"We're thrilled you're here, Sawyer. Just remember this is your home too." Ricky's dad grinned and wrapped me in a hug.
I gulped and hugged him back.
Part Four
Four Months Later
It was late at night. The scientists were gone, and it was only a nurse and me pretty much in the whole building except for the security. I had snuck down to Adam's room as I did when I was unable to sleep. The nurse was rocking a fussy Adam in a chair in the room. She smiled as she saw me.
"I got it," I spoke up.
She nodded her head and handed him over to me. I sat in the rocking chair and held the growing child in my arms. Adam's eyes weren't blue anymore, but brown. His hair was coming in a strawberry blond. He made some noises then yawned as I held him. I smiled as I rocked the two of us. Even though I saw him every day, it still amazed me how much he was growing. He was always so happy.
"I should've known this is how you spent your nights."
I peered over to the door and saw Dr. Green standing there. He slid his hands into his coat pockets.
"I've always had trouble sleeping. I can relate to Adam."
Dr. Green laughed. "You're good. Human interaction is good for the both of you."
I nodded.
"Sawyer graduated high school today."
My stomach twisted as I continued to rock. My eyes stung.
"He is starting summer classes, so that he'll be leaving soon."
I was still unable to find the words. A lump had grown in my throat, blocking anything from coming out.
"I'd like you to stay in your room tomorrow night even if you're unable to sleep."
I looked at him, and my eyebrows drew closer.
"I just think it would do you some good to spend some time in your room tomorrow night."
Dr. Green winked and left the two of us rocking.
The next night I sat in my bed watching TV. My eyes were wide open, and my knee bounced as I sat cross-legged. I'd been in this room all day with my lessons with Beth. I was ready to get out. Groaning, I fell backward so that my head hit the pillows. I was too awake even to try to fall asleep. My door creaked open, causing me to sit up on my elbows. A figure was in my doorway, and the outline was lit by the hallway light that stayed on. My nerves were on edge. The person closed the door and got closer. Despite all the windows, I squinted to figure out who it was.
I leaped out of bed and wrapped my arms around his neck. Sawyer stumbled backward, and his arms went around my waist. The crinkle of plastic was behind my back.
"Sawyer." I nearly cried.
I buried my face into the nape of his neck. I took in a deep breath of the scent I would recognize anywhere.
"How did you get in here?"
"Dr. Green gave me his badge. When I leave, I have to put it in a spot for him so he can get into work."
I couldn't let go. Sawyer scooped me up and carried me to the bed. We sat still holding each other.
"I've missed you so much," I whispered.
"Trust me. I've missed you. Cold feet and all."
I laughed and slowly let go so that I could look into those eyes again, even though it was dark. My fingers stroked Sawyer's shorter hair. He must have gotten a haircut recently. My fingers traced down his cheek before I held his face between my hands.
"It looks like you're being treated better here." His voice was soft.
"It's been so long." I ignored Sawyer's comment as I was still stumbling over the idea of him being here.
"I know. I moved into Ricky's house because I couldn't handle being in that house any longer."
Sawyer's hand reached up and pushed some hair behind my ears. My insides fluttered. I dragged his face closer to mine until our lips met. It felt like my heart had burst into a million pieces. I pulled away just enough to look into Sawyer's eyes as blood rushed through me. His brown eyes stayed glued onto mine under the heavy lids. This time he closed the space between us, and Sawyer's lips were against mine. Sawyer drew me in closer as I crawled into his lap. His hands held onto my hips.
"This isn't why I came to visit you." Sawyer's breathing was heavier as he pulled away for a moment.
"I believe you."
Leaning over again, I crushed my lips against his. Sawyer's hands ran up my back, and I arched into his touch. Every inch of me wanted more. My fingers drove through his short, dark hair. I could not have him close enough. Sawyer backed away and gave a light kiss to my neck. Goosebumps crept up my spine.
"I want this, but I'm about to leave for school. I can't do this to you."
I leaned forward so that my forehead rested on his. My breathing was slightly labored as my hands fell onto his shoulders. I closed my eyes and felt his arms embrace.
"All I had planned was a quiet night. I brought you ice cream and cookies. I figured we could watch movies and eat junk."
I laughed and opened my eyes. There was a broad grin on Sawyer's face. My eyes scanned every inch of it, knowing this was the last time I'd see it for a long time. I needed to memorize everything about him. There was a chance I'd never see Sawyer again.
"I love you." Sawyer's voice came out gentle.
I pulled back a little, and my eyebrows moved closer.
I'd never heard those words towards me before.
His face became serious.
"I realized why I couldn't get a relationship to stick. Why I always let you crawl into my bed all those nights. The reason I enjoyed talking to you about everything, the drive that made me need always to see a smile on your face," Sawyer paused. "because I love you."
My chest swelled.
Sawyer nodded and chuckled. That lopsided grin of his crept across his face making a wide one grow on my face.
"I know that it's a little late to realize my feelings for you, but it's true." His deep voice came out.
"I love you too."
Arching up, he captured my lips briefly.
"We should probably eat this ice cream before it melts all over your bed."
I giggled and got off Sawyer. He pulled the plastic bag from the edge of the bed to reveal the desserts.
The ice cream was long gone, and most of the cookies were too. Sawyer and I were lying under the covers watching a movie. My head rested on Sawyer's shoulder, and I could feel his hand across my back so that his hand was on my waist. His heartbeat drummed against my ear.
"Where are you going to school?"
Sawyer looked down at me.
"That's far." The words tumbled out of my mouth.
He nodded.
"Like Ricky told me, though. You're safe from my dad in here. You still have to see him, but he can't harm you in here." Sawyer squeezed me.
"Yeah. Dr. Green and his wife take good care of me here, but even they don't let anything slip about how long I'll be here."
"When I graduate, I promise I'll get us a place and take you away from here."
That sounded so good, but that was four years from now. Would I still be held here for four years? How long could they keep me? When I turned eighteen, would I be free like every other eighteen-year-old? Sawyer could change his mind in four more years.
"Sorry if that isn't comforting."
I angled my head. "It is, but at the same time, four years…"
"With your email, we can stay in constant contact."
I nodded. "True."
"I'll do whatever I can."
"You already are. Don't stress yourself out. I want you to experience college like everyone else. You need to live it like a normal person for the both of us."
"I'll try, but I'll still worry about you."
I closed my eyes as I felt his lips on my forehead.
"I love you, Maddie."
"I love you too, Sawyer."
I closed my eyes, and for the first time in months, I had a goo
d night's sleep.
I stretched with my eyes still closed. I reached out to hold Sawyer, but all I got was fabric from the sheets. Opening my eyes, I was greeted by the sun that came in through the windows. Glancing around, though, Sawyer wasn't in sight as I sat up. I drew my knees in and held them. My eyes watered. It was great to see him, but at the same time, it was a tease. Those few hours with him made me remember everything that I was missing by being in here. I laid back down and stared out the window as I brought the sheets around me.
"Good morning." Beth's cheerful voice came through as she walked in. "You're still in bed?"
"I finally slept last night." I mumbled.
"That's great." I heard the door click. "Did you enjoy your surprise?"
My eyes watered. "I did, and now I don't know when I'll see him again. I'm stuck in this cage for the rest of my life, aren't I?"
I sat up to look at her. Her eyes were wide.
I rolled my eyes and ran into the bathroom. I locked the door behind me.
"Come on, Madeline, it'll be okay. You won't be locked up here forever. It's nice."
I paced from one side of the bathroom to the other. My fingers wiggled about. My eyes kept going from my feet, the walls, to the doors. Beth kept talking through the door.
"Easy for you to say. You can come and go as you please!" I shouted; my fists curled at my side.
It wasn't her fault. Beth had been nothing but pleasant to me, and I was taking it out on her. She was the closest thing I had to a mother.
After a little bit, I heard my door closed. Unlocking the door, I peeked out. Beth was gone. Walking out, I went to my bedroom door. No one was in the hallway. I ran to the emergency exit stairs. The slab steps were cool and sleek under the soles of my feet. I ran faster with the metal railing sliding down my palm. I kept going around the circle of the steps until I saw a metal door with warning signs on it. I threw open the door and felt the sun on my skin. I squinted as I held a hand up towards the sun. The asphalt was hot against my feet. Looking both ways in the parking lot, I started to sprint across towards the gate. Ducking under the bar, the security guard started to yell out at me. I could hear the alarm from the center ringing out. I ran harder than I ever had in the gym.
My bare feet hit the sidewalk so that each little pebble dug into my skin. People started to turn to watch me. I was still in my pajamas, my hair was wild, and I wasn't wearing shoes, but I bolted down the busy street. The tears that had been running down my cheeks were dried salt trails. I could smell the food from the restaurants around me mixing with the salty air. I squealed as I felt arms taking hold of me. I screamed, kicked, and threw my arms around.
"Let me go," I screamed at the tops of my lungs. "Let me go!"
People were turning to watch me. I flared about in the man's arms. People started to take out their phones and directed their phones towards me. Giving a hard kick, the guard dropped me. I ran across the busy street. Horns bared as I heard the screeching of tires. I didn't look behind me to see who was following me. I needed to get away from it all. I needed to break loose. I turned sharply down a corner. This time I felt my arms grabbed by two different people. I hollered the entire way back as they threw me into the back of a car and locked the doors on me. The officers pulled and yanked into the building into the lab.
My feet were throbbing, and my throat felt raw. I collapsed onto the tile floor of the lab. Dr. Green and Dr. Vodola stood in front of me. Dr. Green was frowning. I could feel the disappointment radiating off him. Dr. Vodola's eyes narrowed in on me. I had seen that look from him before.
"See, I told you she was a behavioral problem." Dr. Vodola growled.
"I want to be free!" I cried out. "What more do you want from me? How much do I need to sacrifice for this? I'd rather be dead."
"Maybe Beth and I should take her home for a while. Let her out of here for a little while."
Dr. Green turned to look at Dr. Vodola.
"If she runs at your place, are you two going to be able to chase after her?"
Dr. Green took a deep breath and sighed.
"I'm going to keep escaping until you let me go."
Dr. Vodola walked over to the counter and came back holding a syringe. My heart raced.
"What is that?"
"You caused this. Guards, hold her."
My eyes went back and forth between the two men. Their hands wrapped around me roughly, forcing me flat against the tile floors. A prick in my neck made me yelp. Dr. Vodola backed away, and my eyes watered.
"A tracker has been placed in you now. You'll never be able to escape. I should've done that years ago. Go put her back into her room."
My chest shook as hands lifted me off the ground. From this moment on, I was not going to sit back. I would take control of my life one way or another.
I was nine credits down with only one hundred and seventy-one to go. Plus, I was enrolled in five classes this fall. If I continued this way, I was bound to graduate early. It was one step closer to getting Madeline out of that hell hole. I wasn't in my dorm long before a video of Madeline running down the street in her pajamas was online and on the news. The newscasters were having a field trip as Madeline was flaring and screaming on the streets. They were curious about how the scientists treated Madeline as media depicted her thrown into the back of a car in my old pajamas. The phone call I got from Ricky was still fresh in my head.
"Dude, I'm afraid to bring this up, but did you see Madeline on the news?"
"What?" I asked as I was juggling boxes and my phone in my hands.
I was coming out of the parking lot close to my dorm room. The car drive was long, and I was already ready to get the unpacking done to go to sleep.
"You haven't seen?"
The sun was intense that day, and my sunglasses fell onto the floor while I was driving.
"No, I just got onto campus after traveling all day."
"You're better off not seeing."
I groaned. "Hold that thought. I'll google it."
I placed my stuff on a nearby bench and googled my old town. Sure, enough Madeline was the first link. The newscaster was questioning whether crimes against humanity were being performed at the center. Madeline's screams were like nothing that I had ever heard from her. My heart wrenched.
"I shouldn't have left her there," I whispered.
I paused the video and went back to talking to Ricky.
"what were you going to do? Kidnap her out of that security-filled building?"
I rolled my eyes. "I was there that night."
"What do you mean you were that night?"
I sighed. "One of the scientists gave me his badge. I went to visit her before I left. I stayed the night just watching movies with her. She was asleep, and I needed to leave, so he had his badge to get into work. Madeline was still asleep when i left. She looked so calm. We talked about when i graduated, that i'd help her out."
"four years is a long time."
My throat tightened. "I know, but I can't afford to help Maddie out right now."
"Dude, I get it, and I agree with you completely. If I could, I’d take her in myself but think about it. She has lived fifteen years now, not allowed to make a single decision for herself. She can't pick out her clothes. She can't go to school anymore. She has never been allowed to have friends. Life is literally a prison for her, and Madeline’s told maybe four more years."
I blinked and stared up.
"I know."
"I wish I could give you better advice, but right now, I can't because she's in a tough situation. Tougher than ever before."
The halls were busy as people were moving in. I was able to move in early because of my summer classes and my job. I was not quite sure if I was ready to have a roommate. The yells, shouts, and banging as people were moving around caused me to roll my eyes. I put my earbuds in my ears and turned up my music. Opening my email, I clicked on Madeline's last email.
I'm okay. I am just focusing on my classes with Beth and spending my nights with Adam as he and I both have trouble sleeping. I hope classes are going well. Did you end up doing anything for your birthday?
Hey Maddie,
Nah, I worked. That's about it. That's fine by me since I’m not near Ricky and Justin. How are the classes going?
The emails weren't long. I half expected my dad was screening them after her escape. She never said it, but I wouldn't put it past him. One day closer, Madeline. Just hold in there.
I was sitting in the back of Dr. Vodola's car with my hands folded over my chest and my focus entirely out of the window. My ankles crossed as I sat in a pink sundress, he gave me. My lips were tight.
"This conference is important." Dr. Vodola started, but I still wouldn't look at him.
"Okay." My voice was sharp.
"After your little episode, this has to go well." I met his eyes in the rear view mirror. "You will speak today. There will be questions directed towards you and about your escape."
"Why should I speak highly of you all? What else could you possibly do to me?"
"I know you've been emailing my son. I can make sure all ties are disconnected."
"What else?" I snapped. "It wouldn't be the first time."
Dr. Vodola raised an eyebrow. "Fine. Lets try this instead. You want to have a day out occasionally?"
I raised an eyebrow. "What's the point? You won't hold up your end."
"Dr. Green thinks your immune system seems to have rebooted, so you can come back to living with me instead of that place. Beth will have you take the test so that you'd be finished with high school early. You can come live with me, and I'll let you go to community college."
Beaker to Life Page 10