Mountain Pursuit: Smoky Mountain Investigation ; Mountain Rescue

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Mountain Pursuit: Smoky Mountain Investigation ; Mountain Rescue Page 25

by Annslee Urban

  “Since I live on the property you know you can call me day or night,” Bree offered.


  Will gave Billie a hug. “You’ve got my number.” He broke the hug and shot Quinn a disapproving look.

  Grace squeezed Billie’s hand and smiled. “The Lord is my light and my salvation.”

  “Thanks,” Billie said.

  The group filed out of the room, leaving Quinn, Detective Issacs and Billie alone. Quinn pulled a chair close to Billie’s and Detective Issacs sat on the love seat. They spent the next hour rehashing the accident and discussing the threat against Billie.

  “We might be able to get a paint sample off the bumper of your car, Quinn. I’ll need to have it towed to the lab.”

  “That’s fine. I can get another car.”

  Billie yawned. “I’m sorry. I guess the lack of sleep is wearing on me.”

  Quinn looked at the detective. “Is there anything else?”

  “No, we’re good. I’ll check in tomorrow.” He stood and walked to the door. “Good night, Mrs. Bronson.”

  Detective Issacs motioned Quinn to join him in the hallway. Quinn glanced at Billie. “Be right back.”

  Quinn followed the detective and shut the door. “What’s going on?”

  “How do you plan to protect her?”

  “Twenty-four hour security officers,” Quinn said.

  “She’ll have to leave the room sometime.”

  “And I’ll be with her.”

  “You’re a good friend.” The detective winked. “Or is it something more?”

  “No sir, nothing more. When will they come for my car?”

  “Does tomorrow morning work?”

  “Sure, I’ll get my stuff out of it tonight.”

  “Until tomorrow then.”

  The detective walked away and Quinn leaned against the wall next to Billie’s room. If the detective asked the question then Quinn must be giving off signals that he cared about Billie as more than just a friend. Had Billie noticed? Nah, she was too stressed out about staying alive to notice Quinn’s desperation to keep her safe. Desperation was the only word to describe it.

  He swiped his keycard and opened the door to her room. She wasn’t in the living area so he peeked into the bedroom. Billie was stretched out on the king-size bed. He hesitated, wanting to go to her, cover her with a blanket and turn off the lights. An ache swelled in his chest with his need to take care of this woman.

  Which would only pull him deeper into a place where he didn’t belong. He took a few steps backward and quickly left the room, shutting the door with a soft click. He slid down the wall and took a deep breath. He finally admitted that his brain was starting to shut down due to lack of sleep. He may have drifted off a few times last night, but he’d suddenly awakened at the slightest sound, especially Billie’s slight whimpers when she’d changed positions in bed.

  Quinn’s phone vibrated and he eyed the caller ID.

  “Hey, big brother,” Quinn answered when he saw it was Alex.

  “How’s it going?”

  “It’s going.”

  “How’s Billie?”

  “Asleep. They had a little welcoming party for her. I think between all the socializing and last night’s threat, she’s exhausted.”

  “Good, let her sleep.”

  “Planning on it.”

  “Did you talk to her?” Alex pushed.


  “Coming to stay with you in Waverly Harbor?”

  “She won’t. She’d rather I be out of the equation, I’m sure.”

  “And why do you think that is, Quinn?” Alex said in his big-brother voice.

  “I don’t know, Alex, but I have a feeling you’re about to enlighten me.”

  A tall, broad-shouldered man turned the corner and headed toward Billie’s room. “I’ve gotta go,” Quinn said.


  Quinn pocketed his phone and stood.

  “Quinn Donovan?” the guy said.


  “I’m Trevor Mills, Eagle Security.”


  Trevor flashed his photo ID.

  “What’s the password?” Quinn asked, to be sure.

  “Echo four seventeen.”

  “Good, thanks. Billie’s napping so I’ll introduce you when she awakens. My apartment is at the end of the hall. I’ve got to take care of some things. I’ll check back in twenty.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “And I’ll have someone bring you a chair.”

  “Thank you, sir, but that’s not necessary.”

  Quinn wandered down the hall to his apartment and hesitated at the door. Trevor was a professional; Quinn didn’t need to worry about Billie.

  He glanced over his shoulder at the security guard. He stood very still outside Billie’s door, his hands crossed in front.

  “She’ll be fine,” Quinn whispered to himself and opened the door to his place.

  A basket of fruit welcomed him on the kitchen counter. “Aiden.” Quinn smiled and grabbed an apple on his way to the garage. He’d take this opportunity to empty his SUV for the police. Quinn hoped they could identify the car that hit them from paint that rubbed off in the collision.

  He took a bite of the apple and swung open the garage door. His search-and-rescue gear was in the back, so he’d have to open the garage door in order to pull it out. He pressed the button and the door slowly rose. He took another bite of the apple and went around back to unload his gear.

  Something caught his eye in the parking lot, a light flickering in an empty car. Or maybe it wasn’t empty. He put down the apple and headed for the car. Instincts on red alert, he pulled out his phone to call security.

  Someone suddenly tackled him to the ground. Landing flat on his stomach, Quinn struggled to suck air into his lungs. His attacker kicked Quinn and took off, but Quinn got hold of his boot and the guy tripped, hitting the ground. Quinn reached forward to grab his other foot, but the guy anticipated his move and kicked Quinn in the jaw.

  Stars arced across Quinn’s vision and his hands sprang free of the guy’s boot. Quinn struggled to stay conscious to get a good description of the guy and his vehicle, but his attacker swung around and kicked Quinn in the stomach. Quinn gasped for air.

  “Leave him!” a man called from the truck.

  Quinn tried to make out the driver, but couldn’t focus through the rain and the daze of being whacked upside the head. An arm snaked around his neck from behind, pressing on his windpipe.

  “Don’t mess with us, Donovan,” a raspy voice said. “Protecting that woman will get you killed.”

  Quinn dug his hands into the guy’s arm struggling to free himself, but the pressure was cutting off air and Quinn’s ability to think clearly.

  A high-pitched ringing sound bounced through his head and his last conscious thought was one of self-recrimination and regret.

  He’d failed Billie.

  And he drifted into the darkness.


  Billie awoke with a start. Disoriented. Panicked.

  Where was she again? She glanced around the suite. Right, Quinn had brought her here for her protection.

  “Quinn?” she said.

  But she was alone. She was surprised she’d fallen asleep without Quinn in the room.

  Panic suddenly gripped her lungs. She rushed to the door and whipped it open.

  A stranger stood guard, steely-faced with ramrod-straight posture. “Ma’am, I’m Trevor, your security guard.”

  “Where’s Quinn?”

  “Mr. Donovan went to his residence. He said he’d return shortly.”

  “Something’s wrong.”


  “Quinn wouldn’t have left me alone without saying som

  “You were napping.”

  Frustrated at her inability to persuade Trevor to help, she rushed into the room, called the operator and asked to speak with Aiden.

  A few seconds later he answered. “Billie, what’s wrong?”

  “It’s Quinn. He’s not here. I’m worried about him.”

  “I’m sure he just—”

  “Please, Aiden, can you check on him?”

  “Sure. I’ll send Harvey your way after he—”

  “Send him now.”

  There was a silent moment and she wondered if she’d overstepped her bounds with her boss.

  “I’ll take care of it. Stay in your room,” Aiden said.


  She hung up and paced, her cheeks flushed. She wasn’t sure why she’d awoken in such a state....

  An image flashed across her mind: she’d had a nightmare about Quinn being thrown off the trail into a black abyss. Her pulse raced into her throat and she gripped a thick-cushioned chair.

  “It was just a dream,” she whispered and felt foolish for making a big deal out of finding Quinn.

  She’d have to apologize to her boss, that’s for sure.

  The sound of men’s voices echoed through her door followed by footsteps pounding down the hallway outside her room.

  In the direction of Quinn’s apartment.

  She rushed to her door and whipped it open. Trevor stepped into her path. “Ma’am, please stay in your room.”

  She peeked around him and spotted Aiden and Harvey at Quinn’s door.

  “What’s going on?” she called.

  They ignored her.

  “What about the outside exit?” Aiden said.

  “This is closer,” Harvey answered, fiddling with Quinn’s door.

  Her security guard stepped in front of her. “Ma’am, please stay inside.”

  “I’m going down there, Trevor. You can’t stop me.”

  “Come on, come on,” Aiden said, irritated at the time it was taking Harvey to open the door.

  Billie rushed down the hall, Trevor right beside her, accepting the fact he’d lost his argument that she stay in her room.

  “Got it.” Harvey swung the door open.

  Aiden and Harvey seemed oblivious to her presence as she followed them through the kitchen and dining room. Harvey opened the door leading to the garage.

  “Quinn?” Aiden called.

  They filed into the garage. The outside door was raised.

  Tires squealed and Billie spotted taillights speeding away.

  “There!” Harvey pointed.

  And that’s when Billie saw it: Quinn’s still body lying on the ground.

  “No!” Billie ran toward him and the three men practically flanked her like secret service. She dropped to her knees beside Quinn’s body. His eyes were closed and one hand rested on his chest. He’d look peaceful if it weren’t for the scratches and redness on his face.

  Aiden kneeled on the other side and gripped Quinn’s wrist to feel for a pulse. Billie reached out and placed her hand on Quinn’s chest, praying he wasn’t seriously hurt.

  “I got a pulse,” Aiden said.

  “Should I call an ambulance?” Harvey offered.

  Quinn coughed and opened his eyes, blinking against the falling rain. “I’m fine,” he said in a hoarse voice, and coughed again.

  He sat up and Billie rubbed his shoulder.

  “Think you can stand?” Aiden said.

  “Yeah.” Quinn stood, but seemed a bit unsteady. Aiden and Harvey helped him to the apartment.

  Billie stayed close, continuing to stroke his back.

  Quinn glanced over his shoulder. “What are you doing here?” He glared at Trevor. “Why did you let her—”

  “I didn’t give him a choice,” Billie interrupted.

  As the men led Quinn inside, he continued to scold Trevor. “You let a little thing like Billie get past you? What if those guys had—Uh...” He groaned as Aiden and Harvey helped him sit down on the sofa. Quinn gripped his head.

  “I’ll get ice,” Billie said. She went into the kitchen and filled a freezer bag with ice as she listened in on the conversation.

  “I didn’t get a description,” Quinn said. “He came at me from behind.”

  “What about the vehicle?” Harvey asked.

  “Late-model Ford truck, I think.”

  Billie joined them in the living room and handed Quinn the ice pack. She figured he was still upset with her for running out there, so she kept her distance.

  “Did the guy say anything?” Aiden pushed.

  “He said not to mess with him.” Quinn glanced at Billie, placed the ice against his head and closed his eyes. “That’s it.”

  Billie sensed there was more, but he wasn’t sharing, probably because it would upset her further. She didn’t care so much about his attacker as she cared about him being okay. “You should go to the E.R. and get checked out by a doctor,” she said.

  “I’m fine, just a little bruised,” he said.

  “You were unconscious when we found you,” she countered.

  “I was resting.”

  Trevor snorted, obviously appreciating Quinn’s sense of humor.

  “No one else thinks he should be seen by a doctor?” She glanced at Aiden and Harvey.

  “It doesn’t matter what we think,” Aiden said. “It matters how he feels.”

  “I’m frustrated,” Quinn ground out. “And humiliated that he got the jump on me.”

  “You said he came at you from behind,” Billie said.

  “He did.”

  “Then how were you supposed to see him coming, Quinn?”

  “She’s got a point,” Trevor said.

  Quinn glared at the guy.

  “Sorry,” Trevor said.

  “No injuries other than your face?” Aiden asked.

  “And my bruised ego? Nah.”

  Aiden glanced at his security manager. “Harvey, check the security video for a clear shot of those guys.”

  He looked at Quinn. “There were two of them?”

  “Yep. One in the car and one... I don’t know where the other guy came from or what he was looking for.”

  He cast a quick glance in Billie’s direction. They all knew the men were looking for her.

  “I’ll check the video.” Shooting Billie a concerned frown, Harvey left.

  “I’ll secure the garage,” Aiden said and nodded at Trevor. “How about you stand guard in the hallway outside of Quinn’s door?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Trevor left the living room and Aiden went out into the garage, leaving Billie and Quinn alone. She positioned herself on the sofa next to him. Although he must have felt the shift in the cushions, he didn’t look her way. His head was tipped and his eyes were closed as he held the ice pack against his cheek.

  She’d never seen him like this, bruised and defeated. Quinn had the most confidence and healthiest ego of anyone she’d ever met.

  “I’m sorry,” she said.

  His eyes opened and he lowered the ice pack to his lap. “For what?”

  “I’m sorry this happened to you.”

  “Do not tell me you’re blaming yourself for my beat down.”

  “I can’t help it. When I saw you out there on the ground—” Her voice hitched.

  He took her hand and looked into her eyes. “I’m okay. And this wasn’t your fault.” He hesitated. “It was mine.”

  “How do you figure?”

  He slipped his hand from hers. “I was careless and cocky. I saw a suspicious vehicle and went after it on my own instead of calling for help. Stupid.” He closed his eyes and reapplied the ice.

  “If I weren’t in your life you wouldn’t be in this situation,” she s

  “You’re in my life because I choose you to be in my life.”

  “Oh, really?” she teased.

  He cracked his eyes open and looked at her. “That sounded bad. Chalk it up to the head injury.”

  She touched his shoulder. “Do you think it’s a concussion?”

  “Nah. I’ve suffered my share of injuries and this isn’t bad. I’ll be fine.” He lowered the ice bag. “It’ll take a lot more than a kick to the head to hurt me.”

  She smiled, but felt tears forming in her eyes. No, she would not cry. Instead she stood and went to the kitchen. “I’ll us make tea.”

  “Wait a second, I’m supposed to be taking care of you Miss bruised ribs, sprained wrist and concussion.”

  “It sounds like we’re in a competition for who has the worst injuries.”

  Aiden entered the living room. “Everything’s secure. The alarm’s set, all’s good out there. I’m heading to the office. You two okay?”

  “Yeah, we’re good,” Quinn said.

  Aiden nodded. “Next time you see anything suspicious call me, okay?”

  “Don’t have to tell me twice,” Quinn said. “And you’ll call me if you figure out who those guys were?”

  “Better yet, call Detective Issacs,” Billie encouraged.

  “I’ll keep everyone in the loop.” Aiden left the apartment.

  * * *

  Quinn leaned against the sofa and pressed the ice against his face. He was going to look worse in a couple of days with bruises coloring his cheek. Hopefully he wouldn’t run into big brother, Alex, or Quinn would be in for the lecture of a lifetime.

  “This might help,” Billie said.

  As she carried a tray with two mugs of tea into the living room, Quinn stood. “Wait a minute, your wrist.”

  “It’s better,” she said with a smile.

  “Uh-huh. Give me that.” Quinn took the tray and placed it on the coffee table.

  This time she sat in a chair near Quinn, but not on the sofa beside him. A better choice in Quinn’s mind, since she was no longer within arm’s reach. Every time the woman touched him she set off a mass of conflicting emotions in his chest.

  “It’s sweet sunshine white tea,” she said. “I didn’t know you drank anything but black tea and coffee.”


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