Knight's Salvation (Knights of Hell Book 2)

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Knight's Salvation (Knights of Hell Book 2) Page 20

by Sherilee Gray

  A figure dressed in black, like a fucking ninja, stood on the far side of the building, crossbow raised in the air. More of them moved in from behind and proceeded to pick demons off one by one.

  Chaos stumbled to his feet and the knights closed in around him, waiting until he was solid. As soon as he was, he waded back in.

  With their faces concealed, Zenon had no idea who fought by their sides, and at that point he didn’t care. If they could help him and his brothers, and make sure he returned to Mia in one piece that was all he cared about.

  In no time the place was cleared, and only the knights and the posse dressed in black remained. They stood on opposite sides of the blood-soaked concrete that would soon be nothing but ash, and stared at each other. Chaos stepped forward, clutching a deep cut to his side. His fist clenched and unclenched as they stood silently waiting for what would happen next. One of theirs stepped forward as well, build petite and obviously female.

  “Who are you?” Chaos asked.

  She shook her head.

  “You know of our world.” It wasn’t a question.

  She shrugged.

  Chaos tilted his head to the side and his dark eyes narrowed, studying the female in front of him before he said roughly, “Demi.” Zenon sensed it then. They were all demi-demons, every last one of them. Her frame tensed and she took a step back. “Not another step.” Chaos’s voice was low and full of warning.

  “Or what?” the female called back, humor lacing her words.

  “I’m not in the mood to play games, female.”

  “I saved your life, knight. I would’ve thought you’d be a little more grateful.”

  Zenon heard him grind his teeth. “You could have gotten yourselves killed. Take off the masks.”

  She snorted. “The only one I saw close to meeting his maker was you, Chaos.”

  Chaos’s big shoulders stiffened.

  Lifting a hand in the air, she did some kind of signal with her fingers and the little army at her back started to move, drifting into the shadows. “I’ll see you around, knight.”

  Then they were gone.

  They all stood there stunned for several seconds. Rocco staggered to the front, his body battered and leaking from several injuries. He scrunched his face and rubbed a hand over his short mohawk. “Well, fuck me.”

  Chaos hadn’t taken his gaze off the spot the now absent female had been. “Let’s get out of here.”

  As they headed for the exit, dread raced up behind him, wrapped around him, and pulled him to a stop.

  He watched his brothers take to the skies but didn’t follow. Sucking in a breath, he turned to face the male now standing behind him.

  Dressed in a dark suit, tall and well built, he stood with hands loose at his sides, glossy black hair combed back, making his wide black eyes seem huge. He took Zenon in, a slow perusal from head to toe. There was curiosity in their depths, nothing else.

  “It’s been a while, Zenon.”

  “What do you want?”

  “I think it’s time we had a talk, you and I.” That low raspy voice skittered across his skin, making the hair on his arms lift.

  “We have nothing to discuss.”

  He stepped forward and a grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. “Ah, but that’s where you’re wrong.”

  Mia woke to inky darkness, and though she couldn’t see or hear a thing, she felt his presence. Sitting up, she reached for the lamp. “Zenon?”

  Rough hands appeared out of nowhere, stopping her. He made no sound as he climbed into bed, pulling her beneath him. His mouth came down on hers and she whimpered, opening for him without thought of resistance. She would never deny him, couldn’t, didn’t want to. Her need matched his, always. His tongue delved into her mouth, rubbing against hers, sucking, nipping, kissing her so deeply she felt dizzy with her hunger for him.

  “Please, Mia. Please, princess,” he groaned as he slid rough, needy hands down over her waist and yanked up the T-shirt she wore. Her naked breasts grazed his chest, causing them to tighten and swell. He was naked, and his skin and hair were still damp from the shower.

  “Lift your arms,” he rasped then pulled the soft fabric over her head. His warm breath gusted across her bare skin, rushing from between his lips and fanning the tips of her peaked nipples.

  She moaned when his mouth came down on hers again and kissed him back greedily. As out of control as he seemed, she knew he was holding back, his body hard as stone, rigid from the effort of fighting back his instincts.

  He was always gentle, almost reverent with her body, but this—this was different. There was neediness to his movements, a desperation she didn’t understand. Mia gasped when the hard ridge of his cock brushed her sex through her panties. He settled between her thighs, painfully hard and thick, his flesh so hot she felt branded by it.

  He flexed his hips, rubbing up against her, and in minutes Mia was mindless with desire for him. Shoving the delicate fabric of her underwear to one side, he spread her open and massaged her aching center with thick, clever fingers, using the slickness of her arousal to slide over her highly sensitive clit repeatedly. “Please, Zenon. I need you.”

  “So wet, princess. All mine.”

  “Yes,” she groaned.

  The sound of fabric tearing broke past their harsh breathing. He tossed aside the tattered remains of her panties then Zenon moved down, taking her aching nipple into his mouth and biting down. She cried out, trying to press her hips into his, needing him inside her. He removed his fingers and stopped her movements by lying heavily on top of her. Spreading her thighs, he used his weigh to keep her that way. His tight abs rested against her swollen sex, stopping her from moving, from reaching for the release she so desperately needed. He continued to torment her, sucking and nipping at her nipples until she was writhing and begging beneath him.

  “Gonna fuck you now, Mia.” His voice was ragged, and his body shook almost violently. “Open wide for me, princess. I want deep inside you. Fuck you so hard you’ll feel branded. You’ll never forget you’re mine.”

  That would never happen. He belonged to her as well. She just wished he believed that. Mia knew the fact they could never be mated bothered him, and it killed her to see him so insecure. Did he doubt the way she felt about him?

  Whatever had happened tonight had brought this on. He needed this, needed to know she wasn’t going anywhere, that she loved him. She threaded her fingers through the damp silk of his hair and pressed her lips against his throat. “Always,” she whispered against his skin. “I love you.”

  “Fuck, Mia.” The head of his cock pushed inside her. He was big, and when he shoved her knees higher, she gasped at how deep he went. The sweet agony of it had her sex flooding with liquid heat after every measured stroke.

  “You belong to me.” His voice was filled with hunger and yearning. He thrust into her hard. “Say it.”

  “I belong to you.”

  He growled, the sound wild and untamed, and then he unleashed the full measure of his need. And she realized up until then just how much he’d suppressed it, suppressed that side of himself. The thick head of his cock pounded deep inside her, hitting the exact spot she needed him. Squeezing the hard flesh of his ass, she lifted her hips to meet his thrusts. Her back bowed as her climax hit her, and she screamed with the force of it.

  Zenon didn’t slow, drawing it out with every deep thrust. His body stiffened and he groaned, making the most erotic sound she’d ever heard as he pumped into her, filling her up.

  She’d barely recovered when he rose and flipped her onto her belly, lifting her hips so her ass was in the air. He cupped her sex, massaging her, circling her clit until she was a writhing, whimpering mess. “Oh God.” She moved against his hand restlessly as another orgasm built.

  “So fucking, hot, so beautiful.” He pushed two fingers inside her and her muscles began to quiver. One more brush over her clit and she’d explode. She felt him move in closer and then his fingers were gone, bu
t before she could whimper in protest, he thrust his cock back inside her. Mia cried out as her second climax flowed through her. Zenon fucked her through it, his powerful thrusts going deeper than ever before. Gripping her hips, he came again, milking his body with hers until he’d rung every last tremor from his body.

  He gently rolled her onto her back and brushed the hair away from her face. Her eyes had adjusted to the dark, and her belly flipped at the intensity of his gaze.

  Leaning down, he kissed her shoulder before climbing out of bed. He returned a moment later with a warm damp washcloth and carefully, almost reverently cleaned her.

  After throwing it in the hamper, he crawled onto the bed and trailed hot wet kisses from her ankle to the sensitive skin of her inner thigh, until his lips were mere inches from her sex. And even after all the orgasms he’d already given her, she felt her need rise again, wanting more of him.

  Spreading her open, he lifted his gaze to hers. His tongue darted out and he soothed her oversensitive flesh with gentle, warm strokes. “You taste so good, Mia, so sweet. I love that I can taste myself mixed with you.” He lapped at her again and moaned in pleasure.

  Mia bit down on her lip, his erotic words hitting her low in her belly. His dark head between her parted thighs, his powerful shoulders and chest bunching and straining with every move he made, was a sight she would never tire of, not ever.

  His movements became restless, almost desperate. The quietness of the moment dissolved, and he cupped her ass in his big hands, holding her tight to his mouth, eating at her like he was starving for her, like he couldn’t get enough. Mia threaded her fingers in his hair and ground her hips against him, needing more. When she came, Zenon pushed his tongue inside her, sucking at her greedily, making her quake beneath him.

  Boneless, she felt him press a kiss to her inner thigh before climbing in beside her and pulling the covers over them.

  “I love you, Mia,” he whispered before tucking her into his side and wrapping her tight in his arms.

  Her last thought before drifting off was that she needed to talk to him when she woke and find out what was bothering him.

  But when she woke the next morning—he was gone.

  Chapter 18

  Mia’s phone beeped and she raced over to check it.

  Call you when I can.

  Zenon’s reply did not ease her worry. Not one damn bit. She hadn’t seen him for three days, and if it hadn’t been for the delicious way her body ached the day he left without so much as a goodbye, she’d think that night had been nothing but a dream.

  The way he’d taken her, the needy, desperate way he’d clung to her.

  Something was wrong.

  Closing her eyes, she tried to calm the unease churning in her stomach. It had almost been like he was trying to tell her something…

  Like he was saying goodbye.

  No. She couldn’t think that. They’d been in regular contact, texting several times day. He’d replied like he always did, if a bit distant, telling her he missed her but he was busy and wasn’t sure when he’d be back. She knew there were demons causing trouble all over the city, but something didn’t feel right.

  Chaos had even tried to reassure her, but she hadn’t missed the covert glances they gave each other when she asked about him. They were hiding something from her, and it was driving her crazy.

  She didn’t want to believe Zenon would keep secrets from her, but she didn’t buy it. She wasn’t going to let him run away and hide this time. Keeping something from her that was seriously bothering him wasn’t going to fly. Not now.

  It’d been weeks since she’d left the compound. And she didn’t see that changing anytime soon, especially after one of the demons they had locked up below the compound escaped two days ago. The knights had gone into full-on overprotection mode, and she and the others staying there had been further restricted.

  No, her only option was to sneak out. She hated to do it, but she had to see Zenon, make sure he was all right with her own two eyes. Thanks to some snooping on the control room computers—in the guise of online shopping—and the GPS installed in Zenon’s phone, she knew the area he was patrolling. She’d just text him when she got to that part of town, tell him where she was, and wait for him to come to her. No leaving the car, no taking any unnecessary risks. Simple.

  Of course, Chaos wouldn’t see it that way, hence the sneaking.

  The lift doors slid open and she pulled the keys for the black SUV closest to the basement door from her pocket. She knew from watching the live feeds in the control room that there was a blind spot and as long as she could get in without anyone seeing who was driving, she might have a chance.

  She climbed in, started it up, and drove out of the parking garage. That was the easy part. Now her escape would be broadcast to whoever was on watch tonight. The knights were the only ones who could enter without waiting to be let in manually, if they were travelling by car. Everyone else needed to be cleared by camera. Hopefully, if someone was watching they’d assume it was one of the knights driving the SUV. She’d found Zenon’s bike keys in the bedside drawer, and she pulled them out of her bag, used the small remote attached to activate the gates, and held her breath.

  The metal giants shuddered then kicked into action, sliding open to reveal the dark deserted road beyond the compound. Surrounded by abandoned warehouses and empty lots, the place the knights called home was private, out of the way, and about as far from homely as you could get.

  Glancing in the rearview mirror, she watched the gates slide shut behind her and released an anxious breath.

  It took forty minutes to drive into Roxburgh and head to the other side of the city. The well-lit streets appeared to be lined with high-end shops and upscale apartments.

  It was raining hard, and she had the wipers on full to navigate the unfamiliar streets. The car’s GPS told her she was on Jacobson. This was where the compound’s computer tracking software said Zenon was located. Pulling over, she looked out the window but couldn’t see much through the sheets of rain pouring down.

  Taking a deep breath, she keyed in a quick text telling him where she was and asking if he could come to her. He’d be pissed with her for leaving the compound, but what did he expect when he was doing his best to shut her out again?

  “Not this time, buddy,” she muttered under her breath.

  It seemed to take ages, but finally he answered. Don’t move. Sending someone to bring you up to me.

  Okay. So he wasn’t working alone. That thought helped her relax. He had someone at his back. Thank God.

  Mia jumped and let out a shriek when, minutes later, a dark figure banged on the driver’s door. She opened the window a crack.



  “I’ve come to take you to Zenon.”

  If this this guy was some random nutjob he’d have no way of knowing her name or Zenon’s.

  She opened the door, and the guy took her arm immediately and rushed her across the street and through the doors to one of the apartment buildings. When they got in the elevator, he glanced down at her and grinned. “So you’re Zenon’s female.”

  “Is he all right?”

  “He’s fine.” His grin turned wicked. “Though I’m not sure how happy he’ll be when he sees you.”

  Crap. Perhaps coming here hadn’t been such a great idea. She didn’t want to add to his worries. Well, it was too late to go back now. He’d just have to get over it. Maybe next time he wouldn’t run off without telling her first. “How long have you known Zenon?”

  He chuckled, and the raspy sound sent a shiver down her spine. “Oh, I’ve known Zenon for a very long time. We go way back.”

  The elevator opened to a large entryway. Her escort led her to a set of double doors and knocked once.

  It swung open and a tall woman in a beautifully tailored deep scarlet dress stood looking down at her. Her hair was dark, long, and glossy. Her almost black eyes traveled over Mia from head to
toe, and the tight-lipped curiosity turned dark with disdain.

  “I, ah…I think I’m at the wrong place.” Mia took a step back, but the silent male at her side halted her retreating steps.

  “No, you’re right where I want you. Please, come in.”

  Why would Zenon be here with this woman? Everything in her told her to go in the other direction, to get out of there. But Zenon had told her he was sending someone down for her, and these people had been expecting her, so pushing aside her misgivings, she stepped over the threshold. The woman started across the room and without looking back crooked a slender red-tipped finger over her shoulder. “This way.”

  When they entered what she guessed was the living room, the woman stopped and turned to face her. “You really shouldn’t have come, demi. Now you’ve left me no choice.”

  “What are you talking about? Where’s Zenon?”

  The woman’s beautiful features twisted into what could only be described as utter loathing as she gave Mia a slow perusal from head to toe. She glanced at the male standing behind Mia. “What can he possibly see in such a frumpy little mouse?”

  “Excuse me?” What a bitch.

  “What you don’t understand, little mouse, is that Zenon is mine…and that will never change.”

  That’s when she felt the dark power radiating from other woman. This was her, the woman who kept Zenon as her slave. Fear for him gripped her, making her knees weak and a cold sweat coat her skin. “Where is he? What have you done to him?”

  “Nothing he doesn’t beg for. I promise you that.” The sadistic heat in her eyes made Mia’s stomach churn and acid flood the back of her throat.

  Oh God. Oh God, no.

  Reaching behind her, the woman grabbed the door handle at her back and pushed the door wide. “See for yourself.”

  Her feet took her forward, while fear at what she was about to see seized the breath in her lungs.

  The room was dim, but she had no trouble seeing him. A sob burst from her throat. His lifeless form was strung up on some steel contraption, his arms and feet spread wide and shackled to the framework. He was completely naked, his beautiful skin scratched and bruised.


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