along the way too. Because of that…” I swallowed the sob threatening to choke me. Taking a deep breath, I stared up at him. “You don’t get to give up on me. I will get hurt but as long as I’m alive, I’ll keep fighting.”

  “Daria.” He closed his eyes, bringing the hand that held his to his cheek. “Why do you always have to be so strong?”

  “For your sake, I can’t afford to be weak. If you want me to be weak, then you’re going to have to stay strong.”

  A low chuckle escaped him as he drew me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me. “You’re not afraid to fall with me.”

  “No. As long as you’re with me, I’ll never be afraid.”

  “Remember those words.” Taking me along with him, he shifted. Next moment, my stomach lurched as Norvin jumped off the ledge, holding me tight to him. My insides swooped as we fell towards the churning waters down below. I closed my eyes, pressing my face into his chest, fully expecting to hit the cold, hard waters down below. Instead, I felt a soft mattress underneath me.

  Heart hammering in my chest, I slowly opened my eyes. The shadowy corners of Adal’s study came in my vision. It took another moment to realize I’d been dreaming. That I was inside Norvin’s dream.

  “You’re still sweating,” said a familiar voice as a gentle hand came to rest on my forehead.

  I shifted on the bed and felt my entire body tangled with another. Rolling me onto my side, Norvin made me face him. His beautiful purple-hued eyes stared into mine.

  “This is not a dream, is it?” I whispered.


  I moved to sit up but Norvin’s hands pressed down my shoulders to keep me down. “Move,” I said, attempting to get up once again. He pushed down into the bed again.

  “Where are you going?” he asked, his gaze burning with intensity.

  “I am going to the palace archives to find Adal and Cain. They would want to know you’ve woken up.”

  “You’re shaking,” he said, his eyes raking my body.

  “I’m excited to have you back,” I said, my voice trembling. “Also, I’m still in a bit of shock. I’d forgotten I was in a dream and that none of it was real.”

  One of his hands came to caress my cheek. “It was real for me.”

  “I’m not saying the emotions weren’t real,” I said, feeling my skin heat up at his touch. “Just that if we fell from a height, we wouldn’t wake up in bed.”

  Norvin’s eyes darkened. Using both his hands, he caught my wrists, lifting them over my head as he bore down on me. With a sudden movement, he smashed his lips to mine. Keeping a firm hold on my wrists, he pressed his body against mine. His tongue darted into my mouth the instant I gasped out. He sucked the air out of me as his tongue tasted every crevice of my mouth.

  His kiss wasn’t soft or teasing. It was raw and desperate.

  I writhed under him, twisting my wrists in his hold, frantic to touch him but Norvin wouldn’t relent. He kept his hold firm and unyielding as he kissed me hard and fierce. My heart pounded with a mix of fear and anticipation. It was like Norvin wouldn’t let me do a thing. It was his moment. He would be the only one to touch, to feel, to make me cry out with both pain and pleasure.

  Keeping his mouth latched to mine, he held both my wrists in one hand, freeing the other to untie the sash at my waist. It was more like ripping it off and roughly tearing down the rest of the clothes that kept my body hidden from him. Within seconds, I felt his heated skin touching my bare skin.

  I moaned out, frantic to press my body against his.

  Norvin still wouldn’t let me go free. But as his lips descended down my chin and onto my neck, I did the only thing I was left to do. Parting my thighs, I let him sink further into me as I wrapped my legs around him.

  Norvin’s mouth latched onto a nipple, biting and sucking. The teasing jabs of pain ignited my body with the flames of fire as I moaned loudly. Norvin’s thick manhood hardened against my soft thighs, making my core come alive with aching throbs.

  I wanted to reach out and hold his length in my hand but my wrists were still in his grasp. His hand moved down my stomach to reach for my sex. I gasped as his fingers dipped inside my wet lips. Writhing underneath him, I jerked my hips upward, eager to feel the roughness of his skin against my slippery slit.

  “I want you so much, Daria,” he said, lifting his face from my breasts. His purple-hued eyes were blazing as they locked with mine.

  “I want you in me,” I said, my voice pleading. “Please, Norvin.”

  His mouth crashed against mine once more, drowning all my pleas. His tongue attacked mine in a way that left me wanting to claw at his back. Robbed of the use of my hands, I could only writhe against him as his fingers continued to dip in and out of my core.

  My whole body was on fire, tightening and throbbing. If he didn’t stop, I would come soon.

  My cries of pleasure were drowned as Norvin continued to kiss me. My mouth opened wide, but I was too lost to respond. Norvin took the advantage, fervently kissing me.

  Suddenly, he lifted his head to stare down at me. I was breathless, my breasts heaving. I looked up at him as he hovered over me, breathing heavily, his eyes blazing with desire.

  “I want you so much, Daria,” he said, his voice thick and rough.

  I stared at him in a lusty haze, drinking every inch of him. He was so beautiful with his long midnight-blue hair falling down his muscular shoulders. If he would let me, I’d lick every inch of those hardened pecs and abs until I reached the thick, erect length of his manhood.

  “I need you inside me, Norvin. Like right now.”

  He parted my thighs, positioning himself at my entrance. I almost cried out at the feel of his hardened head poking at my dripping slits. He entered me with one rough thrust.

  I cried out, my body not expecting his width, but enjoying the sensation at the same time. My body twisted underneath his, pushing my hips upward to take his length deeper inside me. His mouth closed around mine, kissing me fervently as his tongue fought with mine for dominance.

  Suddenly, he pulled out, leaving me empty and aching, before entering me with another hard thrust. My mouth gaped wide open, unable to kiss him as his tongue moved around mine.

  My body arched up, trying to draw him in deeper inside me.

  Norvin’s mouth moved to my neck. Alternately kissing and biting, he had me moaning wildly. He pulled almost all the way out again and plunged in once more.

  I was crying from a mix of pain and pleasure, anticipation nearly driving me mad. “Stop teasing me!” I demanded.

  His luscious lips curled up at the corner as he began thrusting in hard and fast, filling every available inch inside me. I was crying out his name now, engulfed in a haze of pleasure.

  “You feel so incredibly good,” he whispered in a breathless voice. His teeth came to bite on the shell of my ear next, triggering my first orgasm. As I trembled underneath him, my core pulsing against his thick, thrusting member, Norvin continued kissing my neck and shoulders.

  His movements built another orgasm just as the previous one had barely subsided. My toes were curling tight as my thighs tightened their hold on his hips.

  He thrust in me hard a few more time before he was biting down my shoulder and breasts in his own climax. His hold over my wrists finally loosened and I was able to hold onto his shoulders as my body throbbed and pulsed under him.

  His seeds spilled inside me, filling me to the brim as we lay like that for a while, breathless.

  Slowly, he lifted off me, his face hovering inches from mine. His gaze was searching as he stared down
at me.

  “That was incredible,” I whispered, reaching up to brush the hair out of his eyes.

  Norvin fell beside me, covering our bodies with a sheet. I nestled into his chest, reveling in the heat radiating out of him.

  “So, I am guessing we’re in Adal’s study?” he said, his voice suddenly light and full of laughter.

  I nodded. “It’s the only place the servants aren’t allowed. So we hid you here.”

  He laughed even more now.

  “What is it? Did I do something wrong?” I asked, feeling self-conscious. While I knew Cain and Adal were considerate enough to never say anything while we were intimate, Norvin wouldn’t let it slide.

  He shook his head, still laughing.

  “What is it?” I demanded, glaring at him.

  “Imagine Adal coming here to study and all he can smell and think of is us two doing the nasty in his sacred space.”

  My hand rose up to cover my mouth as I chuckled.

  “You’re so bad,” I said, hitting his shoulder. “You wake up and the first thing you do is this.” I was smiling. Wrapping my arms around him, I nestled back into his chest. “I have missed you so much, Norvin. Don’t ever do something like this again.”

  His arm came to hold me tight. “I won’t.”

  “Did you know Cain shifted into his true form, a silver dragon?”

  “What?” He jerked, almost sitting up.

  I chuckled. “You even rode on his back as we fled from Partaig.”

  “What?” He held my shoulders and shook me gently. “Tell me everything from the start, woman.”

  I lay back against the pillow and made a show to primly cover up my nakedness while he glared at me with frustration. “All right, now I can tell you tale.”


  I sat at my favorite desk in the library, determined to finish translating the scroll Cain found in the sacred chambers of the dragon temple in Iorna. Stacks of parchment lay to my left while my favorite inkstone and brush lay to my right. A vast casement opened up before me, giving me a view to the clear blue sky outside. Fresh cool breezes often blew in, bringing in the intoxicating fragrances of jasmine blossoms. Inhaling deeply, I was reminded of Daria. She often smelled of jasmine and lotus.


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