12 Months of Temptation: MFM Menage Romance

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12 Months of Temptation: MFM Menage Romance Page 1

by Bailey James

  Copyright © 2018 Bailey James

  All rights reserved

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations used for review purposes.

  Edited by HFH Book Services

  Book Cover: RAN

  I live in the UK, so I write in British English.

  Warning 18+

  This book is a light-hearted, humorous, hot and steamy Ménage Romance, MFM, Involving one girl and some gorgeous twin brothers.

  This book contains lots of sex and offensive language. If you are easily offended and don’t like threesomes, this book is not for you.

  12 Months of Temptation

  Bailey James

  Becks Winter

  September – My 29th Birthday

  I jump out of bed quickly and throw my clothes on. It’s my Birthday, and I’m treating myself to an extra special gift. Today is the day I’m going to collect.

  My mobile rings as I’m getting ready, and I place it on speaker phone as I continue.

  “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you…” Sophia, my best friend, sings.

  “Thank you, I’m so excited,” I say.

  “You're picking me up straight after, right?”

  “Yes, give me an hour.”

  “Okay, see you soon,” Sophia sings.

  I’m too excited to stop and have breakfast, so I rush out the door and jump into a taxi. It’s only a short drive to the car showroom. The salesman hands me the keys and attempts to talk me through the controls, but I’m too excited, and I’m just not listening.

  “Thank you very much, but I just need to drive.” I smile, trying not to be rude, but wanting to get away as soon as possible.

  He nods and smirks seeming to understand, before I rush away he hands me his business card and leaves me. I smoothly drive out of the garage and manage to make it to Sophia’s without screaming, too much. I turn the engine off and blow out a breath, but I have no time to stop and think as Sophia is already running out of her house jumping up and down. Making me laugh as she seems more excited than I am. Well outwardly anyway.

  “Well?” I say climbing out.

  “Beautiful, Becks.”

  I walk around my car stroking my new dark blue, four-seater convertible sports car. I have wanted this car for so long it’s like a dream come true. It has taken me years to save up and a loan to make it happen. I was originally going to wait until my 30th. But after a string of bad luck, arsehole boyfriends and my cat dying recently. I decided to spoil myself. It’s certainly going to drain my finances, but I think it’s worth it for the beauty.


  “Hey, this might even be better than sex,” I say cruising along the open road.

  “Fuck yes, men are a bunch of arseholes,” Sophia shouts, as her hair whips her face. “Now you have the car of your dreams, you just need to get the job of your dreams,” Sophia says, as I slow down.

  I shrug, she’s right, the more I stay in my job, the more I hate it. My parents had got me it before they died. I had just gone with it because I didn’t know what I wanted to do. My parents liked pushing me into things they wanted. Like the business degree I got, and the P.A. position. I got into the business my parents managed. But it’s just a glorified servant to the managers in the building. I hadn’t worked directly with my parents, however, everyone knows who I am or why I’m there. In fact, if one more person asks me for a cup of coffee and to go pop and get their dry cleaning, I’m quitting. Which would be a lovely idea, but I can’t, especially now, I just bought a fucking expensive sports car. I also felt guilty for leaving something my parents were keen on me to grow into. I know they had grand plans for me, working my way up into management but two years on from my parent’s death and I’m still the coffee girl.

  “You like driving, Becks, why not get a driving job?” says Sophia.

  “Like what? A trucker?” I laugh.

  She laughs too. “You know. Yes, you’d like that.”

  “You reckon?” I say.

  “What do you think? It’s your life, live it for you, not your parents or me, or god forbid a man. What do you want?”

  That got me thinking. What do I want? What skills would I need? My parents would kill me if I became a trucker, but they were dead. Sophia’s right, I need to do what I want.

  After cruising the beachfront and having a birthday lunch. I drive Sophia back home and tell her I’ll see her tonight. I have an appointment with my parent's lawyer this afternoon about my parent’s death, which felt weird as they’ve been dead two years now, and I can’t understand what he wants. I thought everything had been dealt with, but apparently not.


  “Miss Winter, please take a seat. Would you like tea or coffee? We have a lot to get through,” says the lawyer, Mr Simmons.

  “Tea, please. We do?” I say confused.

  “Yes, I’ll explain.” He hands me a tea and walks around his large oak desk to sit down. It’s the biggest desk I’ve ever seen, talk about making your clients feel intimidated.

  “Your parents liked and enjoyed games, challenges. Am I right?”

  I nod, not having the foggiest idea where this is heading.

  “Well after your father got cancer, which would have been three years ago now. Your parents began to consider their deaths, as most people do at those times.”

  I nod.

  “Your parents decided to be creative Miss Winter, they were very excited about this and had begun to plan a game of sorts, a game intended for you upon their deaths.”

  “What!... But I thought everything had been sorted and they bought a house for me with the money left over when they died,” I say baffled.

  “Yes, that is part of the plan, Miss Winter. You could buy the house you wanted, but nothing more. Well, this I guess is part 2 of their plan. Miss Winter, you have 12 months in which you are to complete a series of tasks.” He looks up at me with a very stern expression. “This part is critical. You must not tell anyone about these tasks. Including your friends, boyfriend or husband, should you get married. Do I make myself clear, absolutely no one is to know you came here to this meeting or anything else regarding the tasks?”

  “Okay, so what do I have to do and why?”

  “In the next 12 months, you must.”

  He hands me a sheet of paper which has a list of tasks on them, I read it, as he reads it aloud.

  Require new skills or training in something/anything you have interest in.

  Do something exciting from your bucket list.

  You must keep a job.

  You must not sell your house until after the 1st September 2018.

  You must attend all family gatherings when invited.

  You must attend regular meetings with Mr Simmons as planned below.

  You are not allowed to change the day or time of these meetings, you must be there.

  You must not tell anyone about any part of this, the tasks, the meetings, nothing.

  If all tasks have been completed by the 1st September 2018, your 30th Birthday, then a money deposit will be placed into your account and no further action will be needed. However, if these tasks aren’t completed the small amount of money will go to other businesses and charities. And you will also lose your house.”

  I sit with my mouth hanging open. “My house?”

  He nods. “Also, a note of caution. Do not presume the amount will be large, you might not get much at all,” Mr Simmons says sternly.

  I blow out a breath. “So, I have to do these tasks, and if I pass by my birthday, I might not get anything anyway. That�
�s typical Mum and Dad, that is.” I roll my eyes.

  I reread it. “Well, it doesn’t seem so bad, nothing here that can’t be easily completed, I guess.”

  The lawyer nods.

  I look at the dates of the meetings. There’s one in six months’ time. Then one every two months after that leading up to my 30th birthday.

  This would be easy. Which is good considering Mum and Dad probably left me nothing and thought this would be a hilarious game on their death. Not like they were loaded. I mean Mum and Dad did okay but weren’t rich. But if I don’t go along with it, I chance losing my house, I don’t think I can willingly do that. I’m hopeful there might be a few thousand in it, maybe.

  “How did this even come about?” I ask.

  “As I said, when your dad got cancer they began thinking about their will. Your mum would come in to add more things. It might have been a longer list had she not died from a car accident. I think she quite enjoyed thinking of things. Depending on when both died depended on when you would receive it. Just so happens both your parents died early and so 30 it became. Maybe your mum had a sixth sense something was going to happen?” he says.

  Mmmh. “Does it say anywhere what job I have to have? Can I change jobs?”

  “It just says that you have to have a consistent job. You can change jobs, careers, etc. As long as you are working.”

  “I guess they didn’t want me to be a slacker?”

  Mr Simmons shrugs.

  I’m just glad they didn’t insist on me sticking to a particular job or a specific skill, plus at least the tasks were open-ended. I guess it could have been a hell of a lot worse. Doing something off my bucket list sounds like fun.

  “Okay, here is some more information,” Mr Simmons says handing me some papers. “Any further questions give me a ring. Miss Winter, please remember no telling anyone, under any circumstances, you will lose everything if you do. I would advise once you have read the details that you destroy the papers, so no one can accidentally read it. Happy birthday, Miss Winter. I’ll see you in six months.” Mr Simmons walks me out. I’m still in a bit of a state as I leave the lawyer’s office. I stand there for a few minutes, then my mobile rings.

  I look and recognise it’s Tom. The ex-boyfriend who I caught getting a blowjob from the local hooker, the week before.

  “What?” I answer grumpily.

  “Hey Becks, can we meet up, I’ll buy you a coffee, where are you?”

  “I’m mmh,” I look around and realise I can’t tell him where I am. I’m going to have to lie, fuck, I am so shit at lying and always wind up making a mess of it.

  “Why do you want coffee with me, anyhow?” I say deciding to avoid the question.

  “I just want to talk to you, see if we could clear the air, Becks.”

  “Look, Tom, we have cleared the air, and you made your decision the moment you got your cock out and stuck it in someone else’s mouth.”

  “Please, Becks, just hear me out, I need to meet you.”

  “Tom, no, it’s over, goodbye.”

  I cut him off, then realise he never even said happy birthday. At least I didn’t have to lie to anyone now. Maybe me being single is the best thing. Perhaps having no boyfriend for the next 12 months is how it has to be. New beginnings, I thought to myself. I just need to avoid male temptation for 12 months. Ha, this is me! How hard could that be? It’s not like I have a male harem ready and waiting to get in my knickers or be in a relationship with me. The chances of that are slim to none. This is going to be a piece of piss. I’m almost disappointed that my parents hadn’t made it harder.

  I have a desperate need to call Sophia and tell her everything about the lawyer’s. But I’m not allowed. Which certainly makes me frustrated. Maybe there were some downsides to this after all.


  After a heavy weekend of celebrating my birthday with Sophia which involved a lot of alcohol and a lot of pubs. I sit down and read every detail of the tasks my parents left me. I’m looking forward to it now especially the bucket list. However, the rules are strict, and I really have to be careful about letting anything slip. I destroy the papers and consider how I’m going to meet these tasks. To be honest I think I already know. There’s just a small worry at the back of my mind if I should.

  I crawl into work with a rather large hang-over on Monday morning, only to have to crawl out again to get everyone in the office coffee. Then the dry cleaning and shopping errands. After that I’m in no mood to do any work and I research truck drivers positions and training all day. By the end of the week, all worries have gone, I’d made up my mind. I’m going to be a truck driver…

  Landen Johnson


  I pin Carrie up against the wall, and I’m trying my hardest not to punch her fucking lights out. I don’t give a shit if she’s a woman right now. “Get out of my life, I never want to see you again,” I shout in her face angrily.

  She smirks. “Oh, but Landen dearest, we work together, I’m your boss remember. I will always be in your life,” she says in her sickly sweet voice. I used to love it, but it now makes me vomit.

  “You are not my boss,” I grit out.

  “Okay, technically my father is. But you know I can get him to do whatever I wish. He’ll do anything for his little princess,” says Carrie smirking.

  Logan enters. “Your father is no more the boss than you are. We joint run it, or have you forgot that?”

  He looks at me, and I loosen my grip on Carrie reluctantly. Probably won’t help, especially if she tells her father. I guess frustratingly she’s half right.

  “Logan, sweet cheeks, I think your brother is losing the plot, come talk some sense into him. You always were the calm one, hun bun,” she says with another sickly-sweet smile. Fuck, I hate this bitch.

  “Why don’t we all calm down and have a drink. I’ll go get you both a beer, shall I?” she says walking off, all curves and seduction. I’m immune to it now, have been for a while.

  I take a deep breath and try to calm down, but it’s hard with this bitch in my house.

  Logan looks at me, and I see hate radiating off him, not for her, oh no for me. This relationship is toxic, and I know we all need out. Getting rid of the bitch is the issue though.

  “Here,” she says handing us both a bottle of beer. “Now let’s all…” She looks around in disgust at our unfinished house. It isn’t quite what she’s used to, living in a building site. She’s lucky she didn’t live here. The only room which looks done is the living room, and she hates it. Carrie says it looks like a man’s room, hates it with a passion and would never go in there. She makes her way to the kitchen table and sits down. I take large gulps of my beer and sit.

  “Okay, deep breaths and calm. All I’m saying, Landen, is you have been stressed at work, and maybe you need to take a break. Logan and I can handle things. We don’t want you having a major break down now, do we? Look what just happened. You’re so angry all the time, you need to be careful, Landen, it could get you locked up or killed. You don’t want to lose everything you and Logan have worked for, now do you?”

  I hate this bitch! I can’t understand why Logan is just sitting there, placid like he couldn’t care about anything in the world. I look at him, and he’s sat, smiling, vacant. Fuck he’d always been happy, laid back, but this is different, it’s like he isn’t even fucking there. I finish my bottle of beer, and my brain is getting a little fuzzy. At least I’ve relaxed, I think. I can’t hear Carrie anymore, and my brain has stopped working. I feel warm and fuzzy and happy. So fuzzy I’m going to go to bed and dream of fluffy clouds and hot sexy women. I stand up and hear Carrie say, ‘Night, Landen.’

  I drift off up to my room and lay down. I think of breasts, fuck I really like breasts. Big jiggly ones and small perky ones. I lay on my pink cloud as breasts drift past. I stick my tongue out, maybe I could lick one or two. I can’t quite reach, so I go back to watching.

  I wake up the next day and realise it’s almos
t lunchtime, oh fuck. I jump up as my mobile rings. It’s my business partner and Carrie’s father, shit. “Jim,” I say, trying to sound as awake as possible.

  “Landen, Carrie said you weren’t right. Take a few weeks off, we’ll handle everything for you, you get away from everyone.”

  “What! No, I’m fine, Jim, honestly.”

  “Landen, look you need to take a break, okay. Carrie’s worried about you, and so am I. Logan will handle things, Carrie and I can pick up the slack. We want you well, Landen.”

  I sigh, I guess time away would be good. I’m not myself, and I can’t place my finger on why. I’m worried about leaving Logan with Carrie. I haven’t spoken to Logan in weeks. I have no clues what’s going on with him at the moment, but all we do is fight. So, we stay away from each other. I miss him. We were always close, as identical twins, we have a strong bond that no one could break. Well, we did. I wonder what changed. Maybe we just grew up, I guess everyone has to go their own way eventually. Even twins, but that was never the goal.

  We’d bought the land for this house, and we’d built it from scratch. It was so close to being finished. But now what, would we have to sell it, or one person moves out. Would he move Carrie in, I wonder? My god, Carrie as a sister in law, give me strength. I realise I’m still standing here naked, holding my mobile. I jump into the shower and think about the time we’d first met Carrie.

  As usual, we’d both liked her, both wanted her. She’d looked good in her tight little suits. We had both been fantasising about taking her over her dad’s desk for months. I’m sure she used to know and bend over it purposely to get a reaction. Her father was none the wiser at that point.

  Then we had to work late on a special project one night. She’d been coming on to both of us for a while, and we had resisted, considering who she is. We part owned the company with her father. She’s a spoilt little princess with a huge trust fund. She’d turn up when she wanted to and walked out when she chose. She never really did any actual work, so we were surprised when she offered to stay late and help us out. I guess she’d planned it out, manipulative bitch. Naked over her father’s desk is exactly what we got. Me first, then Logan finishing the job. Fuck if it wasn’t hot as hell. I realise that I’m now stroking my cock in the shower. Logan and I have always shared women, mostly one-night stands. But Carrie seemed to become a regular thing on the condition we didn’t tell anyone. Logan and I had been the happiest we had ever been.


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