Shielding You (Baytown Boys Book 13)

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Shielding You (Baytown Boys Book 13) Page 2

by Maryann Jordan

  “Very well, I think. I’m staying at an inn that gave me a good rate. I really don’t want to move until I find a place to buy, but so far, I haven’t even had time to look.” Smiling up at him, she asked, “And you? But then, you said you were from this area.”

  “Yeah, I know this county very well. Of course, being the police chief makes it all so different.”

  “I’m sure you’ll do fine.” She slowed her steps as they approached the pub, allowing a group to come out of the old brick building.

  He wished he could reach down and touch her hand again just to see if the electricity that had passed between them earlier was real or imagined. He had been with more than his fair share of women, but that reaction had never occurred.

  Once inside the pub, he maneuvered to slide in next to her as they were shown to a large booth. Not wanting to crowd her, their hands nonetheless met when they both reached for the menus lying in the middle of the table. And sure enough, he felt the jolt once again. A quick look to the side at her wide-eyed expression let him know that she felt it, too.

  He settled back against the wooden booth, a grin on his face. Good food, new friends, and a professional camaraderie that would benefit them all. On top of that, the chance to get to know the beautiful Hannah.

  When the meal was over, he said his goodbyes to the men first before turning to her. “Let me give you my personal phone number. Our towns are close together, but in case you need anything, you can get hold of me quickly.”

  She held his gaze for just a moment, then her lips curved upward slightly. “Sounds good. I’ll share mine, too.”

  That evening, his fingers hovered over the keypad on his phone, desperate to call her. But he decided to wait, just for a few days, to see if the desire waned. It didn’t. And lucky for him, when he did call to ask her out, she accepted.


  Two months later

  Hannah lay on her back in the middle of the bed, staring at the ceiling fan as it slowly turned. She processed her day, thought about what she needed to do tomorrow, and made a mental checklist of errands to run on the weekend. Anything to pass the time while waiting on the call. I’m as bad as a teenager waiting for the phone to ring.

  Hannah was sure that life couldn’t get any better. Three months as the Chief of Police. Two of those months dating Dylan, although in secret. She hated sneaking around, but with both of them working as police chiefs, she insisted they needed to be cautious. Small towns were full of eyes and gossip, something she hoped to avoid.

  When her phone finally vibrated, she grabbed it, grinning as soon as she saw the caller ID.

  “Hey, handsome,” she answered.

  “God, hearing your voice is the best part of my day,” Dylan said. “I miss you.”

  “We just saw each other yesterday.”

  “Waving while passing each other on the way to the jail is hardly seeing each other.”

  She chuckled but could hear the longing in his voice. “Yeah, I know.”

  He had been ready to shout it out the first time they went on a date, but she’d convinced him they needed to go slow. And that included intimacy. They’d kissed… and damn, that man can kiss! When no one was around, their lips were locked, noses bumping, tongues tangling, nips and licks with bodies pressed tightly together.

  “There’s a concert in Virginia Beach in a few weeks. How about we meet somewhere and go together?”

  She laughed. “One of your country bands?”

  “No,” he retorted. “Actually, it’s the Virginia Symphony Orchestra. I know how much you like classical music.”

  She sucked in a quick breath. “You’d do that? You’d go to a symphony with me?”

  “Hannah, I’ve never said this to anyone before… but I’d do anything for you,” he replied.

  She blinked as tears stung her eyes. “I… wow…”

  “I know some people would say this was fast, but I know what I feel. And what I feel… I’ve never felt before. I love learning everything about you.”

  “Yeah? What have you learned?”

  He chuckled. “You hate scary movies, which makes no sense.”

  “Lots of people hate scary movies!” she protested.

  “Yeah, but you’re a police chief. Hell, you were in the Army!”

  “Humph,” she groused. “Well, we both like old comedies on TV.”

  He sighed heavily. “God, I’d love to be with you right now. Piled up on the bed watching TV.”

  She was still thinking about that image and how much she would like it when he added, “But then if I was there on your bed, we wouldn’t be watching TV!”

  Now, she had a completely different image in her mind… a naked Dylan and how much she wanted that to be a reality. “God, yes,” she breathed.

  “Jesus, I need a cold shower.”

  Belting out a laugh, she said, “Go on, and I’ll see you tomorrow. Plan on a picnic.”

  “A sunset picnic with you? I can’t wait, Hannah. Just knowing I’ll see you at the end of the day will make everything perfect.”

  Disconnecting, she continued to lay on the bed, her heart soaring and a smile firmly in place on her lips. She’d made it through college with a few dates and only one boyfriend, but when he discovered she wanted to go into the military, the relationship ended. Her years in the Army resulted in a few nights of shared pleasure with like-minded men, but no dating. She had begun to wonder if she was destined to be alone. Too independent… too career-minded… too able to take care of myself. Rolling over, she stared at the moonlight through the curtains and smiled.

  The next evening, the sun was dropping low in the sky, but the couple lying on the blanket draped over the sandy beach had no concept of time. Their legs were tangled together, arms pulling them tightly, breasts against chest, hips grinding together. And their lips were sealed together in long kisses.

  Dylan’s tongue tangled with hers, sweeping through her mouth, firing synapses throughout Hannah’s body. Her breasts felt heavy. Her nipples tingled. And with his erection pressing against her core, the desire for friction made the layers of clothes between them nothing more than an irritant.

  As they lay facing each other, her head rested on one of his biceps, and his hand pressed against her back, holding her close. With his other hand, he cupped her jaw, sweeping his thumb over her cheek, and moved his lips over hers. Like everything about Dylan, even his lips were strong.

  Her free arm had bent at his back, her fingers dragging through his short hair. Even though there was no space between their bodies, she still felt the need to bring him closer, so her hand slid down the muscles of his back, her fingers spread wide to tighten over his ass.

  He groaned, the vibrations rising from his chest through their kiss to where she swallowed the sound, wanting to claim it as much as every part of his body.

  His hand slowly moved from her cheek over her shoulder, and shifting back ever so slightly, moved between their bodies so that he could mold her breast, his thumb now teasing her nipple. He slid his thigh between her legs, and she ground her hips against the material of his shorts, not caring that at the age of twenty-seven she was dry-humping like a teenager.

  His hand continued on a downward path, squeezing her ass, then his fingers slipped underneath the loose material of her shorts, finding the swollen bud that ached for attention. With his tongue still thrusting into her mouth, he slipped a finger into her core. Soon she cried out as her orgasm crashed over her, this time allowing him to continue kissing through her moan.

  His fingers left her body and he separated from her lips long enough to suck her juices from their tips. He barely had time to slide his fingers out before she latched onto his mouth again, this time tasting her own essence mixed with his undeniable flavor.

  After another moment, he placed his hand on her shoulder and gently pushed her backward, a mewl of discontent erupting from her.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He sat up, dragging in a deep breath, a lops
ided grin on his face. “Nothing’s wrong, babe. Not a damn thing.”

  “Let me take care of you,” she said, her hand reaching for his belt, surprised when his hand latched onto hers, stilling her movements.

  “No,” he groaned.

  “No?” She swung her gaze over the beach, but there was no one around.

  “I want it… you’ve got to believe that I want it… this… you.”

  His face appeared ravaged. She pushed up to a seated position on the blanket as well. Licking her kiss-swollen lips, she breathed deeply, leaning forward to place her hand on his thigh, not wanting to lose the physical connection.

  “What I feel for you is real… more than anything I’ve ever felt,” he continued.

  She said nothing, giving him time to gather his thoughts.

  “It’s true that I’ve earned a one-and-done reputation, but it’s not as bad as it sounds. And it’s overblown. I’ve never led a woman on… they know the score. Plus, until I felt a spark, I never saw the reason to take the time and energy to date someone.”

  “And do you feel it now?”

  His grin widened as he cupped her face, kissing her lightly. “Oh, yeah, babe. It’s a spark that just keeps flaming stronger.”

  Dylan was no fling and considering how much she cared for him, she was ready. And if the bulge in his shorts was any indication, he was ready, too. Their eyes met and she asked, “What do you need, honey?”

  “You,” he chuckled, scrubbing his hand over his face before wrapping his fingers around hers still resting on his leg. “But, Hannah, I want to do this right. This is different for me. This isn’t sex, but something so much more. You’re so much more.”

  She licked her lips again, unable to keep her smile from widening. “I feel it, too.”

  He kissed her moist lips, nibbling the corners. “I want to take you out on a date… a real date.” A little gasp slipped from her, but he continued. “It can look like just two friends to everyone else, but I want to take you to dinner.”

  She waited to see if panic would set in at the idea of him taking her to dinner, but all she felt was excitement. “Okay,” she whispered, her lips curving once again.

  Eyes wide, he grinned. “Okay?”

  “Yeah… okay.”

  Two days later, she hustled into her room at the inn and jerked off her uniform polo and pants on her way into the bathroom. She was tired of living in one room but didn’t want to sign a year’s lease or purchase a home until she was sure it was right for her.

  Showered, she dressed quickly, keeping one eye on the clock. She was meeting Dylan at The Wharf Restaurant. Grinning, she had a surprise for him. Tonight, we sleep together… tomorrow, we let the world know we’re a couple.

  Thirty minutes later, she walked into the restaurant, her gaze immediately zooming in on him. He stalked toward her as though his eyes had been pinned on the door waiting for her to enter. As they reached out and clasped hands, she fought the urge to lean in and kiss him. Just like the first time, she felt tingles travel from his hand up her arm, zinging straight to her heart, and by the look on his face, he still felt it, too.

  They followed the hostess to a table near the windows overlooking the water. His fingers grazed her shoulder as he held her chair before taking his own.

  After giving their drink orders, he held her gaze and smiled. “You still feel it, don’t you?”

  “Every single time.”

  “Me too. That’s part of what I was talking about on the beach. I’ve never felt that before. Never.”

  Soon their meal came, and like each time they were together, the conversation flowed while the undercurrents of desire pulled them closer. As they finished eating, she fiddled with her napkin, nervous but ready to let him know what she wanted. “Do you remember what we talked about the other night?” Seeing his head tilted slightly in question, she amended, “About us taking things to the next level?”

  His hazel-green eyes flared as his smile widened. “Oh, yeah. But, Hannah… no pressure. I don’t want you to feel rushed. I don’t want you to feel anything with me except comfortable.”

  Her heart warmed at his words, and she battled the desire to reach across the table and take his hand. Hell, what she was really battling was the desire to leap across the table and land in his lap. Pressing down those thoughts, she focused on her next words. “I’m ready. I’m ready for us to be a real couple… in every sense of the world. I just can’t figure out where. I suppose we can go parking in your truck, but that seems so adolescent. And I only have a room at the inn—”

  “What about my cabin?”

  “Your cabin?”

  He shook his head and said, “Nobody’s around. It’s on a large plot of land that was deeded to me by my gramps, and I’m going to build a house on it. But for now, there’s a small cabin where I’m staying.” He grimaced before adding, “It’s simple. You deserve something fancy, but it’s all I have right now.”

  Her lips curved at the idea and her breath left her lungs in a rush, her body wound tautly. “I just want you, Dylan. I think your cabin sounds perfect.”

  He threw money onto the table, and she glanced down, seeing that he had left more than enough for their meal and a hefty tip. Lifting an eyebrow, she grinned. “In a hurry?”

  “Oh, girl, you have no idea.”

  They left the restaurant side by side, their fingers touching. He leaned over and whispered, “You can follow me in your car—”


  With eyes only for each other, they both startled when his name was called. Swinging their heads around, they spied a woman standing nearby. She was blonde, dressed in a baggy green T-shirt and jeans, and it did not miss Hannah’s awareness that she was also very pretty. She glanced toward Dylan, recognition evident on his face along with a lowered brow.

  “Melissa? What are you doing here?”

  Melissa’s gaze bounced between Dylan’s and Hannah’s before settling on his. “I needed to talk to you. I’m sorry for interrupting, but it’s important.”

  “You are interrupting,” he said, his voice hard.

  The air swirling between them was thick, and Hannah took a step back, her heart pounding and her dinner sitting like a rock in her stomach. She halted when Dylan swung his gaze toward her. “She’s an old… um… acquaintance. That’s all.” Before she had a chance to reply, he turned toward Melissa and said, “As I indicated, this is not a good time.”

  “It is important, Dylan, or else I wouldn’t be here. We didn’t share phone numbers when I was passing through a couple of months ago, but I asked around town and then saw your police vehicle in the parking lot.”

  Air left Hannah’s lungs in a whoosh, and she wasn’t sure she could drag in enough oxygen to keep from dropping to the ground. Her dinner threatened to come back up, and she fought the rising nausea. Oh, God… why is this woman here? She was an interloper in the middle of a personal conversation that she didn’t want to witness and yet wanted to scream at the interruption. She took another step back, but this time his hand snapped out and wrapped around her fingers.

  “Hannah, stay, please. You and I have plans, and now that Melissa has said hello, I’m sure she’s ready to leave—”

  “Dylan, I’m pregnant.”

  Dylan stood, his heart in his throat pounding a rhythm that made it hard to breathe. Pregnant? Pregnant! Mine? No fuckin’ way.

  “Aren’t you going to say anything?” Melissa asked, her eyes darting back to Hannah before moving to his again.

  “I… I don’t know…” he stammered. He glanced to the side, the wide-eyed expression of anguish on Hannah’s face cutting straight through him.

  “Look, I know what you’re going to ask. Is it yours? The answer is yes. I wasn’t with anyone else when you and I hooked up, and I haven’t been with anyone else since then.”

  At those words, Hannah’s eyes widened even more, and he jerked his gaze back toward Melissa. “We hooked up months ago—”

�Yes, and I’m ten weeks along.”

  “I used protection—”

  “Yes, and it obviously didn’t work.”

  His chest heaved as he exhaled, and he continued to stare toward the last one-night stand he’d had before going out with Hannah. “I don’t know what to say,” and it was the truth. He had no idea what to say as the nightmare unfolded before him.

  “I’ll… um… I’ll just go… and leave you two to… um… talk.” Hannah’s quivering voice cut through the awkward silence, the stammering words filled with agony.

  “No,” he blurted, turning to face her. Afraid if she left he’d lose any chance with her, his mind still not accepting Melissa’s declaration.

  Hannah sucked in a ragged breath, and her tear-filled gaze lifted to his. Regret, disappointment, sadness, and God knows what else landed on him, and he wondered how he didn’t drop to his knees at the impact. She reached out, and for the first time in public, placed her hand on his arm, and he felt the familiar burn through his sleeves. “I have to go, Dylan. I can’t stay and hear… watch you… her… I have to go.” She blinked and his gaze snagged on the tears sliding down her cheeks. His heart squeezed as her hand left his arm and a deep coldness settled over him. Hannah’s gaze swept to Melissa before moving back to him, her last word barely choked out. “Goodbye, Dylan.”

  He stood, his feet rooted to the gravel parking lot, and watched her hustle to her vehicle as she swiped at her tears. She was supposed to be following me home. She was supposed to be with me. This was supposed to be…

  “I’m sorry, Dylan,” Melissa said, and he swung his gaze back to her, dragging his hand through his hair. “I know this is a lot to take in, but you deserve to know. We have decisions that need to be made and—”


  “Yes,” she huffed, her voice rising.

  He faced her fully, hands on his hips. “Look, you’ve just dumped this on me, so cut me some slack. You’ve had time to think about this, and I haven’t. You tell me that you're pregnant, but I have no proof. You tell me that the baby is mine, but I have no proof of that either. You show up here when I was obviously with someone else and blurt everything out instead of trying to talk to me privately. So pardon me if I’m not exactly jumping for joy.”


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