Knight's Salvation (Knights of Hell Book 2)

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Knight's Salvation (Knights of Hell Book 2) Page 13

by Sherilee Gray


  He reached back and drew two wicked-looking axes from the leather harness that crisscrossed his bare chest, the ones she’d seen in his room, and swung them easily in his loose grip. “Who sent you?” he growled. They didn’t respond, stepped back, moving in closer to her. “Do not fucking move,” he snarled.

  Rocco cursed. Mia had never seen the easygoing male like this before. He was almost as terrifying as Zenon. He had a knife in each hand and he spun them slowly, ready to let them loose any moment.

  “Who sent you?” Rocco tried this time. Again they didn’t answer, and one of them actually grinned. Rocco shook his head in disgust. “Are you stupid? Start talking or die. Your choice.”

  Zenon swung one of his axes, and it whistled through the air. “You know what? I’m done talking.”

  “You and me both.”

  Everything happened at once. Roc let one of his blades fly, nailing a demon in the chest. The other demon turned and came at her. She tried to send him a jolt, like she had the last one, but she had no idea how she’d managed it the first time, and nothing happened.

  Then Zenon was there.

  The demon sunk its claw into her arms, and as Zenon ripped it off her, she felt her flesh resist then give. Stinging pain shot from her shoulders and down her upper arms. Zenon threw it against the unforgiving wall with a bloodcurdling roar, and when it rebounded, swung his ax, removing its head with one powerful blow.

  She sagged against the building at her back, relief and pain draining the last of her energy.

  Zenon didn’t take his eyes off her as he reached back, secured his weapons, and walked straight to her.

  He didn’t speak and swung her up into his arms, cradling her gently against his chest. The snap of his wings extending was the only sound before he took several massive pulls, catching the wind, and lifted them off the ground.

  Rocco followed. His wings were feathered, white and silver tipped, so different from Zenon’s leathery ones, and made his angel DNA more obvious.

  Rocco didn’t hang around, and, man, was he fast. One minute he was there, the next he wasn’t. That was when it sunk in. She was flying through the night sky in Zenon’s arms. She looked down—way down—and sucked in a sharp breath.

  “I’ve got you,” Zenon said, his voice so low she felt more than heard the words.

  It felt so right in his arms—God, safe. This time she didn’t ask for permission and slid her arms around his neck. He didn’t tense at the contact and instead tightened his own hold on her.

  Laying her head against his warm chest, she listened to the steady thump of his heart because once they reached the compound, she knew she’d have to let him go.

  Chapter 12

  The balcony jutting off the compound’s control room came into view. Mia had her arms around his neck, clinging to him. He felt like an asshole for liking it so much. She was hurt, for fuck’s sake, but it felt good to touch her again.

  If he hadn’t gotten to her in time…

  He tightened his grip on her. He should have been there. If he was free, free to claim her, to make her his, she’d be safe. He’d never let her out of his goddamned sight. But he couldn’t be that for her. He belonged to Helena, and she would see Mia dead before allowing him to have her.

  With one deep stroke of his wings, he slowed their descent. His feet barely touched the ground before he was moving again. He strode into the control room and someone moved in.

  “Here, let me take her.”

  Mia stiffened and clung tighter to him like he was her lifeline, and shit, it felt good to be that for her, to be her anchor.

  “Let me take her. She needs those wounds looked at.” It was Rocco, arms extended. Zenon growled low, offering the other male a warning. His one and only warning before things got messy. No one was coming anywhere near her.

  Rocco lifted his hands in surrender and took in Mia, the way she held him. “She’s all yours, brother.”

  Damn straight.

  He was shackled where his female was concerned, but he could do this for her. Without another glance at the other warrior, he pushed into the hall. The metallic smell of her blood mixed with her own unique scent was seriously getting to him. His demon stirred, wanting revenge on who dared to hurt what was theirs. It wanted to bathe in the blood of their enemy, and Zenon was totally on board.

  “I’m okay. I think I can walk.” Mia looked up at him, her face so close to his all he needed to do was dip his chin a fraction and he could kiss her, taste her.

  The elevator doors slid open and he stepped inside and hit the button for the fourth floor. Her gaze darted back to his face, but she didn’t comment. She also didn’t ask to be put down again. As soon as the door opened he strode down the hall, past several apartments, and turned at the end going straight to his door.

  He carried her inside and gently set her down on his couch. After unbuckling the holster across his chest, he removed his Li Kweis, and placed the axes on the small table by the door. When he turned back, she sat looking up at him, eyes round and questioning.

  “Let me help you with your coat. I need to check those scratches.” Kneeling down in front of her, he slid the buttons free and she sucked in a pained breath when he slipped the heavy fabric down her arms.

  He cursed. They were deep and needed a thorough clean. “The T-shirt needs to come off.”

  And fuck, the blush that moved up her throat was so damn lovely he almost groaned aloud. She struggled for a moment trying to get it off. “I can’t lift my arms.”

  Zenon slipped the blade from his boot. The pulse in her throat fluttered a little faster, and her cheeks got a little darker, but she didn’t flinch, didn’t bat a fucking eyelash as he sliced through the fabric.

  That got to him more than anything could.

  She trusted him.

  The shirt fell from her shoulders and pooled around her hips.

  “How do they look?” she asked.

  “That demon made a bit of a mess, but you won’t need stitches. I’ll go get the shit I need to dress them.”

  When he walked back in, it took effort, but he kept his eyes trained on her wounds and not all that beautiful creamy skin.

  She didn’t cry or make a fuss as he cleaned her cuts, and he knew the stuff he was using stung like hell. Mia was strong, and though he didn’t have a right to feel shit, he couldn’t stop pride from filling his chest.

  When he’d tasted her in the gym he’d stayed below the waist, and now she was nearly all patched up he couldn’t stop himself from taking in the rest of her. The tops of her breasts looked soft, pale, encased in the type of thing females wore when they worked out. His balls tightened. Jesus.


  Great, she’d caught him blatantly ogling her. Nice one, dipshit.

  He was about to apologize when the door to his apartment slammed open and Chaos stormed in.

  “What the fuck?” Chaos wasn’t looking at him, his dark pissed-off gaze trained on Mia.

  Oh hell no.

  “Did you drop your block, Mia?” he barked at her.

  Zenon rose to his full height. “First, you don’t talk to her like that. Ever. Second, you come into my place when I say and not before.”

  She’d pulled the scraps of her shredded T-shirt up trying to cover her breasts, and stared at Chaos, confused, worry lining her brow. “No.” She shook her head. “At least I don’t think so…I…”

  “You don’t think so?” Chaos hissed. “I told you leaving was a mistake. Female, your powers are too damn unstable. Do you have any idea what could have happened to you, what they would have done if they’d taken you? That entire building has now been compromised. You weren’t the only demi living there. Did you stop to think about that? I’ve got enough to deal with without having to coordinate the fucking evac of half a dozen demi.”

  Zenon got in Chaos’s face. “You do not come into my fucking apartment and speak to my woman that way. I get you’re pissed and I
get you need your questions answered. But I decide when and where. Now get the fuck out so I can finish dressing her wounds before we have a serious problem.”

  Chaos’s jaw clenched tight. He was pissed and worried, but Zenon couldn’t give a shit. The guy was way the fuck out of line.

  Dipping his chin, that steely control the guy lived by slammed down, smoothing his hard features, and his gaze slid back to Mia. “Apologies.” Then Chaos stormed back out the door.

  “You okay?” he asked her.

  “Did I do something to cause this? Is this my fault?”

  Fucking Chaos. “No. You did nothing wrong. There’s more to this, and I’ll talk to Chaos about it, but I promise you, you are not to blame.”

  Shit. There it was again, that look of trust.

  He finished dressing her wounds and got one of his T-shirts for her to wear. “I need to talk to Chaos, but I won’t be long. Here.” He handed her the remote for the TV. “Help yourself to whatever you want.”


  He turned back. “Yeah?”

  “Thanks for taking care of me.” She had an odd look on her face. “The things you said to Chaos, besides Chaya, no one’s ever…” She shook her head. “Thanks for having my back.”

  His own words echoed through his head. You do not come into my fucking apartment and speak to my woman that way. Had he really said that? “Just returning the favor.”

  That look of hero worship slipped from her face. “Right, of course.”


  Zenon found Chaos in the control room. Roc, Laz, Kryos, and Gunner were already there and, going by the look on their leader’s face, had been filled in on the fact that it was no random attack. They’d been waiting for her, he was sure. They were organized, which meant they hadn’t just sensed her from a momentary lapse of her block. It was something else, something worse, and that scared the shit out of him.

  Those demons had come after Mia.

  “How is she?” Rocco asked.

  “Her wounds are superficial, but she’s still freaked.” He aimed his sights at Chaos. “Blaming herself.”

  “I get you’re pissed, Zenon. Yeah, I was out of line, but your female shouldn’t have been out there in the first place.”

  That was a direct hit and Zenon felt it, no fucking doubt about it. All eyes swung to him, and he knew it was because Chaos had called her his, but right then he wasn’t in the mood to correct him.

  Zenon shrugged. “She’s here now, and she’s staying until we sort this shit out.”

  Laz crossed his arms. “Those demons, someone’s pulling their strings. And that someone has to be close. Not even Diemos has the power for something like that, not from Hell.”

  “You think he’s found another way to pass through the portal?” Gunner was slouched against the wall.

  Chaos shook his head. “I doubt it. I think we’d feel that kind of power encroaching on our territory.”

  “It’s not Diemos, and if it is, not directly.” Zenon didn’t elaborate and the other warriors didn’t question how he knew that for sure. They trusted that whatever made his wings different from theirs, and the time he’d spent below, made him an expert on the sadistic bastard.

  “Whoever it is, they’re powerful. They’ve either been topside for a while or blocking all that power to stay under our radar.”

  “The ones that came after Mia were different. They knew exactly what they were doing, not like the demons at the cemetery,” Roc said.

  Laz scrubbed his hands over his face. “You don’t think Mia’s attack is connected?”

  “Fucked if I know.”

  A crawling sensation moved over Zenon’s skin and he leaned back, using the wall for support when his knees wanted to give out, as comprehension sank in. Please, fuck no. Was it possible?

  Lazarus smiled, flashing straight white teeth. He looked evil as fuck. “Time to pay another visit to our friends downstairs. See if we can maybe jog a few memories.”

  “Sounds good. Let me know straight away if you learn something. Rocco, go with him. Make sure he doesn’t kill anyone,” Chaos said then motioned Gunner over and they headed out as well.

  “Kryos,” Zenon called.

  “What’s up?” The other warrior turned, brow raised.

  “I have to leave. Not sure how long. I don’t want Mia to leave my room, and I don’t want her on her own. Do you think you could send Meredith down to keep her company?”

  “Sure.” Kryos studied him and it took all of Zenon’s effort to look casual and not as out of his mind as he felt. “You need someone at your back?”

  He shook his head. “I’m good.”

  “You sure?”

  He nodded, now too far gone to speak.

  “I’ll go talk to Meredith.”

  Zenon walked out the doors and onto the balcony then shifted, letting his demon free as he took to the skies.

  The flight didn’t take long, and as soon as he landed in front of the penthouse balcony doors he pushed his demon back before she had a chance to. Ignoring the door handle, he kicked the thing off its hinges. Helena stood in the middle of the room, perfect, nothing out of place. A small smile lifted the corners of her glossy lips.

  “This is a nice surprise.” She lifted an elegant shoulder. “I wasn’t sure you’d come.”

  Zenon didn’t stop, didn’t slow. He kept on going even after he wrapped his fingers around her slender throat, backing her up until she slammed into the nearest wall hard enough to leave a bitch-sized dent.

  Her eyes widened but she didn’t fight. She slid her tongue across her pointed teeth. “Has something upset you, pet?”

  “Somehow you’re controlling the rogues, getting them to stir shit…going after demi. Why?”

  “I’m flattered, but you give me too much credit. I can assure you it’s not me.”

  “Don’t give me that shit.”

  “Have you had a chance to talk to Amen yet?” she asked, ignoring him.


  “How did your knight friends react when they learned what you really are?”

  His stomach bottomed out. “You knew he’d recognize me. You set me up?”

  “Of course. Why else do you think he sat back and let you take him in? I thought seeing him might remind you of your place.”

  She’d planted Amen in the compound just to mess with him, to humiliate him in front of his brothers. She was only happy when she was fucking him over. He forced himself not to react. “You need a hobby. Maybe you could take up sewing. Make those little voodoo dolls and spend your days sticking me with pins.”

  Her gaze narrowed. “It’s time to stop playing with your new friends. I’ve had more than enough of this place.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Her black gaze hardened. “What do you think, drudge?” Her smile turned feral. “We’re going home, you and I.” His heart smacked against his ribs. “It’s where we belong. It’s time I took my rightful place on the throne.”


  She smiled triumphantly. “My powers have grown, and it won’t be long until they’re even stronger than they were before, stronger than even Diemos. I’m already almost back to the way I was before we were forced to leave our home.” Excitement made her breathing quicken. “I was able to reach out to Amen and a few other weak-minded demons. Don’t you see? I can turn them against Diemos. There isn’t a thing he can do to stop me.”

  “You said you weren’t controlling them.”

  “I’m not. They do my bidding willingly. They do as they’re told because it pleases me and nothing more.”

  More like she made them promises she wouldn’t be able to keep.

  If she wasn’t controlling them, who was? The demon that climbed the compound wall, the ones that attacked them at the cemetery, they hadn’t fought willingly. Their eyes had been glazed, no one home, nothing but mindless puppets. Not like the assholes that attacked Mia. They’d been fully alert and had only one target in mind. />
  He tightened his grip on her throat. “Why are you going after demi-demons?”

  At this point she was humoring him. She could easily overpower him if she chose to. “Is that what has you so angry, pet? Is it because I sent them after that female? Don’t tell me you were stupid enough to develop feelings for her?”

  “No,” he said quickly, too quickly.

  She moved fast. Her long fingers wrapped around his wrist, gripping tight. “You are mine, Zenon. Nothing will ever change that. I knew who that female was before you even laid eyes on her. I could feel it the moment you sensed her for the first time, and I know she’s the reason you stayed away, why you’re here now.”

  She reached up with her other hand and pressed it against his chest. He knew what was coming and was helpless to stop it. A jolt so strong he felt it in the marrow of his bones blasted him back, knocking him on his ass. His back bowed and he convulsed repeatedly on the floor, like he’d sunk his teeth into a thousand volts and couldn’t let go.

  It didn’t stop, grew more intense, and at this point he was just thankful he didn’t shit himself, though he wasn’t ruling out puking all over the rug.

  When the convulsions subsided, she knelt down beside him, her face a twisted mask. Rage and something else, something that was raw and ugly distorted her perfect features. She leaned in and pressed her lips against his ear. “You can’t have her.”

  Zenon shoved back, pushed himself up, and staggered to his feet. “If you hurt her, I will find a way to kill you.”

  She sucked in a breath. “I know you don’t believe this, Zenon, but I have feelings for you. I care for you a great deal.”

  Once he’d craved that from her. Had longed for any scrap of affection she might give him. He’d gotten nothing but pain for his misguided feelings. She’d relished the way he’d worshipped her, and used it against him when he would have done anything for her.

  He wasn’t young and naive, hadn’t been for a long time. She couldn’t manipulate his feelings anymore.


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