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Phoenix Academy: Forged (Phoenix Academy First Years Book 3)

Page 26

by Lucy Auburn

  Mateo quips, "It's like seismic activity, but more dangerous." We stare at him. "Y'know, like the San Andreas fault. It's a real issue."

  "Nerd," Lynx jokes, a reversal of their usual roles. His dark eyes are staring at Ezra, a smirk playing on his lips. "Not strong enough to hold her up while she comes, huh?"

  Ezra growls, the sound weirdly like Petra's wolf shifter growl—he's picking up bad habits. "Anything you can do, I can do better."

  I roll my eyes at them both. "Now is not the time, guys," I point out, voice rising in irritation. "Things were just heating up."

  A new voice calls out, "Yeah, now is not the time."

  Yelping, I draw back, grab my swimsuit and tug it back on—only to realize that it's Petra standing far out from the pier, staring into the shadows where we are, hands on her hips and that peeved expression on her face.

  "You know," she drawls, "you guys have a room. Indoors. Where no one can see you."

  "It's dark!" I protest, as around me the demons make no move to get dressed–they're not exactly the modest type. "No one can see us in the darkness."

  "Dani." She gets even more annoyed with me, something I didn't know was possible until just now. "We're shifters. We can fucking see you. And I don't want to explain your kinky love quadrangle whatever shit to my brother or nephew—who, thankfully, went inside already. Put your damn clothes on. All of you."

  Sighing, long-suffering, Mateo grumbles, "I didn't even get a turn."

  Padding over to him, I kiss him on the cheek, and tug his pants back up over his hips. "You'll get a turn, I promise. We'll just have to find a place a little more secluded."

  In response, he pouts—then swipes a kiss on my lips, the taste of him like saltwater taffy and maple syrup pancakes, no doubt because of the breakfast he swiped from the Smiths' dining room. The demons don't have to eat, but it turns out they really like free food.

  When the kiss is over, he looks satisfied—and smug. "When we get back inside, I call dibs on first round."

  "Sure thing—if Petra doesn't kill you before we make it inside." Eyeing the wolf shifter, I add, "Alternatively, she might kill me seven times just to make it stick."

  A lot of things surprised me when I first came to Montauk: the fact that Petra has so many siblings, how beautiful the summer is on the beaches of Long Island, and how incredibly nice the Smiths are, considering the constantly-annoyed pint sized anger wolf they produced.

  But nothing was quite so surprising as discovering that Petra's family has way more than a beach house. They have a whole beach mansion.

  Well, it's not quite a mansion—at least according to Petra, who seemed disdainful when I used the word. It's more of a really, really, really big house, complete with balconies on the second story and a front deck that looks out towards the whole fucking ocean—not to mention the private beach.

  What really impressed me, though, was the guest house.

  A good thing to have when your one guest (me) comes with four intermittent guests of her own (the demons), none of whom have exactly what the rich people of Montauk would call "good manners."

  The house also, as far as I can tell, comes with very good soundproofing. Because I'm sure if it didn't that I would have heard about it from Petra by now. My guys and I know how to make noise.

  Anticipation makes my steps towards the front door speed up. As I reach for the doorknob, Mateo grabs my shoulder and pulls me gently around. His mouth descends on mine. He pushes me up against the door, hips pressing against my body, the thick length of his arousal clear through his hastily-rezipped pants.

  I fumble for the doorknob. Manage to get the door open. Stumble back, into the guest house, Mateo's hands cupping my hips. His fingers digging into my ass.

  We barely make it to the couch before our clothes are coming off again.

  I pant against his mouth between kisses, hungry and alive, skin dancing with painful amounts of desire. I can feel the others' eyes on me, waiting, watching, their presences in the room only adding to the illicit arousal.

  "I like this place." Mateo kisses the side of my mouth, my cheek, my jaw, voice rumbling against my skin. "We should see if we can get a dorm room this big back at the academy."

  "They'd have to knock down walls and kick out other students to make it happen."

  "Sounds great to me."

  Steering me towards the long, overstuffed leather couch, Mateo trails his kisses from my mouth further down my body. Heat pools between my thighs at his touch. Bracing his arms on either side of me, he opens his mouth to my lower lips and tongues expertly at my clit.

  Hands in his short hair, I surge against him, pressing my body on his mouth as pleasure crescendoes inside me. His clever tongue knows just where to go, how to press, to bring me to the edge.

  As soon as I'm there he pulls back. Climbing up my body, he presses my thighs open and dips his mouth to my neck. I reach down to grasp the hard length of his cock, ready and wanting for our bodies to be together like our souls already are.

  He enters me slowly, making me squirm and twist and beg for it, my heels pressed against his back, drawing him further and further in. I shudder as he bottoms out inside me. His length, his fullness, the caress of his lips on my skin—all of it is overwhelming.

  "Fuck, Dani." Mateo grabs my hips, pulls me towards him as he thrusts in a steady rhythm, pushing my body down into the leather cushions. "I fucking love you."

  "I love you too."

  Our mouths meld together, bodies arching with wanton pleasure. His thrusts speed up as he pushes towards his climax, twisting his hips down to fuck his way inside my body, hot and dirty. Little shuddering sparks go up and down my spine at the pleasure of his motion inside me. I cry out and press against him, fingernails digging into his back, body clenching and spasming around his cock.

  Moments later he moans, deep and low, and comes inside me. We pant and kiss, holding each other as he comes down.

  Then he gets off me, pulls me up out of the cushions, and flops back onto the couch alone.

  Licking my lips, I survey the guys, who are all hard and waiting for me.

  Reaching out, I grab Ezra's hand and tug him towards me—then grab Sebastian's hand and bring him close as well.

  "I want to try both of you together this time."

  Chapter 41

  Ezra knows instantly what to do. He draws me to my feet and pulls me to the center of the room.

  "Good idea, Dani. I say it's time to break in the shag carpet rug we've been eyeing for two weeks."

  Fingers digging into my hips, Sebastian presses against my back, still wearing his pants. His breath skims the shell of my ear as he murmurs, "I wonder how much pleasure it would take to overwhelm you completely."

  They bracket me, Ezra in front, Sebastian behind me. Ezra trails kisses down the side of my neck and dips his fingers into the wetness between my thighs. Sebastian curls his hands around my hips and presses his crotch against my ass. I moan as his powers send pleasure through me, taking the pulsing sparks that Ezra starts and turning them into a fire.

  Jerking at Ezra's waistband, I drag his pants down with my fingers until only his briefs are between me and his undeniable hardness. Then I kneel in front of him and, looking up into his eyes, tongue his shaft through the briefs.

  His green eyes flutter closed, long lashes casting shadows on his face. Dragging the waistband of his briefs further down, I reach between my legs and press my fingers against my clit, enjoying the low moan that falls from Ezra's mouth. He cants his hips towards my tongue, grabbing my hair and bringing me forward.

  As I pull the briefs off completely and reveal his length, I take it into my mouth. I know by now what he likes: a swirl of my tongue around the head until I taste the salt of his precum. Light sucking and constant eye contact. Moving up and down on his length, taking more and more of him into the back of my mouth, I enjoy the way his fingers tighten in my hair and his breathing hitches with pleasure. Soon I've sucked him to full hardness
, made his legs twitch and spasm, drawn helpless sounds of desire from his mouth. It makes my thighs clamp around my fingers and my legs tremble to bring him to the edge.

  Just when he's nearly there, I pull back completely, leaving his hard cock bobbing in the empty air in front of my face. Licking my lips, I smirk up at him. "Not quite yet."

  "You little vixen." He draws me to my feet and kisses me, taking the taste of himself into his mouth. "Fuck, I love it when you tease me—almost as much as I hate it."

  There's a groaning sound behind me, and Sebastian draws me back against him. He pulls my head around and kisses me messily, hungrily, clearly tired of waiting. His hand reaches around to dip between my thighs; I rock against him as his fingers slip into my wetness.

  As Sebastian kisses me from behind, Ezra presses against my front and draws his mouth along my clavicle, lips delicately sucking at my skin. He holds his still-hard cock in one hand, slowly and deliberately stroking it.

  "I think you're wet enough now." Hastily peeling off his pants, Sebastian takes his cock in one hand and draws my leg up and to the side, opening me up towards him. He positions the head of his length between my lips, teasing me with its tip until he slips it towards my entrance. "My turn."

  He pulls my weight back onto his strong arms as he thrusts himself up inside me, feet finding purchase on the ground, hands bending me forward to give him the right angle. I gasp in pleasure and shock as his cock enters me all at once in one smooth, hungry motion, filling me up just as Mateo did only moments ago.

  Falling down to his knees in front of me, Ezra leans forward and tongues the front of my clit. His mouth is dangerously close to Sebastian's shaft as he thrusts in and out of me, but he doesn't seem to care, his hand moving tightly up and down his cock. I moan at the feeling of being filled and tongued, bent over and furiously fucked.

  Grip digging into my hips, Sebastian pushes me forward and fucks me hard, so hard Ezra has to brace me with one hand. I groan, and then—all at once, so overwhelming it edges near pain—pleasure explodes inside me.

  "Feel it," Sebastian growls, voice low and commanding, hips setting a fast, punishing rhythm. "Feel all the pleasure. Double it. Triple it."

  I cry out as his powers send me over the edge so hard that I almost black out. Pressing against Ezra's mouth, I come in long, endless waves, shivering and spasming, weight falling forward. I moan as I see Ezra orgasm in his own hand, as I feel his mouth go slack on my body.

  "Dani. Ah, I love you."

  I whimper. "I love you too."

  Going limp, I let Sebastian take all my weight, his cock working in and out of me as he comes close to the edge.

  With a sigh, Ezra sprawls out onto the shag rug. I fall forward onto my hands and knees, Sebastian moving with me, leg braced at my side as he pushes his length deep inside me. I hear him pant, feel him shudder, as he forces my body towards another punishing orgasm. He comes just as I'm moaning in wordless pleasure, pussy clamping down hard on his cock, his fingers nearly bruising on my skin.

  "Fuck." He pants against my shoulder. "Fuck."

  "I love you too."

  Sebastian chuckles. "Love ya, cliff jumper."

  Slowly, I slip forward off his cock, wetness slipping out between my legs. I close my eyes as my orgasm ends, waves of aftershock pulsing through me.

  Then I feel warm hands pull me up. A harsh mouth presses kisses to my cheek. I moan and turn my head, finding Lynx's mouth, boneless in his hands.

  He draws me up, takes my weight, and sits down on the sturdy armchair next to the couch, where Mateo is already snoozing. Looking into my eyes with that dark brown gaze of his, he smirks, drags the elastic of his boxers down, and pulls out his hard length.

  "One more, baby," he murmurs into my ear, spreading my legs and pulling me onto his lap. I moan as his thickness presses against my still-twitching lower lips. "You're always so wet for me."

  I shiver as he draws circles around my nipples with his calloused fingers.

  "I don't think I have the energy left to do much," I warn him.

  "Don't worry." His fingers cup my ass, effortlessly taking my weight. "I've got this."

  And he pulls me down onto his shaft, my wet lips parting easily for him, taking his thickness with ease. I whimper as my body instinctively clamps down on him, the pleasure wringing every bit of energy out of me. My eyes draw closed as his mouth fingers the sensitive edge of my earlobe. With all his skills he shows me just how much pleasure I can stand.

  He rocks up inside me slowly, coaxing my body back towards life, teasing me with his slow pace. Bit by bit he eases his cock deeper, murmuring sweet nothings into my ear.

  "You're so beautiful."

  "And charming."

  "And you have an absolutely amazing ass."

  I smirk against his mouth and draw more of his length into me. "You bet I do."

  "That's it," he says, twisting his hips up and dragging my body down onto his. "There's my girl."

  Lynx works his way into me as I rock forward onto him. Our mouths meet, and we share a deep, sensual kiss as he bottoms out in me. Then he takes the full amount of my weight in his hands and twists his hips up, fucking deep inside me, bouncing me on his lap. I moan at his skillful ways of drawing me back towards the edge again, despite everything that's been wrung out of me.

  No one knows how to make a girl orgasm like a nerd with the muscles of Adonis.

  He sets a faster rhythm, just enough to drag me towards the pinnacle. I gasp and pant with each thrust, fingers digging into his shoulders, tongue and lips meeting his in a messy kiss. I feel it when he wrenches deep inside me and grunts, nearing the edge. Wanting to watch his face as he gets there, I pull back from the kiss, press down on his length, and clamp around him.

  His eyes flutter closed. His mouth goes slack. Using my trembling leg muscles, I pull up and push back down again, harsh and fast. As he moans and twists up into me, his orgasm plain on his face, I let myself fall over the edge and come again.

  "I love you so much Dani."

  "Ah fuck." I whimper. "I love you almost as much as you love books."

  When it's all done and he pulls me off his lap, I'm boneless. So I lay down next to a still-recovering Ezra and Sebastian, idly wondering how much it costs to send a shag rug out for dry cleaning.

  It takes several moments before I feel like I'm back in my body, mind slowly whirring to life.

  "We should shower," I murmur.

  Mateo grumbles. "That stall isn't big enough for more than one of us. And Lynx takes up too much space."

  "There's somewhere else we could clean off," Ezra suggests. "At least a little."

  Minutes later we're out on the dark beach again, wrapped in giant towels, tip-toeing towards the shore. The waves are relentless in their rhythm, which seems to match the fast beating of my heart.

  Nearing the edge, I dip my toe into the wet foam of the shore. And screech. "It's fucking cold!"

  "Yeah it is." Sweeping me up at the knees, Mateo takes me in his arms and flings my towel over his shower, already naked himself. "Get it over with fast."

  I yell and curse and bite him more than once, but he still manages to throw me into the waves. Sputtering and swearing my revenge, I surface and drag him down with me, ignoring the outraged expression on his face as he encounters cold weather shrinkage.

  "Serves you right!" I declare. "Fuck with me and your dick gets smaller. Temporarily."

  Ezra and Sebastian enter the water in a much more dignified fashion: they each fold their towels up and lay them on large rocks near the pier, then walk slowly in a step at a time, acclimating themselves to the cold.

  At least, until they reach knee deep.

  That's when Mateo and I dive down into the water, sneak up on them, and pull them all the way down into the dark waves. They each surface promising to kill Mateo—and he just laughs, flashing his white teeth in the moonlight, careless and alive.

  "C'mon," I call out to Lynx. "You're next. We probably
won't bite."

  "You bit me," Mateo complains, showing off a Dani-shaped ring of teeth marks on his shoulder.

  "I think I'll go in another way."

  Taking the steps up to the pier, Lynx throws his towel over the railing, climbs to the other side, and stares down into the dark waves. I squint at him, watching in confusion.

  Then, in a single fluid motion, he dives down into the unknown.

  It's beautiful—and frightening. My eyes widen in alarm. "There are sharks in the deep waters!"

  "He's a demon," Ezra reminds me. "The sharks should be afraid of him."

  He's right. Moments later, Lynx's head pops up over the waves, and he swims straight towards us, a serene expression on his face. "It's peaceful when you get into the water far from Mateo."

  He gets a face full of saltwater for that, courtesy of one bomb-loving psychopath.

  We laugh. We splash. Then, because it's cold as fuck, we get out before our skin prunes. Drying off near the rocks, I stare up at the moon and the stars, enjoying the peace and quiet all around us.

  We don't need to say anything.

  What we have goes so much deeper than words.

  Maybe this isn't what I dreamed my life would look like when I was a kid in the system, going from home to home. It's certainly not where I thought I would end up when I lived out on the street. It also isn't what I thought family would be—and I never really will have a family, not the way Petra has one. They'll always be demons, and there will always be forces of evil out to hunt me and the people I care about.

  But dreams aren't all they're cracked up to be. Neither is family.

  What we are to each other is so much more than I could've ever dreamed of in the wildest depths of my imagination.

  As it turns out, it's exactly what I need.

  This is not the end… turn the page for more of Dani’s story.

  Chapter 42

  Excerpt from Phoenix Academy: Reborn

  Two Months Later


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