Virgin Blood Bundle

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Virgin Blood Bundle Page 9

by Riley, Alexa

  “Let’s get out of here. Something is off.” Erik puts his hand on my back to guide me out.

  I blink a few times now that the eye contact with the stranger is broken and I start to move my feet. Erik makes another growl and his eyes dart everywhere.

  “What is wrong with you?” I hiss as I elbow him in his side. He grunts, but I don’t think it helps bring him back to reality.

  “Someone is watching us,” Ezra says, keeping his voice low.

  This time his eyes go to the man I was lost in moments ago. He’s big and imposing as he leans against the doorframe watching us. He’s bigger than the twins, and for half a second, I wonder if he’s a vampire. There’s something about our kind that has a connection, and when you see one you know. This man is human, but the way my body is reacting to him is otherworldly.

  Chapter 4


  The three of them turn their eyes on me as I stand there and stare. The only thing I’m concerned about is the dark-haired beauty between the men and the best way to get her alone. She’s a vampire, but she doesn’t know who I am. Right now, I shouldn’t be showing myself so carelessly to them, but I’m being cocky. They have skills that I don’t possess, but I’ve got a treasure trove of my own. I’ve trained my whole life to fight against men just like them, and I’ll do what I have to in order to get close to her.

  They could turn around and exit through the rear door of the theater, but I’m hoping they’ll come closer to me. It’s a gamble, but I’m not one to back down. When I see her reach out and touch one of the men I grind my teeth. I don’t like her hands on them. Are they all together? They seem protective of her now, but throughout the show they didn’t extend any intimate touches. If she were mine and we were in the dark, there’s no way I could keep my hands from slipping under her dress. I’d be desperate to touch her warmth and see if she was wet like a human woman would be. Would she make the same sounds if I bent her over the seat and buried my cock inside her? If I licked her pussy, would she whimper like a little girl?

  She leans up and whispers to one of the twins and they both shake their heads. She steps around them and walks to the back of the theater, but not before she looks back over her shoulder at me. I give her an arrogant smile and raise my chin as I slip out of the door and walk around the back of the theater to see where she’s going.

  I’m surprised she didn’t come my way, but then again it looked like she was ditching the dynamic duo.

  When I get to the lobby area there are hundreds of people milling about and trying to leave. It’s easy for me to blend into the shadows as I work my way around to the ladies’ room. I have a feeling that’s where she’s gone.

  I feel her before I see her as I near the crowd. I step to the side and up against the wall just as she passes by in front of me. Before I think about what I’m doing, I reach out and grab her arm and pull her to me. I quickly turn and put her back against the wall and stand in front of her to shield her from view. My body is pressed against hers and my mouth is a breath away as I smile at her like she’s mine.

  “You tired of eye fucking me across the room and ready for the real thing, princess?”

  Her jaw tightens and her eyes narrow, but I notice she doesn’t push me away. “All I have to do is scream and you’ll be ripped apart.” Her eyes flash and I believe what she’s saying is the truth.

  “You wouldn’t want to end the fun before it’s even started.” I place a hand on the wall beside her and I can feel the crowd at my back. We’re in a dark corner, and if the two men with her think she’s in the restroom, then we have some time. “How about you ditch Thing One and Two and you let me take you home.”

  “Does this work with your usual street trash?” Her lips tighten together and I wonder for a second if she’s jealous.

  “I’ve never seen someone that looked like fine silk. I’m not even worthy to touch your skin. So maybe that’s my problem, I should have taken a princess to bed.”

  She rolls her eyes, but I catch the edge of her lips fighting a smile. “Stop calling me that.”

  “If the glass slipper fits.” I reach out and touch under her chin so she looks up at me. “I’m Valen, tell me who you are.”

  “Why should I tell you anything?” She licks her lips and I lean closer, desperate to taste her.

  “Because we both know you want to.” I lean forward and brush my cheek against hers before I whisper in her ear. “Because when I’m balls deep I want to know whose name to shout.”

  This is all so wrong, but I’ve never felt so right. I’ve been raised to despise her kind and everything about her, and now all I want to do is possess every inch of her body and fuck her into submission. I’ve never been with a vampire before, and I never had a desire to. Would it even be possible? I’m willing to do anything to find out.

  Her hand comes to my chest and I lean back to look in her eyes. “You can’t talk to me like that.”

  “Tell me you don’t like it and I’ll stop,” I say as she looks down at the floor.

  “I don’t like it.”

  “Liar,” I retort, and she snaps her eyes up to mine.

  “You don’t even know me.” She says it with a challenge, and I don’t budge.

  “I know that even from across a crowded room you wanted me to get you alone.”

  I wait, but the time between us stretches and she doesn’t deny it.

  “If I’m guessing right, we’ve only got a short time before we’re not alone anymore.”

  She looks around and then nods as her eyes come back to mine. “Ravana,” she whispers, and I tuck her hair behind her ear. “My name is Ravana.”

  “Good girl,” I say before I lean down and place my lips on hers.

  Her lips touch mine and it’s like I’ve been electrified. She’s soft and gentle as I run my tongue along the seam of her lips and demand entrance. She opens for me and then I have what I want. She submits as I hold her face with both hands and take the kiss I’ve been fucking desperate for. How could a kiss feel so powerful and consuming?

  But before I can take it further, there are hands on my shoulders and I’m being ripped away from what I want most.

  “Get your hands off me,” I spit out when I see the twins on either side of me. “Let me go or you’ll be sorry.”

  “I fucking knew it,” one of them hisses.

  The two of them push me down a small hallway nearby and I don’t even think anyone in the crowd noticed. I can feel Ravana close behind us as they drag me into a room and slam the door closed. For a second, I wonder if they know I’m the slayer in the area, but I was careful to mask my scent when I was on the hunt. There’s no way they could make the connection now, so I try to remain calm.

  “Get that over there,” one of them says as they grab something nearby to bind my wrist. I feel them tighter from behind my back and around my wrists until I can’t move.

  “What are you doing?” Ravana whispers to them, but her quiet voice in this small room might as well be a shout. “Let him go.”

  “No way! We’re going to give this asshole what he deserves,” the twin says right as he knees me in the stomach. “He put his hands on you and if we hadn’t shown up, god knows what he would have done.”

  “Stop it! You’re hurting him!” Ravana cries out, and the sound of her fear burns me alive.

  Before I can think about it, I’m reacting by kicking out then rushing them with my shoulders. My hands may be tied behind my back, but I’m not helpless. I’m wrestled to the ground, but I don’t give up as the two of them struggle to hold me. They may be vampires, but I’m bigger and I’ve been training my whole life. Just as I’m about to headbutt one of them, Ravana shouts for us to stop.

  “That’s enough!” The three of us stop moving around on the ground and look up at her. There are unshed tears in her eyes and I don’t know who they are for. “Ezra, Erik, let’s go,” she says before she gives me one last look. “I’m so sorry.” Then she flings open the door and storms

  “Wait, Ravana,” one of them calls out as the other looks back at me from the doorway.

  “You stay the fuck away from my sister.” At the word sister the biggest smile breaks out on my face. “Are you crazy?”

  “Nope, just glad I don’t have to kill the two of you to get to her,” I say as I get up on my knees. “Don’t worry. I’m sure we’ll meet again.” I wink at him before he’s out the door and chasing after the other two.

  I flex my arms and the cable they used to tie my hands breaks. I rub my wrists as I stand up and then I shake my head. Damn, those two could put up a fight. But I had the need for her on my side and that made me stronger. The kiss was worth it and I hated that it ended so soon.

  A cold feeling surrounds me, and her presence is gone. It didn’t take me long to figure out where she was going and to be here ready. I know where she lives and I think about waiting until sunrise to pay her a visit. That way she has nowhere to go and I’ll be able to find out what this strange pull to her is. It’s consuming and unlike anything I’ve ever felt. It’s like tracking, but in the end I don’t want to kill her, I want to worship her.

  Chapter 5


  I sit in the back of the limo, going over what happened. Even as I recall every detail it’s like my mind can't process it. Every part of me feels like I’m on overload and I want to cry. But the worst part is that I can’t even pinpoint if I’m angry or sad.

  The most overwhelming part is how I’m so infatuated with some bossy alpha jerk. I can’t believe I let him kiss me. I hadn’t even tried to stop him when he gave me an out, and I stood there and let him do it. Then just a second later I was enraged at the twins for hurting him. It’s like my body couldn’t make up its mind and all I could do was get emotional.

  An anger like nothing I’d ever felt washed over me when I thought they were beating him up. I had to stop myself from lunging at them. My only saving grace was that Valen took it all in stride and didn’t seem scared of the two of them. That cocky attitude never missed a beat even with his hands bound behind his back. I don’t want to admit to myself how freaking hot that was.

  I glance over at the twins and they, too, look to be on edge. “I can kiss whoever I want.” The words leave my lips before I have a chance to rein them in. What the hell is wrong with me?

  “He was going for more than a kiss. He was manhandling you.”

  I let Ezra’s words sink in because he’s right. The bigger question is, why did I like it? There’s no hiding his desire for me and no game being played. He was there and in my space telling me what he wanted. He wasn’t forcing himself onto me but dragging out the thoughts in my head as if he could read my mind.

  “Take me home,” I mutter. I want to be alone and get myself together. “And you two better keep your mouths shut about tonight.” I point my finger at them. Neither respond, giving me no idea if they will keep it a secret or not. The twins might be the most easy-going out of all of us, but at the end of the day they all act like overbearing big brothers. “What was with you two tonight anyway? You went a little haywire before I went to the bathroom.”

  I glance between the two of them and there’s something different. I was actually a little shocked when they let me wander off to the bathroom alone. I’d locked eyes with Valen and I’ll never forget the way it made me feel. That’s when I decided to try and sneak off by myself just to see what would happen. His stare was dark and intense and I swear it felt like I’d been created all over again when he looked at me. At first I thought he was a vampire with how big and beautiful he was. There was something about him I couldn't put my finger on, but I wanted to know more. I also wanted to know if the things I was feeling were because of him. But the second he laid his lips on mine, I knew he was the root of everything happening to me. I haven't been kissed since before I was turned, so maybe any man would feel that way. There’s only one way to be sure.

  “Nothing is up with us,” Erik finally answers, but I’m not buying it. “What was up with you sticking up for that asshole?”

  I know he’s turning it around on me to get the subject off them but I’ll let him have it for now. “I don’t think it’s a good idea for our kind to run around and beat up on humans when a slayer is already looking for us. A low profile is best, don’t you think?” I raise an eyebrow at them.

  “Or maybe we are making ourselves bait,” Ezra says easily. I clench my jaw, not keen on that idea at all. I’m not sure Bishop would be up for that either, at least not without a full plan in place.

  “Ezra,” I warn.

  “Looks like we both have things we want to snitch about tonight.” Erik gives his brother a hard look and they stare at each other for a moment.

  The rest of the ride is quiet, which is abnormal with the two of them. When the limo finally stops I don’t wait for anyone to open the door and I step out on my own and go inside. They both follow me in and it feels like things are already changing. I thought it would only be different with Kane, but something bigger is shifting. I can feel it in the changes in everyone’s behavior.

  “Thank you for taking me to the play tonight, but I think I’d like to be alone now.” I place my hands on my hips, ready for a challenge of some kind.

  “That's cool. We’ve got something to handle,” Ezra says all too quickly.

  “Leave that man alone, guys, I’m not playing with you.” I take a step towards Ezra. “It wasn't all him and I can handle a human if need be.” I lock eyes with him. “Don’t treat me like Bishop does. I can take care of myself.”

  “Shit,” he mumbles. “That wasn't what I was talking about, so your human is safe for now.” He puts his hands up in a show of surrender. I glance over to Erik, who nods in agreement.

  “But stay put. I don’t need Bishop sending us out to collect you,” Erik adds.

  I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from throwing back another comment, knowing it will only end in more arguing. We say our goodbyes and I watch them leave through the back to take the tunnels that connect all of our homes. I listen for a long moment to make sure they’re gone before I open my purse and take out my cell phone. I leave it on the table so no one can track me, then I walk into the garage.

  Turning on the light, I pull out my compact mirror and use it to look under the car. It doesn't long to find what I’m looking for and I reach under to grab the tracker. I drop it on the concrete and kick it out of the way before I get into my car.

  The same question nags at me in the back of my mind. Was this crazy attraction because of the kiss, or was it because Kane found his mate and I’m longing for something that really isn't there? Am I trying to force myself into wanting Valen, or could it be something else altogether? The need to find out has me pulling out of the garage and driving back towards the city. I pull into a space out front of a well-known bar that’s not too far from where the slayer has been snatching up vampires. Maybe I can kill two birds with one stone tonight. The few vamps we believe he’s killed have all been men. Maybe the slayer has a soft spot for women and that’s a weakness I can use against him.

  It’s time that I prove that I can handle myself. If I can take on the slayer and put an end to him, then I can show my family that I don’t need their constant protection. And while I’m here, I want to find out if another man can kiss me like Valen did. I want to see if someone else can make me feel all those feelings that I shouldn't want. The thought of kissing another man makes me clench my jaw, but I have to know.

  Princess. The memory of him saying it sends a warm chill down my back. It should piss me off because the new me, the one who was reborn, isn't a princess anymore. The fairy tale of the perfect life with the perfect husband is long gone and him calling me that hit a nerve. I’m no one’s princess and I never will be.

  I step out of my car and glance around. I can tell I’m overdressed, but I don’t care. There’s a long line of people waiting to get into the bar, but as I walk up to the bouncer his eyes roam over m
e and he lifts the rope to let me in without a word. I wink as I walk by and I pause for a moment, taking him in. The bouncer is handsome in a pretty boy kind of way. He’s nothing like Valen, but I don’t think I’ve seen another man like that before. There’s no spark of anything between us, so I keep on moving.

  I enter the loud bar and instantly everything about it puts me on edge. It takes me a moment to get used to the loud sounds and all the smells mixing together. How could a vampire enjoy this? Our senses are so heightened that they’d have to be miserable in here. But maybe the feral ones don’t care or don’t have the skills we do. I close my eyes, trying to remain calm, and it’s a reminder that Bishop is right. I am still a young vampire, but I push on, wanting to prove to myself that I can do this. I’m not that same weak girl I was before he changed me.

  When I open my eyes I see several men looking at me. I smile and then try to remember how to flirt. It’s been so long, but I want to know what it feels like when a man comes on to me. I move towards the bar and order a random drink. I don’t care what it is because I won’t drink it.

  My eyes scan the bar for just a moment when I lock eyes with someone. His gaze narrows in a challenge and I’m not about to back down. I’ve never seen him before, but I know he’s a vampire. He looks as though he recognizes me, but I can’t say the same about him. I stand to make my way towards him, but a hand lands on my shoulder.

  “A lady should never leave her drink alone at a bar,” the man sitting next to me says.

  “You’re right.” I give him a full smile and pick it up. I take a small sip while glancing over to see that the other vampire is gone now. I’ll have to tell Bishop about him, which means I’m also going to have to confess to sneaking out. Normally vampires let each other know when they venture into their areas. It’s a code of respect, and this city is Bishop’s. I inwardly sigh, knowing telling him is going to be a pain in the ass. It’s as if I’m in high school and not a grown woman. Though he keeps reminding me that even as a grown woman, my choices aren't always the best. His comment from the day before still burns, and the place where my scar is throbs. I tell myself everyone makes mistakes and I can only hope I’ve learned from mine.


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