Revenge of the Witch

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Revenge of the Witch Page 18

by J. M. Davies

Marcus nodded, walking across the gravel pathway toward the imposing building spread before them. They headed up several more steps and entered the cavernous castle. The warmth of the day fell away once inside, to a comfortable coolness. He stared around the incredible architecture of the building. To the left, a smooth table of white marble upon which stood a display of wildflowers in shades of pink. Above, the walls were decorated with ancient weapons and artifacts. The ceiling rose several stories high and light illuminated their path as they made their way through one door after another until they entered a huge room filled with the trickling sound of water. In the center of the room was a fountain; water spouted out from the stone statue of a child holding a bucket, which dropped into a rectangular basin below to run outside to a sprawling courtyard where hundreds gathered. Huron extended his hand and pointed in the direction of the other guests.

  “Thank you, Huron. Will you be joining us?”

  “No, I will return later to show you to your rooms.”

  Jake caught up to him. “This is amazing.”

  “It is, but the sooner we’re done here, the sooner we go home.”

  “Right, let’s get this party started then, boss, so you get back to your woman. One of us should be happy at least.”

  He smacked his hand down on Jake’s shoulder. “You will find the one. Did I ever tell you how Ella and I met?”

  “Boss, I’ve heard the story, and the minute I met Ella, I knew you were smitten, head over fucking heels in love, because for once you didn’t listen to a goddamn thing I said. I understand why you made her forget her memories. Hell, if Ella belonged to me, I don’t know what I would’ve done, but I know, despite the name I call her, she isn’t a fucking princess, boss. She’s a fighter, like you. A survivor.”

  Marcus nodded and stared at his brother-in-arms, knowing that all the team acknowledged her as part of the team. He was an A-class fool, always misjudging and undervaluing her abilities, despite knowing she equaled him in every way.

  Walking outside, he introduced himself to the dignitaries from all the various races and clans of the supernatural world who surrounded him, dressed in their unique clothing.

  Zayn, leader of the Fae, approached him and he shook his hand. “Drayton, what news of Steel?”

  Marcus launched into an explanation of the situation back in Maine, and Zayn introduced him to the other flamboyant members gathered together. The afternoon passed uneventfully. He dined on the feast provided and drank the rich wine. As the sun dipped low in the sky and nighttime descended, big torches lit the dark alcoves that surrounded the patio. As he stared up at the rich terracotta tiles of the roof, a crow sat, watching. He blinked when he saw the bird, which flapped its wings and disappeared just as Lady Tenille edged her way to his side.

  “Thank you for calming the situation with Zayn. He’s right to be anxious. Raids continue to plague his businesses and he has lost many of his people.”

  “As we have, my lady. The Morrigan doesn’t adhere to any rules—she enjoys breaking them.”

  Marcus looked up, as did Lady Tenille, as a flock of crows cawed and drew the attention of the crowd. Marcus touched his holstered gun as those around him drew their swords and weapons ready. Everyone knew the significance of the crow and the queen of war. The torches that illuminated the patio flickered and the lights blew out, plunging them into darkness. The women shrieked around him and he held steady, waiting and observing in the dimmed light as Lady Tenille stood at his side.

  The Morrigan holds no power here.

  Marcus peered at the lady in the darkness, but glanced away as a loud fluttering of wings captured his attention right in front. Adjusting to the darkness, the full moon highlighted the spectacle unfolding. Dozens of crows flew around in a circle at speed. Their black feathers dropped to the ground. The birds disappeared, and in their place stood a slim woman dressed in a skintight catsuit, with black boots that reached her knees. She smiled and stared around at the crowd of faces.

  Instantly the torches lit and gasps from the audience sounded out. Marcus touched his gun, but knew it would be useless.

  “Why are you here?” Lady Tenille stepped away from the crowd, and he marched to her side to demonstrate solidarity. Each tribe withdrew from the shadows, standing close to Lady Tenille in support. As far as he could see, this woman didn’t carry a weapon. A lone man from across the patio threw a dagger right at the queen of war’s heart, but the metal bounced off an invisible barrier.

  “Such a warm welcome. Sorry to break up the party—I expect my invite got lost. Anyway, I won’t keep you long. I’m here to deliver a simple message, one that isn’t getting the attention it deserves. Join me, or you will all perish.”

  Marcus knew no matter what the creature said, if they joined with her, their lives wouldn’t be worth living. He wondered about the extent of her power, because right now, she stood alone, and yet, she hadn’t retaliated when the man attempted to kill her.

  She is shielded. We cannot harm her and she cannot harm us. Again the lady spoke in his mind. Focused back on the woman in front whose sharp features dimmed, he studied the hard planes of her stern face.

  “I’m not here to negotiate with you. You have taken too much from us. We’re here to fight back and defeat you,” he said.

  The Morrigan laughed with a supreme confidence and she narrowed her eyes, examining him from head to foot, but she didn’t scare him. The air shifted around him, and the queen of war stood inches from his face. She stood the same height as him in her tall boots. Her slim build was solid, strong and lethal. She smiled, but he didn’t trust her as she trailed a long nail over his shoulder, up his neck and over his lips. As a Navy SEAL, he knew how to remain impassive and he stood there, unflinching, as she explored. A tantalizing waft of a sweet and heady odor invaded his nostrils.

  “My oh my. You’re not scared of me at all. That’s strange—unique even. I intimidate most men, but you have no fear. Usually when there is no fear, it’s because one is either an idiot—you’re not, are you?—or you’re reckless and brave. A warrior, perhaps, on a crusade full of passion and righteous indignation.”

  He didn’t respond as she breathed in his scent and for a moment the world around him suspended. She lay the briefest of kisses on his lips, which caused him to grab her waist and hold her aloft in revulsion.

  “Ah, a warrior. I like that—I like that a lot. No man has ever stood up to me and lived. What’s your name?”

  He swallowed, unsure why this would be important to her. “Marcus Drayton. I’m a soul-shifter, head of Orion in the absence of my commander Ben Steel.”

  The Morrigan tilted her head and her smile widened as she smoothed her hands over his biceps, digging her sharp nails in. “Handsome and virile. I bet you’re good at fucking too?”

  At her words, he dropped his hands from her waist and wiped his mouth. The idea of being with this creature made him sick. She stared long and hard at him, tapping her nail on her lip and still smiling, as if assessing his every reaction. Seconds later, she returned to the center of the stone patio and raised her arms in a wide, sweeping arc.

  “While you traitors plot against your queen, my hordes are culling those who stand against me. I will not give you another chance. You have a month to decide your fate or prepare your graves. The numbers of victims will rise until there is no one left to stand against me. I will bring darkness and chaos into every corner of this land and destroy those you love. My army is rising.” She clapped her hands and vanished, leaving the crows in her stead, cawing and flapping their wings and flying into the crowd as everyone ducked and batted them away.

  Marcus searched the crowds as everyone raced away indoors, debating the queen’s words. He knew the alliance would disintegrate if he didn’t urge everyone to stay the course despite the threat. Somehow the Morrigan knew all along they were meeting. Someone inside the Assembly had betrayed them. But who?


  Ella attempted to slip out of bed, onl
y to have a semi-naked Marcus grab her shoulders as he sank to his knees in front of her, and pressed his palm over her cheek.

  “The only way Elizabeth would let you leave yesterday was if you agreed to let me take care of you and to ensure you rested. If you want to argue with someone, Ella, give her a call later, but right now, I need to make sure you and the little one inside you are all right. How are you feeling?”

  She stretched, but winced in pain as she stared down at her flat but wounded belly. “My shoulder is sore, but otherwise not too bad. Is the baby okay?” She ran her hand over the light dressing, enjoying the heat vibrating from her hand as it boosted her healing.

  Marcus gave a quick nod, his eyes never leaving hers. “Yes—the baby is fine, but you gave everyone a scare. You were cut and bleeding. Care to explain?”

  “I told you. The Morrigan was there. She held Steel all along in the dream world,” she snapped.

  “And you fought her?”

  “Yes—but Ariana helped me. She gave me a sword and guided my actions.”

  “Ariana was there too?”

  “Yes—no, not in person—in my head, instructing me. I don’t know what I would’ve done if she hadn’t been. The Morrigan is behind everything. She orchestrated my abduction, and Nate’s delivery. Why she wanted Nate, I don’t know, but she said she could take him any time she wanted. She’s out to destroy us.” She closed her eyes, reliving the scene from last night, and bit down on her lip as she saw the clash of swords as she remembered her chilling words. I will wipe out all your kin and restore life to my beloved using that warrior of yours, little one. I will give him pleasure and power beyond his wildest dreams, and he will never want to return to you.

  “Sh, it’s over now. Come here, let me make you feel better.”

  Opening her eyes, she peered down at him, as he pushed up her sleeveless silk vest and held her waist to drop small butterfly kisses where the knife had slashed across her skin, leaving vivid red marks. Ella grabbed his thick hair, weaving her hands through his tousled dark locks, needing him close. The warm, soft touch of his lips on her flat abdomen sparked an outbreak of desire that devoured her whole. After submerging herself inside Steel’s consciousness, hearing the Morrigan’s words sent shivers down her spine. The need to kill the goddess drove her to fight and brought her to her knees.

  Now, the need to make love to Marcus consumed her. Forgiveness was another issue. Knowing he willed her to forget about searching for a man who may be her brother left a sour feeling inside that wouldn’t go away. She knew his actions stemmed from his love and fear of losing her and Nate. In her previous lives, the men betrayed her for selfish reasons—money, other women, or to save their own scrawny necks. Marcus put her first; even if she didn’t like his methods, he had her best interests at heart. But still, what he did shocked her.

  Sinking her sword into the Morrigan and seeing her vanish should be a relief, but she knew it wasn’t over. A temporary reprieve at best. Waking Steel and bringing him back was a great step forward, but another threat hovered on the horizon. The Morrigan threatened to take Marcus and use him to bring her old lover back to life as well as destroy their love. Twenty-four hours passed before she regained consciousness. Steel was awake and chatting, and Marcus had returned. When she woke, she found him stretched across her bed, holding her hand. As she tried to retell the story, he launched at her, and she kissed him back as he held her tight, not letting go. After he carried her home, he cradled her in his arms, holding her all night long. Now, as he moved lower, her sex throbbed, and she squirmed on the bed.

  Marcus lowered his head to kiss the sensitive skin inside her thigh. His fingers circled her sensitive spot, blotting out the rest of the world. When he slipped a finger inside, she arched off the bed, and he added a second one, stretching her while he rubbed his thumb, softly stimulating her. Shooting waves of pleasure hit her hard, but a vision of Marcus flashed inside her head of the night he asked her to submit to his will, and she froze. She couldn’t do this and kicked him to stop. Without asking why, he withdrew from her and backed away, distancing himself from her as she adjusted her clothes and sat up, shaking.

  “I’m sorry—I want you. I always want you, but that’s how you shifted the balance of power between us in the first place. I know you say you didn’t complete the ritual and I understand why you did what you did, but right now, I don’t trust you. I thought I could carry on and just put it behind us, but I can’t.”

  Ella rubbed her temple, the start of a headache taking root as she attempted to decipher her feelings. After the fight with the Morrigan and the clear threat she issued about Marcus, a huge part of her wanted to forget the past and make love to him, terrified of the future, but as he grabbed his pullover from the nightstand and slipped it over his head, she couldn’t. She pressed her lips together so as not to cry. He didn’t attempt to comfort her or move closer.

  “What do you want from me?” He crossed his arms over his broad chest and he observed her, waiting for a response.

  She wanted everything to be like it used to be. No, that wasn’t true—she wanted him to really see her, for the person she was, not chattel he owned and commanded. Maybe it would never work between them, and this weakening of their bond meant parting would be easier.

  “Is that really what you want—to separate?” he said with surprising equanimity.

  She studied his hard face. “For now—yes.”

  “If that’s what you truly want, Ella, I can give you space, but I want to remind you of how much I love you. Let me take you out on a date. Let’s start over—slow—and get to know each other.”

  Ella didn’t know what to think. They were married with a child and another one on the way, but in all the time they had known each other, they hadn’t gone on an official date. Their whirlwind romance ended in marriage in less than a year.

  “I haven’t forgotten how you love me.” She dipped her head low. “How could I? But you went back on your word, and there’s a hollow ache that wasn’t there before.”

  She didn’t see him move, but his hand cupped her chin and he stroked her wet cheek with his thumb, tilting it up to meet his gaze.

  “I will spend every waking hour making it up to you, until things are right between us, and I regain your trust and love.”

  Tears brimmed in her eyes as she saw the truth of his words in his eyes shining back at her.

  “I need you to treat me as an equal, not some feeble woman who always needs saving. Otherwise, we’re doomed,” she said tearfully.

  “I’m not sure I can do that, because in some ways you’re my superior, Ella. Your capacity for love and forgiveness go way beyond mine ever could. I love you, and for as long as you love me, I will keep trying to restore your trust in me. We will face every demon, and blow them to hell, but you can’t ask me to stop wanting to protect you. It’s my job, as your mate and husband. It comes before Orion, and everything else. But I won’t hold you back, Ella.”


  Hazy outlines of gray and white shapes came and went, but the burning pain lingered—everywhere. Isabella scratched her skin to get deep inside, right to her cells, which stung as if battery acid filled her veins instead of blood. She wriggled, naked; she’d torn her clothes to pieces earlier because the material itched against her sensitive skin. A cold hand smoothed her cheek, but she darted away, shielding her face with her hand, and growled at the blurry figure. A hiss escaped her mouth. A warning. But the stinging pain that roared through her veins outweighed her fear of the stranger and she screamed. When that did little to ease the pain, she curled into a ball. The fire receded, as did the incessant noise. She touched her fingers to her parched lips. A strong metallic liquid excited her and she bit her fingers, wanting more and more.

  “No, my love. Take this.”

  His loud voice frightened her and she scurried away, covering her ears with her hands.

  “No, Isabella, you will not hide away. You need to feed. I will no
t baby you any longer. It’s been a week.”

  A set of powerful arms reached out for her, and she pounced at the man, shoving at his broad chest. The strength in her hands sent him flying across the room, but no sooner did he crash into the wall than he flew right back, knocking her flat to the bed and growling at her, revealing his sharp canine teeth. As he held her down, a familiar awareness coursed through. Trying to focus on the person holding her captive, she willed her eyes to see clearly, but twisted away from the harsh, blinding light. Blinking, her surroundings tuned in and came into clear focus. The room she didn’t recognize, but the man holding her, she did. Roman. Roman stroked her arm, but she pushed him away to lunge at him and claw his face with her long nails. Blood dripped down his cheeks, but the marks vanished immediately. He hissed and again bared his pointy white fangs, which stopped her dead. It gave him enough time to grab her wrists, which even when she pulled with a superhuman strength that shocked her, once again she was his prisoner. Panting, she sagged against the mattress, accepting she couldn’t free herself—yet.

  “You need to drink, and the pain will lessen.”

  Isabella heard the pain will lessen, and stared into his dark as night, hypnotic eyes. As he lay over her, she couldn’t help but let her gaze roam over the wide expanse of his naked pale chest covered in a layer of dark hair that didn’t hide the tight muscles of his upper body. Roman tightened his grip, moving her wrists into his one hand as she dug her nails in his skin.

  “Shit—stop that, love.”

  With his other hand, he cupped her neck and pulled her roughly until her mouth and nose pressed into the skin at his neck. A delicious smell assailed her and she froze. Automatically, she opened her mouth, thirsty. She parted her lips and flicked her tongue over his cool skin, closing her eyes to savor his delicious scent. A wave of uncontrollable wild need rocked her and she threw her head back as pain erupted inside her mouth. Her top canines elongated and she swept her tongue over the sharp points. An unquenchable impulse drove her forward and she sank her teeth into his neck. As blood gushed into her mouth, a ravenous hunger swept over her and she gripped his shoulders with all her force. Roman held her against him and rolled to his side as she smothered him with her form.


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