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The Seymour Siblings (Fiona Miers' Regency boxsets Book 2)

Page 13

by Fiona Miers

  And if you like something steamier, please have a look at my Heir and a Spare series:

  My Book

  An Unconventional Bride

  By Fiona Miers

  Book 2 in ‘The Seymour Siblings’ series.


  The lush gardens of Woodlock Manor created a stir inside the heart of Lady Emma as she gazed out at the foliage that surrounded her. The air was clean and crisp and the atmosphere, delightful.

  The cheerful chatter of wedding guests filled the autumn air as Emma glanced around. She hardly knew anyone at the lavish estate except the beautiful bride, Lady Katherine, otherwise known as Kitty, who was now referred to as the Duchess of Somerset.

  Despite Emma lacking a sense of shyness, she had kept to herself during the ceremony, but now she was unavoidably forced to mingle. Usually, she would be joined by the duchess, but it seemed her friend had vanished with her new husband.

  Emma had met the Kitty when they were a mere six years of age, and they shared many interests, hence their immediate friendship. Their love for the out of doors was unrivaled, but Emma had never developed the fondness for horses that Kitty had.

  Instead, Emma enjoyed traveling with her parents, the Earl and Countess of Montague, to various parts of the country, as well as France, Italy, and Greece. She was also well-read and was not oblivious to the ways of the world.

  Her friendship with Kitty had endured many holidays where Emma had been away, but it only seemed to strengthen their bond. The two had a firm and close friendship that even occasional time spent apart could not weaken. They had been like sisters, when neither of them had any by birth, which was why Emma had been delighted when she received an invitation from Kitty to attend her wedding to the Duke of Somerset.

  Emma had been equally delighted to witness her beloved friend marrying the man of her dreams. Although Emma had not yet had the opportunity to speak to Kitty about the union, she patiently waited for the ceremony to end, as well as all the formalities that accompanied the proceedings.

  Kitty had invited her to stay at the estate for a few days following the wedding, an extremely generous offer, which she had been inclined to accept.

  The skirt of her pale green dress fluttered in the light breeze, and rays of sunshine danced over her skin. They couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day.

  Emma heard the rambunctious laughter of a young man who stood nearby, speaking loudly to the gentleman beside him. He was quite attractive and handsome, but Emma could clearly see he was foxed.

  Happily, he did not appear in the least aggressive, as she had come to see many men in similar situations act inappropriately. But this gentleman, if one could call him that, simply laughed loudly, clearly enjoying the festivities of the duke and the duchess’ wedding day.

  His light brown hair and square jaw appealed to Emma, but her awareness and wary nature when it came to men stopped her from even considering approaching him.

  Her uncle had a bad drinking habit that had caused much embarrassment for her aunt, and despite not thinking much of it while she was a young girl, she was well aware of the ramifications of such behavior as an adult.


  Emma recognized Kitty’s voice immediately and she spun around, deciding to ignore the young man who had caught her attention so suddenly and unexpectedly.

  She had vowed to herself she would only marry for love or not at all. Of course, her parents were rather upset by that choice, as they had planned on marrying her off to a rich marquess, but even then – or perhaps especially then – Emma had refused. She would not hang onto someone else’s sleeve, no matter the situation.

  “My dearest Kitty,” Emma beamed as she opened her arms towards the duchess. Kitty embraced her warmly, and Emma giggled. “Or shall I say, Your Grace.”

  “Such nonsense you speak, my dear friend. Refrain from using such formalities,” Kitty insisted. “I am still the same person I was before.”

  “Only now, you have a lavish estate, a new title, and a charming husband,” Emma pointed out. “Where is the decadent duke now?”

  Kitty chuckled and motioned to the duke to join them. Emma beamed happily as she noticed the sparkle in both their eyes.

  Their love practically lit up the entire sky.

  Kitty motioned to her. “My love, this is my dear friend, Lady Em—”

  “Emma,” Emma interrupted. “It is such an honor to finally make your acquaintance, Your Grace. I have heard much of you.”

  “And I of you, my lady. It is an honor,” the duke answered with a smile.

  “I must compliment, you, Your Grace. The gardens of the estate are magnificent,” Emma said, motioning around her.

  “Emma has been a lover of gardens from the time we met all those years ago,” Kitty said with a beaming smile.

  “Wonderful. Are you a lover of horses as well, my lady?” the duke inquired.

  “Oh, no,” Emma giggled, feeling slightly embarrassed in the duke’s charming presence. She felt foolish and lowered her gaze. “That is Kitty’s, I mean, Her Grace’s love. I much rather prefer reading a book in the shade of a tree while a brook flows nearby.”

  “She is quite the dreamer, although at times she tends to be much too realistic for her own good,” Kitty pointed out.

  “And why is that?” the duke asked.

  Emma’s cheeks heated with a blush, and she glanced briefly at her friend. “Only in certain aspects of my life, Your Grace. One cannot be a dreamer when important decisions are to be made.”

  “I could not agree more, my lady,” the duke answered with a nod. “My sister would adore you, as she is a lover of books as well.”

  The duke turned to his wife and she cocked her head. “Shall we introduce Emma?” the duke inquired.

  “Certainly,” Kitty replied. “In fact, we can introduce her to the entire family.”

  The duke’s smile flattened ever so slightly, and Emma noticed it instantly. A hint of panic flickered in his eyes as he leaned in and whispered to Kitty, “Are you certain that is a good idea, my love?”

  “Trust me, my dearest husband, Emma has seen much worse,” Kitty answered and turned her attention to Emma. “Shall we?”

  “Certainly,” Emma nodded with intrigue and enthusiasm.

  Who were they talking about?

  The newly married couple escorted Emma to a young woman with an infectious laugh and a bright and open face. Her blonde hair was pinned meticulously on the crown of her head and her eyes were bright and content. The young woman noticed their approach and her smile brightened even more.

  “There they are,” she beamed and embraced the duke.

  “Sister, I would love for you to meet Emma.”

  “Of course. I have heard so much about you, my lady. I am the duke’s sister, Lady Elizabeth, but my family calls me Lizzie.”

  Such informality from such a powerful family. Emma was more and more intrigued.

  “It is delightful to meet you, my lady,” Emma said, recalling the letters she’d received from Kitty telling her of the new family she’d inherited. “The duchess has written of you often. I feel as though I know you already.”

  “Indeed, the feeling is mutual.” Lizzie grinned.

  “Emma is an avid reader, and I thought you would enjoy the pleasure of her company,” the duke said to his sister.

  “Indeed, I would,” Lady Elizabeth answered with a genuine smile, “But I must first speak with Lord Maynard. My sincerest apologies, my lady. I don’t wish to seem rude.”

  “Of course not,” Emma assured her. “The duchess has invited me to stay for a few days at the estate, which will give us ample opportunity to visit.”

  “Of course,” Lady Elizabeth nodded happily. “Please do excuse me for a moment.”

  Emma smiled as she watched Lady Elizabeth remove herself and approach another dashing young man and engage in quite an enthused manner.

  “Your sister seems lovely, Your Gra
ce,” Emma pointed out.

  “Lizzie…” the duke answered with a momentary pause, “is quite the whirlwind. She comes and goes as she pleases.”

  “Indeed,” Kitty agreed. “But she is lovely. I could not have wished for a better sister-in-law.”

  As Emma opened her mouth to respond, a deep and cheerful voice was heard to their left.

  They all turned towards the rich sound and Emma’s cheeks immediately grew warmer as the handsome young man she had noticed earlier approached them. He was not accompanied by the other gentleman he had been conversing with now.

  He wore a smug smile on his lips as he leaned over at the duke and grinned. “Just the man I wished to see.”

  The duke straightened up, a slight tilt of indifference on his lips. “And why is that?”

  Before the young man was able to respond, he noticed the duchess and Emma, which seemed to give him pause.

  “Your Grace,” he uttered apologetically and bit his bottom lip. “I did not see you and…”

  His voice trailed off as he glanced at Emma and turned towards her. “And who might this delightful woman be?”

  Emma gazed into his bright blue eyes and let her eyes wander down to the playful grin that rested on his lips.

  Rake. Definitely.

  “Emma, please meet Lord William Seymour. He is the duke’s younger brother,” Kitty said. “Will, this is my very good friend, Emma.”

  Lord William reached for Emma’s hand, lightly squeezing it before he brought it to his lips and kissed her skin. Shivers of delight engulfed Emma’s body, but she managed to keep her composure.

  Despite Lord William’s charm and handsome features, as well as the giddy feeling he caused to rise up inside Emma, she was not about to lose herself in the moment. Especially not since Lord William had imbibed more than he should.

  “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, my lord,” Emma greeted him simply.

  “Likewise, my lady. I must say that you are a beautiful woman—”

  “Pardon my brother,” the duke interrupted, but Lord William shook his head.

  “I can speak for myself, James,” Lord William defended.

  “Only if your words are respectful towards our guest,” the duke interjected.

  “With all due respect, I, too, can speak for myself, Your Grace,” Emma said.

  “My apologies. I simply do not find it appropriate for such behavior in the presence of a lady,” the duke explained.

  “I do appreciate your concern, Your Grace, and I do thank you for it,” Emma answered gratefully and turned to Lord William. “I see you are thoroughly enjoying yourself this afternoon, my lord.”

  “It is a celebration in itself, as my sister and I never truly thought our dearest brother would marry,” Lord William explained. “And what a momentous occasion it is!”

  “Indeed.” Kitty smiled at the duke.

  “Did the duchess tell you, Emma, of the incident with the horse—”

  “I am certain Emma does not wish to hear the entire tale,” the duke interjected.

  “In actual fact, she told me everything already,” Emma grinned, loving the fact that she knew so much about the couple in front of her.

  “My love, perhaps we can give Will and Emma a moment to get acquainted,” Kitty suggested.

  “But my dearest—”

  “Come along,” Kitty insisted and she led the duke away.

  “The duchess has never been known for her subtlety,” Emma muttered.

  “Nor are you, my lady, it may seem.”

  Emma glanced at Lord William and cocked her head. “Not at all.”

  A moment of silence passed between them and Lord William cleared his throat. “I truly am delighted for my brother that he managed to find himself a wife such Kitty. She is captivating, and she compliments him well.”

  Emma frowned at him, surprised by his candor. “That is a very kind thing to say, my lord.”

  “How long have you known the duchess?” he asked.

  “Most of my life,” Emma answered truthfully. “She has been my friend and confidant for a long while.”

  “And is there a certain gentleman in your life at this moment?”

  Emma chuckled and glared intently at Lord William. “You are quite forward, my lord.” Refreshingly so. Emma detested lies and deceit.

  “Is there?” he persisted.

  “No. I am yet to meet a man who is brave enough to court me,” Emma answered.

  “And why is that?”

  She sighed dramatically, enjoying the conversation more than she’d anticipated. “I am too outspoken, and men do not approve of that. I do not agree with marriages where the man wields absolute power in the union.”

  “But who on earth would then make the decisions? The woman?” Lord William asked, his mouth open and his eyebrows high.

  Emma frowned at him. Where had the carefree young man gone?

  “My lord, your tone is condescending.”

  For a moment there she’d thought she’d found someone with whom she could carry on an enlightened conversation.

  “But my words are true,” he argued. “Men are better at making decisions and using their powers of authority.”

  Really? He’d obviously never met a woman who’d applied herself to better her mind. “Perhaps in your opinion”

  “It is not an opinion. It is a fact,” Lord William insisted. “Women are weak when it comes to making decisions, and taking charge. In everything.”

  Anger boiled up inside Emma’s belly? Weak? In everything? How dare he!

  “If women are weak, why are we the ones who bear children?” Emma inquired, raising an eyebrow at Lord William. “You think that is weak?”

  When he didn’t respond, she scowled at him. “You are an arrogant, thoughtless man, my lord, and as long as you possess this manner of thinking, no woman will ever marry you, regardless of how charming and handsome you think you are.”

  And if she did, she would get what she deserved. To be treated like a simpleton for the rest of her life.

  For Emma, however, that would never do. She deserved a lot more than that.

  Lord William paused for a moment, cleared his throat, then stomped off angrily.

  Emma didn’t even feel a shred of remorse for saying those words to Lord William. In fact, he was fortunate those were the only words she’d uttered to him.


  Will sipped the brandy from his glass, then placed it on the low table beside him.

  He gazed down at the garden from the large window of the duke’s study. The guests still conversed cheerfully, laughing and enjoying themselves.

  He, however, was certainly in no mood to return to the garden, as Emma’s words had affected him more than they should. Despite their brief conversation, Emma had – for some unbeknownst reason – riled Will up in a manner he had not expected.

  He was angered not only at the fact that the beautiful red-haired beauty did not share his opinions on marriage, but also that she had dared to oppose him. Furthermore, Emma had caused him to appear inadequate, as he was left speechless, unable to counter her last sentence.

  This not only infuriated Will, but made him wish the ground would open from under him and swallow him whole. Embarrassment had washed over him despite his intoxication, and he was now second guessing himself.

  Will had been a confidant person from a very young age, and he had not doubted himself. His carefree nature was something the duke had blatantly envied, as it had been something he had lacked. But since meeting Kitty, that had seemed to change. James was now much more self-assured, and it troubled Will somewhat. He could not have imagined that their roles were now reversed, and he was the one who lacked confidence.

  Will ran his fingers through his hair and sighed, glancing at the empty glass on the table. Perhaps he’d had enough, and it was time to stop. He’d embarrassed himself sufficiently for one day, and could not bear any more, especially from Emma.

  Although she was a magnifi
cent beauty with long, red tresses pinned at the nape of her neck, he would not tolerate a woman who behaved inappropriately in every manner.

  Both he and his brother had been raised in the same manner, but James seemed to have been swayed by the lovely duchess, being rather forgiving for his own needs. James had even allowed Kitty full control of the wedding arrangements, which was something Will would certainly not have allowed.

  “There you are.”

  Will whirled around and saw James standing in the doorway, his arms hanging down his sides, a pensive expression mixed with a hint of concern on his face.

  “Indeed,” Will answered curtly.

  “I was under the impression I would find you passed out cold somewhere,” James said with a sly grin.

  Will nodded and his jaw clenched.

  “What’s the matter?” James asked, closing the door and coming to sit in the chair opposite Will.

  “My entire life, I have not felt inadequate, or anything less than confident. Not even for a moment, James. I have never doubted myself, or my beliefs. Ever,” Will grumbled.

  “What happened?” his brother asked.

  Will opened his mouth to explain, then shut it again, feeling awkward.

  When James waited patiently with an eyebrow raised, Will sighed. “I’d rather not say.”

  “Surely it must have been something dire for it to have such an effect on you, brother. As you stated, you are the confident one, the self-assured one. What happened?”

  Will turned towards James once more. “This stays between the two of us?”

  “Of course,” James nodded. “You have my discretion.”

  Will’s shoulders slumped and he sighed wearily. “Emma said things to me that usually I would never take to heart, or allow to affect me.”

  The duke’s brow furrowed. “Emma? Kitty’s friend?”

  “Is there any other Emma present?” Will muttered.

  “Indeed,” said James and leaned forward. “What did Emma say to you?”

  What didn’t she say?

  “She insulted me. Called me arrogant and wrong in my beliefs of marriage and women,” Will answered.


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