Wicked Liars: A High School Bully Romance (Windsor Academy Book 1)

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Wicked Liars: A High School Bully Romance (Windsor Academy Book 1) Page 18

by Laura Lee

  I step out of the dress, pooling at my feet. My eyes have adjusted enough where I can see the whites of his eyes widen as I drop to my knees before him. I pull Kingston’s pants down over his hips and, without preamble, suck the flared head into my mouth. My nails bite into his ass as I bob up and down before opening my jaw and lowering farther. Kingston releases a string of curses as I swallow, bringing him into my throat. He groans as I pull back, flattening my tongue on the underside of his cock before releasing him with a pop.

  “Fucking hell, Jazz,” Kingston mutters.

  Before I can dive back in, Kingston scoops his hands under my armpits and lifts me up. He taps the back of my thighs, prompting me to jump as he lifts me up, circling my legs around his waist.

  A smirk toys at my lips. “What’s wrong? You’re not a fan of deep throating?”

  He takes a few steps forward before setting me down on the edge of a conference table.

  “That was quite possibly my favorite thing ever, but I’d be a two-pump chump if you kept that up.”

  The laughter dies on my lips as he pulls my underwear to the side, exposing my pussy to the air-conditioned room. Kingston wastes no time, his fingers honing in on my entrance and dipping inside. He curls his fingers and starts rubbing his thumb over my clit. I start riding his hand, furiously trying to get there when he stops abruptly.

  “Hey!” I whine. “What the hell are you doing? Move, goddammit!”

  “You’re not in control here, sweetheart. The sooner you figure that out, the better.”

  I know that’s not exactly true. If I told him I wasn’t ready to have sex, he’d respect that. He’d be pissed, considering how worked up we both are, but he wouldn’t force himself on me. I have absolutely no intention of telling him to stop, though. If he keeps working his magical fingers, I can pretend for a bit.

  I wrap my fist around the tie still knotted at his neck. “Kiss me.”

  His white teeth flash in the darkness as a smile breaks out. “Say, please.”

  I narrow my eyes. “Bite me.”

  Kingston’s teeth clamp down on the muscle running along the nape of my neck. I didn’t mean that literally, but I’m not complaining.

  My head falls back when his mouth lands on my nipple again, frantically flicking his tongue over one, then the other.

  “Oh, God.”

  Kingston adds a third finger and increases his pace. “Your pussy is so tight and wet. I can’t wait to get inside of you.”

  My eyes roll back in pleasure. “So do it already.”

  He removes his fingers and fumbles around for a moment before I hear a foil package being torn open. I watch the shadowed movements of his hand, sheathing his cock before I feel him against me. Kingston slides himself over my clit a few times before driving into me in one fell swoop.

  “Motherfuck.” Kingston pulls out and slams back into me more forcefully. “So. Fucking. Tight.”

  “Harder,” I moan.

  “Fuck, yes,” he groans.

  Kingston circles both of my ankles with his fingers and repositions them on his shoulders. He’s so much deeper at this angle, it borders on the precipice between pleasure and pain. Neither one of us are worried about volume as he picks up the pace.

  My back bows. “So close. So fucking close.”

  “Let me see you rub that pretty clit,” he coos. “I want to watch as you get off all over my cock.”

  My fingers snake between us and start rubbing vigorously, tension building with each slip and slide. Only a few thrusts later, I’m coming harder than I ever have in my life.

  “Fuck,” Kingston groans. “That’s it, baby. Come all over me. You feel so fucking good. You look so fucking perfect lying beneath me.”

  After my tremors wane, he leans forward, pushing my knees to my chest, my heeled sandals framing his ears. Kingston pumps into me with abandon until he’s roaring through his own release. As he shudders against me, he places a single kiss on my sweaty temple.

  “There’s no getting away from me now, Jazz. I’ll fucking kill anyone who tries taking you away from me.”

  The conviction in that statement should be terrifying, yet... I find myself smiling. Right now, I’d be pretty stabby too if someone tried pulling us apart. Kingston kisses down my jaw as we catch our breath, repeating the same word over and over.




  “So...” Ainsley spares me a quick glance as she drives. “Are you going to tell me why you needed to change your underwear before we took off?”

  Shit. My overnight bag was in Ainsley’s trunk. My panties were uncomfortably wet after Kingston and I were together. I had to get a new pair before we drove for an hour and a half to the lake. My dress is too short to risk going without anything. One slight breeze, and I would’ve been flashing my hoo-ha to the world. I thought I was discreet, but apparently not.

  “Do I have to?”

  “No... but how about you tell me where my brother dragged you off to? Or what you were doing for so long? Or why when you came back, you both had major sex hair?”

  I side-eye her. “For the same reason I needed new underwear. Do you really want details? He’s your brother. Wouldn’t that gross you out?”

  “I didn’t want a play-by-play, Jazz. But your non-answer gives me all the answer I need. Happy Birthday to you.” She laughs. “Holy shit, I wish you could’ve seen the look on Peyton’s face when they named Kingston homecoming king and he wasn’t there. I swear to God, it looked like her head was going to literally explode as she stood up on that stage with her pretty crown, without her king. It was no secret he was off somewhere with you. Hell, he practically clubbed you over the head in front of everyone.”

  I throw my head back against the seat. “Oh, God. It was that obvious?”

  “Totally obvious.”

  I groan. “Crap. This party is going to be a shit show, isn’t it?”

  “Nah,” she assures me. “If people are being nosy assholes, we can hide in the house and nosh on your birthday cake until we put ourselves in a sugar coma.”

  Ooh, I forgot about the birthday cake. I love cake.

  “Can we do that anyway?”

  “Let’s see how it goes. You can’t get the scenery or the lack of civilization in LA. You’ll have fun; I promise.”

  I sigh. “I’m holding you to that.”

  “Here we are. C’mon, let’s drop our bags inside.”

  Ainsley’s Lambo comes to a stop and she shifts it into park. There’s a bunch of cars here already. I spot Bentley’s and Reed’s but I don’t see either one of Kingston’s yet. He said he had a few stops to make along the way, but that it shouldn’t take too much time. He was being cryptic, so I suspect it may have something to do with the birthday present he mentioned earlier. I don’t want to text him in case he’s driving, so I get out of the car and follow Ainsley.

  As soon as we step inside, my jaw drops when I see the large A-framed windows that make up the back end of the house. I can’t see behind the people who are hanging on the deck, but Ainsley said the house is right on the lake. I bet the view is incredible during the day. Surprisingly, no one is inside, so I ask Ainsley about it.

  “The main part of the house is off-limits to partygoers. There’s a small boathouse they have access to, but... unless you’re into group sex, stay away from it.”

  My eyes widen. “Seriously?”

  “Seriously. We keep the music up loud to drown out the noises. As the night wears on, you’ll see more and more people heading in that direction. Thankfully, our cabins are the only ones for miles, so neighbors aren’t an issue.”

  I scrunch my nose. “Have any of the guys... uh, participated in the boathouse activities?”

  She mimics my expression. “Not Kingston or Reed. Bentley... probably. I’ve never been in there, so I haven’t actually seen him participating, but I have seen him go inside for the last two years. I wouldn’t be shocked one bit if he ended
up there tonight.”

  I take a moment to digest that. I can’t say I’m surprised about Bentley joining a giant orgy. But I am... well, I don’t know what I am. Disappointed maybe? A little skeeved out? Curious?

  My brows draw together. “Where do the people not participating in an orgy sleep?”

  “A lot of them take over Peyton’s house. Or... your dad’s house, technically. The rest sleep in the cabin next to it. It’s a vacation rental that someone reserves during homecoming weekend.”

  “So, only you and the guys sleep here? Really? There’s so much space.”

  Ainsley nods. “Well, and you. Kingston’s really protective of this place, so he deemed it a no-go zone from the beginning. People can hang on the back deck, or anywhere on the property really, but not inside. He keeps everything locked up tight.” She gets a sad smile on her face. “Our mom inherited this cabin from her grandparents and left it to us when she died. I think Kingston wouldn’t care nearly as much if it were our dad’s.”


  She jerks her head to the staircase on our right. “The bedrooms are up there. Let’s put our bags away and we can head out back.”

  There’re four bedrooms and two bathrooms on the upper level. Ainsley opens the door to each room and stops when we get to the master.

  I peek inside. “Is this us?”

  There’s a four-poster king-sized bed in the center of the room with a matching wooden dresser and nightstand. The room is decent in size but the furniture takes up a lot of space.

  “This is where my brother usually sleeps. I figured you might want to stay in here.”

  I don’t know why, but my cheeks flush. “Uh... we haven’t really discussed it. Can I drop my bag in our room and figure out sleeping arrangements later?”

  She chuckles. “Sure, Jazz. Although, if I know my brother, he’s not going to let you out of his sight.”

  We make our way into a smaller room at the opposite end of the hall. Ainsley and I set our bags inside the door.

  I finger the hem of my dress. “Do you think we should change?”

  “You can if you want, but I’m leaving this on for a while. It’ll get chilly out there, but there’s always a fire going in the pit. Plus, alcohol warms you up, and I plan on drinking plenty of that.” She laughs. “Reed couldn’t stop checking me out tonight, telling me how much he loved my dress. I’m hoping when I take it off, he’ll be taking it off for me.”

  My eyebrows raise. “You’re ready to take that step, huh?”

  “Girl, I’ve been ready to take that step with Reed Prescott for years. Tonight, I might actually have a chance.” She wags her eyebrows. “Especially if you’re keeping my brother occupied, so help a sister out, will ya?”

  Heat rushes through my body when I remember the last thing Kingston said to me before we walked back into the dance.

  “Don’t change before you go to the lake house. I plan on delivering on that promise to rip that dress off your body later.”

  I shake my head, clearing the memory. “Uh... I think I’ll leave mine on too for now.”

  Ainsley laughs as if she’s reading my mind. “Let’s head out back and grab some drinks.”

  We step out onto a raised deck filled with people from school. I lean over the railing, squinting my eyes to see in the darkness. A large lake sits before us, the outdoor lighting reflecting off its smooth surface.

  “This place is the shit.”

  Ainsley joins me at the railing, handing me a cup filled with slushy liquid. “Wait until you see it in the morning. I love it here.”

  I take a drink from my cup. “Damn, this is good. It tastes like a Jolly Rancher.”

  “Redneck margaritas, baby.” Ainsley clinks her cup to mine. “I know it doesn’t taste like it, but there’s a shit ton of tequila in there so be careful.”

  “Noted.” I nod. “Have you seen the guys yet?”

  She shakes her head. “Not yet. They’re probably down below barbequing or in the hot tub.”

  I take another sip from my drink. “You wanna head down there and check it out?”

  Ainsley holds her index finger up. “Hold on. Let me top these drinks off then we can go.”

  She pulls the lanyard holding the house key off her neck and unlocks the door. I follow her inside to the open kitchen and wait as she grabs a pitcher out of the refrigerator and refills our drinks.

  “Thanks,” I say as I take the cup from her.

  She jerks her head to the fridge. “Make sure you only drink from there. We’re keeping the doors locked but if you want another, just let me know and I’ll take care of you.”

  “Got it.”

  Ainsley grins widely. “Now, let’s get back out there and enjoy this party!”



  Man, you don’t get fresh air like this in the city. I close my eyes and inhale deeply, breathing in the earthy pines. Ainsley’s snuggling by the fire with Reed and Bentley is in the hot tub with a few other people I don’t know. I didn’t feel like joining Bent or being the third wheel, so I’ve been walking along the water, waiting for Kingston to get here. It’s almost one in the morning, and the bastard still hasn’t shown. I’d be worried at this point if Bentley hadn’t already told me Kingston texted, saying he would be here shortly.

  Drunken giggles draw my attention to a couple up ahead. They’re walking down the small dock—stumbling, really—before reaching the boathouse and stepping inside. I look behind me and still no sign of Kingston, so I follow them. There’s no way in hell I’m going inside, but I am curious enough to peek through the windows that are only covered by sheer panels.

  “Holy shit.”

  The interior of the boathouse is made up of one big room with minimal furnishings, so there’s not much blocking my view. The space is filled with two dozen or so naked bodies engaging in one sexual act or another. Moaning and groaning assaults my ears, interspersed with the occasional, “Oh, God!”

  It seems no type of coupling is off-limits. I even spot one male-male-female-female train that’s impressively well-coordinated. Jesus, this is insane. It’s also virtually impossible for me to look away. I’m absolutely stunned, but also... excited. I can feel my nipples hardening and the sudden wetness in my panties. My blood thrums, and my pulse spikes as my eyes bounce from one live-action porn to another.

  “You wanna go inside?”

  I swear I jump a foot off the ground. “Jesusmotherofshit!” I smack Bentley’s chest. “You scared the crap out of me!”

  His eyes twinkle. “Just when I thought you couldn’t get any hotter, I find out you’re a dirty little voyeur.”

  “I am not a dirty little voyeur!” I whisper-shout.

  He leans into the window and takes a peek. “No? A regular voyeur then?”

  I roll my eyes. “Oh my God, will you just shut up?”

  Bentley smiles. “You know, Jazzy Jazz, if you wanted a closer look, I’d be more than happy to accompany you. Kingston would kick my ass, but it’d totally be worth it.”

  I start speed walking back toward solid ground. “You’re an idiot.”

  He follows me and swings an arm over my shoulders. “And you, my dear, are a dirty birdy. So hot.”

  I shrug him off and cross my arms over my chest. “Speaking of Kingston... is he here yet?”

  Bentley nods slowly. “Just arrived. I’m supposed to lead you to the little private birthday celebration he has lined up.”

  “It’s after midnight, so it’s technically not my birthday anymore.”

  He produces a blunt and lights up. “C’mon, baby girl. Take a walk with me.”

  “Fine,” I huff. “But you’re sharing that.”

  He passes the joint to me. “I wouldn’t dream of it any other way.”

  I take a hit and exhale slowly. “Where are we going?”

  Bentley tips his chin. “Up that way a bit.”

  I’m thankful I had the sense to change into flip-flops instead of try
ing to navigate the slightly damp terrain in heels.

  “You got out of the hot tub just for this, huh?”

  His lips turn up at the corners. “Nah. I got out of the hot tub when I saw you heading for the boathouse. You know, the place where you were not spying on people fucking.”

  Shit. I didn’t think anyone was paying attention to what I was doing.

  I point my finger at him. “If you ever repeat that, I swear to God, I will have your balls.”

  He laughs, ruining the smoke rings he was blowing. “Aw, baby girl. You already have me by the balls. But I wouldn’t say no if you’d like to suck on them.”

  I smack his arm. “Jesus, do you ever quit?”

  Bentley shrugs. “I don’t know. Never had to really work for it before.”

  I sigh. “You know that whatever happened in that pool house will never happen again, right?”

  “Never say never.” He winks.

  “What exactly did happen that night?”

  Damn, I can’t believe I didn’t think to ask him before now. Bentley’s way more forthcoming than Kingston.

  He bumps his arm into mine. “Nothing. Well, besides the really hot making out you saw on that video.”

  I sigh. I knew there was little chance I slept with them that night, but it’s a relief knowing for sure.

  My brows furrow. “Then... why? And why do I have such little memory of it?”

  “Now those are questions for my dawg. I’m not even touching that.” He passes the joint back to me. “Chill, baby girl. It’s your birthday weekend. You can worry about the heavy shit on Monday.”

  I take another drag, really feeling the buzz on that one. “How much farther?”

  We’ve been walking for at least twenty minutes now. The sounds and lights from the party faded a while ago. Thankfully, the moon is full, so we have a decent amount of light since we’re walking along the shore and not under the trees.

  Bentley stops. “We’re here.”

  I look around, but there’s no sign of Kingston. Only another dock with a small speedboat tethered to it and an empty picnic table.


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