to come right over," said Brink. "But he was grinding histeeth."
"Ah-h-h!" said Fitzgerald pleasurably. "I'm thinkin' of the cab-driversan' truck drivers that've been beat up. I'm thinkin' of property smashedand honest people scared.... Do you know, I'm terrible afraid Big Jake'stoo much in the habit of violence to stop, even if his eyelids twitch?It's deplorable! But on a strictly personal basis I think I'll enjoyseein' Big Jake an' his hoods discouraged by ... what is it Psi units?Yes!"
And he did. Big Jake's eyelids undoubtedly did twitch while he waspreparing a reception for Brink and Detective Sergeant Fitzgerald. Buthe did not heed the warning. He did not even think of the legal aspectof violent things attempted against his visitors. So he triedviolence--he and his associates. They started out with fists and clubs,regardless of discretion. They tried to beat up Brink and Fitzgerald.From that they went on to sawed-off shotguns. Their efforts were stillunsuccessful. Then they went to extremes.
Fitzgerald wore an expression of pious joy as Big Jake Connors and hisaides, obstinately attempting violent actions, were prevented by psiunits.
When it was all over, the ambulance had to make two trips.
The Ambulance Made Two Trips Page 6