Meral glanced apologetically at Kaid as he took his place opposite her again. "We've been doing whatwe thought best, given her condition," he said.
"Rala won't be so thoughtful," Kaid replied shortly. "We've just over a week to turn her into a Warrior. A
few minor cuts in practice will make her keep her guard up all the more."
"Thanks a lot, Kaid," Carrie muttered, readjusting her grip on the buckler.
"Would you rather die?" he countered, moving round to stand beside Kusac.
With a noise akin to a Sholan growl, she launched herself at Meral.
* * *
Garras was the last to arrive, threading his way through the last of the lunchtime students to the tiny side
"We've none of us got long," said Kaid, indicating the glass of ale they'd gotten for Garras. "I'll be brief. My con-tract with the Brotherhood was over when I landed on Shola. Garras, I reactivated your status myself, it hasn't been done through Stronghold. You're still a free agent. Rulla, you're not. I know this, and before I begin, if you choose not to get involved, I understand."
Rulla shot him a look from under lowered brows. "Cut the crap, Kaid. You know I'm in, whatever thecost."
Kaid sighed. "Kusac intends to leave the Telepath Guild after the Challenge."
There was silence for a moment or two. To be guildless was to be isolated from one's peers, and for the
Sholans it was tantamount to being exiled.
Garras nodded slowly. "It's no less than I expected. Vanna would prefer not to belong either, after what
Esken had done to her."
Rulla took a swig of his ale. "We're going it alone," he stated. "It's no less than I expected, Kaid. Whattook you so long to come to the same decision as us?"
Kaid looked sharply at the other two males, catching the faint glint of amusement in their eyes. "Theresponsibility of making the decision," he said. "It can't be made lightly. I know, I've been guildless for tenyears."
"I passed over my merchant responsibilities to my nephew several weeks ago," said Garras. "He's old
enough now, and he's been doing it since I was called up by the Forces for active service."
"We've already had this conversation, Kaid," said Rulla. "More important now is when we'll make the
break, and what role you see for us in the future."
"We keep things as they are for the moment. None of the guilds must know what we plan. I'll tell you
when we're ready to move. You're covered by your leave for a good few months yet, aren't you, Rulla?"
He flicked his ears in assent.
Kaid moved restlessly, the brief motion of his ears show-ing his uncertainty. "As for our role in the future,we must continue to protect them. There are only two mixed pairs on Shola as yet. Garras, you'reinvolved with one of them. I'm working with the other pair. When the interpreter from Earth and his Leska arrive, we'll need to place one of our people at their side."
"That's easy, I'll do it," said Rulla.
Kaid's ears flicked again.
Garras reached out and touched his hand. "Let me, Kaid. It's not that easy, Rulla. We," he looked at
Kaid then back at Rulla, "think that we're being… called… to protect certain people. We can't tell yet,we'll have to wait and see. Until then, yes, you'll protect the new pair."
Rulla raised his eye ridges. "Called?"
Garras nodded. "If we're right, you'll find out. We can't tell you any more since it's speculation at themoment."
Rulla looked from one to the other, noticing Kaid's ears. "You're working as one," he said abruptly.
"What's hap-pened to you?"
"Speculation," said Kaid. "We need a control to test the theory. You're it, Rulla, I'm afraid."
Rulla shrugged and took another mouthful of the ale. "So be it."
"The Brotherhood want the Challenge to go ahead," said Kaid, taking up his glass again. "They want it
proved they can fight. We can't move yet. I'm training her and if all pro-ceeds normally, she'll win."
"Any element of risk is too much," said Rulla.
"I know! Don't tell me!"
"We have no option but to play this hand out," said Garras. "No one likes it."
"I'll be calling you in to help guard the grounds," said Kaid, his voice quieter now. "That trpoper is still on
the loose. The Challenge is an ideal opportunity for him to make his hit."
"You know where to find me," said Rulla.
* * *
From the Inn, Kaid went to the Warrior's Accommodation Guild House on the outskirts of Valsgarth.
Dzaka was wait-ing in the common room for him.
"You're no longer attached to Lijou, I see," said Kaid, taking the chair beside him.
"No. I'm back on active."
Kaid nodded. "Do you know about the Challenge Liegena Carrie Aldatan is to fight?"
"I've been briefed. They're bonded, then?"
"Yes. I was the witness. Ghezu said I could call on the people I needed. I want you with us on security at
the estate in the days leading up to the Challenge."
"The missing trooper?"
"Yes. I'm not convinced Chyad died on Keiss. He'll make his move during the Challenge."
"You can reach me here. Let me know when you want me over at the Aldatan estate."
Kaid nodded. The silence lengthened between them.
"Was there anything else you wanted?" Dzaka asked.
"You asked me before, on the Khalossa , why I had to leave the Brotherhood," said Kaid.
"It's none of my business, Kaid. You don't owe me an ex-planation," said Dzaka.
"Perhaps not, but it still lies between us. I can't tell you the details, Dzaka, much as I want to, because I gave my word. In return Ghezu promised to treat you fairly. I may have had to leave you behind, but I did keep an eye open to ensure you were safe."
"How would you have helped me if I hadn't been?"
"I'd have been there."
Dzaka gave a snort of disbelief. "Easy to say when you didn't have to do it!" He leaned forward,crowding Kaid. "Why didn't you let me leave, too? Why didn't you give me the right to choose?"
"You had your life ahead of you!" he hissed, pushing him back. "Mine in the Brotherhood was through, finished! What do you think these last ten years have been like for me, Dzaka? Guildless, not able to speak to those I'd lived and trained with? Have you any idea? I doubt it!"
He could read the thoughts flitting across Dzaka's face.
"I never thought…"
"I know you didn't. Trust, that's what it's all about, isn't it, Dzaka? That's why Ghezu has you back on my tail again. What is it this time? To kill them if she survives the Chal-lenge, because they've too high a profile? Because Vanna and Brynne, complete novices, will be easier for both sides to control?" He watched Dzaka's ears start to move back-ward then stop.
"You'll be at the Challenge, Dzaka. A front seat," he said, his voice becoming cold and impersonal. "All you need to do is let the trooper make his shot. I needn't know, need I?" He got to his feet and leaned forward, putting his hand over Dzaka's arm where it lay on the side of the chair.
"Trust, Dzaka." His claws extended, digging into Dzaka's flesh, stopping just short of puncturing the skin. "Show me some, and next time I leave, I swear you'll come, too, if that's what you choose." With that, he turned and left.
* * *
Brynne hadn't shown up at Sorli's classes for the last few days. Vanna didn't expect to see him todayeither. When she arrived, she collected a mug of c'shar first before settling herself at the table. Theclasses were small and informal, the only other students being a young Sholan couple.
The door opened and Brynne sauntered in, his exterior at-titude at odds with the pounding headache andthoroughly disgruntled mood she knew he was hiding. He took a chair at the far end of the room andslouched there, lighting one of his cigarettes. Sorli glanced at Vanna, raising his eye ridges at her butsaying nothing.
sp; Vanna glowered back at Sorli, her ears flicking in annoy-ance. She wasn't responsible for Brynne'sbehavior.
The lesson progressed until early evening when they dis-persed to the refectory for third meal. Brynnewas the first to leave. Sorli, however, held Vanna back.
"I assume you haven't had a chance to talk to him yet."
Vanna shook her head. "This is the first time I've seen him since we met at Master Esken's."
"Your first Link day starts tomorrow. How are you man-aging?"
She flicked her ear in feigned surprise. "And I thought you were getting reports from Physician Khafsa!"she said. "I'm restless and edgy, but there are good medical reasons for that."
"Don't let the medic overrule the telepath," warned SorlL "Some of the effects of a Link can't be rationalized away and you must be able to recognize them. You haven't had any memory flashes yet, have you?"
"Nothing like that," she said, following him out.
"If he doesn't come to you before you start to experience them, let me know and I'll do something about it," said Sorli as they walked down the corridor to the refectory. He glanced toward her. "I give my word we won't use drugs again."
"I wish I could believe you," she said. "I'll handle things myself. I don't think it would endear me to him in
the long run."
"You're probably right," he said, stopping by the mess doorway. "Are you eating here?"
"No. I think I'd prefer to eat in my room."
Sorli nodded. "Remember, even if Brynne doesn't come to you, stay in your quarters tomorrow. Ourstudents don't need any extra encouragement to form pairs!"
"Don't worry, I will," she said, turning toward the stairs.
She prowled round the apartment, feeling tense and unset-tled. It was partly due to the endocrinechanges, but there was also Garras. Over the last four days, he'd always been there, asking nothing ofher, patient, protective. She knew where she was with him, unlike this Terran male. Thank the Gods,she'd persuaded him to take today and the next day off!
She could sense Brynne skulking around the refectory looking for a partner for the night. He wasdetermined to show Vanna he didn't need her, that any female would do. She sighed. It looked as if shewas in for a repeat of last night. Another helping of secondhand sex was not what she needed, especiallywhen she was too inhibited by the mental closeness to pair with Garras.
By late evening, Vanna was suffering from a headache and nausea. She'd tried taking medication for themand found out the truth of Sorli's words. The symptoms persisted. Sen-sitized as they were to each other,she knew most of it was due to Brynne's determination to stay away from her.
She could feel the pull of their Link, the compulsion get-ting stronger as the night wore on. Despite hischarm, he'd been unable to find a partner, probably because of the mix-ture of signals he wasprojecting—anger coupled with a highly charged sexuality was not a combination that would attract evena non-telepath and he was looking for a female in the Telepath Guild! At least she had the benefit of Kusac's advice on how to go about building stronger shields than they were being shown by Sorli. Sheneedn't let every-one know exactly how she was feeling.
Balked of his chosen diversion, he'd gone out drinking with his friends. That in itself wasn't a problem, buthe'd continued to the point where she was beginning to feel as bad as he did.
The whole situation was ludicrous. She'd sat here for the last four hours experiencing his anger and everyobjection he could think up for staying away from her, and none of it mattered a damn except whetherthey wanted to live with the Link, or die without it. She was going to live, and she was no meek Terran
female to sit and wait for the male to come to her.
Grabbing her jacket, she opened the door, coming face-to-face with her bodyguard.
"Where are you going, Physician?" Lhea asked, falling into step beside her.
"I'm going to get Brynne," she said, ears set to the side of her head and tail flicking with anger. "I've had
enough. We've got to sort this thing out between us now."
Lhea, sensibly, made no comment.
They made their way out of the gates and into the narrow streets surrounding the guild. Vanna knewexactly where he was, at a small inn not far from the temple. As they entered, she saw that the Terranmales seemed to have made it their meeting place. There were a few ribald comments as she went overto where Brynne and his friends were sitting, but she ignored them. Brynne was slumped over the tablenurs-ing his head.
Sitting down opposite him, she reached for his glass and moved it away. "You've had enough," she saidfirmly.
He looked Wearily up at her. "Oh, it's you, is it? What d' you want?"
"You're coming back to the guild with me. We have to talk this thing over."
"I'm not going," he said belligerently, sitting up.
"Look, you can do what you damned well please for the rest of the week, but tonight you'll talk to me!" she snapped. "Being Linked to you isn't exactly my idea of fun either, and I object to suffering from your hangovers!" Just being this close to him was upsetting her already jangled nerves.
"I think you'd better go with the lady," said one of his friends. "You don't look too well."
Vanna got to her feet, fighting to control her own stomach as his began to rebel. "Come on," she said,reaching out a hand to pull him up, but his friend forestalled her.
"I'll help you get him back," he said, getting up and haul-ing the protesting Brynne out from behind the table. "You don't look too well yourself. You're his Leska, aren't you?" He frowned over the strange word. "You're called Vanna."
Vanna nodded as Lhea moved closer to help him.
Once they hit the cold air outside, the argument left Brynne and he began to droop between them. Hisfriend and Lhea linked arms with him and marched him along at a rea-sonable pace while Vanna lopedalongside.
"He's not a bad sort once you get to know him," the Terran said, glancing across at her. "We worked together for two years on the Cassandra Project back on Earth. That's how we come to be here. I'm Terry, by the way," he added. "Who's your friend?"
"Lhea," she said, looking at him more closely. He was about the same size as Brynne but fair where he
was dark, and clean shaven where Brynne was bearded.
"Cassandra?" she asked.
"We belonged to a group of people who worked for the police, finding missing persons and stolen
goods," he ex-plained.
"Sounds interesting."
"It's not bad. Beats sitting in an office all day," he grinned as they entered the guild gates. "Where do you
want to take him?"
"My quarters," she said, leading the way.
She pushed the door open, standing back for Terry and Lhea to take Brynne in. "In the kitchen, please."
Terry gave a low whistle as they half-carried Brynne's in-ert form through the lounge into the kitchen.
"This is luxury," he said. "Not that where we are isn't nice," he added hurriedly.
Vanna managed a small grin. "These are the Leska quar-ters. You'll be in one of the dorms, I expect."
Terry and Lhea sat Brynne down in a chair at the table.
"Yes, we're all together. Well, the men are," he amended. "The two women are in the dorm next door. I'll
leave you to it, then. See you again, I hope. I'll see myself out." With a friendly smile he left.
"Can you manage?" asked Lhea.
Vanna nodded.
"I'll be outside if you need me."
Vanna sighed and took off her jacket, flinging it over a chair. She looked at her Leska and sighed again.
Brynne had slumped over the table, his head resting on his forearms.
"We'd better do something for you, hadn't we? I'm afraid you're no use to anyone in this condition." She pulled him up into a vertical position. "Oh, no, you don't," she said, sensing his stomach starting to heave. Hauling him out of his chair, she shoved him over to the sink, holding him there until he'd finished throwing u
p. Then she pulled his unre-sisting body to the bathing room.
Propping him against the shower wall, she started trying to undress him, but his knees gave under him andslowly he slid down to a sitting position on the floor. He sat there mo-tionless, his eyes closed.
With an exclamation of annoyance, she turned to the cup-board set above the basin. From it she tookout a glass and a sachet of detox. Half filling the glass with water, she ripped the sachet open and pouredin the contents. Swirling it around, she turned back to Brynne and squatting down, took him by the chinand shook him.
"Wake up, Brynne," she said in Terran. "Come on, drink this."
As his eyes opened and he tried to focus Wearily on her, she found herself very conscious of how softthe hair on his face was. For some reason she'd expected it to be coarse.
"Come on, drink this," she repeated, taking his hand and wrapping it around the glass.
"Hey, 'nother drink!" he said, his voice slurred as he gripped the glass tightly. He tossed the contents off in one swallow then pulled a face as the taste hit him. "God, that's vile," he said, shuddering and shutting his eyes again.
"Never mind that, it'll make you feel better," she said, taking the glass from him and putting it on the side of the basin. She took hold of his sweater and started to haul it off over his head. "Help me, for God's sake," she snapped as her claws snagged yet again in the garment.
"Leave me alone," he mumbled, lifting his arm and trying to fend her off. "What you tryin' to do?"
The sweater finally wrestled off, Vanna gave up. "Damn you," she said, her voice close to a growl.
"Shower in the rest of your clothes for all I care!"
Standing up she leaned into the cubicle and switched the water on, letting a burst of cold hit him first.
Brynne gave a yell as it hit him and he began trying to struggle to his feet. "Bloody hell, woman! What'reyou try-ing to do? Kill me?" Then warm water sluiced over him and he gasped again at the suddenchange in temperature.
It had some of the desired effect: he was fully conscious, but he was mad. He lunged out of the showertoward her, grabbing her by the arm.
Fortune's Wheel Page 65