Revenge of the Witch

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Revenge of the Witch Page 21

by J. M. Davies

  “I knew what you would do, but I thought you would take her to the hospital first and try to save her. I should have known you would jump at the chance to make her a monster like you.”

  Roman stood still as the human shoved him away, unable to retaliate because the man spoke the truth. He was a monster, and not once did he consider taking Isabella to the hospital.

  “Jake!” Ella shouted.

  The witch tugged his sleeve and he glanced at her over his shoulder. She stood there with her pale haunted features and huge emerald eyes. He shook his head in disbelief, but eventually found the words he wanted to say. “I’m a vampire—not a miracle worker. I made a calculated guess that by the time any hospital nearby had transfused her with enough blood, she would’ve been stone cold dead. Once there, exposed, a million questions buzzing around, I wouldn’t be able to intervene to save her. As an immortal, risking exposing our kind poses too great a threat not just to me, but my people. You asked me to save her, and bring her back. This might have been a little too soon, but Isabella…”

  The witch released the hold on him and spun around to stand in front of him.

  “Isabella isn’t a mindless idiot—she’s right here,” she said clearly, and slapped his face hard. She seemed to enjoy doing it, and it was starting to piss him off even though he knew he deserved it. Perhaps she was more in control than even he gave her credit for. “That is for letting me make a fool of myself in front of Jake and the others. You knew how I would respond, didn’t you?”

  “Maybe—and while I would’ve chosen to keep you all to myself a little longer, our current situation with the Morrigan means we’ve run out of time. I didn’t plan to turn you into a vampire—a week ago. Now, I won’t babysit you any longer, Isabella. You need to embrace who you are and what that means, and stop playing games.”

  Roman grabbed her neck and leaned in, smelling her before he slanted his lips over her mouth. He kissed her hard and nudged the seam of her lips with his wet tongue. When he nibbled her lower lip, she opened her mouth for him. Seizing his opportunity, he slipped his tongue inside and explored the moist depths of her, pressing deep inside. Her tongue dueled with his and he reciprocated, possessing her mouth until her hands wove around his neck, raking through his hair. He lingered in the kiss for a moment, savoring the feel of her in his arms before releasing her. Roman kissed her quickly, but stood back and distanced himself from her.

  Isabella stood with her mouth open, looking bereft.

  “You know where to find me, my love—don’t be too long.” Staring at her wild green eyes that flashed now with a darker ring around the perimeter, he debated over stealing her away, but instead he turned and faced the others. “Isabella truly is made for this—”

  At his words, Jake threw a punch right at him, but Roman caught hold of the man’s fist and twisted it around until his back pressed tight in his chest.

  “Don’t push me, Jake. This hasn’t exactly been the week of my fucking dreams. Isabella’s here, so don’t screw it up—Drayton, a moment of your time, if you will?”

  “Of course. Isabella, will you be all right?”

  The witch hadn’t moved and studied her friends with her eyes wide, but she pressed her lips tight and nodded. “I will be fine.”

  “Ella, stay here. I won’t be long.”

  Roman released Jake and strolled away. At that moment, a peculiar pull at his chest almost stopped him mid-stride. Leaving her physically hurt, and it was the hardest thing he had done in, well, he couldn’t remember. But if his heart still beat, he knew it would squeeze with pain at the thought of losing her. Although their laws wouldn’t allow any long-term relationship with humans, if Isabella gave herself to Jake, he couldn’t or wouldn’t stop her. Deep inside, he would find a way to accept it because he had eternity to spend with her, unlike the human. As his steps increased, he knew walking away now would be best. She had to choose what she wanted without interference from him. He had to let her go and hope she came back to him.

  Once he stepped into the bright hallway, he didn’t look back; he heard Ella’s comment and smiled.

  “Wow, just wow. I’ve never seen you in a dress—ever.”

  An outburst of laughter followed, and he knew Isabella would be fine with the soul-shifter. Marcus led him down the narrow hallway and through to a side room. A large, well-organized office surrounded by ancient books lining the wall-to-floor bookshelves and the pungent smell of rich cigars lingered. The need for a stiff drink and a smoke washed over him. As if the other man instinctively knew, he studied his broad shoulders as the clink of glasses caught his attention. The ex-Navy SEAL was a heavier build than he was, and he wondered about his strength as he was a soul-shifter, which meant not human. The rough, chiseled man handed him a glass, which he accepted as he flopped down into the upright leather chair, and he pinched his nose before talking.

  “Thank you, Roman. I know what you did couldn’t have been easy.”

  The unexpected words of understanding shocked him. He knew a little of the man he faced. Taking a large sip of the rich liquor, he shifted in the seat and rubbed his chin, admiring the man’s thick beard.

  “Turning a human into a vampire isn’t a walk in the park, and it isn’t something we take lightly. We do it out of necessity. When the numbers are low and we need partners, and sometimes out of pity.”

  Marcus didn’t sit behind the desk, which he suspected was Steel’s; he sat opposite him, swirling his drink and matching his stare.

  “I suspect that display in there was to teach Isabella and Jake a lesson?”

  Roman didn’t need to explain his actions to anyone, but he admired Marcus and the way he cared for his wife. He knew their history and the difficulties they had faced. The man had made mistakes, but he was fighting for his family, which was exactly what he was doing.

  “By the laws of my kind, Isabella is mine and as such, under my protection. It was my decision to either change her or not, regardless of what anyone else said. I understand the emotional hang-ups humans have, especially when faced with death. It makes them irrational and unable to think straight—I accept that.”

  “Jake may be human, but he was a Navy SEAL. We make life-and-death decisions all the time, but I do not believe he fully understood what becoming a vampire would involve. How could he? He simply couldn’t let her die.”

  Roman nodded and wiped his chin with his hand. “Forgive me, but Jake is in love with Isabella, and that makes him act foolishly. Anyway, it’s of no consequence any longer because she is a vampire and that cannot be undone.” He tapped his fingers on the end of the chair, restless and gazing out the window for distraction, all the while wondering how the witch was doing.

  “Well, that makes two of you! Roman, you may think you have everyone fooled, but I know the look of a man in love, whether mortal or not. From the moment I met you, the way you shadow the witch is out of a need to ensure she’s safe. That stems from love. Otherwise, what you say makes no sense. You’re not mated. You could have the pick of females to choose from as the prince. I bring this up because we need to close the matter on this rivalry. We’re dispatching Henry in forty-eight hours, and I’m sending Jake’s team as backup, which means they will be away for an indefinite period. This will give you some breathing room to sort this relationship out once and for all.”

  “I see—I’m not sure I agree, but thanks for the insight. But forgive me when I say if I need advice about my love life, you’re the last person I would ask. I’ve heard the mess you have made with your own. As for Jake, I’m giving Isabella some time with her friends. The need to feed will outweigh every other desire. I would say an hour tops before that impulse becomes overbearing.”

  Roman knew that once Isabella fed, the craving for sex would call to her. Would Jake allow her to feed from him? As he wondered over his actions, he pinched the bridge of his nose. The need to claim her and take her away instead of letting whatever would happen, happen intensified. Maybe Drayton was right
and this anguish was love, but he didn’t like it. Outside, the snow gathered on the thick branches, promising a harsh winter.

  “But Isabella has to take control. Now, tell me, how is Steel?” Roman asked, wanting a change of topic, as well as being curious as to the leader’s condition.

  “He’s recovering, and should be back to screaming at everyone in record time.”

  “And your son, Nate?”

  Marcus’s eyes narrowed. He sat forward as the chair squeaked. “Safe—with Zephra, until all of this is over.”

  “I understand, but even when you think those you love are safe, life intervenes.”

  Roman downed his glass. His innocent and pretty wife Sofia gave him two healthy sons, but the poor economy in Italy didn’t help his family when he went to war to fight the Spanish. He left those he loved behind vulnerable and alone. He thought they would be safe. When he returned a vampire, he discovered his family had died, but not from starvation or war—something far worse. He wiped his mouth.

  “I was married once before. Her name was Sofia. She was generous with her affections, warm and loving. Everything a woman should be. She gave me two strong sons, Matteo and Raoul. Dark and always in trouble like me, but while I was fighting in the war, the plague infested my village. They died alone and in terrible pain. Family is what we fight wars for, right? Family is all we have. Without it, we are nothing but savages. Call me—anytime you need me, and fight for your woman, if you truly love her.” He rose out of the chair and placed the empty glass on the table.

  Marcus stood and gripped his arm. “You’re leaving?”

  “Yes. Isabella needs to make a choice, but I’m not a good man deep down, Drayton. Don’t mistake me for one. I know she has feelings for the mortal, and I tried to walk away, but fate’s twisted. I couldn’t let her die. Now, I must leave.”

  With that said, he vanished, leaving the leader of Orion alone. It was time for Isabella to fight for her humanity because in truth, he wouldn’t always be there to watch over her. He hoped his plan didn’t backfire, because her reaction would have far reaching implications.


  Isabella pressed her lips tight, staring between Jake and Ella waiting—needing—reassurance that they didn’t think she was a monster, even if those words had flown out of Jake’s mouth.

  “Wow, just wow. I’ve never seen you in a dress—ever,” Ella said as she smeared tears away from her cheeks, diving at her with her arms wide open. As they hugged, they both laughed, and she embraced her friend, needing the connection. But she sniffed her hair and frowned, trying to decipher whether the scent affected her in the way Jake’s had. No, was the answer. Ella smelled of freshly cut grass and rich earth. Not the mouthwatering bouquet of Jake. He stood with his hands hidden in his back pockets. When Ella stood back and braced her arms on her shoulders, she dipped her head to study her friend.

  “Are you okay? I mean, I don’t know what this past week must have been like for you or what the transformation entailed, but you look...” Ella said but Jake interrupted.

  “Can’t you guess, princess? The fucking vampire had his hand over her breast—in full view of us all.”

  Isabella gasped. There was a disconnect where Roman was concerned. Anything he did to her seemed natural, effortless and she embraced it. Needed it, like she used to need air. She hadn’t examined what that meant, and stared at the closed door, knowing he had left her alone. He had given her time. To see Jake. What did that mean? She tilted her head and knew in that moment everything she had tried to convince herself of was no longer important. Roman’s kiss was like a key unlocking the door, only she no longer wanted to run from him, but to him. Nothing else mattered. That realization calmed her, and she pressed her hands over her face, feeling the soft skin, and let them drop to her sides.

  “Roman saved me. The fact is I don’t think he wanted me to be a vampire, Jake. It was why he broke off our engagement.” She frowned, thinking how hard this past week must have been on the vampire who had pursued her ruthlessly. The truth was he could so easily have fucked her by now, and she wouldn’t have resisted. She knew at times in the blood lust, she had lost herself in him and the desire for him ruled her mind. Observing Jake as he frowned and kept his distance, she felt nothing resembling the sizzling heat for Roman. She cried out, more a low growl than a cry, and tugged her hair.

  “What the…” Jake darted over to her and cradled his arm around her, smoothing her hair away from her face. “Don’t, Sparkles, shh, shh. It’s okay. We will figure this out. We will fix this.”

  His words faded as his scent invaded. She shoved him away, harder than she intended. The aroma so tempting and delicious. Her canines elongated instantly, and she opened her mouth, licking her lips.

  “No, Jake, we can’t fix this. I’m a vampire.” She shook her head and charged away to gain some distance. She stood by the window, gazing at the ocean of white snow that covered everything in sight.

  “She led me there. The Morrigan tricked me. I saw her as a woman, and I followed her, thinking I could kill her in the human form and be done with it. But as I lay there, the woman standing over me was me. It wasn’t her, but another demon cloaked and spelled to mirror my own actions in human form. My strike was fatal. It should have killed the demon, but she had cast a spell to reverse the effect. It’s why the demon did nothing to retaliate.”

  “I’m not sure I’m following you, Isabella,” Ella said.

  Isabella swiveled around and laughed a throaty, hysterical laugh. “I killed myself. Roman’s right—I seek out danger. I love the battle and the storms when most people like sunshine and days at the beach.” She dipped her head and sagged against the window frame. “I brought this upon myself, and even if I went back in time, I know I would have made the same decision if I thought I had a chance to defeat that bitch. Now isn’t any different. One thing is certain—I am going to find a way to bring the Morrigan down. I’m not going to cry over what is lost to me. I’m still here, and I’m going to defeat her.”

  Ella wrapped her arm around her back and squeezed her. “We both will—together, Isabella. You’re not alone.”

  Isabella hugged her friend and closed her eyes. She tried to swallow, but her mouth was dry and her thirst returned with a vengeance as her nostrils flared, aware of Jake standing close by. He walked over to hug her and she pushed him violently away. Seeing him crash heavily to the floor, she flew at him to check he was okay. But as she crouched low over him, the wave of thirst pushed her to grip him like a doll. The need to sink her teeth in his neck pulsed over any other noise inside the room.

  She stared down at him as his mouth moved, unable to hear his words. She needed to drink and taste him. Just a little. A flicker inside her mind of Jake’s laughter, and the kiss they shared at dinner in what seemed a lifetime ago, swam before her.

  “I’m sorry, Jake.” She brushed her teeth along his neck.

  “No…,” he shouted.

  Needing to feed, she dropped him and charged away. She needed Roman, and she needed him now. The speed that carried her back through the trees and thick forest right to Roman’s impressive silver fairy-tale castle, complete with four towers and pointed turrets that edged the corners, didn’t scare her anymore; it exhilarated her. The speed through the trees only added to that. It was like flying. She charged up the long steps that led to the double-wide wooden doors and pushed them open.

  The elegant entrance was filled with golden light. Pictures and tapestries hung on either side of her; a staircase forked right and left at the second level. She raced ahead, following Roman’s scent that filled her nostrils.

  “Roman—where are you?” She weaved down the dimly corridor, and pushed the door on the right open. Inside, the large room lay in muted candlelight. A tall, dark four-poster mahogany bed with a canopy on top with sheer curtains hid who lay inside, but she knew Roman was there from his scent.

  “Come, my love. I’m here.”

  She shoved th
e sheer aside and pressed a knee on the mattress. But the naked vision of Roman stilled her and the overwhelming burning desire to feed and touch him shocked every nerve ending inside her. Roman lay stretched out on his back, and she stared at his broad, rounded shoulders and ripped six-pack chest. He was all lean muscle and virile man. Unable to look away, she inspected his rigid manhood, which stood to attention in his hand as he stroked it. A serious expression was on his dark face.

  “Say it, Isabella.”

  Isabella knew what he wanted to hear and she crawled closer, licking her lips. She frowned, overwhelmed. A strangled whimper exhaled her mouth and she gripped her throat.

  “First, we need to get rid of this.”

  Her torn dress vanished and she sat inches from him, naked and staring at the intense man. She had never really had a choice. As much as she always resisted Roman, little by little, the attraction, the intimacy, and desire had grown. She leaned her palm over his cheek and arched into him.

  “In the beginning, I believed you tricked me into feeling this out-of-control way, but now, you fill every dark space in my mind, and you’re in my blood. I need you.”

  She was giving him everything and yet he lay there unmoved, until he grabbed her wrist and held it tight. “What about Jake?”

  It was strange. Jake, with his bright-blue eyes, boyish smile, and the times she had tried to make his kisses work—she knew they never would. Ella was right; it wasn’t his technique—it was because he wasn’t Roman. As soon as the vampire touched her, an electrical spark stirred in her blood and she craved more. That sensation terrified her. It had made her run from him, to search for something else. Staring at the demanding vampire, he still scared her, but she wanted and needed the danger he offered.

  “He isn’t you,” she said, her voice sultry and hoarse.

  One minute, she prowled over him, and the next, she lay prone on her back, pivoting her hips up to tease his cock as it pressed into her thigh. Roman brushed a kiss along the column of her throat and waves of tingles fluttered low inside.


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