Dawning Ascent (The Pearson Prophecy Book 1)

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Dawning Ascent (The Pearson Prophecy Book 1) Page 7

by Jen L. Grey

  I take a deep breath. “As ready as I’m ever going to be.” I rise from the couch and head to the door, antsy to go. The sooner we get there, the sooner we get back home.

  I dread Logan seeing how strong my powers have become. He will realize how much I've been struggling with my control.

  We quickly make it out of the palace undetected. No one is allowed to leave the palace after dusk. That’s one of the reasons why Logan insisted on coming with me.

  We agreed to go on foot the whole way. I thought our entire trip would be in complete darkness, but the moon is full and the stars are twinkling. Between the bright moon and stars, it’s easy to find our way. Before long, the village comes into view.

  As we approach the buildings, I sense that we are being watched. I look over at Logan, who glances in my direction, and I give him a puzzled look.

  He smiles, but it’s strained.

  I want to ask what he thinks is going on, but it seems important to remain silent. Obviously, Logan feels the same way; otherwise, he'd be telling me what to do.

  We finally reach the center of the village, and it is so strange to see it at this time. I’ve only ever visited during the day, when people are out and about, but tonight, the streets are empty, the blowing wind making noises as it whooshes around the buildings. I keep looking behind me, freaking myself out. Logan doesn’t slow his pace, and I struggle to keep up. How is that possible when he’s the one injured?

  As we walk past the street that homes the pub a couple of buildings over, there is some commotion and loud voices so we deter our route and stay clear of that area.

  After a little while, Claire’s house comes into view. I pick up my pace now, realizing how close we are and not feeling as paranoid. We get to the path I found earlier, when Logan stops me.

  “We need to go to the house. Where are you taking us? Are you lost?” He looks at me in confusion.

  “I’m taking us to the house, silly. No, I’m not lost. I know exactly where I’m going.”

  His forehead creases. “But this is a worn path that is used often. No one goes to the Pearson house anymore. The path should be overgrown.”

  “I know. I thought so, too, but this leads us to where we need to go. The house is still intact. It’s just the outside needs a good cleaning. It’s almost as if the outside keeps up the illusion that it’s abandoned. Logan, it’s weird. That’s one reason why I didn’t put up a fuss about you coming with me.”

  He stands there silent.

  I get impatient so I walk down the worn path.

  He mutters, “She’s always asking for trouble.” But I ignore him.

  We make it to the house, and Logan sucks in a deep breath.

  I understand because seeing how well the house has been kept is overwhelming. Before I can turn around, my power spurs to life. Just a few hours ago, my body thrummed with my powers, but now, it’s burning from the inside out.

  The power vibrates my core. Before long, it feels as if my whole body is shaking with energy and I’m going to implode. The pressure builds, my vision gets shaky, and even my breathing becomes shallow. Just like in the classroom the other day, my knees buckle.

  Logan rushes to me, his tone desperate. “Ari, what’s wrong? Ariah, talk to me? Ariah.”

  My consciousness wavers. However, I can pick up small broken pieces of what’s going on. Lydia’s voice filters my ears. “Logan, step away from your sister at once.”

  I crack open my eyes, my body protesting the movement. The vibration is so strong my vision wavers.

  Lydia swats him away and comes over beside me. She puts her arms around me and whispers in a calm voice, “Ariah, you have to let the power out. You can’t hold it in so tightly. Picture the power floating out of your body. See it uncoiling from inside you and rising out of your skin.”

  That sounds ridiculous, but at this point, I am willing to try anything. So, I imagine my power inside me. The color white comes to mind, and I visualize it in my center. I picture it evaporating out of my skin, like a mist. After doing this for a few seconds, the pressure recedes.

  Oh, wow. This is helping. Still needing relief, I decide to envision the water dripping from my skin. After a few moments, I can breathe easily again. The throbbing is still there, but is just slight and once again back to being manageable. I stand up and take a deep, cleansing breath. When I look over at Logan and Lydia, they are both staring at me with the strangest expressions.

  “What’s going on guys? Am I bleeding?” I look down, taking inventory of my body.

  Logan just shakes his head, but his mouth is still slightly open.

  Lydia looks at me with an expression I can't discern.

  Why are they staring at me? What did I do? I keep glancing down, trying to determine what’s off.

  Lydia schools her features into a grin and steps into my direction.

  However, Logan still has a bewildered expression. “Your arms look like there is white water streaming down. You’re glowing, Ari.”

  What? How is that possible? I look down and take a deep breath. He is right. White smoke is pouring out of skin and cascading down my arms in waves. As soon as it crashes to the ground, another wave forms and follows behind.

  Lydia’s focus is solely on me, watching my reaction. Her blue eyes seem ancient in that moment.

  She is withholding information. I look down at my watch and am surprised that what felt like minutes had actually been over an hour. I am both exhausted and wide awake at the same time. It is one of the strangest feelings I've ever had.

  Lydia walks over to me and touches my arm. “Well, I think this was a great lesson to have. I think we all have had enough today. Let's meet back here in two nights and see what else we can work on.”

  That’s all we are going to work on? I’m tired, but I don’t want another occurrence of what just happened.

  She smiles. “I know you probably want to train more, but you’re more worn out than you realize.” She hands me a bag. “Here are the rejuvenating herbs we’ve talked about before, and this stash should last you a while. Make sure to take them before you go to bed and first thing in the morning.” With that, she turns and walks away without another glance.

  Well, all right then. I guess I don’t get to ask any questions.

  Logan walks to me and places a hand on my shoulder. “Are you okay? I didn't realize it had gotten this bad. I didn't think you were exaggerating, but it was one thing to see it with my own eyes and feel your duress all at once.”

  I lean over and hug him, so glad to have him in my life. “It is what it is, and after tonight, I am more convinced than ever that Lydia can help me.”

  He returns my hug, and we head back to the palace. By the time we get back, it is well after two in the morning, and after taking the herbs, I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

  Chapter Ten

  The next morning, I wake up late and force myself out of bed. I am way behind schedule but still make it to the stables before anyone notices.

  The day drags by. I have a pounding headache, and my body is so sore that it hurts to breathe. My powers hit me hard, and I can feel the elements around, trying to reinvigorate me. I take my herbs and get to work.

  By lunchtime, I am feeling better and ready to eat. I head back to our quarters to grab some lunch, and Logan is in the process of making a salad of lettuce, bacon, chicken, and carrots. I’m so glad to see him up and moving.

  “How are you feeling today, Ari?” He’s putting some of the mixture on a plate.

  “I woke with a bad headache and sore muscles, but I feel fine now. Here’s hoping that was a one-time occurrence.” I cross my fingers.

  “Well, at least you now know what to do when you start feeling too much power building, but I wonder if there is a way to prevent your glow,” he says.

  Yeah, that’s a good question. The main thing bothering me is that Lydia knows a lot more than she’s letting on.

  After lunch, I head back to the stabl
es to finish up the day’s work. Now that I’m feeling better, my thoughts turn to Nick. I can’t wait to see him tonight. Our last few kisses replay in my mind. Maybe he’ll even have an update about the Orlon visit. I’m not as obsessed about it as most, but I’m still intrigued as to what’s happening.

  When my chores are done, I am eager to head home. But when I walk out of the barn, Dave is standing outside. His face lights up and he comes toward me as soon as he sees me.

  What is he doing here? “Oh... hi, Dave. Are you needing something before I leave?” This is the second time in a week he has just shown up here.

  His forehead creases. “No, I was hoping we could eat dinner together tonight.”

  Okay, I was not expecting that. It takes me a second to respond, trying to determine what I should say. In his defense, he has been helpful to us ever since Logan’s injury, and even kept Logan company one day. I just don’t feel comfortable around him and hate eating in the dining hall. Trying to figure the nicest way out of the situation, I open my mouth, but somehow, “Yes,” comes out instead. My social skills are great.

  Although I want to fix my mistake, it’s too late. His hazel eyes shine, so I can’t take it back. However, for the first time, it registers that he is cute. The problem is, I wish it were Nick waiting on me so we could eat together, not him.

  Dave and I make our way toward the dining hall in complete silence. Maybe I can scarf down my meal and call it a night?

  As we walk through the dining room, I follow him, hesitating when he leads me to a table that is empty. Where are all his family and friends? We are some of the last people getting here. I glance around again. “Aren’t we sitting with your friends?”

  He shakes his head. “No, I thought it would be nice to sit here, away from everyone.”

  I take a deep breath and sit across from him, waiting for the meal to start.

  “So, how was your day?” Dave looks at me.

  I pick at the tablecloth. “It was nice. I enjoy my time around the animals.”

  “I wish we didn't have to train, but that's part of being a guard.” He scratches the back of his neck. “We have to make sure people like you are well-protected, so you can work your power, which requires intense training.”

  Does he not think I know this? I have to strain to prevent my eyes from rolling.

  The doors open with a bang, and Nick walks in with Elizabeth and Emerson.

  Elizabeth finds me in the room, like a beacon, and an evil smirk spreads across her face as she changes her direction to walk my way. I think she has a radar, since she seems to find me whenever we are in the same room.

  Nick notices the change of direction, and he’s completely confused until his eyes find mine. He grimaces and follows her. As he approaches the table, a frown crosses his face. He must notice that I’m sitting alone with Dave.

  Emerson glances my way and gives me a tentative smile but doesn’t follow them over. She continues to their standard table.

  Elizabeth reaches our table, her tone loud. “Well, look what we have here, Prince Nicholas. Raven and, dare I say, a man, are eating together and trying to keep separate from everyone else.” She widens her eyes and raises her hand to cover her mouth. “I think this might be a date, but apparently, Raven has once again missed the mark by dressing like a man.”

  I swear everyone is watching us, but I’m hoping it’s just my imagination.

  Dave seems bewildered with the attention, fidgeting in his seat.

  Nick seems to be struggling to maintain his look of indifference.

  I stare at my plate, trying not to encourage Elizabeth any more than I already have.

  Elizabeth takes it all in and grins, gearing up to go for Round Two.

  Nick stiffens and takes her arm. The tension is thick and rolling off him. “Come, dear sister. I'm starving and ready to eat.” His attention is focused on me.

  I’m too much of a coward to look up. My plate is very interesting, and I just want to stare at it for the rest of the night.

  Dave squirms in his seat, so at least I am not alone in my discomfort.

  Then something drops on the floor beside me, and Nick bends down to pick it up. When he kneels beside my chair, retrieving the dropped pen, he turns toward me. “Meet me behind our column in five minutes, Ari, and I mean it.”

  He’s never spoken to me this way before. He must be upset, but I have no idea why. He couldn’t think that Dave and I are on a date, could he?

  He stands, putting his pen back in his pocket, and then walks back over to Elizabeth.

  As they walk to their standard table together, Elizabeth glances back at me. With a cruel smile, she bumps Nick's chair so that he is sitting even closer to Emerson than usual.

  Dave lets out a sigh and looks right at me. “Well, that was fun. What does the princess have against you?”

  I once again look back down to my plate. “I think, just me being born.” Then another round of uncomfortable silence engulfs us.

  I glance toward the stage and catch Nick rising from the table.

  If I don't leave soon, a scene will unfold more than it already has. I stand and smile at Dave. “I'm going to head to the bathroom and wash up before they serve the meal.”

  He nods, and I make my way toward the doors that lead to the facilities.

  I dread talking to Nick for some reason. I’m not sure why, but if feels like I might have done something wrong. I move to hide behind the column, making sure no one sees me, and to my astonishment, Nick is already there.

  He looks up at me with a pained expression, his tone short. “Why are you with him?”

  I take a deep breath and look down at the ground. “He took the note to the captain for me, entertained Logan one day, brought some food up to stock our kitchen, and was just waiting for me outside the stables this evening. I hadn't planned on eating here, but when he asked if I would join him, I felt like I couldn't say no.”

  Nick sighs and pulls me close to him. “That’s it? You sure?”

  I’m so confused. I look him in the eyes, trying to comfort him. “What else would it be?”

  He gives me a small grin and kisses my lips. “Oh, Ari, you don't realize your effect on everyone. We are still meeting tonight, right?”

  Without thought, I blurt out, “Of course.” I must sound desperate.

  Nick laughs, kissing my lips one last time. “I can't wait either. See you tonight.”

  Realizing how long I’ve been gone, I hurry to the bathroom and wash my hands. I want to just go home, but I make myself walk through the doors and head back to Dave’s table.

  To my chagrin, Dave looks happy when he notices me.

  From the corner of my eye, Elizabeth catches my attention as she is sitting back down at the table. That is odd because she rarely gets up once seated. The only exception is when she wants to make my life a living hell.

  King Percy comes through the doors with Nick, and they both take their seats at the table.

  As soon as the king sits down, dinner is served.

  My stomach grumbles. I hope Dave can’t hear the loud noises coming from me. After the food gets situated, Dave and I eat, and I can tell he has something on his mind. I am not going to push it, though, because I don’t need anything else on my plate.

  When dinner wraps up, Dave looks over at me. “Are you ready?”

  I nod and stand, ready to go.

  When we walk through the door, I thank him for dinner, then turn to head back home.

  But he follows right behind me.

  I don’t slow down, hoping that he gets the message and leaves me alone. However, when I get to my door, he’s still there. I face him, not sure what else to do.

  He puts his hands in his pockets and looks down. “Well, I know this was kind of a disaster, but I did enjoy spending time with you. Maybe next time we can be uninterrupted.”

  Okay, this is strange. How do I respond to this? I didn’t enjoy our time together at all. However, he seems like a nice g
uy, so I find myself agreeing again. “Yeah, maybe next time.”

  He glances up at me and nods. “Yeah, definitely next time. Good night, Ariah.” He turns and walks away.

  I rush inside and find Logan sitting on the couch, reading a book. He looks up and quirks his eyebrow. “Where have you been, young lady?”

  “Oh, you know. Off being brave, adventurous, and dealing with adversaries.” I flutter my hands around.

  “So, you ate in the dining hall. Why on earth did you do that without me there to protect you from the fiery dragon… I mean, Elizabeth?” He swings his invisible sword around.

  I have to laugh because his description is dead on. Taking a deep breath, I push my hair behind my ears. “Dave was waiting for me outside the stables and asked to eat with me.”

  Logan bursts out laughing. “You are so adorable. I bet you couldn't say no.”

  How does he know this? I wanted to say no but couldn’t find the words.

  He laughs harder. “Poor Dave. He doesn't realize that you are just that nice, despite everything we’ve gone through.”

  I stick my tongue out at him and run to my room, trying to block out his laughter.

  Waiting for Logan to go to bed is complete torture. He’s the one thing holding up my meeting with Nick. I try reading, but my mind keeps racing, and I’m not able to concentrate. I give up and lay back on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

  There is movement in the den and a shutting door. Maybe Logan is finally going to sleep. I wait several minutes longer, and there is silence in the den. Making myself be patient, I wait a while longer, just to make sure he falls asleep and doesn’t catch me trying to sneak out.

  After I’m convinced the coast is clear, I grab my blanket and sneak out the door.

  I make it to our secret spot and find that Nick is already there. I usually beat him, so I am a little concerned.

  He is so handsome, sitting on the ground with his head in his hands. Hearing my approach, he looks up, and a small smile comes to his strained face. “I thought you weren't coming.”

  Is he crazy? “Of course, I was. Why in Knova wouldn't I?”


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