The Seymour Siblings (Fiona Miers' Regency boxsets Book 2)

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The Seymour Siblings (Fiona Miers' Regency boxsets Book 2) Page 12

by Fiona Miers

  Her white muslin gown blew gracefully in the light breeze, the material brushing against her arms.

  Opting to keep her hair loose had been a trying topic, especially between Kitty and her mother, but Kitty had gotten her way in the end. It was her and James’s special day, and she could not be more thrilled at how it had turned out.

  After three months, which seemed to fly by in a whirlwind of balls and social events, their engagement announcement, the planning of their wedding, as well as the new partnership James had entered with her father to save his business, things had become less strained between them. Kitty was still rather unfamiliar with her new title as the Duchess of Somerset, but James promised to ensure she would ease into it and her new responsibilities as a titled lady.

  The day was a perfect autumn day, the blue sky in perfect contrast to the orange and red colors of the season. The private garden of the late duke had been opened and adorned with white flowers and ribbons, with delectable treats served by the maids. The guests conversed pleasantly, and Kitty smiled as her gaze enjoyed the lovely sight before her.

  “Pardon the intrusion, Your Grace,” a female voice said beside her, and Kitty turned towards her new sister-in-law.

  “Lizzie,” Kitty smiled. “There is no need for such formalities, please.”

  “Only in public, I swear. It is something one must become accustomed to,” Lizzie shrugged nonchalantly. “How are you feeling?”

  “Much better, I must admit,” Kitty answered. “I must thank you for your assistance last evening. For the entire week, in fact. All this would not be possible without you.”

  “You are my sister now,” Lizzie answered with a smile and placed her hand lovingly on Kitty’s arm. “And it was my absolute pleasure. Who knows when my turn at a happily ever after will happen?”

  “Give it time,” Kitty assured her. “When James and I ended our arrangement and my parents and I left Woodlock Manor, I was devastated. I was certain that I would become a spinster and spend my life caring for my parents. Not a marriage in sight. But things do follow the path they’re meant to, and I believe it will happen for you as well.”

  “You are such a wonderful person, Kitty. My brother is truly lucky to have you as his wife,” Lizzie said, and squeezed her hand. “And I am lucky to have you in my life as well. I have always wanted a sister. I even begged my mother when I was a child, but now that I have one, a better sister I could not ask for.”

  Kitty’s breath caught in her throat at the compliment, truly touched by her new sister’s words. She, too, had always longed for a sister.

  “Your words are too kind, Elizabeth.”

  “Please, do call me Lizzie. I insist. I never truly adored my name. In fact, I do despise it,” Lizzie chuckled.

  “Perhaps Lizzie suits you better,” Kitty answered with a nod, the name was soft, informal, lovely.

  “Indeed,” Lizzie nodded as well and glanced down briefly at Kitty’s skirt. “Are you going to tell James about…”

  “Please don’t tell me you ladies are still discussing the wedding?” William exclaimed before Kitty could respond to Lizzie.

  William approached, James beside him.

  “The day has come, things were perfect, so there is no need to discuss it any further,” William continued.

  Lizzie and Kitty exchanged glances and Lizzie turned to her brother. “Perhaps you should not have spent all your time at the refreshment table, as you are beginning to sound like a foxed gabster, brother.”

  “I am most certainly allowed to kick up a lark at my own brother’s wedding, am I not?” William chuckled.

  “Allow me to escort you to get some water, as I am most certainly not nursing you back to health tomorrow morning,” Lizzie said, and took William by the arm. “Excuse us,” she whispered and smiled at James.

  Kitty watched the siblings walk away and marveled at marrying into a family where she got not only a husband, but a sister and a brother as well.

  “What a wonderful day,” Kitty smiled brightly at her handsome husband. “And I am delighted that everyone is having a wonderful time as well.”

  “Perhaps too wonderful,” James chuckled and motioned to William.

  Kitty giggled and took James’ hand in hers. “Thank you, James. This wedding, the garden, the decorations—it is everything I had dreamed it would ever be. It’s a perfect day.”

  “Even with my foxed brother?” James asked, his lips kicking up with amusement.

  “Even then,” she smiled, pure and unadulterated happiness flowing through her. “There is something I wish to tell you, but not here.”

  James tenderly caressed her cheek and glanced around them. “I am certain that we could slip away for a few moments.”

  “I know just the place,” she whispered.

  “Lead the way,” James winked.

  Kitty led James through the back of the garden and his eyes widened as he recognized the hill in the distance. It was the hill he and Kitty had raced to—the race that she had won without a shadow of a doubt. It was also the hill where they had shared their first kiss, as two people wary of love.

  “We are not racing again, are we?” James asked with amusement.

  Kitty chuckled and shook her head. “Not today, my love. I wished to bring you here, to show you how far we have come, and remind you of the wonderful journey that is ahead of us. There is no other man in the entire world I desire beside me, except you. My love, my husband, my friend,” Kitty said, and took James’s hand, pressing it against her stomach, “and now the father of our child.”

  James’s eyes widened with a mixture of disbelief, happiness and fear. “You are with child?”

  “Yes, I am,” Kitty laughed, happiness unlike anything she’d ever felt before pulsing through her.

  “How did this happen?” James exclaimed and shook his head. “Of course, I mean I am aware, but….”

  Kitty laughed at her husband’s reaction to the news. They had spent many mornings speaking of children and how they wished to start a family. They had even toyed around with possible names for their future children, but when Kitty had felt the early signs of pregnancy, she had been overwhelmed.

  It had taken her a week to fully grasp the situation, with the aid of Lizzie of course, and she wanted to inform James once she was ready.

  “You are such a silly man,” Kitty chuckled, and placed her hands around James’ shoulders. “Tell me what you are thinking, please.”

  “I am thinking that I did not believe it was possible to love you more than I already do, but now, my love for you had simply exploded. I watched you walk towards me from across the garden wearing this beautiful white gown, like an angel—my angel—and time stood still. I love you with all the depth and breadth of my heart, my beautiful Kitty.”

  “And I love you, James Seymour, in all your entirety, with everything in me,” Kitty declared. “We will go on many adventures together, hand in hand, side by side, and we will have the best life imaginable. As long as I have you beside me.”

  James tenderly kissed her lips. “You will always have my heart, as you have had from the start, until the day I perish, and even after that.”

  As James pressed his lips gently against hers, Kitty melted into him and the sweet smell of the white flowers from her floral crown filled the air as their love ignited.

  An everlasting love that would never grow dim.


  Five years later.

  “Do not fret, my old, graceful lord. Today we shall both take it slow,” Kitty whispered reassuringly as she lightly patted the old horse, Lord Windsor, on the back. Even though it had been five years since the illness that had caused her to leave James, Lord Windsor showed no signs of weakness, not even in his advanced years, which came to a great relief for Kitty.

  During her childhood, she had seen quite enough horses over the rainbow bridge for her heart to cope with. She was left devastated and heartbroken on each occasion, often for months on end.
/>   Lord Windsor had crawled his way deep into her heart and she had claimed him as her own. They were both considered fragile, especially now that she was with child once again. Only a few months along, James had attempted to convince her to stay at the estate, but today was simply too a momentous occasion to miss.

  “Mother!” a small voice yelled beside her, tugging on the skirt of her riding habit. She glanced down.

  “Yes, my dearest Emmett?” Kitty answered with a smile.

  Young Emmett, who would inherit the title of his father, resembled him closely. From his dark brown hair, his bright green eyes, to the exact same skin tone as his father. They even sounded alike when they laughed, which was music to her ears.

  She would spend hours gazing at them from the wooden bench as they played on the grass outside the manor house.

  “Where is Daddy?” the young boy, who had his fourth birthday that very day, asked her.

  “Daddy is coming back soon. He simply went to fetch something,” she explained as she ran her fingers through Emmett’s dark hair.

  A few moments later, the stable doors opened and Kitty smiled happily as she watched James emerge with the small pony they had purchased for Emmett.

  Today, her son would ride on his own, on his very own steed. It was a bittersweet moment for them as parents, especially Kitty, as she had been the same age as her son when she had ridden on her own. Of course, her father had been walking beside the horse, clutching the reins throughout the entire journey.

  James had taken on the role of walking beside Emmett’s pony, which he would name himself as per James’ request.

  James was rather protective of Kitty’s condition of being with child once more, especially after they had spent nearly three years struggling to conceive again.

  Kitty understood his concern, but that didn’t stop her from inviting herself on this excursion. They would only walk to the meadow, or until Kitty grew tired, but she was adamant not to spoil this wonderful day.

  James’s smile set Kitty’s heart ablaze, and the pride he showed as he stood in the sunlight caused an overwhelming feeling inside her. She was the luckiest woman in the entire world to have James in her life.

  “Daddy!” Emmett exclaimed as he ran towards his father.

  “My dear boy. Come here. I want to show you something.”

  James scooped his son up in his arms and turned to the light-grey pony that stood beside them. “This, my beautiful boy, is your pony.”

  “My pony?”

  “Indeed,” James answered.

  “I can keep him, Daddy?” Emmett asked, squealing with excitement.

  “You can keep him as long as you wish,” James answered.

  Emmett’s small body vibrated with glee as he cheered and threw his arms around James’ shoulders. “Thank you, Daddy!”

  “You are most welcome, son. May you have the happiest of birthdays.”

  Kitty smiled, fighting the tears of happiness that threatened to run down her cheeks. She watched the two most important men in her life share a special moment, simply basking in the joy on both their faces.

  “Are you ready for your first ride on your very own pony?” Kitty asked as she approached them.

  “All by myself?” Emmett asked, his green eyes sparkling.

  “Indeed,” James answered. “But there is no reason to be afraid. I will be right beside you.”

  “Emmett is not afraid,” their son proclaimed.

  James and Kitty exchanged glances and she chuckled. “He reminds me of myself.”

  “Independent beyond his years,” James pointed out and tickled Emmett, who roared with laughter.

  “As I was,” Kitty smiled.

  “And still are,” James added.

  Kitty pouted at him and shook her head. He was right… of course.

  “What does that mean?” Emmett asked.

  “It means that you wish to do everything yourself, without any help from anyone,” Kitty explained.

  “Not everything,” Emmett corrected.

  “Shall we go?” James asked after a moment of silence.

  “Before we do, Emmett, you must first name your pony,” Kitty stated.

  “I can name him too?” Emmett asked and glanced at James.

  “Certainly. He is yours, after all,” James answered.

  Emmett pouted his lips as he pondered the name of his horse, studying the animal for a while. “Captain Speedy.”

  James raised his brows and glanced at Kitty.

  “Captain Speedy?” Kitty repeated, Emmett nodded with great enthusiasm. “It is perfect.”

  “Indeed,” James agreed and placed his hand on the back of the pony. “From now and henceforth, this pony will be known as Captain Speedy.”

  Emmett cheered, and James gently placed him on the new leather saddle made especially for their son.

  Kitty stepped back and her heart ached in that bittersweet moment. Emmett seemed even smaller than he was, sitting atop that pony all alone.

  Kitty had to squash the urge to scoop him up in her arms and hold him close, keeping him little forever, while at the same time, she was proud of how he’d grown, and how independent he already was. She knew in her heart that Emmett would grow to become a great man and achieve great things, she was simply not certain whether her emotions would be containable when that happened.

  “Ready?” James asked and glanced at his wife.

  Kitty was not certain if his question was aimed at Emmett or at her, but she simply nodded.

  “Ready!” Emmett cheered with exuberance, waving his arms in the air. “Come, Captain Speedy.”

  Kitty weaved her fingers and James’s together, then they slowly made their way towards the meadow. Together, they advised Emmett on what to do, and the young boy enjoyed himself thoroughly.

  The walk lasted nearly an hour, and on the way back, Kitty squeezed James’s hand and he glanced at her.

  “Is something the matter?” James asked.

  Kitty laughed. “Nothing could possibly be the matter with me or this situation. Our son is growing faster than anticipated, but I am incredibly proud of him.”

  “As am I,” James answered softly. “You should not hide your tears, my love. I see them hiding behind the blue of your eyes.”

  “They are tears of joy, I assure you,” Kitty contended.

  “I am aware, as I was forced to swallow a large lump that settled in my throat,” James admitted.

  This confession caused Kitty to beam and she rested her head against his shoulder. “And to think, five years ago you didn’t even like horses.”

  “That is not true,” James scoffed. “I didn’t have the same adoration for them as you had at that time.”

  “I am certainly delighted you changed your mind, and gave them a second chance,” Kitty pointed out and raised her brow at him.

  “As am I,” James answered.

  When they finally reached the stable, they were just in time to notice her parents’ coach entering the estate grounds.

  “Pappy and Mammy!” Emmett exclaimed.

  James reached up and in one swift motion, lifted Emmett off the pony and as soon as his feet touched the ground, he darted off towards the coach.

  “Careful, Emmett,” Kitty warned.

  “I am, Mummy!” the boy called out.

  Emmett stopped abruptly where the grass met the cobblestone path and awaited the arrival of his grandparents.

  The coach came to a stop and the door opened. Kitty’s father was the first to climb out, and as soon as he saw Emmett, he obviously forgot about his wife, whose outstretched hand awaited his assistance.

  James chuckled and ran towards the coach, so Kitty led the pony to the entrance of the stable.

  Kenneth was there waiting for her and offered his assistance. “Allow me, Your Grace.”

  “Thank you, Kenneth. The walk back to the meadow was further than I thought,” she said, panting for breath.

  “Are you well, Your Grace? Perhaps you shoul
d sit for a while, or rest.”

  “Your offer is kind, Kenneth,” Kitty said gratefully and motioned to the carriage. “But I am perfectly fine. Unfortunately, my mother will disagree and will be sure to send me to bed at the mere sight of me.”

  Kenneth chuckled and said, “Her ladyship means well.”

  “Does she always?” Kitty asked.

  “If I may be frank, Your Grace, her intentions are noble, but her execution requires some work.”

  Kitty laughed heartily and nodded. “You are absolutely correct.”

  “My love?” James called out to her and she glanced up at him.

  “Thank you for your kindness, Kenneth. May you have a lovely day.”

  “You as well, Your Grace. I wish you the best of luck,” Kenneth smirked.

  Kitty laughed once more and made her way to James, her parents, and Emmett, who was now on his grandfather’s shoulders.

  As they entered the manor house, Emmett telling his grandparents about his pony ride, James grabbed Kitty’s hand and they both stopped walking.

  “Are you well, my love?” James asked. “You are breathing quite heavily.”

  “It means I am out of breath, not dying,” Kitty answered with a tired smile. “I am perfectly well.”

  “Are you certain?”

  “You are starting to sound like my mother.”

  James shuddered, which caused her to smile.

  He said, “If there is anything I can do to make things easier for you, please do tell me.”

  “My love,” Kitty said, and touched his cheek. “My life is perfect, as I have you and Emmett, and our new baby, which will be arriving in six months, or perhaps sooner. There is nothing more I could want.”

  James smiled in return and nodded.

  They walked hand in hand into the manor, with their future bright, filled with happiness, laughter and more love than most people knew in a lifetime.

  The End


  Thank you so much for reading the first in this new series!

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