Dawning Ascent (The Pearson Prophecy Book 1)

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Dawning Ascent (The Pearson Prophecy Book 1) Page 13

by Jen L. Grey

  Hearing this makes me feel self-centered. I’m not sure how she found out about Nick and me, but her knowing tugs at my heart, as well. For the first time, I realize this is difficult for both of us, though for opposite reasons.

  I rub my arms. “I’m so sorry, Emerson. I don’t know how you found out, but I never meant for this to hurt you. Nick is a good man and will treat you right. He’ll fall for you so hard that I’ll just be a distant reminder as his childhood crush.” I’m trying to comfort her, even though the words cut like a knife.

  She sighs and pulls at her dress. “I just know things because we are sisters. I haven’t told anyone, nor will I. This is our secret to keep. We both know you’re lying, but we’ll get through this. Come on. We need to get moving or King Percy will get upset.”

  As we walk back into the room, everyone stops talking. “You look absolutely breathtaking, Ariah.”

  After a second, Dave steps toward me.

  My father inventories everyone in the room. Once we’re all accounted for, he turns to the door. “Let’s get going. We need to make sure we get there before King Percy.”

  At that, Father and Mother walk together, followed by Logan and Emerson, and Dave and I bring up the rear.

  We make our way to the ballroom and are announced. As we walk through the crowd, people are watching Emerson as we make our way into the room.

  Just a few minutes later, the royal family comes through, looking more refined than I’ve ever seen. Elizabeth wears a deep green, silk gown that doesn’t leave much to the imagination, and Nick looks exceedingly handsome in his standard yellow attire with his crown neatly placed on top of his head.

  As they walk our way, Nick and I lock eyes with one another. Nick heads straight to me, like I’m all he can see in the room.

  My heart pounds, and he smiles at me.

  Before he can say anything, Elizabeth gasps.

  King Percy’s voice echoes throughout the ballroom. “What the hell, boy?”

  This knocks us out of our spell, and Nick shakes his head for more clarity.

  He looks at me before turning and taking Emerson’s hand, pulling her over to his family.

  The gesture reopens the wound in my heart. How am I supposed to live through this?

  Logan must feel my heartache because he looks at me with intense concern.

  I realize that I have accidentally opened our bond. I close it off fast, which causes Logan to stop in his tracks.

  King Percy struts to the front of the ballroom and announces the Orlon Royal family, who are introduced to each and every one of us.

  Soon, the music starts, and Dave asks me to dance.

  Desperate to get away from Nick and Emerson, I take him up on the offer and join him on the dance floor.

  We are one of the first people on the dance floor, but more people join us, including my sister and her fiancé, along with Prince Samuel and Elizabeth. I will call Nick her fiancé for the rest of the night to keep reminding myself of that fact. As soon as the first song ends, someone clears their throat.

  Prince Samuel is standing there, his eyes on me. “May I please have this next dance?”

  Prince Samuel wants to dance with me?

  Elizabeth comes over and places her hand on his arm, “Don’t feel obligated to dance with her. I’m all yours for the rest of the night.”

  He removes her hand. “No, I would love to dance with others so I can get to know the residents of your kingdom.”

  Elizabeth is not happy at all, but there isn’t anything she can do about it. She glares at me as she walks across the room and approaches Logan to dance. Great, another reason for Elizabeth to hate me.

  Dave steps back, and Prince Samuel pulls me into his arms as the music begins playing.

  “So, you left last night. I tried to find you after dinner. It appears you slipped away and no one knew where you went.”

  “I’m sorry, Prince Samuel, but I had some things I needed to get done.” Please let this conversation drop.

  He winks at me. “Please, call me Sam.”

  How do I respond to that? We aren’t supposed to address them without using their titles.

  We dance for the remainder of the song in silence.

  After several more dances, I excuse myself from the dance floor and head outside for a breather. My emotions are crazy, and I need some time to myself. I walk outside, already finding solace in getting away from all the stares. Much to my chagrin, Nick is out here, as well. Not wanting to deal with him, I turn to go back inside, when he sees me.

  “Ari, wait.”

  I turn back around, wishing I could just disappear.

  However, me stopping encourages him to come closer. “You look absolutely stunning tonight.”

  What is supposed to be a compliment causes another crack in my already broken heart. I stare at the ground because it hurts too much to look at his face.

  “Thank you, but I think it’s best if I go back to the party.”

  He catches my hand, stopping me in mid-step. “Please, stay here with me for a minute.”

  Why is he doing this? I want to stay. However, things are going to get awkward if I do. This is neither the time nor the place to have the conversation he’s wanting to have. I take a deep breath, when someone clears their throat.

  Nick drops my hand, and I almost want to laugh at how he goes from hot to cold in the blink of an eye. I turn to find Sam standing there with a strange look on his face. Nick, of course, tries to salvage the situation.

  “Sorry, we are just trying to plan a special engagement dinner for myself and Emerson. Who best to help with that than her own sister?”

  Wow. The blows just keep on coming. I can tell that Sam isn’t buying it.

  He waves his hands between me and Nick. “Well, please continue then. Although, I’m sure you need to get back to your fiancée. I came out here because I wanted a chance to talk with Ariah alone.”

  Nick gets angry at this comment. “Shouldn’t you be getting back to my sister?”

  Sam grins. “No. I did not come here with your sister, or any other woman for that matter. To be honest, I searched for Ariah last night, with the hopes of asking her if I could have the honor of escorting her. However, I couldn’t find her anywhere.”

  What? Sam wanted to ask me to the ball?

  Nick is visibly displeased, which humors Sam even more.

  Laughter bubbles out of me, and both of them look at me with raised eyebrows. Well, I promised myself that I wouldn’t cry, so laughter is all I’ve got.

  Emerson walks out and stops in her tracks when she sees the three of us together.

  It doesn’t help that I’m laughing so hard that tears are streaming down my face. I don’t think it is from laughing, but hey, a girl has to save some face.

  “Hey, Nicholas, umm... I was just coming to get you.” She glances between the three of us. “Your father wants us to dance again.”

  Nick raises up a finger. “It’ll have to wait a few minutes. I’m out here talking with Prince Samuel and Ari… ah.”

  The familiar nickname makes my eyes burn with new tears, and my laughing stops. He needs to go or I won’t be able to hold them back any longer.

  Emerson knows why he doesn’t want to leave, and I can see the heartbreak on her face, as well.

  “No, you should go.” I glance back at Emerson. “She looks too pretty to be on the sidelines.”

  Nick stares at me, stunned.

  I turn to look out at the yard. He really doesn’t want to leave, but I’ve put him in a situation where he has to.

  Realizing that I am not going to meet his eyes, he sighs and moves toward Emerson and the door.

  When they clear the vicinity, Sam chuckles. “He sure didn’t want to leave.”

  I’m surprised by his bluntness. “Well, you must be mistaken.”

  “No, I’m not, and I don’t blame him. You are the most stunning woman in the room. I’ve never seen anyone with hair this dark and eyes so hauntin
g. There doesn’t appear to be any red in it.” He moves closer to me and gently runs his fingers through my hair.

  I could tell he was tall before, but now, his height is noticeable to me. How did I not notice this when we were dancing? Well, because I felt so awkward, and I knew Nick was watching me. Sam is handsome and wears a small crown on the top of his head, signifying his status.

  I grab his arm and push it away. “You do realize that my king, and probably even your parents, are hoping you hit it off with Princess Elizabeth. It’s best for the both of us if you don’t pay me any attention.”

  “I’m sure King Percy and Princess Elizabeth have those exact thoughts in their heads, but in my kingdom, the prince is allowed to court whomever he wishes.” He reaches back pack to play with a lock of my hair. “We aren’t all that focused on status, like in your kingdom. Granted, my parents wouldn’t be thrilled with me marrying a commoner, but if that was my desire, they wouldn’t say no. They would only discourage it.”

  I’m not used to this type of attention. I’m not even sure what to say. Sam is attractive but my heart still belongs to Nick. “I need to be getting back. Dave escorted me here tonight, and I’m being rude spending time with another man outside. Please, excuse me.” I curtsy and hurry back into the ballroom before he can stop me.

  Before I make it back into the room, though, Sam calls out, “Save the last dance for me.”

  As I rejoin the festivities, I find that Logan is hiding out in the back, staying clear of Elizabeth.

  Poor Logan, but that’s what he gets for laughing at my issues with Dave.

  Speaking of… I find Dave, who is anxious to get back on the dance floor with me. The rest of the night moves on with no incidents, and I avoid Emerson and Nick.

  True to his word, Sam cuts in on the very last dance, and I happen to catch the rage on Elizabeth’s face. At this point, the damage is already done, and I’m not sure what else I can do without causing a scene.

  When the dance is over, Sam bends down to my ear. “I will definitely find you tomorrow.” Then he turns and heads back over to Elizabeth and his family, easing all my tension.

  I’m not sure what just happened tonight, but I’m too exhausted to deal with it.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The next morning, I make myself crawl out of bed and find my mother in the kitchen. She’s sitting at the table, drinking a cup of coffee, and there are muffins in the center. I grab one, as well as my own cup of coffee, and sit across from her.

  “Good morning. Did you have fun last night?”

  “I did enjoy seeing your father, but he’s not the same man I fell in love with.” She clears her throat. Maybe, one day, when all this prophecy stuff is settled, he’ll come back.”

  My mother is optimistic. I’m glad to see the change in her, and it seems like getting away for those several days helped her to put things in perspective. I smile and hope, for her sake, it’s true. I don’t know the man she remembers, since I was the real beginning of the prophecy.

  I eat my muffin and hear Logan banging around in his room.

  He comes running into the room, still pulling on his shirt. Why is he in a hurry? Logan grabs a muffin off the table and picks up my cup, downing my coffee.

  “Hey, go get your own.” I smack him away.

  “I’m running late and need the energy.” He places the cup back down on the table. “Also, that was for finding it funny that Elizabeth paid attention to me last night. It was pure torture.” He heads toward the door.

  “Hey, you laughed at my expense about Dave.” I yell back before the door slams shut.

  I turn around to find a bright smile gracing Mother’s face. I stick my tongue out at her and jump up to refill my cup.

  After finishing my breakfast, I head down to the stables to get away and have some time to myself. I finish up my chores and decide that the garden is calling my name.

  When I get to my usual spot, I try to block out the memories of times Nick and I shared here. In my haste to leave, I forgot a blanket, so I just lay down on the grass, facing the sun, feeling a sense of peace. Times like this is when I feel as if I’m part of the world and not a disgrace.

  A few minutes later, someone plops down beside me. Even though I want to see Nick, I’m not ready to, and he is the one person who knows of this spot who would be comfortable enough to sit next to me without speaking. I open my eyes and find Prince Samuel sitting there with a triumphant look on his face.

  “How did you find me?” I thought this spot was hidden.

  He shrugs and winks at me. “Well, I may have followed you here and waited for the perfect time to make my appearance.”

  I laugh at his forwardness and just shake my head in response. He is refreshing to be around. He seems open and honest, which is hard to found here in the palace. Determined to ignore him and relax, I close my eyes again.

  After a few moments, he shuffles around, and then he lays down right beside me.

  Did he just lay down beside me? I open my eyes and turn toward him. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m trying to find out if I enjoy this as much as you do. You seem to be so content by just laying here.”

  If he thinks this will dissuade me, he’s wrong. I smile at him and close my eyes again. Nick can’t be quiet for long, so I am surprised that I forget Sam is next to me.

  My power is thrumming and feels as if it’s coursing against my skin. Since it seems to asking to be released and, curious as to what it will do, I allow it. It reaches out to the nature surrounding me, and the connection is deeper than ever before. I can feel the life of the garden inside me, and it is peaceful and joyous.

  However, it goes away when Sam takes a deep breath and reaches towards me. His tone is soft. “Amazing.”

  What is he talking about? I disconnect my power from the elements and open my eyes. I’m both delighted and terrified when I realize that the flowers surrounding us all have new blooms that are vibrant and beautiful. Sam reaches out and touches the closest plant to us.

  “Amazing!” he repeats, examining “It really is amazing.” He examines the flower. “I have never seen anything like that before.”

  I can’t believe I just did that. I don’t know what to say, so I lean over to examine the plant with him.

  Sam’s gaze shift toward me, and my eyes inadvertently look back. Before I have time to register what is happening, his lips graze mine. Caught up in the moment, surrounded by this beauty, he moves even closer to me, and his lips meet mine again.

  Nick comes to the forefront of my mind, and I jerk back because it doesn’t feel right. “I can’t do this. I’m sorry.”

  My flight instincts kick in, but Sam grabs my hand before I can leave. “I’m sorry. Something is going on between you and the other prince. I didn’t mean to kiss you, but you are so beautiful and intriguing. It won’t happen again. I give you my word. Please, can we enjoy a little more time together in this garden?”

  I believe him and relax, trusting him. I should be worried that he knows something is different between Nick and I, but he already figured that out last night. So, I lay back down, but I make sure my power doesn’t reach out again. Sam seems quick to catch on, so I am hoping our brief kiss makes him forget about the flowers suddenly blooming around us.

  The sun is starting to lower so I need to get back to get my stuff ready for Claire’s, wanting to get there earlier than last time.

  I sit up and look over at Sam. “Hey, sorry, but I need to get going. I don’t want to, but I have some things I need to get done today.”

  He looks disappointed, and I grin a little.

  He raises his eyebrow in response, a slight smile tugging at his lips. He makes me laugh, and I really do wish I could stay longer.

  “I’m glad my disappointment amuses you so. Could we meet back up tomorrow? I’m surprised at how relaxing just sitting here can be, and the company only adds to the experience.”

  While it worries me that I do want to see
him tomorrow, he’s leaving soon, so how bad could it be to spend a little time with him? I enjoy his company, and he helps me keep my mind off Nick. I smile and nod my head.

  He grins and stands beside me. “Then I will see you soon.” He takes my hand and kisses the top.

  Did he really just do that? I pull my and away quickly and look at the ground. I turn and walk away before I change my mind and stay longer.

  When I get back to my quarters, I walk into my room and pack my things for the night. Claire will want to hear all about the ball and Sam. I’m not ready to talk about it, but she won’t give me an option. When I am done gathering my things, the main door opens.

  I enter the den with my bag.

  Logan is grabbing something to eat in the kitchen.

  I walk over to the table. “Hey, how was training?”

  He finishes chewing. “The same as always. I’m getting better, so that’s good.” He glances at my bag. “Are you already heading over to Claire’s?”

  “Yeah, I enjoy it there. Last time I got there right before dark and only helped them for a little while the next morning. I don’t want them to feel taken advantage of.”

  He nods and then his eyes light up. “Hey, let me come with you. It’s still late afternoon, and we can take the horses. On my return, I’ll bring both back with me so one won’t be missing overnight. I would like to meet the people helping my sister.”

  How can I say no to that? It seems like forever since we spent the day together, even though in reality, it was just a few days ago. So much has changed since then.

  He smiles and gets up heading to his room. “Let me go change really quick.”

  Not long after, we are on our way to the village.

  When we make it to the village border, we tie off our horses and walk through the streets. It is buzzing with people, and I walk over to a food vendor to look at their offerings. I buy some breads and sweets to take over to Derek and Grace.

  That is the one nice thing about living in the palace. We don’t get paid much, but we don’t get charged for living and eating there, so I am able to save a decent amount of coins. I don’t have many reasons to spend the money until the key, which is still around my neck. Being able to buy food and contribute to Claire’s family feels nice.


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